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A Card. Offiok of A. A. Ao. Co. } March 16, 1876. $ Ejs. Argus : Please allow 08 through your paper to tender our thauks to the oitizena of Aun Arbor who so kindly assisted ua on the l-")th in saving our luniber and wood froin drifting off in the fluod. Wc notice that the Detroit Fríe Press and Pot state that wo WÜ1 be necesaarily idle for two weeks, undor the most favorable circinnstanoos. This is iinjust to us, as it will do us incalculable injury, as mauy hundred dealere aro depending upon ub for the ir stocks ot' agricultura! tools for tlio season. Wo will be running agara at f uil speed on Thursday morning. We receiveel this morning ordeis íor 300 plows, so you hoü we must uot remain idle. Ann Ardor Agricultural Co. To skcure actual bargainsln drygood, make your parchases from the combined bankrupt stocks of Aun Arboi and Jacfcson, now on sah1 at the Farmers1 Store. The atlvautages derived Ín purchasing there, is iu having one of the largest and besi as so ried. stocks in the interior oí" Michigan to select from, while the prlces are unly 1-4 to 1-2 the valué of the goods. i. i in Ladics' Tempera.iioe 1 1 ilion. Theannua! meeting of the Ladies' Tempe ranee Union of Ann Arbor will be held in the parlor of tho M. E. Church, at three o'clock p. m., Fiidny March 19th, 1875. MR9. J. M. CHASE, Secy. Ann Arbor, March 10, 18T5. Large quan'tities of priiits"and blcached and brown cottons of the most standard and favorito American manufactures, at decide d BARGAiNsat the FarmerV Store. 8harpCttll. The hooks and accounts of the late pulilisher of the Arus will bood be put in the hands of an oflicer for aoustment and collection. A1I who would save coste should make a note of this fact and act proinptly. Settlements can be made at the AdoüS office. Ann Arbor, March 11, 1875. E. B. POND. At Home Again. Dr. North having conoluded to sell or rent his country seat, has again taken up the practice oí' Dentistry, and opened rooms over Johnson'8 Hat store, where he will bepleasedto meethisoldfrienda who may need hia professional skill. Heis prepared to insert teeth on rubber base, celluloid, gold or silver, as may be desired. Teeth filled with pure gold, and by other approved principies. DR. UEO. W. NORTH. Ann Arbor, December, 1874. isiom3 THE ANN ARBOR SAVIN6S BAIffK Aun Arbor, Michigan. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards anc allows Five percent.intereston all deposita remaining three months or longer. Interest Compounded Scmi-Anniíally. Also buys and sella U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Excbauge. Also sella Sight Drafts ou Gkeat Bbitaih, Ireland, Gkrmany, or auy other part of the European Continent. This Bank is otgauized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are individually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is aecurity for depositors, while with Banksof issue, the capital isinvested forthe security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Institution a very safe depository of monies. Married Women can deposit subject to their own drafts only. .Hoiif.v to Loan on Approved Securitics. DIRECTORS: S. Smith, C. Ma k, w. w. Wines R. A. Beal, W. D. Harrisian. D. Hiscock, W. Oecbkl. OFFICERS: R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vicc-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller.


Old News
Michigan Argus