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We learn tlint the Prienda of Temperance in Detroit have not only corricd the vote of the city for No Liccnse by a larye mnjontyj but are preparing for a most v'gorous enl'orcement of the luw ngainst all oftunders. Wo would recommend to the friendo of the auee everywhere not to fail to deposite their votes n every town ogainst the granting Ücense. Let the law besiisiained by the votes of peopie; and f tf ie cases appealed (o the Supremo Courjt sliould show it lo be radically doi'ectivc, which we du nut approbend, it can bo amended. No ojiesljould refiise to vote No Iicensc,JunIeís he vyislès the old sysiein of thin3 restored.OCMr. Masón, a native of Virginia, and as he snys, a relalive ofsoine of its great men, is lecturing in Oh lo with very great applause. Liko Frcdcrick Dotiglass, ho was once a slave, but now claims the rights of a man. lie seems to have made quite a sensation in Cleveland. - The American says: '-These lectures, given last Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings. have been altended by crowds such as llave never before becn drawn together in Cleveland, on any occasion whatever. The largest churches in nur city, have been unablo to seat a mnjority 'of tho crowds that carne logelher on Suuday and Monday evenings, especially, to hear lidrngs frora 'the great prison liouse or American Slavcry.' Uundrcds were compelled to go away, who could not íind even a standing in an aisle." CT'VVo have reccived the íirst nu.nber of tho "Libkktv Su.ntinkl" publibhcd at Pittsfiehl, Mass. Wartl tíullanl, tíd,tor, Price.ioo in advanec. It will advócale tho prinobies oftho Liberty par: y. Thj first ntimber prccentsa very tiiir ippewancc