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Registration of Electors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 aa O City of Amn Arbor, ƒ aa ' The City Board of Registration for said city of Ann Árbor, hereby, in pursuance of the provisión of an act of theLegislatureof' said State, entijlcd "An Act to provide for a re-registration of electors in thecity of Aun Arbor," approved March 12, 1875, gives notice that said board of registration wil], by división, and .issimnent duly made, meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, March 29th, 30th, and 31st, A. D. 1875, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and remain in session from nine o'clock in the foreaoon until one o'ciock in the afternoon, and from three o'clock in the afternoon until seven o'clock in the afternoon of each of said days, in the severa! wards of said city as follows : In the First Ward at Frederick Sorg's Shop, on Washington street, in said ward. In the Second Ward at the office of TraeyW. Koot, on Huron street, in said ward. In the Third Ward at the SheriflTs Office, in the Conrt House, in said ward. In the Fourth Ward at the office of Moses Rogers, on Detroit street, in said ward. In the Fifth Ward at the Shop of Geo. H. Rhodes, on Wall street, in said ward ; and In the Sixth Ward at N. B. Cole's store (late McDonald's), on Orleans street, in said ward, for the purpose uf making a new and perfect list, as near as inay be, of all persons residing in such wards respcètively, qualified as electors under the Constitution of the State of Michigan, whereof sectionone of article seven eutitlcd " Elections," isas follows: " Skction i. In all elections, every male citizen, every male inhabitant residiug in the State on the twenty-fourth day of June, one thousand eight bundred inl thirty-iive; evory male inhabitant residing in the State on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, who has declarad bis lntentloD to become a citizen of the United State, punuant to the laws thereof six montbipreceding an eleeUon, or who has resided in this State two years and six months, and declared his intenliuiias aforesaid, and every civiltzcd male inhabitant of lndian descent, a native of the United States, and nol ii inriiiber of any tribe, shall be an elector and entitled to vote; but no citizen or inhabitant Btaatl be an elector, or entitled to vote at any eloctlon, unless he shall be above the age of twenty-one yeius, aud bas resided in this State three montlis, and in the township or ward in which he offers to vote, ten days next preeeding such election : Provideo, that in time of war, insurrection, or rebellion, no qualifud elector in the actual military service of the United States, or of this State, in the army or navy UuTent', sliall bc deprired of his vote by roason of his absence from the township, ward, or State in which he resides; and the legislature shall have the power, and shall provide the manner in which, and the time and place at which, such absent electors may vote, and for thecanvassand return of tbeir votes to the township or ward election district In which they respeetively reside, or otherwise." And saii'l Rnanl furtiuT ojvea notice tliat it is provided by thfi aot aloresaid that when any registratiun shall be completed under the prorlslona thereof, the regtstry booka previouslv in use in said city shall be deeBted invalid, aul that no person shall thereafter be permitted to vote at any public electLon in any w:ud ols.iul city whose name shall not have been entered in thenew register made on such re-registration, or be afterwards lawfully and properly entered therein. Dated, Aun Arbor, March i:ith, 1875, GEORGE H. BH0DÈ8, Chairman Board of Kegistration, City of Ann Arbor, l F&ankuh Cate. Secretary. BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Yuung and Middle-Aged Men and Women.. Day throughout the year. Evening Classes from September to Juue. Instruction according to the moet Kpproved plans, and inostly individual. Studeuts can enter at any time and reeeive superior inatructiou in Business Peuinanship, Coraraercial Law, Business Correspondence, Business Arithmetic, Single aud Doublé Eutry Bouk-keepmg, Oraham'B Standard l'honography , and Practical Telegraphy. Main line wires pass directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, aifording the student every advantage of "Actual Office Practice." The progress of the student in Book-lteeping is greatly faeilitated by the use of a new Chart entitled " Book-keeping at One View," juat published ! by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or addres, C. E. POND, AnnArbor, Mich. H93tf ■"ATCMTO Have you an invention for UM I Cil I Oí which you deaire a Patent, either in tlie U. 8. or tny foreign country ! Then aend to the Mechanica and Inventora' Association, the only reliable Patent Agency in Michigan. 37 W. ConresB St.( Detroit. 1522ml THO8. 8. SPRAGUE, President. C A Dim C DO Take the Michigan Farmeb and rHnlYICno ktl'l posted. The bent market reporta A live agricultural pnper. $2 per year and 15c post age. Engraving to every suliacriber. Agens wanted. Bpecimens free. Johnbtone & Uibbonb, Detroit. PlDl O JBr DflVO SE%D for free speciUlnLO 00 DUT d mencopyof " The Little Pkople." $1 per yenr and 10c poatuge. Engraviug to eaeh aubacribur. Agenta wanted at every school. Big pay for work. Johhhtone & Gibbons, Detroit, MpO 'llIOJii: BVJ1I1INU.- Thvee articlea A I agree to furnish at Loweat Bottom Pnces: French and American Glaas, all sizea, doublé and Binóle thiek for atoie fionta, dwelhngs, piotures, ftc, all kinda of Stained and Figured Glaaa. 1 alao guarantee the best made Baeh Ín the State. Glae ready aet- French or American - and warrant safe home at my risk, and all kinde of Show Caeea, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your orders. Bend for prices. I.. P. ËAUL, 44 Jcfferson Ave , Detboit, Mich. A FULL LINE - OF- Sewing IVlHclime Net-rllts AT WINES & WORDEN'S. 1501tf $K. #OAPer day at home. Turms free. AdO 'oJpiUdi-e!! ü. Stinson 4 Co., Portland, M.


Old News
Michigan Argus