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Medical Alumni

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Tnesday evening, aB per previous cali, a nnmber of the Kraduates of the Medical Department, includiug many of the preBent graduating class, assembled in the Gregory House parlors, for the purpose of orgauizing a Medical Alumni Association. The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock by Prof. A. B. Prescott, M. D. Dr. B. Barnum, of Jackson, was elected temporary charrman, and Prof. Prescott, secretary. The committee on permanent organization after a short cousultation reported as follows : For President, Prof. R. C. Kedzie, M. D., Lansing ; for Secretary, Dr. Breakey, Ann Arbor ; for Treasurer, Dr. Jno. Kapp, Ann Arbor. Dr. Barnum then introduced Dr. Kedzie as President of the Association. He said that as he was a member of the orginal seven - the first class graduatiug from Ann Arbor, he was a representativo man, and must necessarily mu ke a " tirst-cla-ss" man. After a recess of ten minutes, í)r. Breakey, Chairman ot the oommittee on Oonstitutiou and By Laws. submitted the following Constitution, which was adopted by the Association. CONSTITUTION. First. This association shall be called the Medical Alumni Association of the Uuiversity of Michigan. lts aini shall be to establish communication between all those who are eligible to its memberahip, that they may counsel and labor together tor all their common object, as University Alumni, and as members of the medical professiou. Among these objects are recognized the promotion of a just and liberal pohcy towards the Medical Department by the State of Michigan, and the cultivation of its friendly relations with the profeasion in this and other States ; the advancement of existing standurds of general and professional education for physicians in our nation, and the maintenance of the best possible means and methods of iustruction and training in the Alma Mater. The protectiou ot the people from indiscriminnte medication, and the enactnient of wise public measures tor the preyentiou of disease. The preservatiou of college ties and the culture of social fellowship between different classes of the alumni. Steond. All graduates of the medical department of the University ot Michigan are eligible to regular membershlp, and graduates of other medical colleges, to honorary membership. Third. The officers of the Associatiou shall be a President and flve Vice Presidents, all of whom shall be elected annually ; and a Secretary and Treasurer, both of whom shall continue in office until the election of their successors. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall constitute the executive committee. Fourth. The Association shall hold lts meetings aunually at Ann Arbor, the evening betore the medical commencement, providing the time of meeting may bo changed by the executive committee. This constitution may be amended by the votes of three-fourths ot the members present at a regular meeting. By-Laws may be enacted, amended or suspended by a majonty of the members present at auy meeting. Dr. Gr. E. lltvnney being authorized to cast the vote for the Alumni for officers of the Association for the ensuing year, reported the following : For President, Dr. E. C. Kedzie, of Lansing; Vice President, Drs. R. Barnumj J. 3. Mulheron, J. E. Brown, C. M. Metcalf, and W. J Herdman ; Secretary, Dr. Breakey; Treasurer, Dr. Kapp. A number of short addresses were made, and letters read from thoae who were unable to be present, after which the association adjourned until the evening before the next medical commencement.


Old News
Michigan Argus