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A resohition Las been intïoduced in i ■ looking to au isty to the notorious Jamea and Younger brothfw and others for all acts dtted by them dwing the late war, invitiug tli-iii to rctui-H to the State subject to such proceeuings as mar be susíained by the co to have been oommitted sin ce the war, ' and guara he protection froni the timo of fcheir entrance into lie State. Bejiflcr. A fi-om Florenae, Arfíona, to tbc Sas Diego Union gives a detailed interview-with Bender, the Eaasaa murderer. He confei '■' ifl John Bender, and states ..thut he did not commit Ü13 I mrirdefsj but flíat John and Kate, liia son and daughteKj did. lie declines to ■ ■ íao wherfcabótltá oí in fainilj. He says went Erom Eansas to Texas and j tliero Sí-parat.-i!. he going to Mexico, and :!;■■ to Arizona. He left Jolm and K:tc Id'woman. A 5eteriiiii(I Suicide. Mr. Hugo Byer, of Nacogdoches, : S a paiater by trado, committed suicide in the foDe-wing manner : He took, on Ti b. 19, '2 ouncea laiidamim ; Feb. 20, 2 ounces laudanum and 3 oneces ehloróforía ; Peb. 21, 2 ounces id ,!, ounce morpbino : Feb. 22, i ounces chloroform ; Feb. 23, 2 ounoea chtóroforin and 1 otiuco chloral, and died en the 25th, at 11 p. m. The local paper reinarks, very tmly, that this will Burprisc tho oldest medical men of tlio age. The Black Uiüs. Tiie Socretoiy of War bas addrossed a oommunication to Gen. Shennan, saying that all oxpeditions into that portion of j the Indian territory known as the Black Huls country muíií be prevunted as long as the present treafcy oxists. Efforta are now now bëbig taèifte for tl cxtinguislimeat of thp titlo, and all proper meaos will be used to accomplish that eud. If , however, the steps whioh are to be taken toward the oponing of the country to settlemont í:úl, those persona at present within that territory -without authority must be expelled. Gamlïlhig in Nevada. The only Sttito in the Union that cotintenances gambling by a license system is Nevada. An elïbrt was niade thi3 year to repeal the license net, but it still 8taiid-3 as a bnr,vark to iniqnity, the Legislature having been " lobbiet! " by the gamblers to let the present law stand. The agitation of tho question has, however, cesulted in arousing tho respectable element of the State into an antagonism to the existing systein that v.'iü, no doubt, Lal to in abolition of it befóre another winter passes. Exit V:;s(,uC7.. Bj the hanging of Tiburcio Vasquoz ; at San Jase, Ca!., 0:1 ï'riday of last week, tho wórld became rid of 0110 of the most terribte oiítí&wd of modem times. Vasquoz was tlie "hero" of thirty-sevea nrarders. Por yeais he ha3 beeu tlie Fru Diavoïo of tíie Pacific ooast, his naam r ip .tke faearts of nll who v.-:ro m tha least Hable to come witliin his gra:j). A more desperate, heartless, bloodthirsty rivffian never infested the roads, nnd the entiro populace, n-.ona to Puget Sound, viil breathe more fro-ly v.-hen Üioy leara of lus ivell-meritp-i áehth. Tranfient Newspaper Postagc. The oper.ition of nw postal law, regnlatiü." pi ppstage on papers and sranll paokages, is creatíng a good deaj of dissfetiBfaction, On papers weighing over four ounces the postage is more than aoiii.i ]. Of tjptuso this will ma terli re mik tha mxesAutixm of new3papers. It is probable that the lmv will be repealed an sóon ar; tlie no-w Oon8 meets, as it is now odmitted to be a mistakë, whööy in thé interest of the ■ expresa companiea. ThePosmaster-Geni ciuoii to delay the enforcement of the new postal ratee till the Ist of April, jmt íiítcr thW time, due notice hoving been given to the public, the law will be rigidly eiiforced. The Mountain :.Iaclv; 3I:ikskt-. Tiio judicial invcofeition ot the MomiMe&diiw mussacre will begiü in a fewdayS, ïii the Second District Court ; í Ut iaore of the Mouníain took p'uee iii 1857, i . The Monnoiis i uied partícipn.tipu in ifc or knowledge oí id charged it opon the Indiana. On 'her hand, hoy were accused with plaoniug ihla mh&ma af vrholettaia dèatructiojaaad ptunderj mul it iscaid tbere ni-e witnessee yat liviiig who, when the ■ oaeè eomes rfp for trial, -will disclose the Bi-ighain 'oang and hi confedérate s hj - red to concoal. It is a caso of veiy great importauc.', r.ot ouly as it fche liv:s of the defendaate, hut Monnouisiri itself. Should it be clearly estabhahed that the infamouw uiassacre v.'as jiot only coutrived by tli'.' dignitarieö of the church, but i rietl into eXecntioii by their orders, it will haye a mos-al effect npon the oajjse of the Latter Day Sajnte inoro damaging now than ifc could have had thén ; nd should th be brotight home to Brigham and I I w, as thoro i ia au expectetion it will be, there is a gallows wijl bo the ladder f iom whioh a few of the patriarchs wil] groet the Prophet Joseph on ( i .,. of Jordán. Tüai lonpmcut tu Oakis Ames. A-t i ■ . ;ƒ the utockiM raiiroad, in Boston, a :.g((; wo cliaracter"Dted. One was to fïGot a monument to tlio inemory of Oa!. :.s a rucoguition of his ia tlio construction of this roatl, " to w'aioh lic dovotcd hifl best energies witk a comagc, iicielity, and intogrity unsurpassed in tlio liiatory of raiiroad consli'i;; :ion ; " aad the seoond vraa liko unfcq jí, ,'.. t'ae voting of an animal t nd of 6 per oeiat. to ihc B(ch holdcrs. . immcntíng upon thia octirá ' I ra óf the Union Ptitiific, Graphic aays : "A taonutition of the uv.sur; (' grif y ' of tlio Oïguuzer Credit Mobilier ; tlio ftmong Cocgrebfijiitïi I da the moet good ; the man with the litóle memorandum book wkioh proved tlie book of fate to all whose narneg wero written in it ; the innii v.ho was rebuked at tlio bar f the House for indefensibie fcratisactions, and die4 of chagrín ! It is a utupendoua satire, and mmld be relfahed ns . joke wcre it. not too h-tíous to laugh ovfer. Of oonrse it will be built of brasa, and tho .exninpL.' of the Union Pacific in commemorating the integrity of St. i will doubtless be folio wed byErie ■ in erecting statne to the purify and principie of Jamefj Fisk, Jr. "


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Michigan Argus