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AccoRDiH3 tú a wew l:w in Conneetiont a priscner can elcct whether he will be tried by a Judge aiui twclvo jiirymen or taro Jndgee and no jurymen. . ..Mr. Evarta' bilí, intended to pcrmit Mrs. Tilton : twtify In the ponding Bcochor trial, has been killed in t!ie New York Legislatura, tbo Judiciary Committee having reported agaihst it. New York has decided tlmt after Jan. 1, 1873, all obligationa pitynblc in tlmt State inust be paid in poli]. Assays of the tiilver taken out of the mines at Néwbaryiorl, Mass., prore it to he very valuabíe, Borne of tlio ore yielding 4,000 to the ton. ] Tho placo i crowderl v.ith minere and capitalista, ana wlien the snow !s off an excitement equal to tiiat of YVatíhoe in it.-s pahniest day3 will be seau Tiie de%astation caused by (' ove: !knv cf t!:e Susqnekauna and Schuylkill has been general. The raÚroads lia-ve BiifTcued greatly by the interruption cf travel caosed by brealai in thcir tracks, and by tiic dciiio'ition of bridges and culverts. Factories of all desoriptictUB have lost hcavüy. THE AVEST. A í'OivDEK explofiion ahout five milert from j Cleveland last rck gave that city a veiy loar i idea of what a good square earthquake in. _ The conotweion was so great as to íhoroughly alann the v.hole city, begides doing uo inoousideral)le damage in the way of partial and complete deBtapctlon. Tlïree men were killed. Tire Illinois Senato lias defeated a biil to repeal the existinglieenso law An anieudmect to the State Constitution of Illinois ha? heen offered in the Legislatm'e, providing for tho . eleetion of Justicen of the Teaoe by the people. taking from the Covernor the povr.r of aïipoint ing, as at present. The follovfing order fnlly explaina itself. It vitaliy concerns tlioso who may be afllicted with the Black HOI fever : o Br-ig.-Genti. Alt'wl 7rm, St. Pattl, Minn., and E. ó. C. Ord, Omajia, -Vefi : Should üic coiiipauii-s dow orgauizing at Sioux City and Yankton trespass oa the Sioux Inrlian reservation, yon üvo htreby directed to use the forcé at your command to burn tln wagon train:, destroy the outfit and arrest the leaders, coafinIqg them at the nearast military post in the Indiau country. Should they suoceed in j ing the interior, yon ave direoUd to sen! such forse of cavalry in puráiiit as will aecomphsh tlie pulióse abovc nained. Sbonld Congres open up the country for settlonient by extiuguibhing the treaty-riguts of the Indian, thi umlersignod will give a cordial support to the setüement of the Black Hills. (Signed) P. II. Sheeidan, Lieutentmt-Gcueral. By command of Lieut.-Gcn. Sheridan : R. C. Dkum, Assistant Andrew Egner, the leading spirit in the Cincinnati tan-yard horror of laai. ïtovembor, iu which Herman Schilling lost lúa Ufe, and waa bnrned in a furnacc, has been föund guiUv of mnrdor in the flrst degree. Capt. Thomas Russei.l writes from tlie Black j Ilills to hia krother at Sioux City to the effect i that thcre is gold in abuudauce in the hills, ! tbat t'.se iniiiers aro in excellent bcaltli, and anxionsly awaiting reinforcemeut. . . .A Chicago IYi&ne "interviewer," afteratour ainong the businesfi raen of the city, reports the prospecto flattering for a general revival of trade opon tlie approaeh of a warmer mm. So mote it be. A 1H1.I.IAÜJ) tourimmeut bsgiuq at Chicago ! ti:f first week in April. Expert frpm all porti of the Weet and South v, il particípate ïle entire tribe of Sheebit Indians, abont 15(1. ere recently baptized into the Mormon C'iiurch. at Bt Oeorge, Utah. Pkof. Hayden, t'.ie well-known geologiwt and exp'orer, writes to au intimate personal friend ia Chicago, adviaing him not to take stock in tlio p.Bsertion tiiat t'.iere is gold in tbe Black Hills worth going therc to dig. TUE SOUTH. Pubtheii diiicnHsioii of the resolntion to admit Pincbbaok to a Heat i the Senate froiii j Looisiana haa been poetponed till next December. Atlanta, Oa., vraa recently visitad by a strnctive opnflagration, a large niannfacturiug establishment, a liqnor "vvarehoiisc and other buiidingH being eensnmed j total loss, L130,000. A DTJSTiiüCTivE tornado passed tïirough the central part of Georgia laat week, Several lives were lost. Tuk deoiion of the Arbitration Committee in Iioulsiana acting onder tho, terms of the 'Vheelcr oompromise bas been Bubmitted to f rov. Kellogg. lts effect is understood to be j the awftrd of seats in the Legislaturo to eleven i i vütivcs who were not counted in by the Iïeturning Board, and tlio imseatiug of six Conservativcs clnimcd to have beeu elected. ' It leaves a mnjority for the Demócrata in the House wliile the Republicana have the Seiiato, with a eriüiil Kepublicau , ity npon Joint ballot. An extra seaaion of the Legislatura wil] probably convene about the 16th of April. Tuk Alabsma Legislatura bas withdrawn thé lioeuso tax frcni hotels, and authorizes landlords to make contracta with boardera. . . . An elabórate and exhau&tive charge to a Meniphis grand jury upon the subject of the Civil Rightslaww&a given tho othcr day by Judge KmmoiiK, of the United States Court, who instnicted the jury that the denial to a negro of the full and equal cujoyment of the accommodatioiiB aud privileges of theaters and inns is a matter that the State government alone control, tind can only be reached by n civil aetion. WASHINGTON. It is stated that personal unpopularity and arbitrary eondnet on the part of Cliief Justice McXean. of Utah, prevented him from being reappointed upon the expiration of hia commisBion. Hon. Iaac C. Parher, who suceceds him, was a Representativa in the last Congreas, from Misaouri Ek-Congrenman Lowe, of pansas, ha been ftppointod Commkeioneï of l'iitent.i. vice linker, nent to Minnesota as KarNcyiT-Cioneral. Tm-praad jury of the PJstrict of Columbia basindicied Whitelaw l!eid, of the New York Tribune, forlibeling ex-Gov. Bhepherd.. . .The 8upreiue Court bas juist made an important deqiBiqn relativa to tbe old income tax question. It holda that divideuds and pronta cunad in the la-st haif of the year Í870 are Bubject to the Income t:(x of i.} per cent. . . .Postmaster-General Jc-iell l-.aa decided to enforco the new 1 'ostal l:iv at once. TUK TILTOX-BEKCHKK T1UAI.. Fiftietu Day.- Kix witnentses toKÜtied to onimportant facto, One. dn ex-roportcr of the New York Stm, told of Tilton'K anxiety to give the ficandal to the public, and other tcatimouy was bronghl out with the object of proving a Bctweon Tuton, WoodbuUand Moulton. Pastor Halliday was on tlio stand vhen ■ 1. Ile wafl tolüiipc what toak place at a meeting of the rlymouth deacons wheu objectioim were made by plaintifi'a counBel, Uiey maintaining tbat the official record of the meeting, and not Mr. fiaUiday'a recollection of it, wia what -,vüs wautecl. 'J'liis objecti'ü was sustaiucd hr the ijoi.rt. ■ ,-iii!sr Day. Notbirg; uew or eeimatiouil was devr.lopcd. An old ïmrsc of the Tilton ■ t ae fco i.i. cher!B i;;- tu thc .i. the tiixH tion is auppoúed to I. and afi to Tlioodore's. couduct at thotiroeof hisdiemiss! from theBrooklya Union snd tüo InáependfnU A oíergyniau from Bloomington. Indiana, ivho hcard Tilton'ö lccture on "Marriage and Divorce," testified as tosomo of the Bcntimonts it contained, bul there was notkiog startling throughout the day. FiFTY-SKCoNn Day. - Tho ttsstimony elicited tras of more importaiicc than umwl. It wan pïoTed that WoocBmU'fl Steinwaj Hall speech was :aiU-d as a (rolden .!■ panaplilet, apd r.l'ilton paúl tlic postige ou it. Tho oM Htory of Monlton'a many provarications - wherein lio said that "If Iïeechri'H long lifo woulclii't refute Woodlmil nothiug n-ould " - w:m diluted upou at leugtli. Jut previous to uijounmient au amuning qirrel took phej among connsbl over the posBesslOD of tlic Plymonth Deacons' book of woord. Sliearmau did not want tho natnes of the poorof the oiiuroli" rovealed to outsiders ; butthe othfr sido ivcre riu'ious to see if Mm. TUtcu's name was among the list of ponaioners. finijmberef pretty girls nttendod, who wero probably nevcr in a court of jiist.ioe before, and nt timen they seomed ntarme'.l le-it the wrangiing counsel shoiilcl proceod from het worda to fiaticuffs. Firi"."-THiRi Day. - Another bad day for Tilton. It wa Bessie Turner, the gin who oceupied the dual position of servant and comjraniyn to J'rs. T., that made it bad for tlie plaintiff, Her teatimeny alluded to liis domestic peculiarities, and tho maiuier in whiflh he treated iiÍH wife. It vas a moat ertraordinary story, ■ and, if not impeached bytko proseeution, leaves Theodore Tilton little hope of escape from I cternal infamy. FiiTY-rouiiTH Bay. - The direct ocamination of Eoaeio Turner by Judge Porter for the deïfaa cojii'ludetl, and the witness was passod iiito the lianda of Judge Fullerton for crosB-exainiiiation. Her veracity suffered Bomewhat by the koen questioning of the grcat ioqufcifeor, wiio invoived her in Rcvcral contradictions. She iras raadc to aelcuowledgc that ' her versión of the narrative had been arranged by the aid of a stenographer, Brothor Shearmaii. and Judge Porter. I'OLIXIC.VL,. John Öobinson, the showman. lias boen nominated for the JlayoraJty by the Kepublicana cf Cincionaü. ArroiNTMENTS by the President : Hciiry ,11. Atkineou, of Nebraskft, Cornnüssioner of aierns, vice J. H. Baker ; ex-Congressman Jasper I). Ward to be Attornoy for Northern District of Illinois ; John T. Cox, Receiver of Public Moneys at Littlo Koel;. Ark. GEN'JIKAL. The Illinoia Legislaturo has defeatei a bilí I whichj contempiated the plaeing of non-resident and resident money-loaners uixiu an equal I footing as regards the power to enforce the payment of interest and prineipal by the usual c;oure of judgment, foreolosure, and aale ; thua Bhutting out a largo amount of foreign capital frona inventment in that State While indulging in a promenade on the crowded stxeets of Washington the other daj', President Grant and Senator Andrew Johnson accidentally collided. They looked all the contempt imaginable at each other, but did not exchange salutatioüH. Destkuotive fresheta aro reportad on the TennoHBce, the Delaware and the Susquehamia rivera. Port Jerris, N. Y., liad a narrow escapo from destruction, 31)0 honses beiug submergod. No lives were" lost. Two bridgen were earried avay by moving ice at Pittston, Pa., and the total loss at that point by flood and obstruction of railroad trains will not fall short of a rmllion dolíais. A bilí, of $419.25 has beeu presonted to the Brooklyn Board of Supervisors for dinnona fnrnished the iwelvé jur;.-men in the TiltonBeeoher caoo, and three coiurt oñicers, for fortytlirao daye, bcginning Jan. 11 and ending March 12 Gen. Butler thinksthat "the Civil lïights bill doeti not givo any right to a colored man to go into a drínkiiig yaloon without tbc leave of the proprietor," that "abarber shop is a private business, in vrllioh the lav does not interfere." A Disi'ATUii froni Washington states that the Interior Department is about to send a geological party into t!ie liills to examina into tlieir mineral resources and report. FOISKION. SlS new Roman Catholic Cardinal have boen formaHy appointed.. . .Moody and Sankey are rtrawinjj; largor qrowfc than ever in London Tiie Duke d'Audifret Paoquisr lian been e!ected President of the French Atincmbly . . . .The star of yoinig Alphonso is already on tlie vraue. InsteaJ of annihifoting Carlisrn and restoring ; peace to the country, his aceea3ion to the thronc lias been signalized 'oy new reverses to the j national armies of the North. Geiímaxy ha4 intwrdicted the ezportation of horses to Franee. . . .The Freuch Asscmbly huw paased the Military lieorganization bill .... A confidential interchange of views respecting the succeesor of Pió Nono ia said to be goiug on : between Italy and Germaiïy. Gen. Cakkeka, one of the foremost oflicers j of the Carlist army, has pronounced in favor of Alfonso, and appeals to his comrades in arrns to give in their adhesión to the new Eing before it shall be too lato.. . .ïlio London mercantile house of Siordett & Co. haa suspended poyment, wit'.i liabilities at 2.000,000. The susptusion wae caused by the failure of Imtliuru & Co. Other suspensions are said to be imminent. Tra; mam elauBOs of the bill vrithdrawing state grante to Romieh bishops have been passed in i the Germán Landstag. The debate was [ ingly bit; er Don Carlos has a brother Í Lbo, who is now in Austria, and is "wanted" at Madrid upon Consolidated chargea of murder, arson and rape. The disaffection of den. Cabrera froiii the Carlist cause ha alarmed Don Carlos, and j he has taken repressivo measuros againat any ' furthcr desertiona. All officers of liis army suspected of Alfonsist sympathies have been placed under arrest, a;id will be retained until they spc-cilically declare their intentions. Deatu httB claimed John Mitchel, who wao repently elected to a seat in the British Parliainent froni Tip[)fcraiy, Irelaud, bat was refused adtoisaion on tho ground that he had previously declarod he would refuse to take the oath of allegianco te the orown. Mr. Mitohel formerly published a paper in Tennessee, called the Southern dtizenj before the war became editor of the Itichmoiid k'san itrr, aiid at the time of his death was aged 60 years Advices from Madrid state that the treatment of the press by the government is daily becoming more arbitrary, cauHing much disbatisfaction. The Iberia has been suspended, and telegraphic dispatches are detained and examined. . . .The London Syndicate is reported as beijig very snecensful in the disj)osal of the new 5 per cent. United Htates boncis.


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