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Toksday, Marcb 16.- The Vice President laid before tho Senate the report of the Commisaionei of Agricultura i'or 187-1, and ou motion of Anthony it was ordered that 1,250 additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate. . , .Contiideration of the : :-nition ior th'. admiRsion of Pinchbaek was then ! resunied, and Alcorn addreufed the Senstd. After short Bpeoebfia by Logan and Morton; fnrther sideration of the peeolution was posponed until ' the Becond Aïonday in December tiext, which was agroed to- yeae 33, nays 39 Adjourned. Wedxkhday, Mareh 17. - Si'nate - The Hawaiiiiu treaty was considercd in cxecutjve session. Thuhsday, Marck 18.- BoutweU callod of his ïvaohition a-,ithor;;ing a, special coiumittee to examine the Bcveral brauchen of the Civil Service, w'.th a i(-w to the norgauization of tho scveral doyartmenti thorcof, to Bit during the ! r'.'ceï:;. HtevensOD raised a jioint of orde r that it was j H matter lookig to lgisiaiou, apd out of order. Pending thé diecÁii ■ ton, Uie tíenata went iuto executive acfudos, and was occupied four hou ou the Hawaiin treaty. vblch waa mally ratiiied,by irfve vaie of BÍ to l'J -the foJJomng Senators in the ii' g&tive : MoCret ry, Wliyte. Withcre, Demócrata; Booth, ïndcpemUnt; Morrül (Vt..), lEamilion (Texai . ELh tiaan, fficlmunds, Ferry (Midi.). H-nvo, Kobtrtf-on, and Aloorn, BepublioMXB. FBXDAT, Marcli 19. - lioutweU's reöolutioi) authori&g tho gpoci&I boimnittee tippoluted té inquire into the . everaj brun-jhCH of the civil seryicje, with a, view to tin' rc.ii-güiiir,;itif'.n of the aeveral deLu yit durfog the receBB, and BOnU i'"'" priMm.i ;:nd ])-[;!.■:■ . I !■-.. WOB ngre( d to, Thp ! ■ ■■■■■ ti n m tvl ■■■'■' ■ utivfi - ■ on i ■■ a lárgc ntinibor pf ;i'!"""i' ■■":" 'l; Uij] LJ ; Ut vviug : James H. Baker, tobo Öurveyor Cíehera] of Minnesota : lauwe (J. Parln Diatriet Judge for the Vfectrn Didtricf of Arïttosfl BrovD, Uotted lu Ditxid -gc ior tbclaetern , Dietrict of MichigD ; Ltirl V. Lowe, Cbief-Jttttice i of tbsfiuprmr tourtof ;tah ; DnliRt WagaUff, I Kc' iver of Public Moneys for tho Pietrict of i Haliua, Kansas, Postmasters- Jogeph BrookH, at Little Röök, áfk. } Oeotgfl H. Kitb, Miuneapolis, Minn. ; James Goodapeed, .Tolict, Í11. ; John 1'. , Cunninghaïn, Glasgow, Mo. Saturday, March 20. - The resolution , biDTizig tbc aetion of the President - in Pecogniziüg the exlsUng grovï mment ín Loufedana, protectlng the beoplfi of the Stte ftom öomestlo íiolentíe, toé enFotclng th'1 1;im cf illQ United ,St::tn - wits ii%ciissu'l. Speeches wcre nw Ie by Öayat'J, Sauísbury, ia'-, KernAn ntl Èafdn. Andrea Tdhnsbn oijtained t i - fkur M :i lao hottr, but yielded for a ootion to aajonrn. ?.!ni)ay, Marcb 22. - Consideration of tlic unflnlslieá busineea, the reaolatlon approving of the aetion of Presidí nt in regard to Louisiana, was resum l, fnd Anlrjw Joliascm d.elivered a two houTB1 Bpeeob, in the oourae of whicíi he bitterly asBailedtha present Admlnlatraüon. TUero waa an imxnenaa audience to haar Iilxa, the gallerica bt-ing packed aimoBt to Bttffocation.


Old News
Michigan Argus