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Ex-0oN6EES3MAH Pap.KEK, of ouxi, bas been appointed U. S. Mar ( slial foi the Western District of Arfcansas. The Hon. M. C. Kerr, of Indiana, who is prominontly spoken of as tlie new Speaker of tlie House of Representativos, was bom in Titusville, Pa., Maren 15th, 1827. Poetical vengauco for all tke wrong Pinchbaek lias ever done, has boen innocently suggested by a Western newspaper wliicli studior.sly and l'epgatedly prints liis iiiiine Pinclibeek. A piuclibeck stateainan, indeed ! Amono tlie candidates for tlie elerkship of tlie next House of B?presenta.tives at V";isliington r.lready anncranced are Mr. Hp.gli F. McDermott, editor of the Jirsey City Uerald, and one or two ! Domocratic editors f rom the West. I Those Eastern political editors onght to come West and leani sometliing. Only a few days ago the New York Tribune referred eloquently and sagaciotisly to Senator Chrintianey, of Wisconsin ; and i now the Boston Journal, oven a greater authority, speaks of Senator Paddock of Kansas. UnclE Een Wade, having fallen iuto the clutches of the inexorable interviewer, and boing aaked whethor lie could beat old Bili Allen in a gubernatorial eanvass, is reportad to have said : ' ' Beat liim ! ; beat li - 1 ! Of course I could beat Mm if I entered the race againat hira. " N. G. Oiïdway, Arma of tho National Houoe of Kepresentativea for many years, found his ocoupation gono with the incoming of n Democratie j jority. He aocordingly stood for an eleo j tion to the lower branell of the New Hampshire Legislature, and was returned by 40 ma jority. In the opinión of the Nashville correspondent of the Louisville Couricr-Jonrna!, the operation of the Civil Rights law will be suspended for two years iu ïennessee by an appeal of the first case to the Snpreme Court of the State. It i vnll there be placed loweat on the docket, I and thus deferred for the period named. The New York Tribune says : "So lar as newspaper sentiment indicates auything, the Hon. M. C. Kerr, of Indiana, has tho bast prospect of being Speaker of the next House of Representativos. The Hon. Fernando Wood has no suiporters, and the advocates of the Hon. I S. S. Cox are afraid tliut his joking propensities have spoiled hio chances." Chicago Journal: "Brooks, of Arkansas, who was Governor of that State last year for ft monüi or so, and recent-ly wanted the President to ouat Garland; the new Goveruor, for his beneíit. has now been appointed Postmaster at Little Koek. Thut reminds us of the story of the fellow who applied to President Lin eoln for a íirst elass appointment, and : fllially, fáüing to get a place, said he would be satisfied if the Praádeirt would loan hún a clean shirt. The full voto of New Hampshire at the recent eleetion foots up as follows : For Governor - Cheney, Kep., 30,225; Boberts, Dom., 39,163 ; White, Prohib., 75-1 ; total vote, 79,203. Clieney over Boberts 122. Oongressmen - First District, Whitehonse, Bep., 13,109 ; Jones, Dom., 11,00-1 ; scattering, ;S!. Seoond Pike, Kep., 12,930; Bell, Dom., 18,083 ; Bcattering, 202, Beli's pluralitv, 147. Third District - Blair, Rep., 12,387 ; Kent, Dem., 11,181 ; scattering, i 163. Blíúr's pluralitv, 207. The New Orleans Sèpubliean tells the following arrecdbte of two driuks tliat cost the State of Louiaiana 025,000,000 apiece : ' ' Wlieu the Appropriation bill tu before tlie United States Sennte, two Senators who vrere favorable to the item mailing an appropriation of $l,500,0C0 j for building the levees of the Mississippi 1 river left the chamber for the pupose of taking a driuk or something of the sort, and during absence the item -was striken out, and Loiúsisiana may be considered $50,000,000 worse off than ahe would oÜierwise have been. Had either one of these Senators been present the item would liave stood. Their names have not yet reached us, but wa shall be snre to give them to onr readers when they ; do." '


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