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Foï All Fenlnlo CoinpTr.lnts, In yormg Ot oM, ninn'ieil or sfngte, at thd ilawn cf wc:isn!:ocíl, or t!;0 ohaugp of lifo, Dr. Píoioc'h l'avoiitc rïei-criptii p inanifeats enoli a posiuvely uiucillal uBúSiCe na Ui eii'.l foitli the Mr. JolmA. Kinraev, dni;.;i;i..t: oí lüiob Kosfcr r ' " ; !'-.)ÍHHvr; : i. ttüKci, nnffido, ::, Y.. '.■,,,■ Sir: ïbnr metVcinos aell belïcr öiaii kocp, and f-.ivc; nniTcrsiJ MtiafacUon. Tl o poople nre espcda'lv deöglitefl witli Farorita l'roHfi-i-, :. ■."'". and it Bcema to be a favorito among all tbat l;avc ft ver ittiod it." It is sold by drnggiüts and dealere in módicinofli Asthma. - Thifï diaease cíuihom grat . dilliculty of Vireathing and tightneM noross the chest, and Bometimsa atteiuled with a great deal of Biiffocation. Tne paroxysm generally on at niglit, wliilelying down: Rometimen it íh ftttóndöd wi'li great vio'.cuce. Allen'dLnug BalHarn Will always give immetlia,te relief, and in ;iin:iy OHMS, it pflTSffTered iu, it will cure the r. Por Rale by all driiggists. IL . MoKiJ tluin SO yeara liave elapftetl since Jolmsou's Anodyne Unimeni xtaa Örat inveuted, diiiing r.-hicli tiine hündïeda of thoiwauda have beëitbeneflted byitause. FrobaWy uo artiele ever beoamo bo universally popular witii all classos :t; Jbhnson'S Au ídyne l.íninuii. Pulís whioh contain mtimony, quinina and calomel, rfionkl be avoided, as severe i griping pains would bo their only reault. Tiie ! safest, snrest and beat pills aro Parsons' gativeor ArUi-Éilious Pilla. Glen Floka Mineual Water cures ' Kidney Complalnts and Dyspepsia. Circuláis free. Addreaa B.' H. Parka, Waukcgan, HL N. Y. Súfreme Coüht bas conflraied its injimdloii agaiust au imitation of tiie prepara: tion of Witoh llaïol, known ::h PoncTa Extact. Boisnhtt's Cocoaise is the best and olieapest hair dfessing in tlie world. CtfK. A WEEK. Agenta v ;inip;l evcrvwncre. For ( di-í t S25 PER DA Y- Send for "Chrouio" jP-3-D caUíogue. J. H. BUFI'ORD'S SONS, Boeton. A GENTS. Cbang ' hangsellajt slgM Nficessary as Boap. Goode froe. ClungChung M'f'gCo., Boston. ffiOAAi montb to agents cveryvhere.. Addresa ? 7 1 Excelsioh M'F'u Co., Buchanan, Mich. Q - Q C fl per dny at homo. Terms frce. Address ij V H ÏÏ5 L U too. Stinsqn Co., Portland, Mame. riVERV FAMIXY WANTS IT. Honra Ín It, M2Á ÜUH h)r Agmita. Addcess M. m.LOVELL.Erie.Pa. MIDDLK TKNNBSSBE Improvod FARMS forsale. AddiesC CLEMENT, Clearmont, Warren Go.,Tenn. Ecifí. A WERK to Agonfa. Business legitímate. S3 L%J Address V?. E. BLISS & CO., Toledo, Ohio. TCI ETPOAGU F-xtra índucoraents to leam. Addreg I tLEUnHrn J. Abcrnethy, Supt., Cleveland, O. -J O Olí, CHHOMOS for$l; twofor25o. Agent Xiíí.vaiilod. F.W. McUl.EAVE.tCo., Boston 4 Chicago. ib f n A DAY. Agents wanted, male and fcinaír, VVíor an ontirely naw iurnntion. Write to the ÜÜEURKXA MAKF'G CO., Bucllanan, Mich. áik Daily to Agente. 83 newarticles and the bost LL'' Family Paper in America, with 'i $5 Chromos, freo. AMERICAN M'F'G CO., 300 Broadway, N. Y. _■■■ ■ Catalogue Free. JKrf wSST _. JL JLS3 sth át. iui8, Mo. IUV n f1Rl P C D I One paelcaga makea I qiiart fineat l! rUWUtn bUck ink. By mail mAi, $2. Single pck.,25cts. J.O.HARRIS.Dmggiat.Venango, Pa. Coiutant At home, Male or Female, $30 a woek warranted. No capital roquired. Paiticulai-s and valusble sample sent free, sddress, wlth 6o return tamp, O. ROSS, Williamsburgh, N. Y. 0?rKV Á MONTH - Agento ganted evwiy wherg. i 5ït 1 Businuss honorable an.J flrst-class. 1 y-='' Particiiliirs ent free. Address WoaiH 4 Co., St. Louis, M. A DVERTISf:RS ! Send 25 cents to OEO. P. ROWA. EI.L, & CO., 41 Park Row, New York, for their ■amjjilet í100pa.v, containing lista of 3.0UÜ nawsnapera and eetimates showing cost of advertising. Cnsl CDQV or PÏTS cured by the use of Ross Ep trlLvröl leptio Remedies. Tiir.I Package FnsE ' "'5S5S For circulars, evidence of success, etc 1 addrossKÓSSBROS.,Kichniond,Ind. Ulfl SITC m The People's dollar paper. The ContriSlHfí I CUillCTOK, liir5rflo6teoni re,igious r0JO iVEIV'i Rn secular. Taken evuniciiere. Fire mag■ np&lTOinificent premium. Sample terma, etc., AGENTS'fme. J. H. E ARLE, Boston. ÁÍ1TXHPL( HF i ÏSÏl'T'n for ilia f.tUfjil 6J Y9 3.1S I JUi Bvsrpnbliïfced. (-,"l f"' ; it..t mir extra tem to Agenta. NiTKWÍAL PtíB. 00., Cnluce, 111., or St; Louis, Mo. "W"te 1["yg f{aTlKST and hardestwork i A ii i S m i ■&, in the house made com par.Ttivi'íy efipy and pleasant. Fvrry one interest ed in riririiij a mitin' irorLshould scnd '"" a stamp for our circular. GRAY.DIXONiCÜ., 51 l%bournAvo., Chicago. rjSHIS paper ia printed v.-íth Ink furnished by Charles J Enea Jobnson A Oo., SC9 South Tentu Street. Piula : jelphia, and 50 Ciold Street, New York. For Bale in M nía 25-uound oans iv THE AK vVSPAPER UNION, Chicngo, 111. mAGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE.-The choicest in the world- Importers' prices- largest Company in America - staple articlo - pienses everybody- trade incroasing- best inducementt, - don't waste time- send for Circular to ROBKHT WHIXS, 43 Vesey Streot. New York. P. O. Box 1387. "Who desire to reftèli country readers can do so ín the best and ctuiapest maiuier by uahic }nti or n.oiosect.ions of Tiie Qbaat Kewsfapxb A i'xn.r.HV Ltsts. Anply to E. E. HiATT, 79 Jackson-st., CMcaeo. 41 1 I S I A A MORPHINE HABIT icmj UI I cuied Ly Dr. Beek s i'iily I fcf B i Mn known and sure Ilemedy. VI IVIll no CHARGE for treatment until cnred. Cali on or address ■ DR. J. C. BECK, 112 John Street, CIXCINN ATI, OHIO. FFSIS ' SPOONER'S W L. L. u w ■ j}oston Ma rket Vegetable Seeds. Spooner's Prize Floicer Seeds. i RFÍ SS? E la Cónico Varlettos Aítora, St. !IL?.i.. ií-1. (jabbncí, Fottle-.' Brunswick, per 0Z..50C. Perlb.S!'APpnA f Our lllustríited Catalogue tnf jree. i OttUu I VV. H. SPOONER, Boston.MasB. Jll CT EIOXKYirí ITSURE! Justonk I W w 5 llaefa), H.-nuisi me. Cheay. ! TIIJS $kn:. A i;ir.; Mimoe. Alas, BQOK NEWAP8,GHART8,&C i CYOU Our new chart, ' II !U S T I N A PJ (K.ACK!?,lsasplendiisnooes. Cin ■ cinn.itipricíióamnasNeivYork. SíTUd GTT T f.irtBri.r-tr.E.C.BUinc-.IAN.ÍíBarciSllAj ÍJ la St., N. '., i 17'J W. Mh St., Cin., O. . ,■ ■■i., ■..■■i i.- Tïxr Oïtcïiln C'nniiimiiiy; ,arv"SrL-'3ïcAvï ■(".-■-■'"■' "Ate lmtóh píoatted g-5O -tí-gvTfe ■.;]i-in roo r;:n." Thebertout. WjjSJ'á'SÍ '..'."!-. .':.vr.Mü!. r ,h; i AVu're i V'xA Ke;. TV: i'! -:i'"''-vt. TIy oustcnirtyïX erf must i.iidMiHh.-ïveit.M UseSea I lBSfi'á?! 1 [''t-íim Mid youi titMewillcbawnknd1 k VA'tei' ' tf (Might ï. i rui osts. Y;ur(imcei-,ii POÍ --rr''VÍ í ,i 1 ■ i:i:-. !!!„■■: 1 for.v.m. lts.lvc-s H l - ■' --' ? - n ,'. ■ - 1 -..],,■ thnmost CifeWïLi2i''': ■'■ '■■ ' ' ■ l!l ('"linyon 1U v '. ' ': ■ i'} -■!' ;■.■!.! "■ : i '■■■■■.: ■■■ u.iim. fel_?ii-iS3 F. Ciül 1 ( o., 178 Dunne St.; N.Y. Manuf.icturei-s of Patont Bwich-loidtna, HUiUty. f p iting and Croodmoor Rifles. Tlïolliwt iti ïïtc S ■y-ï.5. ■Vinnirat ïnUjrïïation-ü :-n ' 7c'iily .-:l athr principal matches at. Oreedm:or. (Sea O fivi:l Kooi-d.) Sporüng Hif:es, SiOlo$:!S Creetlm'oor Ilifies, elcvatior.s (or 1303 ds , S'JO i $126 Send for Dlurtmted Catalogue. AilMOHY AKD Ol E. ü. WEiSTOOTT, Haktfohd, Co:.N. [ P IJent. O'PTUM' Habit Cured A ccrtain and sure cure, "without Inconvenicnce Mi d at homo. Au antidote that stands purely on if own merits. Send for ïny quarterly magazine, (i cosís younoíkingy) contal ning certífleatesof hiuidrcds that have "been pennanently cured. I claim to Imvo discovered and prodncfitl tha fiest, okigikal axd ONLY BUKS CUBE í'OR OJ'IUM KATING. DU, S. B. COJLNS, lin. Porte, Ind. PIERCiS WELL AUCER Conijvmy ffovs l.COO t(i #n OTWÍ th% wfil Bttec8fállj ■ competo wit'i them in baringj a well, thronsh aoapstone an4 sandstonftr, and in tskine op and paivlng bowldftrt RnJ o Bornes. Ajryniu ■.v;inr.t in avttri State 8:45 l5ÈH ' ÜTJAft!JVTÍSED. Se;'..i S"TSrS"Y GUARANTEEQ jÊ3 Sv uslngoar Well Aw gerand Diills ff "ja inoi.d tetrtoty. Hhest ttsttraoKSI y ni;ils t:' il' (-:"Vl';ll''lS(f Ii'wa, Arkanb;i3 and PftkotA. í? A BI "t" 8 if% R3 Aiweare the origina] tnÖAU B Q V BS3 . tentón pnrties b?yinKr BO!ling fin Uko ours, witb a. . kvill be tod mr Infrinimui lït. Auger i'. ok Freo. S'OO " 'aÜ"'-; '" "vrSfrj V. B a WW, r,t. Louis, M,, FARMING LANDS The C, S. I. & P. B. K. Company Is ofiiinK for at L6 Tiicnt au.i Mosï Bcasenablo Tt-rms, T ACTUAL SKTTl-KKS, gonic of b }(s Deglrable anil Fcrtile I ti i lüpi'OYí'd l.nncl in Ihatnl! pr-ritnattd on rti th o( lu nlkHA, Bit ; BOITK fr.,i, .1,, twnitlin ilallmMml .lm HrMnnlk I rt.,u ' .■.■H-.ntHBluf,, ,n tb. ■'■■■V1"-' folión of Iuiïh. ih.xce!s vüe; iiow, Ranging from $5 to $ I O per acre, The average prlce bcluff Bomewhat U'sb tlian S VfSIïloril ' il Uct;, 1 j pur: basin; hi' h faro i:an ho applti-d -in rivuirnta frr !-. ,-i. ut Tor ra.e al ibe j.riailpn! tklwt offlca of th. ( fu IctaM H;.ütn Fcr Mp, laraw o tilt and oircotiont to Inudtng '" J.L.DBEW, XAiid ('onunluioner. 0.7&. I. P' K' B. CO., DiTMtrOBT, IOW. Wheeler&Wilsons Itotary-HooTc Lock-Stitch SEWING MORE THAN 1,000,000 OP THEIR FAMILY MACHINES IN USE. X QUARTER of a CENTURY'S trial has demonslrnteil thcir snperiority. " WllEF.LER & WILSON'S NEW No. 6 MA CM NB must evenhially supeysede all otheis ' ?io?o run with which ü comes in competido. Ve recommend for it the higliest award which ü is in the pouw of the InHitute to bestoxo." - i From the nnimiiuoos Report of the ñve Judges ' oí tbc Ainorican Iustitute, Now York, 1874. Tlio Bosrd of Managers unanimously . provcd the report, and recommended for ttUB machine the Gold Medal of the Inslitute. T!i e Board of Direction nanimously ; provcl tl:in recommendation. and awarded the Gold Medal to "Whoeler & Wilson, the oaly gold modal f.warded for a Scmng Machine by the American Instituto for many yeare. The Anstrian Official Iieport of the Vienna Expo.tition pronounced it "the marvel of the I Expositüm, and added, "this universal j chine setos the heaviest leather harness and the ftnesl gauze teith a truly pearl stilch.' The Grand Medal of Progress was awarded ! for it. - What the Leading Manufacturera of Boots and Shoes aay of WHEELER & WILSON'S New ISTOm e SEWING MACHINE. We, manufacturera of boots and shoes, aro using Wheeler & Wilson's New No. 6 Sewing Machine in all kinds of stitching on our work, and confidently believe tliat it wiÜ supersede all others in tbis branch of manufactures, íor tho following reasons : 1. The work done by this machine ia Bnperior to that of any other "in variety, amount, enxeh lence and beauty. 2. This machiuo is more durable tban any other of its class, requiring much leas ouüay for repairs and renewal of parts. 3. It does the cording or staying of buttonholes in a most elegant and substantial man-ner, without the expense of royalty. In short, because by the use of this machine we can turn out superior work at less cosl than with any other. [Signed by mant.] iJsT It is f ast supcrseding aü other machines for leather work. WHEELER & WILSON'S E=i..l.,.mbi III1 " MACHINE, now for tlie flrat time introduced to the public. nuika in excellence with their famous No. 6 Machine, hut has scmo modiiications adapting I it to special classes of worlc. The Tailor wiü I Cnd it as wcll 3iiited to his m c;rk as is No. C to leatber work. It might proporly be termed tho ' Tailor'a Machine. Send for Circular to wirtr&WitalfW, 4-4 FouWcmtli SS., WW Yorls. iurT.r,s,siioT-(aTys,r!STOTji{ETOiiyERS, Of any and cTery kind. Send tamrSí7"H forCatiloiíu.. i'. üiesIWrit""''"' 7W uriiMlWnln, PIT T B BUBCnt r .%.. " TELECRAPHY.7„t youiif; nn-n anti ladies, to loarn and engaso in the tolenapHlng bufdnens, end assir.t in introducinpr the TypeWritertnteleHTjjph linea. Permanent iind prontable pnsitiona mny ï Tfltained in a few months. PORTER'ïS NATIONAL TKOEüRAPH COLLEGE, ObtoMO, 111. THE FAVOR TES, MAN W ACT I7RÊRS' FVWORITE; ludiente OKtmilAXi VXVbmVK. v thn Uses. For fiill int'): ma' ion reptictJBir out Goods, Afiancies lor unie, adiliess WEES SKWJWO MAl'iilSS: tOMl'ASfl . t Hnitfoi'd, C'unil., or ojr Branch Olïicoi in letuiinii citie. BEÍT FEEE A ïïook oxp,-?in.T tho myptcrics of Uíftl I _QTT aml huw p.ny nw ïiriy operatf Biiocess ï"lU O I fullv witha capitulnf teO or 81,000. Complete instrnctïons f ad Ulustrations tü address. TUl'MBïilDOK ACÜ,, I5AKÜEBB AND BltOKEKS, 'Í WiUJ Street, Ntiw YoiitDOYOUR OWN PRINTINC! t &M, FSINTIM, PRESS. BMBB Pi-h!(iT'Vii.o..l', SÖcieiic, 51 lliL3 iil'ac'tm'', ïE!i'fl::lnts, unit others jt 19 -ffii HU the BEST ever invi'iitfd. l'rï.OOO HUK'. "sHfHiiffl„Ten stvlco. Priors from S5.00 to $150.00 1881 IiWBENJ. O. WCÓDS&CO. Mniml-rsaml TITITtiT 1 ui 1 iiiiiiiiinl ifTrlntl-ir Material, Stnd stamp for Catalogue.) _ 49 Federal St. B-Mstan, t PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $40,$50, SV5&S100. OOOD, DURABLK AND CHEAP. ShippoJ revly for Uso. ■uatkctaiaSbrCHAPMAH 4 CO., ,-A M:ifli3on, Ind. g'iti taSead i'or a U.iUlogns. TA f.eTUMATIPQ T1IE SBBW IUVER I Ü Ab I HitiS 1 iliO. ASTIIMA CUK.B ijm.i an.-t s .ld by .1. Hut Son. and W-inMntod t.; rtlteve eve.v oase 01 A.STH VIA in taroe to iivo iiimuUi .inh tóiwrrtireoUoaaattending sauh paukam. It " : l'ot'" testod iour years in bundrod ol ■ ses. Recent attaclcs aresuríd by a faw Bittings. i'nll paokagS. two IMJ oneaKa prepnid. Six packiKO, l JtipMS, fir '..H0. All orders wül r, ■ ilentlon. In senur.! for the CIJIÏK sond P. O Order, Initt, or Registerud UftMT] at on tbk. .. M-,IART & so:Vi mL3os'3coHFoxrm) of PÜIIE E0D LÏYEE QIL AlfB LIIBJLg "WJÜtOW9 God L.ÏTer Oil and TUft areat DOpolarityo? this safo and effioiurfoua preparaUon fa alcaw tteibotable to its intrinsi wonli. Initoouro of CoiiRhft, Ooldi.Aathmft.Bronohitis. hoopiiCnugh. Scrofulous Humore, and all Consnmptive Symptoms, it has no superior. íf equal. Iet no one negleot tho oarly pvmptonis of difiease, when an aprent i thus at hand whlchwülalleviate Ril complalnts of the Uiiict, Lunas or Throat. Manufnctured only by A, B. WILBOR, Ghemiflt, Boston. Sold by all druggiata. Dr. J. Wajker's California Ariu. egar Bitters aro a pnrcly Vcgetab! preparation, made chieily frora tbo natiro herbs found on the lowcr ranges ol the Sierra Nevada mountains of California., the medicinal proporties of which aro extracted tliercfrom "sithout tho use of Alcohol. Tho question is alrnost daily askod, ''Wlrat íb the cause of the unparalleled 8uccoss of Vineoar BitTBKSt" Our answer is, that tliey remors tho cause of diseaso, and the patiënt recovers bis health. They are tho grea; blood purifler and a lifo-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of 'che syst.em. Never befovo in the history of the world has a medicine keen eompounded possessiiig the rcmarkab'í qualitiea of Vinbgar Bittkrs in liealinu9 sick of every diseaso man is lioir to. T aro a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Coneestion or InUamination ol the Liver and Visceral Orgae?,. in Bifiom Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walker's TlMEOAB Bittkrs are Aperient. Diaphoretic, fjarmiuative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, fiedative, Coupr-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera !ive. and Anti-Bilious. R. H. McOOJÍAID & CO.. Pruggists and Gon. Acrts., Pan Frnnc ippo. California, and cor. of Washington auil CUarlton S:.s.. N. y Sold by all ÜruffLists itiif! Déniers. Oí Sítrt and oxp1"'' a mooth to agenta, Adte SSISSKTXÏ %. DOLIiAB i'cir advertiainff in any newsji;ip;r before sceinr iny new rutnlngue cf over ONU TBOI'SIKI Papers. S. P. SANBOKN,lHMonloe-st.,Chica8",IU T3E3CEÏ BI3ST PRAIRIE LANDS IOWA AND NEBRASKA, FOIl BALE BY THE Büiliiioii & Min Ri?er R. R. Go, On Ten Years' Credit at 6 Per Cea'. Interest. ONE MILL1ON Á CUES in lowa and Sottthern A'e&rajta. I Tlie fiiicsl country in lieworlrl to oom!iin- FAIIMIXG mid STOCIt-KAISÜÍG. Products wlll Pay for Land and Improvcmenlt Loa] i Befcrc the Principal Becomes Dae. LARCE DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. I " The so-called dostitntion in Nebraska Ü9S in the [ir I western rogion, beyond tho Jandsof the B. AM. K-R . (V I ï& For circulara that will describe fully the iudh I and the tenns of sale, apply to or address LiAND COMMIrSSlOXEIÏ, Burlington, lowa, for lowa Landi, or Lincoln, Neb., for Nebraska Luidt .., . The EI.AKTiC TBÜSS I )r%Wfflrtl[fffv AM' SUPPORTER am 0 ■ 0 m Tneea supersedins all otberfi,! &B BIiAo i H sjSins: adoptad everywherebí RL T H 1T S JM toe leaüinjï ph.vsicians,pir. -SptW ge"ns, dnicist8,annrl nC2 3 Thesucoeasandnnlveml . af ? J' Batisfaciion they have gi rnunber of radical curen theybiive effected, ha - tlfi'i 'i the fct ihat ruplure c.-in bo surr.Uj curti wKM Biifforingor annoyance, nnd irií.o.f (& danjjr tf wrt( fpiaal DiMOM or Paralyñ: often caused bJtt vero pressure of Metal Trusses and Supporters. Itütt onlv ure cure for Hernia, ns it is tbei.nllTniM.inw I thatwül hold the ruptu.e secare!; lii 11 ikwimi o wlüch the b.rdy can be placed. It will perfoimuiW I cures when all others fait It can be worn mtliMWild comfort when no spring truss can be used. im M adiusted, no motion of the body or accident ecu displace These instrumenta have the uniiuihjinl armonía ti' most erainent pr.-ictiüuners in the pnjfcssia. From the nomerooi testimoniáis inour posiesiioim '"'Altarthee'xpèrfenneof months.paticntstesïiff Birpmly:to its cfcari,, ns well as to the eas' anii frpiüom itoj ■.' itil wbicti tlie iiiHtrumeni ia" "l"" sniieri,.r rdvantaBi, (hc MatMc Trun pfisswsos in a ijtb delrree ALL retmisites and qualihcationsrln'i 'Itartuci invenöon. 1 have no hr-sitation in ief::;rding it uu ftportant maan. f,,r fyffiggj&fSt, " Ei-tïenlth Offlcnr of tho Port of New York, SurmalnChiei of New York State Hospital," etc., etc. G-'O V HOC6E M.D..SuperintendentElsBticTniMCl'. iïar's" Aftersuffei-üig for tiiirty rears, m mr ■ person, from the use of eveiï form of Metallic Trosjp curable in this country and ín Europo, I, two yejn in aplicad vmr Elaétic Trut; and sinco ttaat ttme I to piiienced comfort and attofaotion, and been tuLjit r, that the Klaitic Tmss U the only m'f. j should beused lor the relief and cure of Herata.atí now. alter more than tiiirty yoars' ct.nlitmons pracj and Win adjusted many handrods of TmsMS landtt tho kut twenty months yours delusivo y), I(WM declare it to be my delibérate opinión 'J . V" '"J r.-. is tue only one entitled to tho '"f.SJt public that elasticity is the cnly power at all "W? therequireroenMof a Truss or fupponerjand aJ ■ vini-hfi thnt iow Etattic Ï'.K.' ncuiülly cures a larse proportta, "f al&ef t? whlch it is applied, not onj J children, but i numerous cases wlfhin niyovra Ui edge of patients from 50 to W "Jg,, j,. D„ Prof. of Anatomy and SargOT, K. Y. B. MediralCoB Beware of cheap and . worthless lmitatto K Ttuaw, whioh some parties advertise and u, iwm lentir repreaenting that they are manufactorea DJ KS, toüSfi ent by mail to all parts o ttacp try Satisfaction gnaranteod in all cases. ■??J5 chaslSs aliy other, write for Doscnptive Circular 1M to tha ELiSTIG TRÜSS (Í0. 683 BROADWAY, HEWJOBJ, CQE PEK "Aï Coinmissinn, orS:0eekí I Ö t 3 it. .nensM. V,'., offor t and A JMly now. í. 'VV. V. èbber it í 0 "BSTCHOMASICT, or Sol ThnnB'-'i1, How lt;icr tix nmy (minjila una K'"1 ir..,-llon ...r .,.y ,1-r.on ..■ H,,,,:, .,.,,i!y. ; , bynwll.ssri'iil; t.-.-1'm-r 10 f Rfli 1 w? "pnfflfl tá&TírrfSloe MAfUlIftlia Bllfiiriüasi ih.isj. iv!, ,, are marrleil nr coiitemplutï PrlceJuf. hVRiatl. AiMress Dr. liol ary. U NurUi Eliflitli Street. St. LoulsJW___, BR, WHITTIXBf M ;. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Lou?, IJ. roQtUo to tri-at uil cases of obiacle.t to mrriP. n rUriUea, evcry ailaji?ut or ui. kaess whicb ivpJ'! ' t BdluMttoa or iti.prtiilcuc, vi.h uu;i:ir.iUeleii '■ Lt. ft'.'i efltabH." La charii'tctt by tlie "jL, iio'iri, TfS fojuJM and has teoii eabJlÜ W ". r-, oertaio nn-1 ivliabie relief. E-'!n? F' l.f , eeveral medical cfï'oeea, and b-ring -üo xlong and Buoceinireiohinp.. '.Ues ho U K : „y rtmdl8 ihKt nre ffbotualla all tb-secasea. Hl F are. bclc? in-rt-d bjr muil or exprfi everynere. _ rcr oí Bii'li.-f.:oii. he 3 eu.led to b-1!1 ' ■ ,,,ÍJj, lew. 36 pa.-rs, givlfg rul! ij'npionm, for (nc s 3I MAHIACE CülDEi ?G0 ras'-r. a ppUf hooB wtu-r, ,:oull ■■-■ r 'f VfJJ biily. No mariiort pair, r persons oontemi '■t"2(# rUg". OflDaflord to rlo withon ft. ItcoriUlnathetiw;, m-oic-l Hterntun on thi uiyact, tbo rcKu" ür' . l'dit expcriene; No the be:t ihonghti frni u t:uioj.e aad Amciica. Seat wcalod. '; JjJr, .' DO. A. ÜAffll TV"O. 61L Iforth Fifth Street, St. Lf"'';,,M";(to-It ' Vi LISHBD18S7. Cures all ufTorers without tno Mercury. ('harires reasonable fees. r, ffWis fi?-r. B.' "TroHti.-o on Special filllï oiplnina tho nature .cansos, sympMnis. ' ol toure Ml fonn "f HenrJS DebiUW, 1 BStlw'! bythe "Error of Yonth," and vnluabie mfcrw r deltcata sebjects, sent fbee in P1!Un envoiope. - WHP WRITIB1G TO ?S plcaxe ny yon savy fco 4WW iia tli.s ;i)vr. TABLB KNIVES AND FORKS OF ATT "KTïTDSj AND OBIGIHAIXY EXCLUSIVE MAKERS OF Ai-B-Ü-U toCÏtlw"5a brïSf mIbSEíN PoüTLKroÓ" êhimb Street, NeW York,


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