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The County Canvass Will Take Place On

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Tuesday, April 13. EvERY Deniocrat in the city and county should vote on Monday next. The Connecticut election for State officors, nierabers of Congress, etc, is to held on Mouday next, the Ehode Island election on Wednesday. MM -- +- Look out for fraudulent tickets on Monday next, and be careful to see that every name is oorrectly spelled. Treasurer Spinner has tendered ]is resignation, to take effect July lst., after which date the spiders will find it unneceessary to continue to imítate his signature. It is given out that John C. New, caehier of the First National Bank of Indianapolis, will be his successor. As the Act repealing the law providing for a county superintendent of schools takes effect to-morrow, and the township superintendents will not be elected until the 5th of April, the schools have several days to go to the dogs in. Both branches of the Logislature have adopted a joint resolution amending the Constitution by striking out the lioense prohibition clause. They have not yet agreed upon a bilí to regúlate and restrain the liquor traffic or repeal tha prohibitory law. - !■ " - -- r w-m Ben. F. Butler bas inclined bis ear to the request of the colored population of Boston, and named the early part of thismonth as a time for a public testimonial in behalf of his effort for the passage of the Civil Rights bill. JtTDGING by the way tho Manistee Advocate goes for Gen. Cutcbeon, oue of the Republican candidatos for Regent, he is not likely to get all the votes in that región, notwithstanding the ciaims put forth in the autobiography republished in the Tribune of Wednesday. The Pittsfield Republicans " thiew " David Wilsey, who has for a long time made a good Supervisor, and uominated A. M. Clark, of the Saline corner of the town. There is considerable dissatisfaction ; in fact it is said that if Clark is elected Saline will have two Supervisors and Pittsfleld none. A unión ticket is in the field, headed by David Depew, who will make a nuniber one Supervisor - if elected. The inspectors of eleotion in the several wards and townships must provide the ballot-boxes for the election next Monday ; one for the State (or Judges and Regenta) ticket, and one for city or town officers. It will be well for them to remember, also, that the polla for the State election must be kept open until 5 o'clock P. M. THE bill to legalize the proceedings in the Ludwig drain (Nortbfield), and to provide for the levy of a tax to pay for the construction of the same has passed both branches of the Legislature. Also a bill to authorize the city of Ann Arbor to levy a tax to pay certaifi indebtedness (the floating debt.) Also a bill to revise the charter of the city of Ypsilanti. And NOW the Supreme Court of the United States, not doterred by fear of Susan B. Anthony or any other womañ, have decided that the " Fourteenth Amendment" does not confer the right to suffrage upon any one, and that " the constitutions of the several states which commit that trust to men, are not necessarily void." The Chief-Justice delivered the opinión (and he a woman suffragist), which was unanimously conourred in. Thk Demócrata of Ann Albor town have put a good ticket in the field, headed by Hethcott M. Mowry, a thoroughly honest man in every respect, and every way competent to make a good Supervisor. Thia is right. Being in a large minority should never prevent the running of a ticket or the getting out of a full vote. Playing dummy at a town election demoralizes the party and loses its votes when needed at a general election. The Demócrata of Ann Arbor town are on the right track. Get out a full vote. The electors of Washtenaw County shouid do themselves credit on Monday neit by voting for Lyman D. Norria for Justice of the Suprenie Court. An old citizen, he is knowa to be fit and wor thy. Nominated by a convention which ignored party by placing Judge Graves at the head of its ticket, he should receive the votea of all Republicana who would keep the bench f roe froin partisan politics. It is no answer to say that the present oourt (wholly Eepublican), has been non partisan. Such accidents are not the rule, and the true way to keep a court non-partisan, is to constitute it of able lawyers who do not agree politically. Besides, it is our opinión that Mr. Norria will niake a better Judge than his opponent. IN the addreas of Hon. Peter White, delivered in the hall of the House, at Lanüing, on Friday evening last, he touched lightly but beautifully upon his subject, " Pictured Rocks and the Manitous," and gave his principal attention to the miues and ininerala of the Upper Península, their early history, progress, producía, etc. It was (all of interest and inforruatiou. He clo8ed with an appeal in behalf of the early building of the Marquette and Mackinao Railroad, " which would seem to bind that distant portion of the State so strougly in commercial and other interest that the unanimous voice of the p eople would be against separation." George M. Huntington is the name of the Democratio candidato for Judge of this (the Fourth) circuit. As an evidence that he is emioently fit for the position, it need only be stated that at the time Judge Higby resigned, Mr. Huntington was unanimously recoinmended to Gov. Bagley for appointïnent, by those who know him and his qualities best,- the bar of the district. He is a good lawyer, a courteous and dignified gentleman, familiar with the rules of practico and evidcnce, and will make a ready and impartial Judge. Of course Deuiocrats will all vote for hiui, with such Eepublicans as believe in the fair pl.-vy and non-partisau action repudiated by the Governor. The electors in the several townships should remember that hereafter there is to be but one Couimissioner of Highways in each township. A new law does away with the board as haretofore constituted, and devolves the duties and responsibilities upon a single man. This niakes it important that a good man be nominated, a man of good business qualities, of oool and delibérate aotion, and maturo judgment; aman as f ree f rom personal prejudices as is possible f er mortal, who will have neither enemies to punish nor friends to reward, but who will hew to the line in the discharge of his duties. Select the right man or the new system will be a complete failure. Every elector in this city ought to vote on Monday next for the Hon. Peter White, one of the Democratie candidates for Regent. In business qualities and experience he is superior to either of the Republican candidates. To this add his peculiar and special interest in the new school of mines, for which the Legislature is certain to make an appropriation, and there can be no question tb at the interests of the UniverBity will be promoted by his election. He is a gentleman of wealth, able to give the time and attention necessary to the discharge of the duties of the office, and will bring new elementa and new friends to the support of the University. Give him your votes. Judge Douglass, the other Democratie candidato, is personnlly known to many of our citizens, and being so kuown his fitness will not be questioned. Miss Susan B. Anthoxy sends out a cirular stating that a grand convention of the friends of womau's rights will be held in New York on May 11. As near as can be ascertainod there are now only about twenty wornen making all the fuss throughout the United States about woman's rights, dress reform, and kindred social topics. Beioiiam Yotjno is said to be recovering anl able to sit up in bed and eat spoon victuals. It must have been terrible to the old man to have thirty or forty wives standing around his sick bed wondering how mueh they would have left them in the will, and uot have 8trength enough to hit one of them. The school board of Detroit has done a wise thiiig in recousidering the vote by which it ordered Germán introduced into the public schools, or rather by which it provided for a system of Germán schools with courses oí study parallel to the courses in English, for that was really what its action contemplated. Germán schools ínvolve duplication of buildings, teachers, and courses of study, and are impracticable without such duplication. Do the people of Detroit desire to shoulder the extra and extraordinary cost oí such a duplication of schools 'i Besides, such schools, teaching arithmetic, grammar, geography, or other branches in Germán, - what was contemplated, - would be in violation of section 4 of article XIII. of the constitution, and could not be supported by an appropriation from the primary school fond or by taxation. The Supreme Court, in the Kalamazoo case, simply decided that languages might be taught in the public (say high) schools of the State, if the people saw tit to vote the moneys necessary, not that ordiuary branches may be taught in a foreign language, living or dead. If the Detroit school board, ani others interested, will keep the distinction in mind, they will be saved a deal of unnecessary discussion. Germán or French or Latin or Greek may be taught as an individual study, but the school in which either is taught must be an English school and the exercises conducted in Englhh. The constitution means the Americanization, at least in education, of all foreignborn corners to our State, and niustbe chauged before the " new departure" proposed in Detroit can be entered upon. We do not even believe such " new departure" desirable.


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