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Tes. S25 OO a dav is fruaranteed uainp; onr Well Auger and Drllls in good territoiy. Highegt testimoniáis from the Govcrnors of Iowa, Arkansas and Dakota. All tools war. ranted. Two wells 50 foot dcep can he borcd In ono day, and one well will furnish water Bufflclent for 100 head of cattlo. Splendid ■work for winter as well as aummtr. Descriptive catalogue f roo. Connty rights for salo. Addrees: Jlfz WKLli AL'GKK CO., St. Louis, Mo. NEW ARRIYAL OF ■ SPRINQ AND SUMMER CL0THIN8. WE WAGNEE Has Just Beccived A FSINíE STOCK, Which must and will be soldat PKIOES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and "Work warranted to suit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Maik St. Ann Aebor. 1496 FOR SALE YERY GHEAP ! n ONE ! Mltil. FireProofSafe 2 Show Cases, OneLarpCoalStüTB, STORE SÏOOLS. Counter Scales, DESKS, CHAIRS, AND OTHER Furníture and Fixtures belonging to the late FARMES' STORE. The abo ve articles will be disposed of very cheap to save removal. WÏ. McPHERSON & SONS. $20,000 la Greenbacks ! -M TwELFTH AnNUAL GIFT OF PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBER8 OF THE DETROIT C011MR0IAL ADVEBTJSER ! WILL TAKE TLACE APRIL 21st 1875SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE! SuTbscription Price ,$2.50 Per Ycar. Lcss Tlian Two .llontlis to Elapse Hetore uur Aniuinl Distribution. A China Ftimïly Newnpaper, and Sliould be in Every Household. 1520 Bf?" Subscribe at Once illi Any of Our Aiiiliui-i-Acil Aer iHs, or Senil for Circular and (Sample uopy to WM. H. BURK, l.;irm-:l Street West, Detroit. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. Those wisliinp to raiae Bartey cun jet pure seed, froe trom Onts, of E. L. Boydeu, of Webster. Also have a quantily of Choicc CLOVER SEED, My own raisini?, for s:ile, and I keep on hand Illinois Tiraothy Weed fot sale N. B.- A little time nould be had on the above if neeessury, by giviug approved noles. E. L, BOYDEN. lAtSSOI.UTIOW OF PAKTNKKSHIP, The partnership heretofore existing under the flrm name of Trijip, Ailea & Trice, is tliis d:iy diasolved by mutual agreement. All liabilitiea of the company, will be settled at their oíd place of bunisesn ; and all who owe them, either by note or account, are requeated to cali and makeimmediate settleraent. fHAR. TEIPP, ]i(IÏER'L1 K. ATLE8, ROBEBTJ, PRICK. Üated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1S75. liilCwfi 1 ÍVE BÍSESE FEATHüJKS FIKST GiXJ-A-XilXTT Conci-ntly on hand andforealeby BACEfr ABEL. BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MIUH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Women. Day Classes throughout the year. Evening Classes f rom September to June. Inntruction accordinx to the most npproved plans, and mostly mdividuiil. Student can enter at any time and receive superior instruetion in BusineBB Penmanship, Commercial I,w Huainess Correspondence, BusineBs Anthmetic, Single and Doublé Eutry Book-keeping, Graham'i Standard Phonography, and l'ractioal Tel(..rriipliy.Miiiuline wires pasa directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Department affordini,tlie student every advantage ot "Actual OmcePract!The progresa of the student in Book-keepinf is Kroiitlv facilitated by the use of . new . tled " Book-keepin at One View," just pubhshed j by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or , dress, C. E. PON D, Ann Arbor, Micb. 1493tf mlTFUTP Have you an invention for T3A I tN I Oí which you deaire a Patent, uit.her in the U. S. or i.ny foreigu country Í Tfccn senil to the Mechanica and Inventora' Assoeiation, the only reliable Patent Agency iu MicsliiMn. 37 W. Conu'ressSt., Detroit. lSiïral THOS. S. SFRAGUE, President. r A DlirnO Tke tne Michioax Farmeb and r MnlVltno keep poated. The bent miirket reporta A live agricullural paper. $2 per year nl 15e postage. Eiigraving to every subacriber. Agen wanted. Specimens tree. Johnbtonk & UjliBONfl, letroit. Mnl O O nnVO SEND for free peciBI"Lo & BUY O mencopyof "TheLittlï People." il p'T year and 10c poatage. Englttrine lo each subscriber. Agenta wantod at every school. Big pay for work. Johhstone & (iiBBONs, Detroit, íO 'l'MOSK KCII-JUINÍi.- Three articlea A I agree to furuish at Lowest Bottom Pncea : Frenen and American Giaae, all 8izea, doublé and aiule tlnek for stoie fronts, dwellmiis. pictures, fee, all kinda of Stnined and Fiprured Glnsa I also guarantee the best made Sash in the State. Glasa ready set- Frenen or American- and warrant safe home at my risk, and all kinde of Show Casea, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your ordera. Send for prices. k. P. KAKI,, 44 Jef ferson Ave , If.tiioit, Mía. AFULL LINE _OPfciewing Mnrlilne J'efIIts AT WINES & WORDEN'S. 1501tf Hr . úí'APer i&y at home. Terms free. Ad}5iOt05t"dresaG.STlN30N&Co., Portland.Me.


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