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gtJBSCBIBE FOE THE Alteros. - - Flocks of pigeons are liying over. _ l'rof. Wincliell has been in town duriug tlie week. __ The days f or hearing squeaking hand orgiins have come again. _- Dust was flying in several of the streets gf this city Wednesday. _ The Democratie City Convention, at the Court House, at 2 o'clock this af temoon. ... The danger ot haviug the river swept oí brulg03 's over, the ice has all disappeared. _. Lovejoy has the largest stock and best brantls of cigars and tobáceos in the city. _ All the uew styles of hats at Terry's, anc il.e people are making extensive purchases tliere. -_Tbe eloction polis of Ann Arbor township yill be held at Edmund's shop on West Hurou street. - A new wagon bridge has been built over tho Huron at Lowell, by the Cornwell Paper Oompauy. - Oiily ten days more of the bankrupt sale ui McPherson & Co. Timely waruing is giveu elsewliere. _-Hon. A. J. Duvel, of Man stee, has been speuding a few days in the city during the week. - The old adage in regard to March held mod this year, il carne iu Uke a lion and went out Uke a lamb. -The Court Yard Croquet club contémplate the opening ot the season with a grand public exhibition in a few days. - The first passenger train on the Michigan Central Eailroad reached this city from Detroit Iliursday, October 17th, 1839. _ Kev. Milo Dutcher will deliver a temperance lecture this evening (Friday), at the Congregational church, at 7 1-2 o'clock. _ Wednesday morning a large share of the bridge over the mill-dam in this city, was carriel! away, caused by the pressure ot ice. - D. M. Fiuley, who has been on a visit to the State oi Xew Yovk during the past few weeks, returned to this city last Saturday. _ ffti. Humphrey, of Lodi, has leased his [arm, sella his stock and farm implemeuts at uictiou to-day, and will remove tD this city. -The vacant store of Chas. Fantle, ou Main street, lias been leased by parties from Clinton, ho will engage in the boot and shoe business. - J. Austin Scott and wife returned trom their Southern trip on Friday last. They report a thoroughly enjoyable time, and are mach improved in health. _Hon. W. D. Harnman has purchased a lot of C. T. Wilmot, corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Cemetery street, and will erect a fiue residence thereon the coming season. _ John F. Lawrence went out hunting for ducks Monday, and got one, up to bis neck, while out on a log in the river waiting tor one that he had shot to flout within reaohing distance. -Monday, at the Agricultural works, while grinding castings, Hank Keedle got upon the riudstone and took a ride up over the shattiiifís tnd falling to the floor was considerably in(ured. -Mrs. Dr. D. B. Kellogg, of Detroit, a former resident of this city, died Tucsday Her remains were brought to this city for inlerraeut yeeterday, and funeral was liukl at the Cuitarían Church. - Pat. Boyle, having sold his farm, invested part of the proceeds in taugie-leg, and bcooniin disorder ly was taken to the the " cooler " Tlmrsday evening. The next mornmg he );ii(iJfll for the cooling proces. - John Weis, a clerk at th store of Rinsey & Se&bült, while delivering goods Monday literuoon, endeavored to strike a dog with his whip, but the lash struck him in the eye, from which he has since beun quite a sufferer. - The Democracy of Scio made a fortúnate selection m tlieir nominatiou lor Superinteudent ot Schools, A. McMillau, oi the Dexter Ltatlrr. He is thoroughly qualified for the position, and should receivo the suppoit of evory elector in the township. - Geo. S. Wheeler, Gounty Superinteudent of schools, held bis last examination of teachers last Saturday afternoon. George will now be allowed to give his whole attention to business, the press of which he gave as a reason for wishiiigto decline the uominatiou. - The meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society, appoiuted to meet at Chelsea on Weduesday, Aptil 7th, at the request of members of that viilage and vicimty, has been sJjoumed to the lst of May uext. Washtenaw couuty papers please copy. - B. J. Gouiad, formorly of this city, and who accompanied Prof. Watson's party, has retunied to his home at Albion. He brought with him from Chiua and Jupan mauy rare und beautiful artieles, and exhibited them to the people of Albion Weduesday evening, iyiiig some incidents of hisjourney. - One of the Aldermeu of this city, with a faire to know at what date his líame was placed on the registration book of his ward, made au examination of the old book, Monday last, and to his astouishment coukl not ftnd the name entered. He has, however, voted at eaoh election tor several years. - A meeting ot the f riends of temperance, law and order, is called to meet at the Court House to-morrow eveuing, to decide what candidates they will support at the coming electa, or whether to nomínate an independent ticket. The cali is signad by Prof. Olney, W. Xobie and J". Austin Scott, committee. - Jolm J. Walker is largely engaged in raisiog poultry, and his heuuery in the Third ffui is well stocked with all kinds of game chickens, for which he is receiving orders from differeut sections of the country. On Monday he shipped over ?50 worth to MacoD, Missistgp, Mystic River, Connecticut, Dyersville, wd Dubucjue, Iowa. At the Republican caucus for Ann Arbor Towu, held at the Coiirt House last Saturiny Mteruoon, the following were put in nominatiou tor township officers : For Supervisor, l V. Slmrtleff ; Clerk, Lorenzo Davis ; Treasurar, X. Edmouds ; Superintendent of Schools, W. A. Millard ; School Inspector, F. M. Holland; Commissioner of Highways, W. A. Mil!a.rcl ; Justice of the Peace, A. G. DeForest. - We were sliown a few days since the plans for a uew building to be erected the coming season by Messrs. Tripp & Price, for a ma'-iiinu shop. It is to be 8(5 by 36 feet, two stor'es high, and will be located just east of their present shop and directly in front of their foundry building. On the completion of the " building the old one will be torn down, '0(1 the location will present a better appearüce. - Ecl Parsons was cook at the Gregory House "Wil last Friday. On which day he imagine4 tUthi rights, as chief of his department, wero 'uterfered with by some of the ladies employed the house, so he proceeded to "regúlate" "Etters by knocking one of them down and 'Haking an ássault upou another. He was arreatetl and taken before Justice McMahon an( lueil $10 which he paid, after which he found occupation gone. Theold story about rsmovi&g tlie rai!roa ePot to the Lower Town has been again re v'T[;'l. A. few days since some studeuts were "'Saged in running a line through the Filth ''"I, being seen by some of the residente o "t locahty it was supposed that tliey were in "ie empluy of the railroad, and that the depo u to be immediately removed. The matte WM of such importance that special dispatche e sent to Detroit papers. Protection Fire Company held its annual electiou last evening, and the following were chosen : Fred. Sorg, Foreman ; G. W. Etner, lat Aasistant ; L. C. Risdon, 2d Asst.; N. P. Hill, 3d Asat.; Christopher Carey, Seeretary ; C. H. Worden, Treasurer ; James Atkinson, 8 te weid ; Miohaet Clark, lst Warden ; Joe T. Jacobs, 2d; E. J. Johnson, 3d; G. A. Gilbert, 4th; U. Millman, Capt. of Hose ; Thos. Hoban, lst Asst. Fred. Sorg and G. W. Efner were elected delegates to the State Convention, to be held at Battle Creek April 13th. - On Monday evening about 8 o'clock, four prisohers confined in the county j ail, made a bold and successf ui strike for f reedom. Sheriff Fleming was in Detroit at the time, and his turnkey, Mr. White, goingmtothe jail to place the priaoners in their cells, was knocked down by them and his heys taken away. ïheythen uulocked the iron gruting aiul escaped, the wooden door having been leit open by the turnkey. Mrs. Fleming, vvlio came up to the door just as they were coming ont, was knocked over and seveiely bruised. Telegrams and messengers were immediately dispatched in every direction, but as yet the search has proved fruitless. Three of the men were tracked about two miles, starting northwest of towu and making a circuit around toward Saline. The prisonera were the negroes Lyle, Williams, and the two Sawyers, who were arrested some time since forstealiug wheat, wool, clover seed, etc, in the vicinity of Saline.


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Michigan Argus