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Tbe following Union Ticket has been nominated in Pittsfield, in opposition to the Republican ring ticket : Supervisor - David Depew. Clerk- William K. Childs. Treasitrer. - Georgo E. Sperry. Uighway C0mmieti0n9r.-Je.mes A. Smith. Superintendent of Schoolt - Lewis Anderson. School Inspector - W. Eddie Crane. Juxtice of the Peaee - Urove Saunders (f uil term), John Tate, for vacancy. 150 Bushels Prime Clover Seed. 2O0 üushels Trime Western Timothy Seed. For sale at lowest market rates. BACH & ABEL. Ann -ns I .-hl Company. Nottee is hereby given, that the anniuü meeting Of the Stockholders of the Ann Arbor Gas Llghi Company, for the elecüon of offleers and the traiisaction of sueh othcr Imsines as muy properly come before the meeting, nill be held at the office of the Company in Ann Arbor, on the itth day of April, 1873, at 2 o'clock p. M. SILAS H. DOUGLAS, Becy. Ann Arbor March 26, 1875. 1528 Sliurp Cali. The hooks and accounts of the late puhlisher of the Argus will soon be put in the hands of an oificer for adjustment and collection. All who would save costs should make a note of this fact and act promptly. Settlements eau bc made at the Aueus office. Alm Arbor, March 11, 187.1. E. B. POND. At Home Airain. Dr. North having concluded to sell or rent bis country aeat, has again taken up the pructice of Dentistry, and opened rooms over Johnson's Hat store, where he will bepleased to meet hisold f rienda who may need lus professional skill. He is prepared to insert teeth on rubber base, celluloid, gold or silver, br may be desired. Teeth filled with pure gold, and by other approved principies. DR. OEO. W. NORTH. Ann Arbor, December, 1 874. 1510m3 THE ANN ARBOR SAVIItfGS BANK Ann Arbor, IMichigtvn. Receivos deposits of One bollar and upwarde ani lllowa Five percent, interest on all deposita remaining threc months or Ionger. Interest pounded liiniialh. Also buys and sells IT. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Tnterest Coupons, and Nrw Vork, Detroit and Chi:aj;o Exchauge. Alsosclls SlghtDratts on Grkat Buitatx, Irki-and, Geemaky, or any other part of the Euroiran Continent. Tliis Bank loiüanized ander the General Bankng law oí this State. The Stockholden are indiTidoally liallc to the amonnt of ilieir stock, and the -hole capital Issecuritj for deposttor, whlle with Banks of issue, tbe capital Islnvested lor the ae■urity of bill-holdcrs. This fact niakes this J nsi itution a very safe depository of monles. Married Wonien eau deposit subject to thcir own Iraftf only. Money to Loan on Aiurovel Seeuritics. DIBECT0R8: S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. VfTSTSS EL A. Bkal, W. D. Ha heiman. D. Hiscock, W. Devbel. OFFICERS: Iï. S. Smith, PreB't. C. Maok, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller.


Old News
Michigan Argus