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Jokeph BnowN v;ih rccently haoged at Potlvilie. l'a., for the mulder of an entire i'amüy nboat tbree yeara go. Tbia makes thetenth i execution in Pennaylvania in oix montas. The alïnira of the Erie canal for the laat seven yeara are to bc inveatigated by commisBione appointed by Gnyr. THden, among whom are tobe Horatío Seymour and Saimirí 1!. EuggloS. Tuk Delawari Oegielature ha enaotod law looking to an eTasion of tho Civü Righto law. It proyides that hotolkccpers, ruilroad eompanioa, uteamboai ow nors and othera may provide sepárate accommodations for any cIiush of persona who may bc obuosioua to othcr caai tornera or pawengers, T1HS WHST. CoiisiDEiUBLKexcitementhssbconocciisioned . in Sioux City, Ia., by the receipt of letters from a party in tlio Black Hiiln, annsuucing the ü'moovory of an extouaivo siher-lcad, all claiiuin it to bc ven' rich, A ii:'!A( ii:('i:;;t of cavah'y is DOW on route for the Black Hills for the purposi of driving onttbegoid-seekera. . . EvanavillehasohalleDged Indiauapolia to a telegraphio apolliug-match. The total number of 1iop;b packed La the West during the seasou of 1871-5 was 5,537,124, against 5,383,810 last year. The aggregate coet ofhogapaokedwaa Y96718,250,agaiDst$CS,37O,339 last year. Average cost, ÍC65, againiitíl.SS last year. Ax expedition of 500 men, with a military organization i to start from Boston for the Black Iiills about the middle of April The I third matcli game of bilüards for the championship of America uncí the Delnney emblem, it three-balj game, ivas plyod n Nem ïork last woek between Cyrille Diou and Vignaut, and waa won by the latter Vico President Wilsou bas ( Dgaged passage on a European stoamship, and will shortly star! tor a three months' tour in Europo. . . .The mining fever irf spreading from Massachusetta aoroBS the lino into Now Hampehire. Two ssulll partiea havo already left Yankton for the Black Hillg. United Status Commisbioneb Hoyne, of Cbloago, in a case brought beforo him the other day, for vjolation of the Civil lUghts law. dccidcd that :i restaurant was not an inn. The Commissioner acted on the adrice of United States Juile Blodgctt James lick, the San Francisco millionaire, has filed a revoeation of the trnst-deed executed last July. oonyeying liia property to trustees lor varioue benevoleat purposes. Ho statee that he has now regained bis kealtli, and intends to give lus personal attoutioi) to the esecution of bis designs. A kad casualty is reported from Parkor's Prairie, Minn., oi the Northern Paoiflc railroad. The house of a farmer named Colson caught lire, a'id the flamen spread sorapidly that in a moment the night-clothes of the I father, mother aud iivo clnldren ivere on fire. j Colson iinally dashed out of a window and rescued liis fa:nily, hut in a sad condition. Theu they all dragged themnelvos to the nearest neighbor'B, a mile distsnt, barefooted and nalied, leaving blood-tracks of their progress on the snow all tlic ivay. The father aad two chüdren have sinco died of their injuries, ajid it iñ thought the mother I and retnainiiig sou cannot Ion;; survive.... Símcthincí of a sensation ivas ereated in Ohicago, the other day, by the sentencing of W. F. Btoiay, editor of the Times, to the county jail for ten davs, for oontempt of court. He was ï'f leased. lioivever. after an incarcoration of i some ten hours, Judgo SfcAHister, of the Illintiis Supremo Court. having granted a sedeas in the. wc. basod upon the decisión of thatooiurtto tho effect that eontempt óf ooitrt is a bailable oJTense. TIIH SOUTH. Tuk tornado that recently dcvastod a section i oí Georgia and Kouth Carolina was one of tlio most appalliug visitatioi a oí tlio kind that has evor been experienced in that región of storms. There íh graat distress i the devastated district, embracrag ciglit countics in Georgia and two or three in Soutb. Carolina. Thodestruction of propertyis immense, and the listo!' killed and woiuided a] pafling. Thepath of the '■ tomado waa from 00 to COU yards wide. The cyclone was cylindrica] in shape, and rotated with fearful velocity from north to south. The front oloud waa black as night and ljalf u mile [ high ; rear wu: illuininated by a bright light. The tornado ivas preceded by a dulj, heavy : roaring, aH of heavy artillery in the distauce. It Bpent its greatest fnry in about tlirce minules. An oye-witnegs says the sonsos were utterly deadened and appalled. TJicre was a crash, a roar, and the mingling of a handred terrific and uneartbly sounds. Houses ivere demolislicd, and oa&s that luid withstood the Btorms of a century were snapped in twain The South Carolina Legial&ture han elected Thomas C. Duun ('oni])trollor-(ícneral of the State. Dimn is a Northern Rspublioan, and gcnerally respccted A. bilí to recúlate railroad freights has been dcfeated in tho Tennesfiee Legislature. (!ov. Kki.i.i;(ií has ismiral a rail lor an extra eeaaioa of the Louisiana Legielatare, to mect iu Now Orleans April 14. tocarry out the terina, of the reeent compromiso, and to adjust other State mattere. A Boabd of Kjiccial Agenta rcccntly scnl to Xcw Orleans toinapect I he Custon-House therc reeommeud a reduction of $144,000 in (lio animal cxpenditureH. Theke has beeu another raid acrosa the lïio Grande into Tews. . . .Gen. Augur has taken eommand at Now Orleans. iva,shin;tox. The vital statistici oí thc Disfriot Board of Health show an alarming dcath rato among negroos, being from 5 to 16 per cr-nt. above white people. This is mainly attributcd to imprppet food and lacl; of proteetion from the ! coM Secrotary BriStow will not renign an reported Ti-easury ol'licials statc that the operatíons of the new ('urreney act sliow a constantly increasing coutraotion of the eivrrency, and that iUf proportionele amount of fractional enrreney wbich i retired nnder the law will liever again bc reiaaued The i noy-General has instrueted District Attorneys Itinsüknte suits against several of thc Pícific railroads tor the amounts certifled by the fecretaiy of tlio Tieasury to bo duo the governmeut lor tlie 5 per ceutiim oí their respective net eamingg. It is runioied that Trcatmrer Spinner ík about to retire from the office he has ho long held. By the proponed change in the chuisitication of oalf-hair as 1 ucttou goods it i thought .? 1.500,000 ivill bo auiiuaUy addcd to the costóme reveimcs A del? ;;,lion oí Wisconsin Winnebago Chiefs have bonn in Washington to request that the tribe be p rmittcd Id dieiolve it tribal relations, and become citizena The rumor that Secretary Bristow waa alien. t to rasign is emphatically oontradicted lo connection with the cali of 180,000,000 of bon Is lor the siniunj; fund, everal queationa have boen raised as to the lost ooupone. Th-edepaitincnt hasdeeided tha' hM the coupons must bo deductod from the parvducof the bond, and tlio loes borne bj lie owner oí tlio bond. Therc n no way of pr Tenting th-, pa; ment of a, lost or stolen coupon. The Attorney-GenéraJ has daoíded that thc j President hi no power to fill the place : oceupied by Judge Diu-f 11 inLoniaiana, i foro the office will 1 raeant thc nexl sionof COngreSI.". . .The ficen tary oi the En tenor has appointed Walter P. Je 13 geolo gist for thc cxploralioi. ,.f i!. oountry , . . . AHornoy-Genei-ai ViUi, eidij Uiat au ludiau ohaxgvd vvu, murdw i cannoi be I riel by b military ooramissios . . . . Jt tras nnanimomly decided in Cabinet meeting, the otljcr day, nottore-open the' caso o] Fite .Tul ni Tortor. Ai Tint tiio lut of next Maymutilated ourrenoj will be redoemed nceordin0' to rulen which wcro fdniicviy in existenoe bat afterward abolished. MoneyiriU be idüermed aedording to tho proportion rem&imng of the bilí. BaxCourto CiaimB has dscided agaiust al] clabnants to tho Arkansas Hot Bprings, and tn favor of the governmont The Supreme Conrt of tlio United Btatoa haa paased pon the question of vroman'a i%ht to the ballot, and decided that tho Ntato liaa the right and power to settle for itself whether tbc women v.iliiin ti border Bhall or shal] not voto. . . . .Treasurcr Spinner haa sent in Iiíh resignation. to tako effect in .Talv. John C. New, of [ndianapolls, wiü bo bis snocessor... .Loren Blodgett, who bad charge of t!ic Customa 3JiYÍsion of thc Treasnry Department, has resigned, THK TIIiTON-BEEOHER TlilAI.. Firay-Fitrna J)v. Beseie Turner was Btill mulergoing cross-examication. She is regarded m a splendid nitnesB üy the defendant'e nide. and TÜton'B oounael acense lier of " evadtng queetiona rtth rcm&ikable hIüII. Numeroiis eontrovcrijieu between counsel occiirred, the legal gentlemen being nnusuallj1 combativo and vigilant. TIicho passages wcro real, and eurnest- no Hlinin about thein - tho terms "unl'air" and "dishonest" being bandied about with iiinch freedoin and frequonoy. Beecher's oounael all have the appearanoe of men who mako sorious inroails on tlicir health in tho night-tkne, in laboring at the varioua branches of the dcfense allotted to each. Bhearmau and Traoy, thc latter ospcoially, looked woru and aiokly. Fiitï-sixth P.u. The examination of lïcusie Turner as brought to n close. She was ontrapped severa] time into admissiong tbat woiüd overtuni Bome portion of her previeras loetimony. George L. Perkina was called tö ooutradict SIrs. Mcralton's j tcstimony as to Boecher'a oonfeasion of adultery. He swore that lio liad met Boecher in Connecticut on t!ie lay that Mr. Moulton alleged he had viaited her house and confessed liis guilt. FltTY-SEVEITTH Day.- Three oolorod persons ! provo tliat Tilton was a familiar visitorof Wood huil long after April, 1872- the petidd st whioh hc sworc he broke off ívitli Woodhull. 11. w,in Hwom that he instigatod tho public&tion of the scandal; that he was in fio liabil of visiting the house occupied by the Woodliull fainily, whero ho iliil considerable writing. It 'm stated from Washington that the main object of tho Benatórial Mcxiean oxoureion party is to sec if tho graves of Unerioan soldiere killed in Uie llexioan war are properly earcd ÍOT....A band of Mexican outlawa recently made a dash aoross tlie Rio Grande near Corpus CUrisü, Texas, robbed several stores and houaes, and took a largo iramber of American prisonere, among t'iom Jndge Gilpin, formerly member of the Legislaturo, aivl two women. Tliey eompelled the captivos to walk in front of them lili thoy wero exhansted, and then mounted them on bard-baok horses, and hturicd them oIT. They robbed and tmrned the I'o.itolïiue at Nueces, and robbed and took prisonor one muil -rider. Thero is considerable üidignation at Washington over the affair, and it is given out that immediate steps will bc taken lor dealing summarily with tliesc Mexican raiders. Those best eonveraant withsffaira apprehend that a general border war will onsrte, in. whioh evejit bhfl inrasion of Mexico by our armed cilizens, in piirsuit of robbcru. is not among the improba bilities. FiFTv-Kiniriii Day. - Ex-District Attomey John Winslow, of Brookjyn, was examined in order to show Oen. Tracj's relation to the scandal, iinl liis testimony was of 110 importancp. A onmber of witnesses were then put upon the stand to prove an libi in the matter of Ure. Monlton's Btory that Beeciicr had made t! e declarationof a determination toeommit aaicice to her on Jun a :!, 187.'). Several witnesses swt re positively that Beeoher was not in Brooklyu en that day. The RepubEcan State Convention of Rhoóte Mand hai nominuted iler.ry Lippett lor (overnor and Ilenry T. Sissons for Licutcna.iit(iovc-iüor. At a maiis meeting in London, Boid to number 100,000, the release of tbcTichborneclaiinant was demanded A passport to Spain bas been denied to Montponsicr by tho French governmeiit, on tlie ground that it would establish a"precedet by whioh Isabclla might return to Madrid, which is ondesirable. GENJSItAL. The pricc of gold luw ahown a Btoady advanco j for uevcral weeks, and is now higher thanit bas been for 8 years. Tlie market appoars to be in (!e hands of a. New York dique that ia (lftcnnined to forcs the premium on specio up [ to lbo higkest figure it will stand. Youcan nw enjov the luxury of & ride in ', Ptülmai) palace oar 1'roni to Washington, over the B&ltimore and Obio railroad, for the insignhicaut hhiu of $10 in greenbacka. Young man, go Eiu;t. FORElGN. The revolntion in Vonezuela i over, pcacc : has been cstabüshod, aid the army disbanded. .....Dean Stanley, and ixty othcr English oburoh digiiitarics, attended oue of Moody and Bankey'a greftt revival meetiuga in London, la-st weck. Lorna Kossoth ha just been defeatcd for Parliament in Hangary ïbe ncw French Miniatry is aid to be very conserval ivc. . . .liinmarekiatobe dubbed a Duke Over 10,000 people attended Jolm Mitchel' funeral at Newry, Ireliind. THB (crinan govermnent contomplates an amendment of the law against the Jesuíta, so os to make it operativo againet othcr religious ; orders - The ( arlists were defeatod recent ly at Hugnet, Spain, losing 380 men, and tbe Alfaifeiste C8. Tv, i;niv Frenoh Ctommunists rccently escaped in a body from New Caledouia. Gebmanï bas Htrictly forbidden the importatión'of a single horse from thoNortli Gorman ■ to any ]ilace wbatever Spain bia paid to (ennany 11.000 tlialers óf the indemnity for the flustav outrage Edgar (Jiiinet, the disttnuishod authoi and member ol the As ■ m bly from Paris, is de:wl ...Don Carlos has ordered al) persona shot found reading the Cabrera manifestó.


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