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Shipments of lumber from the Saginaw valley by water daling the year 1874 were 1 IK, . 707.652 fect : salt, 501,104 barrels. Fob somo timo past operators havo been engaged boring for eoal on Bilio river, north of Bay City. A day or two sineo thoy etruck two vfiiiH. onc of theni two and one-balf feettbick, onlyelevoE teel beier the Burface; aud the second, live feet tliiek, oiily eighteeo feet below the surfaee. Tho coal 8 very fine and the partios intoroHtod f re highly clatod. Thk lumber campa In tbo Grand Traverse rcgion aro all breaking up, and mili proprietora are puttiüg their milis in order preparatory to a good eeason's vrork. Loggers, t lm pant Winter, have ent doublé the amount of the ycar previous. The snow lian been so very dcep that it bas taken twiec 1.1 io foreo of men and teams to put in uu equal niunbor of Jog. The rirst boat of the season, the Carrie H. Blood, ha arrived at Fort Huron from Marine City. She is I" make daily trips to AlgOnac, running in riuin don with the ('luengo and Port Huron railroad. riillSONAl,. ('. ('. Tiií'WhKiiHíE, of Detroit, President of the Detroit mul Milu.mkco road, in said to bo the oldest railroad President in the United Htates except Com. Vanderbilt. Ho ia in tus 75tfa year. lkuai.. Il ia not delinitely knowu wbetbor litigation wül prevent the Ward milis, it Ludiugtou, running this season. Their Btoppago would be at lewl 9100,000 loss to the tovrn. KAIJLKOAKS. The Trustees have filed a bilí, asking that the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad be placed in the hands of a reeeiver, so that the earninga of the road may be applied to it repairs, instead of the i'i'yiuent of itw debts. On account of bad roads tke masa railroad meeting called at Au Sable, April 8, bas boen postponed to May 13. CKUii;. O.n the night of Dec. 7, Alexander Stowartleft East Baginaw, to go bome to Saginaw City, and was not afterward heard from. A reward of {■500 was offered for inforination aa to hin whercabouts, but notbing was heard until Sunday, wbeu bis body was found fluatiiig iu the river, several milee bolow East Saginaw. Deoeased was 10 years oíd, aud leavea a wife and bíx ohildren. CASl'M TIKS. The breakiug up of tbc ice in Grand river cauaed considerable damage. Four irou and onc wooden bridge were carrieá away at Lansing, involving iloas of Y50,000. Mk. Vickkh, tlie engineer at Dodgo's mili, near Elba Station, was inetantly killed ou Friday by being eaught in the belting. DÜATH& Kiles ia iu mourning aain over the death of ono of her beat and moet useful citizens, Dr. Stülman Kicbardson, wlio died a few daye since, aged G9 years. Ho was an unuHually Hkillful and aucceBsful phyaician and Inith waa rejioaed in him to a wonderf ui degree. M1SCELL,AKOUS. The postoffice at ltaymoud, Montgomery county, bas been diacoutiuued. The public school music-teachera of Michigan recen tly held a convention in Detroit and formed a permanent oi'ganization. witb 8. 8. Jackaon, of Detroit, President ; H. W. Fairbanks, of Flint, Secretaiy ; and C. B. Stockwell. of Port Huron. Treasurer. Most of the music-teacherB of the State were present. Fakwkll, Osceola couuty, bas a red-headed Judian. Thf.u?-. was an elderly man in Detroit the other day witli bis youug son, looking for a recruíting office. He Haid be wantol his boy to learu tho tralie of captain in the army. THE tKGISLATUBES Tübsday, MuivhSO.- Benaté- The Sonate this niorning adopted a concurrent resolution to adjourn ' ... BUIS 'WCTC pUBBLU imllüllUg ■ tit'ii '1 Btatisfe&oal Information rcgardinf tiw ümX and iliiniii, the bliml, and the inxanc; and ruiucorporsldllg Bcnton Harbor and Clio... TIn: joiut ri'Holution propoeing an amendnient to the Constitution in the section rcJating to to"ntliip librarieg was lost ïho joint resolution ivlutivc to tho Bettlcmenl n! the taxes upon iron ore (Ule from individual tinus engaged iu uiiniug was paased. It authorizes a settlement upon the same tertaa a is accorded to cnmpanios oranizod under the general uiining i;;. Bmtm-ln osmmittee of the whole nearly the entire day wsb ipeat in dteotusiBg the bilis relating to the Hquor traffic. FÍTe bilis in a.11 were oongidered nul amended, ImH Houm refused to concur in th;1 ;utiun of the committee. Wkdnehday, March 31.- Senatc- Tho Governor bas ïmtilicd the S.'nate that he has approved tli. bllls repealing the dog law ; aniending the State public school act; providing for the reoordingjof of rtifled coplos of lost deeda; aniendiiiR theel lo próvido for tho selectiou aud care of agricnltoral ,-c. u lauds: and the joint tesoluUon authoriïing the Board o Stat Indltori I" adjii I ■ rtait peoifto taxes duo from minen of iron ore . . . . The Henate t ooncurrent resolution for an adiournmdnt iipon nu 23d "i A r i I. .ni'! for ; ooal adjonrnment upou April 27. Adopted yeaa 33, aaya B ...A bulwM paased regulatiug the sale of wheat, and 11. . genate joint i proposing ." endinenl t" the Constitntioii pelatiTeto constttutional amendmenls. House Tha oononrrent resolution relativo to an lnveaUgation of tho charges of cruelty laid against the Agent of the Htate Prison was received froin the Benate, and adopte. 1 Pending thi oonsidi ration of Taylor's bill tasing the liquor traitie, the House idjnurned. Thdesday. April 1.- Henate- Appointmeuts by the Governor were conñrined as follows : Stato Librarían, Mr. Harriet A. Tenny ; Coniniisüioner of [nenranoe, Sanmel 11. ftowe ; Superintendent of .il Canal, Krank öorton ; meml l!.i,n,l of Control of the lieform Bchool, Davis; State IMson Inspector, William s. (Vflcoj ; Trustee of the Plint Aeyrum, A. J-. Ahlriih ; , bar of the state Board f Penal, Pauper and ltoformatory InetitutioiiK, Z. 1!. Brookwáy ; Building ('onuinssionersfor the ni'w Agylam at Fontiac.M. E. Crofoot, W. r. McCoruoelL s. G. Cvesj Board of Control "f the State Public s.hool, C. D. ltandall, 8. 8. Butler, C. E. Mickley Th of the du was confined to wmK 'm eoninlttee "1' the whole. Bmu -A ï-ill waa pi w 1 granting sixteeu Bection of State land to the mile to aid in tho fastjnctton of the Marquette and ManWnOO railroad, by a voto of 30 to 7. BubfM quently the Ooveruor tigncd aud pproved tbe bill Bülswere ■ Bg appropriationsto thoDeaf, Dwnb and Blind Asvlum at ITint ; the Insano Asjlum al Kalam.izoo; lor a Cpiv state House of Correction at lonia; for tho expenses of the I'ish Coinnnesion, and for procuring aaupply of water to Michigan University. .. .Tho House agreed to tno Ssnate concurrent resolution for adjournment from Friday until the following Tuesday. Friiuy, April 2.- Sciiate- The Sonate concurred in the House amendmeuts lo the bill appronrJatlsg money to the Insano An.vtum - Aftera short fession the Senate adjourned until Tuesday rvt mng. April 8. Houw-The Houae pasucd Uie Senate bill organiziug Presqxic Iele county,


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