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f, p l o 4 H - ' r M ti - iSslgiii mWü Oí " í M g Hg il n H w H L S CO . 2 BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MIEH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Toung and Middle-Aged Men and Women Dny Classes throughout the year. Classes from September to Juno. Instruction Hccordii)L to the most approved plans, and moatly individual Students can enter at auy time and rtceive superio] inetruction in Business Penmanship, i.omraercia Law, Business Cürrespondcnce, liu.siness Arithme tic, Single and Doublé ESutry Jiook-keeping1, ftra ham 'b Standard Phonography, and l'ructiciil Tel e'ra])hy. Main line wires p;iss diiectly throufrh tïie rooms of the Telegraphie Department, affordinj. the student every advuutage of "Actual Offioe Piae tice." The progress of the student in Boolf-keepinff is í?rnatly facilitated by the xe of a new Chart entitled l Tïook-keepinp at One View," juut publishec by the Principal of thie College. 9i 'all at the rooms during school houre, or address, C. E. POND, Ann Albor, Mioh. 149fttf TO TUK Citizens ofAnn Aüor ANll THE STUDMTS OF THE LiViVERSITY. I would respectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolews foti WINTER YEAR U now complete, and will be constaiitly replenished with TlIE NoVELTIES OF THE SeASOJJ. Gentlemen wishiug Comfort in Dreas, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully Batisflert by ving us a trial, and ave hivited to favor ub with u ai)l. H. HINTEBMI8TEB, Mkbchant Tailor. 209 Jeffron Avenuk, betweeu Butes aud Rnndolph Sta. ESTABLISHKÜ IJV 1860. F IVE ÖEESE FEATHüiKS PIB8T cat7A.XiTT-5r Conetmtlyon hand and for salcbjBACHfr ABEL. Mortgage Sale. DEFATILT having been made in the couditione of a certain moitgnge whereby the power therein contained to wil has become operative, exetaited by Charles E. Treudweü, of the town ot' Aun Arbor, Wushtenaw County, Michigan, and Ijuciudii A. Treadwell, bis wif ■, of the snme place, to the underaigned Ludema B. Fuller, ol the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county and State, as niort■iiii-e, dated %he eighth day of March, A. L). oue thousand eigbt hundred and seventy, and recorded on Lheeleventh diiy oí March A. I). 1870, at three o'clock v. m., in tbe office of the Register ot Deed for the Oounty of Washtenaw, in the State of Mi higan, in liber 42 of mortgages, on page 351, Upon which said mortga-ge there is claiined to be due at the date of this notice the aura oí' two thouband and eighty-four dollars and fifteen cents, and uü auit or proceedings at luw or in chancery having bet. n instituted to recover any part thereof : N otice is therefore hereby given, that by viilue of the pcwEioi sale cuntained in said mortgnge, I Bhall, uu Saturday, the twunty-eixth day of June, A I). 875, at ten o'clock m tüe forenoon, sell at public auction, to tlie hiheatebt bidder, (the sale to take place at the Bouth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for naid eounty of Washtenawj the piemiaes described in sueh mortgage, or ao much thereof as shall be nec:saary to satiHty the ainount due on such mortgage, and legal costa and charges of auch sale, together with an attorney fee of thirty dollars cuvunanted for therein, tlmt ia to say the t'ollowing piece or parcel of land aituatcd in the town of Ana Arbor, Wawhtenaw eounty, Michigan, knowu. bounded and descnbed au follows, to wit: Oominencing at an iiou atake in the center of the road, running in a northerly direction througL the east lialf of the northeant quarter oí seetion number twenty-one, town two south, range aix etiat, frojn which in the direction north -8X degrees west ia an oak gate post, distance 50 links, also south 3ü degrees wc-et is a red oak, diameter 15 inches, distance 74, links ; run ning thence south on the line meridiun ten chaina and six links to the quarter section line ; thence south 6% degreea west on the quarter seetion line flve chains and thirty-seven links to E. West's Une; Humee north 24 ?4' degrees, west seven chaina aBïl Liurty links to tne corner ot the road on the half quarter line; thence north fiS degrees east up the center of the road tlve chaius and ten links ; thence north 68'- degrees east in the center ot the road four chains and nine links to the place of be. ginning, containing six and twelve hundredths acres more or less. Dated this thirty-flrst day of March, A. D. 1875. LÜDEAIA E. FrLLER, Z. P. King, Mortgages. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1524 Administratoi's Sale. IN the matter of the estáte of Perkins Gilrcer, deceased. Notice is hereby give i that I ahall sell to the highest bidder, at public auction. on the thirteenth day oí May, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock In forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wushtenaw, pursuant to licentie to me dulygrnnted by the Probate Court of the county of Mticosta, in. the látate of Michigan, on the fint day of June, A. I). 1874, all the eatate, right, title and interest of said deceased in and to all the íüilowin: deecnbed land, to wit : Beginning at a punt ïiine chains und seveuteen links eaat of the quarter stake, between sections twenty-one C21) and twentv-eight (28), in township tw i (2) south of range six (6 east ; thence running east along the line three chains and iorty-two links; theroeaouth, at ïii-'ht ingles, four chains and fifty links, to the nortíí bounds of the Michigan Kailroad ; thence westerly along the north line of aaid railroad three cliaiua and sixty-four links ; thence north three chains and twenty-eight links, to the place of bezinning, containing oae and one-half acres ot land Dated March 26, 1875. CALVIN PR1CE, Adminisirator. Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT having been mude in the condition of a mortíídge, executed by l'atnck Kennedy und Nancy Kennedy to Elijan W. Morman, dated Jjinuary flrst, A. D 187 , and recorded Maroh first, same year, in the Wushtenaw County Registers, inliber4ti of mortgapres, page 435, and assigued to Chriatian Helbw, unignraeat dated and recorded February lwentieth, Bamo year, in titer 48 of niortgagen, puge 505, by wnich dt'iault the power oí' sale th trein contained became operative and the siun of three hundred and ninety-flve dollaris ia cliüiaed as now due thereon {inqliiding prem i u m paid for insurnnce ana a reasonable attornpy'rt iee, and there ure five fnrther installmente with interest lo become due, aud no euit or proceedin;s haviug been inatitnded to recover the mortcragp dt'bt or any part tneroof: Notice is thereíore hereby piven, tnatsaid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaed premiaes, oi Bome part thereof, to wit: Lots number thi(?e"ai)d fourteen, in block oumber three noi-tli, in range two eaet, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Court House in naid city, on the Fifth day of June next, at noon, aaid mor tp age was piven to secure the payment of the purchapu inoney for tlie mortgned premisos. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 4, 1 875. CHKISTIAN HELBER, -K. W. Morgan, AnHÍgnee. Attorney. 1620 TATCIJTC Have you an invention for I- 'M I C I dl whieli you deaire a Patent, Jg eitht-r in the U. 8. or uny foreigu country f Then gend to the Mechanica and Inventora' Association, the only reliable Patent Agency in Michigan. 37 W. Comirress St., Detroit. 1522ml THOS. S. SPRAGUE, President, C DUCDO Takfi the Michigan Farmeb and F HlilVICnO keep posted. The best raarket reporta A live agrieultural pnper. $2 per year ai.d 15c postage. Engraving to every sub3criber. Ayn.H w;inted. Hpeeimens iree. Johnhtone & Gibbonb, Detroit. PI Dl O Qm DflVO SEND fr fre speciUILo üv DU I u men copy of " The Litti.e Pkoi'Le." $1 per year and Kc postage. Engraviuír to each eubBcriber. Ageuts wanted at ('Vtry school. Big pay for work. Johhstone & ns, Detroit, 11O 'lllOSi: BtJIMUN;.- Three articleb I ai;ree to furnish at Lowemt Bottom Pnces : Frenen md American Ginsa, alt sizes, doublé and single thick for stoie fronts, dwellingn, pictures, &c, all kinds of Stained and Figured Glass, I ulso guarnntee the beat made Saeh iu the State. taM rearty set- Frcnch or American - and wtr■ant safe home at my risk, and all kinde of Show Cases, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your rdei'B. 8end for prices. J.. I. IVKl,, 44 Jefferson Ave , DxxaoiT, Míen. ySSOLVTIONOF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership beretofore existinp under the rm name oï Tnpp, Ailes & Price, is this ilay disolved by mutual agreement. All liabilities of the eompaay, will be settled at their old place of buBisesa ; and all who owe them, eilher by note or account, are requested to cali and makeiramt'diate aetkk'ment. CHAS. TRTPP, ROBERT K. AIT.ES, ROBERT J, PRICE. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1875. 1516w6 FULL LINE - OF- Xewing iVJaclitne IXeedlts AT WINES & WURDEN'S. 150UÍ ÚK.i tfiOAPer day at home. Terms free. AdÍJU t0p--"dr3i G. Stinso.n 4 Co., Portland, Me.


Old News
Michigan Argus