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Mortgage Sale. OEFaÜLT havingbeen made in the conditiou oí a certaiu mort gage. made and exeeutod by William Rayer and Mina Rayer, his wlfe, of Aun e 'hor, Michigan, to Philip Bach, of the same place, ' ted the nineteenth da y of April In the yeav one ' thousanrt eighteen hundrod ann seventy-'one, aud ! i'ecorded In the office of the Register oí' Deed-) for the ' countv of Washtfiifiw. State of Michigan, on the 2Sd ' d:iy of April a. d. 1871, at '. 1-2 o'clock, a. ü., in 1 ber 12 of mortgages.on page 67, and on whieh mortgagethere iscuuraed to bedueal the da te of th 9 ' lir-e au installment of Interesl amounting to KM hundred and thirteen dollars and eightynve cents, wnh another installmeni of rne hundred aud Een dollar to - ome due on the ninptrenthda i' April uc-xt. together witli m attnrn y'n fee of thtrty doitára ihould uny jpri-''Uim- bo luk-'ii to foreclose the sa in f ■. and no tult or proceedingi .tt luw having been Inslltuted recover id ump ai money omnv pari thereof: Now, thereiore, aofl herebj i n. iliai by vlrtue oi ihe power of sale in ai'l inortffageoontalnod, I -liali oHai paMic autlon to hlghefil bidder, on Baturdaï thk fwwïty-IO uMi L. W il M V. ViKi, il ( i O'clock UI lllc l')!idooh of wid uny. al the outh dooi uf thp ' ouri In tbe city of Ann Arbor (that hplng tbe piare of bolding ' i1 Clrculi Cooii tor naid county of Wiwhtenaw), the üremwea described in said minigWB, to wtisfy -;i uni'mul.-. with iui.-n-si. ■ and expenses allowed by law, whlch premie ■All tliiii certaiu tractor narcel of Land I folloim, to wit : commenctngtirenty-tvo feei e the northwest corner of tot number four (4. block i: ■' east, on Uu ros streei in the city of Ann Arbor, county oi Washtenan and State of Michigan, tbence oftri twentytwo ffeel on Èuron street, theuce aouth one hundred feet, tbence (retí twenty-two feet, thence nortb one hcmdred feel i the place of beginning ; also, the righi and privilege of using atan y and all tiraea an alley eight foei v idr ut the soutfa end of thlalot; aUw, the easi half of theeast brick and stone wall of the building aud store, from the i to bottom, altaatfd on tbe northreat corner of sald lot oumber four, a ld building belng the ame whlcb was erected and i no uaec and occupied as b store by Luman li. Slawaon ; ako, tbe ground upon vhlch -aid eiist half of -.i'u rail oow stands." Dated, Febrtiary 26thï is;.1). PHILIP BACH, Mortgajee. Estáte of Robert PowpII 'TATK OI ÜICHIQAN, Conmy of Wnshtenaw 7 as. AtftMMionol tho Probate Oourt for the cüimty of Wtwhtenair, holden at the Probate oth'ea, in rhenity of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twentytnird dny of March, in tiie year one thoiiHHud eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Soah W, Cheever, iFiidfp of Probate. In the nut ter oí the eatirtc of Bobert Powell, deceaMd. Ob reading and tiliag the petition, duly verifled, of A., praying thai a eertttin instrument no on tile in thl8 Court purportinf? to be the laat will and ttiBfivment of aid deoeaecd, muy be iidmitted to Probate, nd thut Adminitrtion of suid estáte tnay be gxauted to some suitublo perron. Thereupon it is ordered, tUat Monday, the nineteenth duy of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be ansljined for tbe henririK of aaid petition, and ihat the devisee. legutees and heiis at law of said dpceased, and all othei persons iutereat.ed in said estáte, ne rt-quired to appear at a session of su:d 0 urt, then to be holden at thr probate ottiee, in ihe city oi Ann Arbor, and slmw chhhc, if any there beT why the pniyer ot the petitioner sbould not be granted; And it is f urt her ordered, thut aaid petitioner iïive notice to the p rsons Ínter eated in said estáte, of the peudency of aaid petition. ;vnd the hearing thereof, by' ctuisinti a oopy of thin order tobe publisíied in the Michigan Arfftu, a neWNpjippr piinted and eirculated in aaid oounty three wuocessive week previous to aaid day of heürinfr. (A truecopy} NOAH W. OHEEVKR, 1323 Judgeof Proltate. Estáte of James H. Smïtb. OTATE OF StlCIIIGAX, county of Wnshtenaw, sa. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the county oí' Wnshtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ann Arbor, un Frirtay, the nineteenth day of Marca, in the year one thouuand eight hundred and seventy live. Present, Noah W. Cheover, Judgeof Probnte. In the matter of he estáte uf Jmam&ñ H. Hmith. late oí' Townsend, cnuuty oí' Norfolk, Province oí' Ontario, Carada, deceased. Ou reading and filing; the petition, duly verifled, of Mary O. Smith, prayiug that a certain instrument rtow on file in this court, purporting lo be a duly aulhenticated copy of the last will anri testament, of daid deceased, may be admitted to Probate, allowed, flied and reeorded, and that ahe may be appoiutt-d solé executrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar, the ninettenth day of April, otútt at ten o ■ ck in the íorr-noun, be assigrd for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the deviseea, leñatees and tiHij &ï hiw of said dec-eased, nnd all other nterestod m said estáte, are required to uppeta at a sohsionoi said court, then lo be holden at the Probate JOihee, in the city of Ann Arbor, ïu aid county, and show cause, ïf any there be. why the prayer of the petioner ahould not be granted: And it i further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the pur.-onn intert'ted in said eftate, of thependenry ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a &py of this order to be publiöhed in the Michigan Argus, a nawHpapcr printtd and ciroulatfd in said county, threenucoessive WReltK previout to said day oí hearing. (A truc copy. NO..H W. OKEEVKK, 1&23W8 Judffe of Probate Mortgage Sale. DEFACLT harina been mad( in the condition of a ot-riHin mortgage executed by Puti iik Wall and Mary Wal], hís wfie, to John liidiards, un tlie íiinth day uí' February, A. D. 18(i7, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeda for the county of Washtenaw and State oí Michigan, in libei SB of laortgagee, on pare 626, by which dctault the power of sale contalned i n satd siortgage haa become operative, on which mortgage Cliere bi elaimed to De hu ai í lie uf thii) nutice lor priiicipal, Interest and attorncy fee au provided for in said mortgage, the sum ot' mx huuored and thirty-oue dollars and tweiiLy-thretï li-uis, and 'nu tuit Of prooeedlng at law or In equlty haring been Lnstltutedto recover the amount due on said mortgage or anv part thereof: Now thwefbre, notice is hereby "giveu, that by virtue of the power i' s;ile eontained In Bald mortgage Eshall sIl at public auction, at the south front door of the Courx House, in the city of Anu Arbor, (that being the building In whjch the Circuit Court for said county oí W aso tena w is held I on the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1875, at ten a'clock in the forenonn of tliat day, the following premlaefl descrlbed 'w said mortgage, viz : AU thal tract or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and Aascrtbed a lot thirtoen (13), blockiour(4) north range foor(4) vus, known as the Laveiy place, acoonuog to the reooraed plat of the village (now cityj of Ann Al bor, in BAld county of Washtenaw, and' so much ot sach part 01 paru thereof u shall be uecessaiy to satNiy the amount due upon saM mortgage. Dated 12th day oi1 March, A. D. 1875. JOHN RICHARDS. A. J. Sawyf.r, Mortgagee. Att'y ftjr Mortgagee. 1521 Mortgage öale. DEFAULT havintí been made in the condition of a mortgage exocuttd by George W. Hnvena and Mary Haven, nis wife, to Charles T. Wiliuot, all oí the city of Ano Arbor, Michigan, daíed the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, and reeorded ou the fiith day oí May, A. I. 18U, at two o'clock in the afternoou of tbat day, in hber 41 of mortgages, on page 616, upon which mortgage tbere is claimed to be due at the date of thia notice the sum of one thousand five hundred aud íort y dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law havinj,' been inatituted to recover the niortgaged delt, or any part thereof : Notiee is therefore hereby giveu, that on Haturday the twelith day of June, 1S7.3, 1 shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premist!, or so imich as will aatisfy the amount due ou auch mortg;tpe and kgal costs aud charles of such aale, together with an attorney fee of twenty-Üve dollars, to wit: Lot numbftr five, block number eleven in Hiscock1? addition to the ei y of Anu Arbor, county ot ashtenaw and Bt&tu of Michigan, excupl foui roda in width oif frora the north biiie of naid lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522 CHARLES T. WILMCT, Hortgagw. Sheriifs Snie. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the sealof the Circuit Court for the coun ty oi Wttshtenaw, State of Mieliipan, to me dirpcted, whereiu John Clancy is plaintiff and Patriek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defendanta, and for fhe want oí gooda and chattela, I have this day aeized and Leriad upou 11 the right, title and intorest of Patrick and Eliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the iollowing described property, to wit ; The aaat half Of the soutlieast quarter of section thirty ; also the northeast quarter oi' the southenat quarter of eection twenty-nine, all in townahip number one south of range six east, Waehtenaw county, State of Michigan, whieh above deaertbed property I shall expobo for aale at public auction, as the law direct, to the higheat bidder, at the south door of the Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Öaturday, the eighth day of April, A. Ó. 1875, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaid day. Dated, February 16, is;.'). M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1M8 By Wm. H. McIntyre, Dep'y Sheriflf. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTl'E of ono writ of exeetfon issued out of and the .scal ot the Circuit Oourt for the eounty of Waohten&w. to me dlreeted and delivered, I have on this slxteenth day of February, A. f). 187.1, leviod upon all 'the right, titlo and Interest of Corneliua H. Henion, Henry M. Henion, and S. Newell Henlon in and to the fídlowlng dMCribad real estáte situated in the t'ouuty of washtena, State of Michigan, to wit: All that eertain tract or purci'l of land situated In the township of Aun ArDor, eounty ut' Washtenaw, Michigan, known, boiinded and describid as folÏOWB, viz.: Iïoing a part of sOCtioB nunibfr thirtytwo, ín town&hlp uurnber two BOUth of range sïx east, commeneing at the quarter stake in north line of uüd iection thirty-two, running theuc1 wist alonggald northline, ninechains and sixty-one an-l one-fourtb links, thence south nine deerteii and thii ty minutes Mst une chaiu and fifty linKs, thence ui parallel with seetion line eleven chaina and links to the Saline Plauk Boad, thence north ihirteen degrees, eut oae chaiu and fifiy-nix links to the north line of satd section, thence west along said north line of sectitm, 011e chain and ninvty-nine links to the place of beginning. Whico aliove described propértj 1 shaU exposé tor sale t the higheat bidder, at the south door oí' the Oourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 8d day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock. a. ME. of said day. Dated Feb. 17th, 1875. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. V WELMIVG IIOUSES FOR SAI.i:. A large and very wull built briek house, with two or more lots. Two large i'rnraed houses. Also a good -iized brtck house and frame house ; and a smnll frame house on h good lot, intended for adding- a front. Por sfile on fair terras ind a retisonnble oredit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. IflOWEV WANTEIÏ-Ho many wi.-,hing to borróte money apply to me that I can rettdtly obtnin for lentiers ffood satisftictory invcNtmtjnts at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23t 1S73. I423tf ' pOTICÍET ; AU persona indebred to the late Ann Arbor ( ing Aasociation are notified to eall and settle thier ' icccounts immfvliutely, and thereby save costs. Settlements will be mude at the late place of ( r 'M, 18 öouth M tiin street. ÖEO. BUTTON, Assignee. Ann Arbor, Feb, 10, 1875. Mortgage Sale. [EFAVLT betn mude in the coníit otaconai;. raortaage (whercbr he L ' "" aleuiaxid uiortguge hu beeome oVratíw?" med by Merchant ÍS. Goodncl,. of tl,"," ! 'í ? linitli. oí Plymouth, Wayne count iÏÏB1"' rhiab moitiaje isdated the WTentl, d Üï1!1, erober, d.D. 1S7-?, and reeoided in II,,., ii he tUgit i '" ot he se vent li ,laj or Hepteinl ,-r. A. ij ,ö;!,' leven oVIncL ... . ' '-, at age, "" P 349, wbi ■ Ka,e 'In "" uwiKfied l.y inld ElUaDeth Smith to iZ, 01? Vaughn, bj devdoí mwigument, dated K','"""1 wentietta, i74, i, id, ussisnment wk wtded ni ilif o . , 0( , !)' '■ tourth 3] 187í , ' Ol1 j'clock . m. ot said dity. ni iibev 4 oí , on rigf 177. and waa bv 1 , "'! teonrd VauAn dul5 .,-.-i. r,,i „ .i,-.n,í; NiiWc'. Ijy duea ui Besignmsiit, áuleá fVk, ■ ■1.1],. R74, rkich KÍgnment wÏÏK! ri'i-oriied in the oí uid Eecistei of Tvl tliefourlhilay of Januar) aiaday,fib 4 „i Mlgnments oí mort? unpagul.s. ,iii,: cluimed tu be dí!?J iinpaid OD wid murtgave, and the ,„■,■ accoiin. I uií the samo, at the aale ol tliis nutue thí I ot six liumlrm! nrrt twt -Mine dolían ',,,„] aine esta ft. S.M , loüfiher v?it), thiit donJïïe )id mcn-tjtage. tipulntíd und ixieed to be íí ii an attorney's or olloitor'a fct, in f.tiae nmL , !■ ingsahonld betakn t,, foreclow „ir] niorti ,in,l no proaeedingu ai law or i,: i quitj haviaJiS' inxtitntad lo recnrcr I he me or ny íiari tií, N'otice i i.horpfoi-e, hi that on Mm.1t: the twetfth dar of April, ;, ie,''rft in the fbreuoon of wid dny, nt t),,. nuil, j " theOourl Boa in the eitj ol Ai.n r)m 7th", heiuu tlic pUcelor bolding it,. Oucniti said murnti „i Wanhleimw)] thM sell „,,, lo tl,H hig-hcnt bidder, the premi j señbed i!, m,H'! m-irtirnire ,,r o rancn therwit hall be uecefcarj to aatisfy ,i,l nmonit ," interest, ooBrp nml expendes ailowed byla 'J said prunifea re dcscrOipd in said "morté.J foUown, to-wit : All ol lois nnmbeiví tbm ;ind íourtetm (M unfl 14;, in blook niimlicr thr? north of Hurón street, in range number fonrfi , the original pint ot the oity ot Ann Arboi Tfi.i tenaw county. MiohiaTi, Dated Jannary 4. Ií7ft. IKRT'SHA P. NOBLK Tbacy W. Root, Assiffnee of Moría, Atl'y fui Ansignee. " ' Jliittgage híttle. DEFAOLT having bi-in made in thi . of a ccrtaín moiinaK, ■■ win-n-lij the ■. in coutained tdl has breóme operath l,y Umi U, Buchoz, ofthe eltj of Ann ,v the Stat,, of Michigan to the ui s. Bnish and Rlminn V.. Brush, as mrtg the tweuty-eightli ,lay ,i November A. D.eUw hundred ai„i aeventy.and recordcd ,,u thetwdfti of December, 1870, at eleven o'rlain, u tlif office ofthe Kegistei ot Dt-ed.-, f,,i ih, , of Waahtenaw, in the State of Michigj 14 of mortgagee, on page 885. upon liuh mortZ there la claimed to be due at the date of Üie mimi oí two thousaitd and two dolían aiM i.-ents, and im snit or proceedlngs at la or í chancery hariag becn Instituted to recovera! part thereof: Notice lí i lien-fon'. I,. tbai on Saturday, the twenty-fourth ,lay „fÁpnl i ï). 1S7-). at ten oclock in th,.'f,,r,.no,,n, shall sfli ,- publie snetton, tothehighost bidder, aletoi,i' place at tbo aoath ,1 ,,f i!,,. ( ,,nrt lluuse inL city of Ann Arbor, in sai, I coimty, aaid Com House being tlic pin,-,' of holding the ( lVr said ccinty of Washtenaw), the i BCrlbed ín Bueh mortgage, (or so much thereof u sliall he aecassary to satisfy the amount dn. aucn morteage, and !i -ral coütsand chargntfnA s,l,.. together with an attorney ofthirt] lars eonTenftnted for thert'in ', thal i tosavtlij foHowing piece or parce] of land situated iñibcttyof Aun Arbor. in the connty of Washtíj and Stat,' of Michigan, vlz. : Bcing on tliat pan oí lot nnoiber four, Ín block number three oorth in range i e:iM. li ,-m of Detroit stre Beginning on the easí sideof Iif-i-.tii Btreetitm it crosses the south side of North Btreet; tbeaa eut along North street ninety-niue Hnl aoutfa parallel to tho cast id, of saiii lot four t4 chain-; thence west parallel to North st-vcnty-two aud three-fourths links; theBceM& lifty-five degreea west one chain edií thimfour and one-half links to Detroit street: tlje&ó I north-east along thi easl side of Detroit ítrwt m chain and ftfty-one links to the place of k'giiiniii I Aun ArbOf, Mich Jaimary 2H, 1S7-"). GEORUE 8. BRÖ8H, . , . KLM ISA lí. BRUSHJMort8aeB Z. P. Kixo, for MorttjaRi-ei. lóij Chancery Notice. [N PlltSl' ANCE and b virtue of a decreeoftht 1 Circuit Cour) for the county of Washten, b ('hancry, made on 26tb day of Febnuiry if' In a cause therein pending, wherein Jama l BfitcheU is eomplninant and Lucy E. Mitcheli, Benjamin F. Hndson, ('atherine P. Hudson, Jolin i MitchelL Chauney E. Mitchell, John P. Mirbk, George E. Southwick, and Frank 6. Russell, giguee in ba a knipte y of said Southwick, arcdeïw a ut... Noticr is bereby given, that I shall seU ai public venduc to the higheat bidder, at two o'clock i the afternomi, on the 19th day of April, 1879,11 the front oi south dooj of the Court House in tüe city of Ami Arbor, the foüowing described hnk viz : the nnrthwost quarter of section twenty-si and thu west half of tne oortheast quarter ufsectioD twf-nty-six (26), and the south ftfty acres of the ntf balfof tlu' quarterof section twentv-thr (28), UI being ín township two, south of rtngefow rast, in the State 01 Michigan, being in the towa snip "i Lima. in flaid county of Washtenaw, mi coutainiug in all two hundri'd and ninety acres d land. more or tesa, Dattni, March ;id, 1875. J. F. LAWRENCE, Circuit CourtCommiasloneT Washtensv I9S0 ('"uiify. Mjebfgaa, Mortgage Sale. DEYAUUI htivin been made in the oonditiost of a certain morrgng-e fwhereby the power a sell therein contttintd bas beoome üperutive,) executed by Jane A. (rriín'th, of the cilv L Ypsiiaiiii, county of Washtenaw, and Stute ui "üciiü, to Julián (}. Dickinson, of tbe city of Detroit, Wayue county, ilicliigtin, duted the scventeeuth day oí Öeptembtr, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the offi of the Itegister of Deede for the county of Washtenaw, in the Stute of Michigan, in 'liber 52 úí mortguges, ou page 236, upon which mortgiwi tliere is claimed to be due at the date of tha notiee the sum of twenty-seveu hundred and seventy-eight 10-100 dollars, and no suit or proceedings at luw having been instituted to recover any part thereof: Notice ia therefore, hereby given, that on Wednesday, the twenty-eighthdaj of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall aell at public auction, to the higbest bidderfaale to take phict at the front door of the Court House, that being1 the place where the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenuw is usually held, in the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtena county, Michigan,) the premiaea contuined inané mortjiage, or ho much thereof as shall be necessarr to satisfy the amount dun on such moitgn(f, wirt tin per c;nt. interest, and lesal costs, togethei with n attorney fee of twenty-five dollars, icovenanted ior therein) that is to say the following pieee or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ypfr lanti, in the eounty of Washtenaw, anl State rf Michigan, and described as foll'jws, to wit: Con I mencinsr on the easi line ot Hurón street, ose ná I Dorth of the northweat corner of lot one hundred I and eighty-flve ; thence noith alonp said eastliw I eix roda ; thence eaat at right angles with said eai! I line to the Huron river ; thence soutlierly do I the Huron river to a line six rods distant froE I and parallel with the north line of l:ind herebr I conveyed; thence west to place of beginning. Dated Detroit, Jannary ?2, lfS7ó. JULIÁN O. DICKINSON, J. G. Dickinbon, (in personj Moitgagee. I Att'y for Morteairee. lèll Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT having been made ín the oooditionf u certain mortgtige executed by Frederiek Kirt and Christina Kirn. of the cit of Ann Arbor,oowity of Wasfctenaw and State of Michigan, to Leo ard VaugUn and Martha Vaughn, of the sameplaon the firat da y of November, one thousand ei?1 hunded and aixty-mne, and recorded in the offlfl of the Register of Deeds for the county of Wwtó naw, aloresaid, on the 4th day of November, A ft 1869, atSjo'elock p, m,, of H'iid day, in Liber43, moitgagea, on page 48, and thero is now cltiim10 be due upon aaid mortgage and bond accoinpaDTinS the same, the sum of oue thouaand and öerentv-tw dollars and seventy-eight cents, also an attorueï fee of thirty-flve dollars, should any proceediup be taken to foreclose the same ; and no proceeding in law or equity haring been had to recover aaid aum of money or any part tbereof. Now, therefore notice is hereby given, that by virtue of tbepo of sale in said mortgage containcd, I shall seü i! public auction to the highest .bidder, on the aew teenth dy of April next, at 2 o'elock p. m. of sd day, at the Iront door of the Court Houfie in w city of Aun Arbor, oounty aforesaid, (that bem? the piace of holding the Circuit Court for said couí; tyj , all that certain piece or parcel of land. eituatt in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waehtenavanj State of Michigan, aíoresaid. known, boundedíní described aa wit; Beinglot nunibtr s. (6) blocknumbei tour[4j, south, range numbertfOi (2; weBt, accoidingto a plat of illiani 8 War nard's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, rounl) ■ Withteuaw, aforesaip. Dated, January 22d, 1875. LEONARD VATTGHN, MARTHA VAUGHN, Johk N. Gott, Mortgaxe Attorney for Mortgagees. lál Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditie!" I of a eertain mortgage, made by Anti"Laffery and Catharine l.atïery, nis wife, of tbocit' of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wnshti'Uiiw aD State of Michigan, to Emanuel Mann of '■' same place, dated October twenty-first, A. !■ 1868, and recurded in the office of Register o' Deeda for Washtenaw County, Michigan, oQ l , twenty-Ürst (iay of October, A. D. 1868. ' 3:30 o'clock, p m. , in liber 3S) of mortgages, on P1 342, upun wJiicn tvaid mortgage there is claimen be due, by virtue of the conditions thtrvot. m remainmg unjmid at the date of this notice, 'ƒ" sura of sixteen hnndred and olie doll rs and forti' tive cents (fl,001.45j, and nn Bttorncy fee of font dollars provided for in suid mortgage ; and 110 ult or procecdingis having been instituted at la '? recover the sum now reminmg due aud secui0 by said raortpiiife or any psrt thfreof: 5 thtTL'fore, by virtue of the power of sale conti'11"! in aid mortgage, andby virlue of the stHtuiei" such cases made and provided : Notice is hei1'? giyen, that on Saturduy, the niniteenth cW " June next, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, the front door of the Court House, in the tiitj" ÖI Ann Arbor, in said rounty oí Washteni "? State of Michigan, (aaid Court House beicí-' l , place of holding the Circuit Court tor sitid countj"-' there witl be sold at public auction or vendue, the highest bidder, the premises describid íd mortgage, to-wit: All of lot nuinber seven, ' Sw;itiu'lV addition tothecity of Ann Arbor,0 cording to the recorded plat of said addition. Dated March 29, 1875. EMANt'EL MANT', Euoene K. Frdeauff, iimigag Att'y for Mortgagee. lS25td Comruissioner's NoHop. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cuunty of Washteo' 89. The undersigned havinj? been appointed wï the Probate Court for said county, commiiMOW toreceive, examine and adjust all claims ano '' miindn of all persons against the estáte of Jolirli' Weissiner, late of said county, deceased, here"v pve notice that six moutha from diite are llowP0 by order of said l'rubate Court, for cn-iiiton1 ' present their claims aicuinst the estáte of u a -T'ased, and that they will meet at tho ƒ "' Leonhard Gruner, in the city of Ann Arbor, ■ taid oounty, on Tuesday the twenty rif t Ii 0y . Hay, and on Wednesday, the tweuty-lifth day j August next, at ten o'clock a. m., of eacn ol sa" iay, to receive, examine and adjust said claimsDated February 26, A. D. 1874. CHR1STIAN EBERBACH, rnmmiMlolir. LKOJÍHARD GRUXEB. Comro!"


Old News
Michigan Argus