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jiCÍSCBIBE FOB THK AKOUS. - Prof. D'Ooge jireaclipd at Cheleea lae funday. ..Hereafter, until further notice, the post „(iice will close at 8 f. m. .. . The iarmers in this vicinity have coni „jenced their Spring plüwuig. - Kobison & Baxter are building a larg nddititm to their livery stable on Fourth street _ Wadnesday, Handy, Wurster & McLean i.ilil two fine carriuges to be takeu to Laings Inirg - A meeting of the Fire Departinent wi beheld to-morrow cvening, for the election o ciflicers. Prof. Wilsey bus organizad an evenin class in vocal musió. It is attended by ad viacod pupils. - Hale Bliss has located himself at May ÏUod, III., near Clncago, and engaged in th jrug business. - Mack & Schmid shipped two car IoadB o Jried apples to Chicago from their store ii Manchester, last week. -The Commou Couucil meeta this evening ie cauvass the returns of the recent electiou pd to declare the roault. - We learn that an effort will be made to secure the appointment ot Dr. Silas Fratt to the office oí City Marshal. - At Ypsilauti, Mouday, L. A. Barnes, Republican, was elected Mayor, and Frank Josün, Deinocrat, City Cle'rk. - Barefoot urchins have made their appeariace npon the streets - an iudication that the backboue of winter has been broken. - At the election in l'ittsfield, Monday, oue Tote was cast for " Hank Miller's dog," for Justice of the Peaee. upon the Bejjublican htket. - The University of Minnesota has socured !he library of Dr. Tappan, formerly President of the Umver.iity. It consists of over 2,600 volumes. - An acljourued term of the Circuit Court ïillbeheld commencmg Muday, May 17th, it which time the case of Lewitt vs. Lewitt, in diancery, will be tned. - The Hangsterfer Ice Company have got a new delivery wagon, which was drawn through 4e streets Mouday for exhibition, and was adnired by all who saw it. - An inspection and regular drill of Compabv B will teke place Monday eveum next. 1 futl attendauce is desired as business of imnortence will be transacted. -Dr. W. H. Jacksou, after a confinement to hi house for about three weeks with iufiainmution of the bowels, was down to hia office iorashort time Monday aud Tuesday. - The third of tlie series of games betweeu the Jackson and University chess clubs resulted in a draw. The Jacksouians decline auy turther conteste, owing to a press ot other business. - the et proceeds of the recent Old Folks' Concert, for the beueñt of the new CongregationalCüureli, were 1ÏU2 23. A good sum considenng the weather of the evening on wlnch the concert took place. - The Saline Review lias gone dead, the publislier not receiving the uecessary amount of patronage to keep it running. It was a good looking sheet, but contained a terrible mail ainount of local ne s. - The üoor in the hall on the first floor of the rickety concern, called u Court House, has gone down, uecessitatmg the ïemovul of the oodyile m the hall and the propping up ol tlie Boot ironi the under eide. - Tiie Fourth ward Republiosna :ire gettin badiy demoralize.d. At the lil!s. Monday, ono of the " better class " adopted the old maxiiii "Tote early and often," and, it is said, depositad two ballots during the day. -D. W. Palmer, Es,,., has tilled the office of Towiiship Clerk of Bridgewater, for tlie past tóyeare or more, but declined a re-nommatiou thia year. He could have continued in the Mie office, without opposition, for life. - Rev. C, (i. Howland, of Kalamazoo, wül preach aext Sunday in the Uiiitarian Church. Subject for niorniug : " Some of the Causes of theEeligious Iudifterence. Subject for eveDU!g: " Is there any need of Churches '; " - A span oicolts belonging to Thomas KearDev, oí Webster, while benig dnven ou State strset, Tuesday aftemoon, became frightened itsoine iiorseback riders and ran away, demoluhmg the carriage to whieh thay irere attached. Xooue was mjured. - Eriuandthe Brennau's grand pictorial ud musical illustratiou of Ireland, mtroducag the laughable comedietta of Irish wit vs. Butch courage, will appear at Hill'a Opera House, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Iprill3thand 14th. - To-morrow will close the great bankrup mie of McPhersou & Sons. This being the kut day of the public benefit, goods will be oflered at astonishing low unces, in order that tke tock may be closed out and thereby save 4e trouble of moving. - Mack & Schmid are receiving a largo tock of Spring goods of the uew aud desiraHe tyles. As this flrm buys in large Iots, and lor cash, we believe they can afford to sell tal at prices that will recoramend themselves ■o the most economical purchaser. The large amouut of muddy water running in Allen's creek last Sunday aftemoon, w occasioned by the giving way of Kauchentwger's dam, at his furniture factory in the eoud ward. The cause of the break was aner laiici-slide, peculiar to that locality. A uew boot and shoe store has been tyened by John Burg, in the Fantle block, 43 'Mh Mum street. His goods have not yet all "nved, but such as arou inspection are fresh "n the manufacturera, and of the new and "Atable styles, and ofiered at prices to suit Qgth of the purse of all classes of buveis. - At one of tlie recent caucuses, a certain S'otleman was a candidate for the uoniiuatiou ' Alderwaii, and received but two votes. He "J8 that iluriug the iorenoon ot the next day as met by at least a dozen men that claimed "t üiey voted tor hini. He does not see how Wffiany tupported him and heonly got the two '0t9, and oue of thcm cast by himself- verily, uther Captain Tyler. Auotber paper is to be published in thi %- this time a Germán one. The first num r "11 make its appearance uext Monday llla will be piïnted at Fort Wayue, Ind ""1 ïf Sufficient patronage is secured an offic " ' be ebtablished and the paper regularl The name chosen is Michigan Merkur will be published by J. Houssmaun, of th "'na Volktfrund, Fort Wayne. --The auction sale of horses, carriages, and general livery equipments, by Frederick S. Chapín, came off on Tuesday and was attended by a fmr crowd. The stock generally brought very leiisonable prices, one pair of matched ciuriage horses being sold for 8395. The splendid new back brought to this oity last Fall was sold to A. V. Kobison for $1,055. II is said to have cost Mr. Grogory $1,4UÜ. Mr. l'ollicipnis un the [uirchaser of the "streetcar." Mr.'lth, of Detroit, was the auctioneer. - The Courier man had " worras" Monday afternoon, after hearing the result on Circuit Judge in the Frst ward. He was jubilan t, enthusiastic, wild, excited, and the dickens only knows what all. He ' loved the old First ward, it was the best oue in the whole country," and declared his intention to remain therein. An invitatiou was extended to his many "friends" to accorapany him and get ome candy. Didn't care about the expenst!, justas leave destroy his hat as not. - A team belongïniï to John Kedford, o] Superior, while being watered at a well on North street, got scared at the whistle at Luick's planing mili, as it was beiug sounded for one o'clock, Wednesday alternoou, and ran away. The team went west on Xorth street, orossed Main, jumped the l'ence in front of Mis. Goodale's residence, teariug down a rod or more, and laudmg heavily upon the door steps. Starting ag&in they leaped the fence between Mrs. Ooodale and Thos. Earls, and were ünally stopped in the rear of Earl's lot. No particular damage done to ither horses or carriage. - The Fifth Ward Soldieis' Monument Association held a calicó dress party at the residence of Eli Mooie, Wednesday evening, which was largely atteuded, and sufficient fuuds were raised to pay uil indebtedness of the Associatiou. Upon the aunouncement that the necessary amount of ïundb hud been secured, three ïearty cheois were by the ladies. The ladiüs' are to be congratulated upon their success, and are deservin!; oï graat praise for the zeal with which they have laborad, froin the start, to secure the monument and the means with which ;o pay tor it. - An interesting spectacle was presentad n the 'lliird ward Mouday afteriioou. A crowd of notorious charscters, numbering about wenty-five, assembled at a " dive " on North iain street. After being liberally supplied vith whisky, a proceesioil Atas formed, headed by a gray-headed Rtpubhcan dispenser of ustice, who has hitherto taken considerable inerest in the " tlock," having provided many of lem with " situations," and marched to the jolls and depoaited their votes. The principal bjcct of the demonstratiou is understood to ïave been for the purpose of obtaiuing their otes for oue of the candidates on the Repubiuau State ticket. Thos. Flowers claims that on election day l'.had hia pocketbook stolen wliile in the uloon of Wm. Wallace. The pocket-book wntained f 18 in mouey and sume valuare papers. The assistance of au officer kiled to discover the perpetrator of the alleged nft. -For the three mouths ending April lst, 'tare has been commenced in the Circuit Court lorthis county, 83 law and 35 chancery suits. win the pieceding three months there were "W and 21 chancery cases commenced. At " rate of increase when will the docket get ileared F - Mrs. Berry and Mis. I'hiiiney have reed their store trom the Opera House block '"'lie Goodrich building, on Fourth street, ormerly occupied by Miss Prescott, where y will he ready to turnish their customers ! Bang in the line of hair work, such as ris, hair jewelry, &c. - Jlach & Abel antioipate an exteusive rade this Spring, and have purchased one of argest and best stocks of goods ever brought o this city. Xo fiim in the vvhole country can make purchnsea at lower prices than they. 'heir store has a wide reputatiou, and is reiarded us one of the leading retaii houses of iu State. An iñsjLction of their stock is well rorthy the attention of the commuuity. In ie line of dress guods they have the celebraed Lyons black silks, black cashmeres, crape oth and bombaziues, and the justly papular iary Stuart "black alpacas, the best in the inurket ; ia prints and cotton goods, an excelut stock ; and in fancy goods, parasols, kid loves, &c, a fine assortment. - Last Friday night i peddler named Vayand lelt his horse uuhitched in front of Riney i Seabolt's while he steppod to the door. 'he horse, being in more of a hurry than its wner, started up Washington street, and uitiing the corner of Fifth ' left the wagon n front of J. W. Lawson's and went on lus way rejoiciug. The wagon was broken in two n the middle and the contents, couftisting hiefly of eggs and Dr. Chase's Recipe Books, were distributed around in a very promiscuous anner. When the owner came up he conersed with the audience tor all the world as a i-ufane man would, and then went after the old plug," wlnch he shortly brougbt back safe nd sound and looking repentant. In O:ddition o his otber mistortunes the owner of a tree which had been barked came out and gave he peddler a " cussing " tor leaving his horses oose in the street, and told him he ought to ie sent to jail ; which must have been very oiuohng under the circumstances. And theu ie crowd went home leaving the peddler ratching his head and sweanng.


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Michigan Argus