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Medical Alumni Of The University

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The following letters read at the late meeting of the Medical Alumni Association, show that the University is held in high esteem bj its earher Alumni and former members oi its Facultie's os well as by its present Professor and recent gradúate. We are informed that many other letters have been received since the meeting, all expressing hearty eucouragement and co-operation with the work of the asgociation ; and the organization promises to be the means oí uuiting latent but scatterec elements ot strength into a strong bond of support to the Uuiversity. The writera ot some of them will be reinembered by many ot our citien.s : Chicago, March 22, 1875. To the Medical Alumni ot the University ot Michigau - GtaMÜAg : At the late hour of our receipt of the letter requesting our assistance in forming an associatioii of the Aluinui of our Alma Mater, we do not have time to fully organize. But few of us reside here. As far as ive eau ascertain, out of aeven hundred physicians in Chicago only nine are graduates oí the Medical Department of the Uuiversity oi Michigan. In response to a cali in the morning papers, most of us met in the club room of the Tremont House, and herewith send our best wishes to the class uow about to leave the University, and a hearty greeting to those of the Alumui that are enabled to atteud this, the flrst meeting at Ann Arbor. Fully realizing the labor required in formmg au association, we extend a willing heart and an open hand tor the furtherauce of so noble an undertaking. It being impossible for us to attend perseually, we eau only soud our regretn. Yours fraternally, Edmund Andrews, [1849, in Arts,] Thadeus Skklby - 18Ó6, Kansom Dexter - 1862, Chables W. Chaffee- 18B.), Frederick D. Marshall- 1868, Flavit-s M. Wilder- 1868, Charles Adams- 1868, chael3s d. h.ew8- 1870. Tlio Literary graduates and doctors of medicine named below, who attended lectures at the University of Michigan, but did not take their degree there, wiah to be remembered : War. J. Maynard- 1865, S. A. MoWilliams- 1861, I. M. Harrouíí. Chicago, March 21, 1875. W. F. Breakey, M. D, : Deae Sib- Your favor informing me of the inteution of organizing a society of Medical Alumui of the University of Michigan, and iskm from me a word of cheer, ia received. That word is moet heiutily spoken and with it, alao the wish that I could give it viva voet, vather than by letter: '1 Ijo Medical department and my own pro'essoriiil career were inauguratea together, and for eighteen yeara my labora were ao bleuded with it, that the uow severed ties remain ptrituaily unbroken. My youthful age at the ïme of my appoiutuient and the torming inlueuce of the University upon my character as a teacher, make the University of Michigan seein to me like my Alma Mater, also. I rheretore bid you a hearty God speed. Truly yours, Moses Gunn. Chicacio, March 29, 187-i. ?uof. S. H. Douglaas : My Deae Sik : Dr. Andrews has extended to me your kind invitation to be present at the ormation-of the Alumni Association of the iledidal Department of the University. While '. have no legal right to claim the relation of alumnus to that department, I still feel as hough I had souie natural right like that of one born out of wedlock. Iu fact my medical tudies were comnieuced iu a clandestino way n Ann Arbor, in the office of Dr. Gunn. If 1 emember rightly, seme ot the ba9e-born sons ot ;he house of Priam were guilty of such deeds of valor that they were judged worthy to stand y the side of the noble Héctor. So, perhaps, the couception of my proèssional liie and my asaociation through (juarter of a centüry has, in your kindly judguieut made for me a pmee by the side of our medical Héctor, Anax Androu, (Andrewa). I regret that I cannot be with you, but I am ;lad to be remembered, and I wish for the j'mversity in all its departments, that large measure of success that has niarked its history n all the past. Very truly youis, H. A. Johnson. Ann Aebor, March 25, 1875. Gentlemen of the Medical Alumni Association: Although detaiued at home by feeble healtb and inclemency of the weather this eveniug, 1 an but express a deep interest which I feel in ,he work in which you are engaged. Such an association as this has long been needed as a means of furthering the ïuteresta of the University Medical Department and )riuging us in closer relationship with each other and the rest of the profesaion. Heretofore we have had no channel of communication, nor means of concentrating our fforts upon auy object, so that mauy times, advantages that might have accrued to the deartmeut and thus to the whole professiou have jeun lust. I trust that the formation of this society will naugurate a new era in the history of the deartment and be a means of bringing this most mportant and useful branch ot acience more Bvorably to the notice of the people of the State. That this and much more may result from ■our efforts this evening, is the earnest wish of our feüow-alumuus. H. S. Chbever. Chicago, March 21, '7-3. Prof. S. H. Douglasa: Deae Sie : Pleaae communicate to the Alumni my joy that they aro to assemble and band hemselves togethor iu houor of our Alma Maer. I have many stirring memories of past experience iu her halls, and in her service. I regret my inability to shoulder my own ody and bring it up to the halls of acience, ut as that is impossible thia year, I content myself with aeuding you my love for the old Alma Mater, and the right hand of good felowship ror all hor assembled aons. ï ours, very truly, Edmund Andeews. Ann Aeeob, March 23, 187-3. Gentlemen - Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Michigan : I regret that Providential considerations that ruden(:e does not allow me to overlook, de)rives me of an opportunity to meet with you and yield some eiicouragement, if not aid, in effectiug an organizatiou of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University with vhich Providence has caat my lot for nearly a juarter of a century. Through thia organizaiou I trust the elements now scattered wül be combined and utilized for the cultivatiou of au ttprit du corps, uot only as members of the ;reat medical íraternity, but also and especialy as a society that recognizea the Uuiversity of Michigan as its Alma Mater. It is presumed that through a sympathy above aud beyoud tüe ordmary feeling ot l'ra;ernity, sucb a society will ever be ready by lts countenauce and cordial support to advance the great causo of medical education as represen ted iu its Alma Mater ; and that such a society will seok to make itaelf feit as an orgau.zed forcé- a power m the land lor good. After a long servic9 in aidmg to build up the Medical Department, you can hardly need tobe assured that your association, not only in its general objects, but also its membership, ïndividuaüy aud collectively, will have the cordial sympathy of ïours ever fraternally, A. Saoeb. Letters were also read from Dra. Jamisou, of the Class of '52, of Hornellsville, N. Y., Kitchen, of Sagiuaw, McCorkle, of Brooklyn, and others.