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Sharp Cali. The bookfl and accounts of the late publisluT of the Ar(4us wil] BOOn be put in the hands of aix ofiicer for adjustment and colleotion. All who would save costs should make a note of this fact and act DTOfflpttT. Settlcnients eau be imvh' at the Augus office. Ann Arbor, March 11, 187.Ï. E. B. POND. Slralljfe luit Truc. It is natural for people suffering witu Consumir tion, Coughs, Severe Colds, or any other disease of the throat and Lungs, to put off from day to day Imying au article that they know has cured their neighbor, frieud, or relative, yet they have no faith in it until it is too late. If you will go to Eberbach L Co., Druggista, and get a bottle of Boschee's GermanSyeup, your immodiate cure isas eertain as you live. It has hitoly been introduced in this country from Ueraiany, and Druggists and people everywhere are elated over its success. You can get a sample bottle for 10 ceuts and tiy it. Regular size bottle 73 cents. 1.vj.rw4 At Home Agaln. Dr. North hïiving concluded to Bell or rent liis country seat, ha again taken up the prttctice of Dentistry, aud opened rooma over Johnson's Hat store, where he will bepleasedto meethisoldfriends who may aeed hie professional skill. He is prepared to insei t teeth on rubber base, celluloid, gold or silver, as may be desired. Teeth tilled with pure gold, ttud by other approved principie. DB. UhO. W. NORTH. Ann Arbor, December, 1874. lölom;i Aun Arbor Uu. I sin Coinpanj . Notice is hereby given, that the animal meeting f the Stockholdersof the Ann Arbor Gas Light ompany, for the election of oincers and the tranactiOD of such other busines as may properly come efore the meeting, will be held at the office of the Company in Ann Arbor, on the 9th day of April, 875, at 2 o'clock p. m. SILAS 1!. DO1 GLAS, Becy. Ann Arbor Uaicb 2B, 17:. 1Ö23 1 5O Buahele Trime Clover Seed. 200 Bushels Trime Western Timothy ISeed. For sale at lowest nim-ket rates. BACH & ABEL. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIIffGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards anc1 lluws Five percent, interest on all deposits reniainïg three months or longer. Interest Compounded Seiui-Annually. Also buys and sells IJ. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and nterest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and tiiago Exchauge. Also sells Sight Draits on Great Britatn, Treand, Germasy, or any other part of the Euroean Continent. This Bank is organized undcr the General Bankng Law of this State. The Stockholders are indiidually liable to the amount of thfir stock, and he whole capital is securitj for depositors, while with Banksof issue, the capital is invested for the seurity of bill-holdcrs. This fact niakes this lustiution a very safe depository of monies. Married Woinen eau deposit subject to their own rafts only. iVouej to l.oan on Approved Securities. DIRECTO RS : S. Smitii, C. Mack, W. W. WtNKS, {. A. Bui, W. D. HAnEOiAN. D. Hiscook, W. Deubel. OFF1CERS : R. S. Smitii, Pres't. C. Mack, Viee-rres't. C. E. Hiscock, Teller.


Old News
Michigan Argus