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Thb cutiré business portion of thevillagBof Ticonderoga, N. V.. was rocently destroyed by Ure. The t.t;il losa i eetimated at $200,000 Sorious mining troublos are reported in tlio Lehigb región of Pennsylvaiiia. A BILL han boen tntroduced in the New York Legislatura providing for the extra oompensation oí Jaron where the trial oí a canse is probraoiad beyond sixtydays. It is intendod to apply to the Tilton-Beooher jury. The Massachusette Legislatura haa enacted n eubsütute for the present prohibitory liquor law. The new law prohlbita the opon ;ale of liquora over a bai bot provides lor liccnses in connection with hotels and restaurants. Tbo law also dispenses wíth the State pólice and Beizures to enforce it. Gkxy. Tilden, of New York, has pardoñed Jame JI. Ingersoll, one of tlie Tweed ring, wbo was Bentenoed lo (ivo yeara in the Penitentiary in 1S73. THE WiSST. Tuk grand jury of St. Louis county, in a recent report, declare that tl, dr county jail buildttte Four OoTD'ta, completed t!iree years ago, at a coat of $1,000,000, aio in danger of tumbttng down George Reynolds, a Hormon, lias been tried and oonvicted (f potygamy atSalt Liike City. ïhere is lo lie a wcc'.ilv mail run between St. Paul, Minn., and Helena, Montana, by way of the Northern I'aeiHc railroad. between Biomuck and Carroll, the Coulaon steamer line, etc. The contract commences May 1 The sparkling and viTaeions Lotta ih at présent the attraction at McVicker's Chicago Tlieatcr, and is delighting lrge audiences with the inimitable drollery with which tibe invest her nnnierous characters George Q. Canuon. Delégate in Congress from Utah. on trial at Salt Lake City tor polygamy. haa been aeqmtted on the ground that the proseeution was barred by United States etatute of limitations. Gen. 8HERM4S .tatcs that the Gennaine girla, recently rescued frora the Indians, wil] bc taken care of for lile by tho government. The Indians who comniitted the niasaacro of their párente will be sent to Florida, and held as prftonera of war ... A terrible collision occuixed on fue Chicago, Burlington &, Quincy railroad, between Albia and Tyrone stations, 100 miles west of Burlington, on Sunday. the 4th inst.. liy wliich three employés of the road were killed and seYeral tsounded. The accident was due to the carelesanesa of a telegraph operator. AVA.SHINGTON. A. C. BAHflTOW, of Rhode Island, has liccn appointcd a meniber of the Indian Peace Commiasion The oí the United Htates Treasuryhas directed the Treasuror to draw from the available currency balances of tho Treaiury il.488,0(K) in lf-gal-tendera.-iwnd thatlhey be canceled and destroyed. Ir turas out tlmt íully two-thirds of the person who were invited to oíd the excursión party to Mexico doclincd. aUegiog that it bad the appearanoe of being gotten up in the interest oí some unnamed scheme Secret&ry Belknap, in reply (o a telegram írom (íov. Coke, of Texas, asking for protection against tlie raids of Mexicana, saya that immediato step.3 will be taken lo protcct the peoplï of ïexas on the Mexlcín froötier. It ís claimed by reports received from Texan tli&i the late outragee on the border ware committcd by TcxiiiiH in disguise Hon. N. ]!. Judd. of Chicago, it is stated, will bemadoaju Associate-Judge of the Court of Claims, to succoed Judge Peck, of Chicago. The statement of the public deht for March shows a dcerease of $3,661,210, aa follows : Sixpcr cent, bond $1,149,135,960 Fivp per cent, borní ."iTJ.ítí.tm Total coinbonds $ 1,723:388 l.::v i .,! money debí $ 14,678,000 M;itnn-! debt 7,978,060 Legal tendera 879,298,883 l Vrl 1'n ates ni' depoeit.... 43,045,000 Fxncttonaá enríenos 44,848,200 Coin certincates 94,191,900 Tota] without Interest 490,61 Total dSbt $2,236,9] .i, 292 Total intareat 29,049,419 Cañb in XrAasury : Coin $84,105,l20 Cnrrenoy 5,182,112 Speolaldepoaitheld for redcniptiou of certíficatea of áepestt 43,045,000 Total ia Treaaury $ 192,333,933 Oebí 1' ss cuslt in thf Troapury 12,138,684,778 : Decreaee of debt dnrlng Ibnvli ,681,2W BondB lamed to tbc Páclflo Eailway (,'o]iiii;nii's. Interest payablo Ín lawf uj money : Principal outsttndtnff ? M,633.512 tntereei ; rued and not yel paid 969,362 IntciTst }r,íU by the l'nitwl States 2;. [ntLres1 repaid by tt-.aisjt'irtatiou of oaailg, eto 5,048,748 Balance of ínter sí paid b i nited ! 20,320,U54 THE WaKliin;;(O]i City Siivings Bank, ivliirh failed eighteon montli ago, faas paid au aílditional lifteen per cent., making in all seventylive per cent. Ite aeeets, it in tbought, will pay the full amount of it deposite. Tue President has declared that all reporte to fee rflVct that the present policy of tliis government toward Mexico íoretihadows menacing eoucluaipns are of a Hennatioiud character Au Associated Prews telegram from Washington says: -'As in prerious casos wnere injuries have been inflietcd on Amerioftu citizens by ttexicaos, the Mexican govenmient will soon have lirought to it attention by the I ment of Btate the enormity oí tho o líense recíntly oommitted l.y invading Mcxicansou the Texas border, ivitli sucli denjands for reparation as will satisfv out national honor." THE SOUTH. Stabtling information has licrn received at ! Washington to the effect that the yellow ferer has made ita appearanoe at the c.ulf porta unukiihIIv early, and ia rapidly spreadiug. Tlir naval vchhcIs at Key West are in quarantine, j and tl ie fort gairison wül be at once withdrawn out of the readi of the dangerous epidemie. ... Reporta from Xcw Orlcans eontiim the reeen! reports. of Mexican outrages .... A dispatch from New Orleans states that the Gonoral Appropriation'bill, approved by the Qovernor andpublished. has been tampered with. The chaugcM made in the original appropnations show a docrease i:i several itemn of over 137.ü00, and an I incrcase in other items of ?11,4ÜO. Efforte are being made to discover and puniah the parties guilty oí' making the alterations. PMS McCautkeï, George Rankin, Mike Eogers. Joe Ilitteuhouse and John Hall, the notorious counterfeitera who some time ago escaped from the St. Louis jail, have been recaptured in Texis. E. Babsu-ux, PreeWeut, and Thomas '■■ Vrmatead, Cashier, of the Dollar Bavinga líitnk. of Eicfimónd, Va., which collapsed Soritig the pa of l7:j. have been arrosted, ! witU embczzling 14,000 of the bajik funds - Oeorge Dniry, memberof,the Lonisaua Legialatnre hu baen indieted for par tlcipation in the forgery of tUe Genera] Appro j i i . e 1 1 - -i t blll. I i . :.i,i! . killed at Paris, Ky. . ou Monday, by a oelliaion with auother horse while goiug mround the i truck, Hwwvluedt 80,000 er Bruno vas fined f500 at. Iáttle Koek, tlie other day. i'or violating the navigation laws in I not flying the United States flag. TUE TILTON-IiKKCHKU TRIAL. Fiity-ninth Day. Horneo B. Claüin's examination waa eontinucl. and lio gave the bistory of the origin una construction of thc tripartiU oovoinuií. Jlis tcMÍimony went to prove tliat ■J'ntim extorted a settlement and cash frora '■owtn by tu' ;ms of tlireatsof piiblicHtiun. und tliat it ivas agreed that all papen in the case sliould bo destroycd after the scttlomcut. Charlee Stoma, a Brooklyn merchant, who acted l'or Tilton. couiirmcd the narrativo of ('Inflin. Storrs' tesümony tras to the effect that ïilton never dircctly charged adultcry, but that when Elizabeth loft him lie swore he wonld cmfih l)oth her and Iieccher. tKTH Day.- Mrs. Mary F. Perkina, Bister of Mr. Boechor, tcstiliod that sie lived iu Boecher's house ono winter, while Mrs. Beecher was in Florida, but did not seo Mrs. Til ton tliere. Jame Redpath, of the locturo lyceum. related be got the "Truc Story" froni Tütoñ, eopied mout of it, and retened it. The copy was put in evidence. On cross-examinution tliia witness aaid tlie charge in the "True Story " was improper proposals. lixiv-nitsT Dak - The great event of tlio trial occurred to-day, when the dcfeudant took the stand to teil bis own story of tlie scandal. Mr. Beecher refnaed to take the oath on the r.ililc declaring thatho had conscientiouH soruploH agaioot that foim of oath, and a simple allirmation me accepted by Judge Neilson as auffioient. He then proceoded with bis story, commencing at tlie very beginning, even at tho date of bis birth, and gave a minuto bistory of hiseareer from ohilflhood op tothepointwhere the Kcaiidal begin. He bad scareely toucbed upou the merits of the chief issue involvcd wbeu the court adjonrned. Simï-keco.nd Day.- Mr. Beecher'a testimonj to-day boro directly upon the merits of the caso. lic gave an absoluto, emphatio and nuqualified denial of the charges against him; stated that tbero was not one word of truth in Tillon's or Moulton'a allegations of criminality; tbat Katc ('nrny'.i story about Elizabetb sitting on bis knee was falso; that, in short, thero was no ailultery. not evm improper proposals, and ho never confessed anything of tho kind to anybody. Siviy-seconi) Day.- The cxamination of Mr. Beeoher was resumed. llis testimony was chiefly in rebuttal of the evidence of ïilton and Moulton, wbose statements of the dofendauts admissious of gnilt the latter flatly contradicted. The aucouut of several of the interviews as sworn to by Tilton and Moulton wore brauded by Mr. Beecher as moustrous falschoodB. Touching the famous letter of I tiou, ho denied it composition or dictation, but admitted that itfairly represented tlie mibstance of what waa said at the interview preeeding the wrïting of the letter. 6ENJÍKAL. The throe Eastern trunk lineH, the Michigan Central, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, and Pittsburgh, Fort Wajne and Chicago, have reduced the fare to Eastern pointe. The ! lowiug are the new rates compared with the old oncH : Xew rate. Old ratc. Chicago t" Boston $20 $'7 Chicago to New Yorii 15 22 ! Chicago to Philadelpliia 12 in Chicago to Bftltimore . 9 ïy Chicago to Washington '.) i'j The late to Boston by way of Albany over the j Michigan Central and the Lake 8hore roads is j tl!), instead of 20. Tuk ameudment whic.h the exprcsH nies made to the Postal law, by whicb the ratea on tliird class mail matter ïvere doubled, is not only diminishing the receipte of the Postoffice Department, trut increasing itu expenses. The cstimates lor postage for the department were made before the chango in the rates. As a largo part of itn mail matter is of the third class. it postage appropriatlon will be exbanatcd inside of six months. Mr. Jewell will then be obliged to send tbis matter by expreas. The j companies had better makc all the moncv tboy eau before next December, for tbis source of their ineome will then be out off. The tri]) to Mexico of the Senatorial ! aion party, headcd by Senators Cameron and Morton, bas been abandonad, because of the steamer Dispatoh, placed at their disposal by ! the government, being inl'ected with tho ! low fever. FOKKIGN. Tuk Germán government has sumrooued the I'riuco Bwliop of Breslau to resign his biahuprio becauac he lina presumid to promúlgate the recent papal encyelical. The Empcror of Brazil contémplalos abdiration in favor of bis eldeet daughter, the (.'(MinttiKri D'Ku. Heproposee then to cometo the United States au'l make thia his home The Carlist inaurroction ia now almost without any organized force. The end íh near. A dispatch frota licrlin says that it is anticipated that the old lawg forbidding intercourso between the Pope and Catholic olergy in Prussia, except througli the goveruHient, will bc ro-enactcd, and that meanurca vïï be introduoed wholly Buspending Tapal authority in Pnsssia until the Popo abandona his pretensión to cancel the lawa of the kingdom Paraguay ha HHS])C]ided the payment of intereat on lier national debt, and the ioreign representatiea have protestad. The situation is deecribed as serious. ScmcHEN, the KiiHHiau Diplomatic Agent in Hfivice, ha been appointed Minister of Kusaia to the United 8tatoB .- . . . Hpain has made a formal demand on Priissia for the arrest of Don Alphouso on his entering that country, which will be oompüed with by the Prusöian anthorïties A diapatch f rom Berlín states that eighty ecclesiasticH are impriaoued in Posen alone. Piioai-ECTS of peae in Spain are increaaing daily. One hundred and eighty (!arlist ofticers have already given in their Bubmiasion to King AH'onHo: 224 ofticers have left the servico of Don Carlos and entered France. Uf these, nine were Generáis. Adtices from ('alcutta, in relaüoii to tbc diflicultiea bolwecn the Indúui government and the King of Burmah, state that the King ia making warlike preparationa The Polisb Cathoüca, says a Ht. Peterabarg dispatch, are rapidly beoomiug converted to the Greek church.


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