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MORE NEW TEAS AP CilFFEFS! LOW EB PBIGE8 ! LOWEB PItlCF.S ! Don'tfailto visit the Cash Hiili-ert Hodsf. of of Edward üiiffy, during the next thirty ilays, ;tnd examine liis Teas and Coffees of the latest importations, whicli will be sold AT FEW YORK PRICES. Bastin, Syrups, and fipices, together with a full line oí (ienrral Oroceries, very luw lor Cash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Dyi in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lineel Ooods, together with a full line of Gontlemen's Furnishing and Hoafery Uoods. Píease cali and examine goods and prices, and I will ensure fiatisfaotion. It pny for everybady to Iradc at tbc CASH (ÍIKIC1 ï HlllKl OF EDWAUI) DUFFY. Mayuard Bloek, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann Albor, Mich NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SÜMMER CLOTHING. WM. WAGNE2 lias .luxl A FISME STOCK, Whieh most and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO OHDER. Style and "Work warranted to suit. Also a FullLine of Funuahing G-oo&s. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Maiï St. Ann Arbor. 1496 Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been mude in the conditions of a certain nmitiiage whereby the power therein contained to solí has bccome operative, executed by Charle K. Treadwell, of the town of -Aun Arbor, Waahtenaw County, Michigan, and Lucinda A. Treadwell, his wif ■, of tho same place, to the unriersigned Ludema E. Fuller, of the city of Ann Arbor in said county and State, as mortgagee, dated lie eiglith day of March, A. D. one thousand elght hundred and seventy, and recorded on the eleventh day of March A. D. 1870, at three o'elock p. m., in the oitice of the Register of Deeds for the Oounty of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber 42 of mortgages, od page 351, upon which said mortgage there ís claiined to be due at the date of tliis notice the suin of two thousand and eighty-four dollars and fifteen cents, and no suit or proceedings at law or in chnncery having been instituted to recover any part tbereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of the pcwerof sale contained in said mortgage, I shall, on Saturday, the twenty-sixth day of June, t, 1875, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, sell at public auction, to the highestest bidder, (the sale to take place at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenawj the premisea described in such mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be nect'ssary to aatisfy the amount due on such mortgage, and legal costs and charges of such sale, togetherwith an attorney fee of thirty dol lars covenanted for therein, that is to say the following piece or parcel of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, known. bounded and described aa follows, to wit: Comraenciug at an iron stake in the center of the road, running in a northerly direction through the east half of the northeast quarter ot section number twenty-one, town two south, range six east, f rom which in the direction north '28% degrees west is an oak gate post, distanee 50 links, also south SÜ% degrees west is a red oak, diameter 15 incoes, distanee 74] links; run nïng thence south on the line meridian ten chains and six links to the quarter section line; thence south S6X degrees west on tbe quarter section line ftve chaina and thirty-seven links to E. West's line; thence north 24? degreea, west seven chains and thirty links to the center of the road on the half quarter line ; thence north 68% degrees eaat up the center of the road five chains and ten links ; thence north 68}, degrees east in the center of the road four chains and nine links to the place'of beginning, containing six and twelve hundredths acres more or less. Dated this thirty -first day of March, A. D. 1875. LUDEMA E. FULLER, Z. P. Ktng, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1524 Administrator's Sale. IN the matter of the estáte of Perkins Gilmer, deceased. Notice is hereby give i that J nhall sell to the highest bidder, at public auetion. on the thirteenth day of May, A. D. 1875, at toa o'clock ín the forenooii of said day, at, the aouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, pursuant to IiceDse to me duly granted by the Probate Court of the county of Meoosta, in the Ötate of Michigan, on the tirst day of June, A. D. 1874, all the estáte, right, title and interest of said deceaaed in and to all the following described land, to wit: Beginniug ata point nine chains and seveateen links east of Ihe quarter stake, between sections twenty-one f 21 J and twenty-eight (28), in township tw ) (2) south of range six (ñ) east ; thenoe running east along the line three chains and lorty-two links; thence south, at right angles, four chuins and flfty links, to the north bounda of the Michigan Central Railroad ; thence westerly along the north line of said railroad three chains and sixty-four links ; thence north three chains and twenty-eight links, to the place of bezinning, containing one and one-half acres of land Dated March 26, 1875. CALVIN PRICE, Adminietrator. Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a mortgage, executed by lJatrick Kennedy and Nancy Kennedy to Elijah W. Morgan, dated January first, A. D 1H7 , and recorded March first, same year, in the Washtenaw County Registers Ottice, inliber46 of mortgages, page 435, and assigUÊd to Christian Helber, assigument dated and recorded February lweutieth, same year, in liber 48 of mortgages, page 505, by which default the power of sale therein contained beeame operative and the sum of three hundred and ninety-flve dollars is claimed as now due thereon (including preminm paid for insurance and a reanonable ttorney'sfee, and there are five further installments with interest to become due, and no suit or proceedin'ra having ben instituded to recover the mortgage debt or any part thereof: Notice is thercfore hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreeloHed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, oi some part thereof, to wit: Lota number thrce'and fourteen, in bïock number three north, in raDge two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, it the Court House in said city, od the Fifth duy of June next, at noon, said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the purchasemoney for the mortgnged premises. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1 875. CHKISTIAN HKLBER, E. W. Mobgan, Assignee. Attorney. 1620 Conïmissioners' Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Wushteuaw, ss. The undersigned haviiig beeu appoiuted by the Probate Court for sa d Oounty, Commission ers toreceive, examine and adjust all claims ain1 denmndsoi all persons ag-ainst the estáte of Richard Flannery.Iate of aaid county deceaKed, hereby give notice that six inonths from date are ullowed, by order of aaid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said aeoeased, and thatthey will meet at the etore of Edward JDulfy, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Wednsday, the mtiteenth day of May, and on Thursday, the nineteenth day of August next at ten o'elock A. AC.', of each of aaid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. EDWAIÏD DL'FFY, ï Prtm l'KTEiï TTHTB. Dated February '20, A. D. 1876. 1510 Commiseionera Kotice. JTATEOF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, 0 8s. The undersiiiiied having been appomted by the Probate Court for said county, commiasionere to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of ill persons against the eatate of Catharine Pidd, late of saïc eounty deceased, hereby pive notice that six monthB from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditora to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that taey will meet at the residence of Edward Drake, in tbe township of Lodi, in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May, and on Saturday, tüe twenty-flrst day of August next, at ten oVlock a. si., of each of naid days, to receive, examine and adjust said (lililtlf, Dated February ■.!i, A. D. 1875. 1519 , . 1 ÍVE ÖEE8E FEATHKKS FIBST Gl-CJA.r.IT"Y Jmetnt yon hand and for saleby BACH& ABEL. Mortgage Sale. OF.FaI'I.T haring been made in the condition of a rtaln mortnge, made and executed i.y William Rayer and Slim Rayer lila wi ft 01 nn -' boj, Michigan, lo Philip Bach, nf the name placo, ' tea the nlneteenth day of April in the year one ■ Ihoutand eighteeu hundred aud seventy-one, and : rdod In the office of the Register ofDeedé inr the '■ ty of Washteuaw, State of Michigan, on thr ■■'] ' 4ay of April, a. d. 1871, at 9 1-2 o'cloch a. u In lioer 12 of mortgage, on page 687, andonwblch niortgage there U clauaed to bedueat the dateofthta noöce uu Imtallment of interest amounting to onc hundretl ;iuil thirteen dollars and eighty-five cents, wlth Installment of one hundred and ten dollars to becomedue on the nlnetc-enthdayof April iitxi, together with a n attorney's fee of tliirty aullan should any prncelings he taken to foreolose the 9ame ; and do sull or proceedlngs al law haring been liutititted to recover sai.l sunni of - ey oranj pan theréof: Now therefore, notice Is hereby glven, tbal by rhrtue of the power of al■ in said inortgagecontained, I -hall sel] al puWie autlon tothemghesl bidder, on Saiubdaï thk nvtsnskioni) dat uf M i-, ni;t, atteuo'clocktn the forenoon of said day, at the souti door of the Conrt House In the cityofAnn Arbor (that betnarthe place ofholdiiiK the Circuit Court for tald counTy of washtenaw), the uremiscs descrlbed in sahl mortgae, to satisfy said amounts, with interest, costi ana expenses allowed bylaw, wblcï premlaes are: "All that certain tractor parel of land described aa follows, to Kit : commencingtwenty-two feet east of the notthwest corner of lotnumber four(4), block one siuth of fiye east, on Hurón streef in the city nf Ann Arbor, county .il1 Washtenaw and State of Michigan, thence cast twenty-two feel on Hu ros ütreet, tfience south one hundréd feet, thence wt i irenty-two feet, thence north one hundrc.l feet t" the place of beginning; abo, the right and privilege of usingatany and au times an alleyelght feel wfle at the sonth endof thislot; also, tbeeaat half of the. cat brick and stonewall of the building and IVoni the top to bottom, situated mi the northwest corner of aaid lot nuinber four, aaid building beingthe same which was erected andbnon used and occupied as a atore by Luman R. Slawson also theground npon whicl said easl half of sal qow stal Dated, Pebruary 25th, Iktö. PHILIP BACH, Mortgagee. Entate of Robert Poweli. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiimy of Washtenaw vT? sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of VVushtenaw, holden ;it ihe Probate office. in the city of Arm Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenlythird day of March, in the year one thousand eight htindred nnd MVftoty-fire. Present, Nonh W. Cheever, Jiidge of Probate. In the mn ter of the esiate of Kobeit Powell, deoeused. On reading and tiling the petition, duly veriüed, of Horace A. Fisk, prayini? that a certaiu instrument now ou ñle in tb Oourt purporting to he the laat will and testament of said deceat-td, miy be itdmitted to Probate, and that Adminiatration of said estáte inay be gianted to some suitable person. Thereupon it ia ordered, tiiat Monday, the nineteenth day ot' April next, at teil o'elock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition , and that the de visees, legatees and heii s at law of said deceaBed, and all othei persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of sa.d C urr, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer oi the petitioner should not be ijriinied ; And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the p rsons inter ested in 8Hid estáte, of thu pendency of said petition and the hearing thertof, by caiiaing a copy cf thin order to bp published in the Michigan Arffui, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day Of hearing. (Atrueeopy) NOAH W. THEEVER, l-'33 -Judge of Probate, Egtate of James H. Smith. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O bs. At a session of the Probate Court for the uounty of Wadhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nineteenth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and serenty flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jumes H. Smith. late of TowuseDd, couuty of Norfolk, Province of Ontario, Carada, deceaeed. On reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, of Mary C. Srnith, praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be a duly authenticated copy of the last will'and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to Probate, allowed, ftied and recorded, and that ihfl may be appointed sole executrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that MonJnv, the nineteenth day of April, next at ten ickin the forenoun, be assigcíd for ttie hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees and lieu at law of unid deeeased, and all other persoii. nleretod in said estáte, are required to n ppear at a sessionof laid court, then to be holden at the ProbatejOffice, in the city of Anii Arbor, in aid county, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petioner should not be grañted: Aïid it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persous intereated in said estate, of thependency oí said petition, and the hearing thereof, by oaiudng a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing (Atruecopy.j NO.H V CHEEVER, UftSvS Judffe of Probate Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviog been ïuadf iu the condition of a eertain mortgage executed by Patrick Wall and Mary Wall, hls wil'e, tu John Richards, on the ninth day ui' Febniary, A. D. 187, aud recurded iu the office of Register of Deeds lor the county of Waaktenaw and State of Michigan, in liber 35 of mortgages, on page 826, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become oierative, on whieh mortgage there is clalmed to be due at tlie date of' tliis noliee tor principal, interest and attorney fee as irosrided for in said mortgage the Buna of six huuored and tliirty-one dolían and twuniy-tlin-r cents, and rno snit or proceeding at law or in euiiy iuiving been Inatituted to recover the amount due on sakl mortgage or any part thereof: Now tlierefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contáined in' said mortgage I Bhall BeU at public auction, ai tin SOUth front door of the Court House, in the city of Aim Arbor, (that being the building In which the Circnil Caurt for sald couuty of Wasoteuaw s held) on iho twelfth day of June, A. D. 1875, at ten a'clock in thu torenoon of that day, ihu followiug prciiiises dcMTibed iu said mortgage, viz : All that traet or pareel of land situated ïn the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described a. lot thlrteen (13), block four (4) north range four (4) east, known as the 1-avery place, according to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, and 80 ïnuch or such part or parts thereof as shall be neecssary to satisfy the imounl due upon said mortgage. DaU-d 12th day of "Man-h, A. D. 1878. JOHN KICHARDS, A. J. Sawyer, Moitgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1521 Mortgage Sale. DBFAUIjT having been made in the condition of a mortgage executed by eorge W. Havens and Mary Haven, hia wil'e, to Charles T. Wilmot, all of the city of Anc Arbor, Michigan, duted the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, and rocorded on the flfth day of May, A. D. 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon nf that day, in hber 41 of mortgages, on page 616, upon which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of one thousand flvo hundred and forty dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the morttraged deht, or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that on Saturday the twelfth day of June, 1875, 1 shall sell at public auction, to the highefit bidder, at the south door of the C'ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, the moitgaged premises, or so much as will satisfy the amount due on such mortgage and legal costs and charges of such sale, together with au attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars, to wil : Lot number five, blonk number eleven in Hiscock's addition to the ei y of Anu Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, except four rods in width OÍF from the north side of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522 CHAKLEST. W1LMCT, Mortgngee. Hheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of exection issued out of and undertheseal ol the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I have on this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1875, levled upon all the right title and interest of Cornolius B. Henion, Ilniry M. Henion, and S. Newell Henion la nul to the following described rag] estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: All that eertain tractor narcel of land situated in the townabip of Ann Arbor county of Washtenaw, Michigan, kimwn, boundt?d and described as follows, viz.: Belng a part of secttoD number thirtytwo, in township number two south of range six east, commencing at the quarter stake In DOIth line of said section thirty-two, running thence west ■long Bftld north line, nin'e chains and stxty-one and one-fourth links, thence south uine derees and thlrty mlnutee eul one chain and fifty links, thence east parallel with aection line elevèn chains and furty-nine links lo the Saline Plank Boad, thence north thlrteen degrees, t-;ist one chain and tifty-Mx links to tlie north line of said section, thence west ■long said north lino of section. one chain and ninety-nlne links tothe place of beginning. Which above describecl property I ahall exposé tor sak' to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Cruirt Souae in the city of Ann Arbor. on the 3d day of April, A. 1. 187S, ;it tm o'clock, a. ji. ol'said day. Dated Keb. I7th. 187J. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Chancery Noties. rpnE CIRCUIT COURT tor the countyof Wash tenaw- in ehancery. l'eter C. Uoss, complain vK.Cutharine M. Roas, defendant. It satisfactorïly to this Court by afüdavit and return oí the sheriff on the subpoena issued in this cause, that the residenee of the defendunt is in the State of New York, and that said defendant is not within the jurisdiftion of this Court, on motion of D. Crainer, solicitar for the complainant, it is ordt red that the defendant cause her appearanee tobe entered in this cause within three raonths iroin the date of this order, and that in of her apfeartmce she cause her answer to the cornplainant's bilí to be filed in this cause, and a copy thereof to be served in the complaiuant or liis soliciLor within twenty days after service on her or her solicitor, of a copy of the bill of eomplainant riied in this cause, and a notice of this order, and iu dofault thereof. that the said complainant's bijl ïe taken as confessed by the said defendant ; and it is iurther ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a eopy of tiiis order to be published in the Michigan Arijas, a public newapapor printed in aid couuty ot Washtenaw, and that the publication continue at least once each week for six suecesHive weeks or that bfl cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant, according to the rules and praclice of this Court Dated April i, 1875. JOHN V. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Oommissioner in end tor D. Ckamkr, Washtenaw County. Michigan. ïoHcitor for Coniplahituit, ]"2; QWELl,llV(i HOI SIS FOK SALi:! Alarpeand very well built brick house with two or more lots. Two Hirtre framed houses. Also a good fized brick house and frame hniw ; and a amall frame booM un a g-ood lot. intended for adninpafront. For sale on fair terms and a ' ble credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property ' MONEÏ WAIVTED- So mauy wihing ! to borrow money applj to me that I can readily ■ Jbtainfor tenders good satisfactory investments at ' teu per oent. interest. E. W. MOROAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23, 1873. M231Í Morteage Sulo E)FAULThving&enm&i,h„ f qiaojrtain mortgaue (wberebv ïki""4 , laleiiis.iid raortgagehna bekome , „ 'r.10" ■( Arbor, Wuiitnimi county, .M„.h„., , .ïofAl1 Sraith, af Mymouth, Wayne VI Kniel rtgage iadated th sfï[. 'v '"%,,,, tember, A. D. 1872, and „,,„d ., ' ' ""■ -t N : thellegiti of ..-,ls. oi Was),,,., 'tW '.,,, "tn ilaj „i s(iilml„7ln'lt' eleven o'oiock n. oi said day „ m',., ; l87;!, t Kug.,-8, on page B49, which -irt',„„rt„ ' u' mo„. isiKiied 65 mid Elizabeth Nmiu, , ,aSli Vangho, bj deed oí anignment ,i,.lí DL?] h, 1874, wMch .p,,,,,,.,,, „ n„v I said Htsis'er „f r ' ■ the fourth d„y of Jan.mry. A. V) ?i-P, oclock a. m. oiBiiid dny, in liber 4 of S' st : of morteage., „,, page 477, ,,„,, ''"'"i!, Leonr, „„.i„ duly wigned to iLth,e Noble, l.y rleed of afdpunent, rh, L, ''í' P twenty-scv,.,,!!,, 1874, which :.%„,,,',„. r. recorded in the otiice nt Buid Beirut, t ,? t "8 a'i'! thefonrthda; oi Jai narj is;:,,Ht':i ,,vi leed s' Midday, m líber 4 01 wwignments ot 7„ lM"l on pam 178, and there being olaimeatoS??, unpaid on mid mortgage, and ths note „ e (1 ing the iiw, t u,e date oi tl,is „oti„co.?;iiof aix numlred and twent.y-tbm dnli.i . ' '"''"a Biaeoents(e.S.S9)I lo-Mher with tiSü"'!siiid mortíjage, itipnlated and agreed íUls' au n nttorney'a or olioitor's fee ' n r.„ ' De Piá, ingsshould be takaa to foreclow Hi'd JDroce''il. and 11 proceedinui, at luw nr in rquitv kJÜ?, inntitutcd lo reonver (he same ot mV„ , Notice is theref ore, hereby given tliit, ,, B)(' the twerfth day of April. A. 15! Ï876, atïif in the foreuoon of said day, ut the ,ƒ theCouri araee in the city of A nn Ar"' ', of benig the place lor holding the Ciimh r' l' saidoounty oi Waehterawjl shall ïïi ,""" anction, to the highent bidder, the ntem Píblit acribed in snid morlgage or 30 nuieh th if' shnll be neoeasary to aatisfy and amonnt ■" interest, MMiand expenres allowed tivl- t"h said prtmises me described in aid mñ' foUnwa, to-wit: All of iotn numberTlP"' and fourtecn f 13 uncí 14j, in block numW v "" north 01 Huron treet, in range nnmberfenSf ; the original plat of the city oi Ann Aibor ' " tenawoounty, Michit-an. ' " Dated January 4, ls;r. JKRUUHAP, NOBL Tbacy W. Koot, A-ignee of Uonm Att'y for Asaignee. ""SHe. Mortgagu Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the codüm 01 a certain mortgage 1 hereby lliepu, ' 111 cpntained to sell has bminiv oratiL i.y Louis B. Buchoz, of the city of Am the State of Michigtn, to the nndersimirf SÜ" s. Brush and Elmina R. Bruah, as morta the twenty-elghth day of Noïember, ffhZS hundred and seventy, and recoided 01 day of December, 1x71,, at eleven uVWt ' In the office of the Register oi' Deeds, for thecoM ofWaahtenaw, In the State of lieiiigan in' 44 of mortgages, on page 68ü, upon whid Ihere is claimt-d t.i 1' at the il the mm of two thousand and two doll cents, and 110 suit or imjceedinus at la ,.. '! ehancêry having been Instituted to part thereof: Notiee is therefore, hei thaton Saturday.thetwenty-fourth dav ., D. 187.",, at tenoVlwkintheforelioon.wes public auction, to the liighest bid place at the sou th door of the Coun Houae iutE' city of Ann Arbor, in saiil county said rJ' House the place of holding thé Circuit fl for said county oi Washtenaw), the iireniLT acribed ín such mortgage, mr so mucb shall be necessary to satisfy the amount dien such niortgage, an.l leal costa and chai sale, together witb au attorney fee .,f thirtv d 1 ars convenanted for therein), that followlng piece i.r parcel of land sittu city of Ann Arbor, in the county of and 8Ute of Michigan, viz.: Beirig on tlm m I lot number four, in block number three S 1 range six east, that liea cast of Detroil Beginning on the easl side of Detroit i it crosses the south siile of North streef Una eastalong North street ninety-nineUokj'tta south parallel to the east side of said lot chaina; thence west parallel to No seventy-two and three-lourtlis links; lifty-lin' degrees west 011c chain and thim four and one-half links to Detroit ati ■ north-east along the cast side of Detroit rlr.ini and Bfty-one links to the piare of luim. Ann Arbor, Mtch Jauuary 28, 1870. ;kok(;e s. bri'sh, i„ . ELMINA R. BKUSH,jMoItW I Z. P. Kinii, Att'y for Mortüagees. 151,5 Chancery Notice. IN PUR8U ANCE and by -rirtuc of a deer of th I 1 Circuit Court for the county of W;w. Chancery, made on the 26th day of Februari k; in a pause tbereiu pending, wheretD James l' I Mitchell i complainant and Lucy Y.. MHchell Is. I Jamln F. Bodson, Catherine P. Hudson John '1 I Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitchell, John ! Geoige '.. Southwick, and Frank Ci. Ru slgnee in bankruptcy of said Southwick, anta, Notiee is hereby given, that I sball sdl it public rendue to the highest bidder, at two o'éd in the afternoon, on the luth dav of April. 1SH 1: the front or south door of ths Court Houseinfc city of Ann Arbor, the following doscrikil Unlviz: the Dorthweat quarter of section I and the west half of the northeast quarti : twenty-six (26), and the south fifty acres ofthtmn half of the soutb west quarter of section tventy-thm (28), all being in township two, south of range fout cast, in tbc State 01 Michigan, being 11 the ton Bhin of Lima, in said county of Waslitinaw, lü containingin all two hundred and uioef hun!, more or teas. lated, Maren ad, 1875. J. F. LAWRENCE, Circuit CourtCommissioner u.ihtenaw 1828 County, Michigan. Mortgage Ha e. DEKAfLT having been made in the conditíoi! of a certain monguee fwhereby tLe poïerM sell thereiu contained has become operativo,) tsecuted by Jane A. Grirfith, of the city of isilmti, county of Wnshtenaw, and State ot Michigan, to Julián (i. Dickinson, of the city of Detroit, W&jm oounty, Michigan, dated the suveiAMntti daï nl September, A. D. 1874, and recorded in rtie office of the Register of Deeds for the county ut Wuhtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liter 52 of mortgiiges, on page 23G, upon which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of thii notiee the sum of twenty-seven hundred and seventy-eight 10-100 dollars, and no suit orprfr eeedings at law baving been instituted to recaver :iny part thereof: Notiee is therefoie, herebp given, that on Wednesday, the twenty-eigMh d; of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the (orenoon, I hall sell at public auction, to the highat bidderísale to take plací at the front door of the Court House, that bcing the place where the Circuit Court for the eounty of Washtenaw is nsually held, in the city of Ann Arbor, WashteEi county, Michigan,) the preraises contained in aneh mortgage, or no rauch thereoi aa shall be neeïssa to satiafy the araount due on such moitgaírp, mtli ten per cent. interest, and legal costa, togelher with n attomey fee of twenty-five dollars, wnanted for therein) that is to say tlte follomnf piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of ïpLanti, in the county of Washtenaw, ani State of Michigan, and described as follows, towit: Comencing on the east line of Huroo street, one rod north of the northwest corner of lot one hondrei and eighty-five ; thence north along said east lias six rods ; thenco east at right angles with said eas I line to the Huron river ; thence southerly cfG tlie Huron river to a line six rods distant from and parallel with the north line of land herebf conveyed ; thence west to place of bezinningDated Detroit, January 22, 1876. JULIÁN G. DICKINSON, J. G. Dickinson, (in person) MortgagM. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1616 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditiop a certain mortgage executed by FrederiekKim and Christina Kirn, of the city of Ann Arbor,oounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Ieonard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, of the aamepUw on the flrst day of November, one thousaad ap hundred and Bixty-nine, and recorded in the oifioa of the .Register of Deeds for the county of WubJ naw, aloresaid, on the 4th day of November, A 0. 1869, at &}4 o'clock p, m., of said day, in Libertf, oí mortgages, on page 48, and there is now claimedto bedne upon aaid mortgage and bond accompanyfl? the same, the aum of one thousand and seveoty-t0 dollars and aeventy-eight cents, also an attoruej1 fee of thirty-five dollars, should any proceedin be taken to forecloae the same ; and no profsedinw in law or equity having been had to recover M aum of money or any part thereof. Now, fherefors notice is hereby given, that by virtue of thepoff of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall sell public auction to the highest bidder, on the seventeenth day of April next, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aj4 day, at theiront door of the Court Honse bJ city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, f that Min? the piaee of holding the Circuit Court for said couty), all that certain piecc or parcel of land, situatw in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenawww State of Michigan, aforesaid, known, bounded ao-L described as tollowa, to wit : Beinfr lot number BJi (6) block numbei four [4;, eouth, range numbertvo. f2 west, accordmg to a plat of U'illiam S $'. nard's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, oountyol Waphteuaw, aforesaip. Dated, January 22d, 1875. LEONAKD VAUGH5-, MARTHA VAÏ'i. John N. Gott, BIortg( Attorney tor Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditio of a certaiu mortgage, made by AOW' Lutfery and Catharine Laffery, nis wife, of tlc"i of Ann Arbor, in the county oí Waanton " State of Michigan, to Kmanuel Munn of " same place, dated October twenty-ihst. A. J 1868, and recurded in the office of Kegiste' ' Deeda for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on ttw twenty-iirst duy of Oclober, A. D. ' 3:30o'clock, p M.,inliber 3!) of moitfrnges, on P" 342, upon whicn said inortgage there is claim"; be due, by virtue of the conditions thfreot, ? remaiuing unpaid at the date of thie notlcf'. Hum of KÍxteen hnndred und oue doll; rs Jtno Jn; ' five cents ($l,t0l.45j, and nn attorncy iee0'' t dollars provided for in said mortgiifie ; Mldno8 or proceedings having been instltutvd at W? recover the sum now reniüiuing due aud by said mortgage or any part thereof: b tberefore, by irtue if the power of siile contanw in said mortgage, und by virtue of the statu ie such cases made and provided : Notice i e „ given, that on Saturday, the nineteentb w " June next, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that Wi , the front door of the Court House, in the W Aun Arbor, in said rounty of W.ishtens' ", Blateof MichiLn, (eaid Court House beiDg ' place of holding the circuit Court lor snul o - there will be sold at public auction or venoi ie, the highewt bidder, the premisos deseribed m mortgage, tu-wit: All of lot number scven. Swiitlu-I's addition to the city oí Ann Aroor, " cording to the recorded plat of said addition. Dated Murch 29, 1T"'. EMANUEL MAN-V Eügen K. FnuEAUKi-, MortsaSpe' A tt'y for Morlgagee. UiSti Coiiimissioiier's Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of WíMfIlw L? 88. The undersigned havini? been appom ' the Probate Oourt tor said OOunty, ooiiiifS"'"'L toreceive, examine and adjuat all oltiim '",'f. mands of all persons against the estte of -Jo1111 . r Weiamnger, late of naid county, deoeaMOi '"'r' j ffive Tiolice that six montha from dnte ure allo' by order oí said Probate Court. íor cve'o present their claims aeainst the estáte of sio , osued, nd that they will meet at the stoie Leonhard Gruner, in the city of Ann Al'"r'1 „f said county, on Tuesday the twenty öff' "' ■ .f May, and on Wednesday, the twenty-tiftn aJ . August next, at ten o'clock a. m., of ' eacli ui ■ Jays, to receive, examine and adjust said claimDated February 26, A. D. 1875. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, j rnmmisüti""1' LBONHARD ÖEUNEE.


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Michigan Argus