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- Postmaster Clark has received small size s(innied euvelopes for ladies. - Anton Eisele is building a two-story front to bis new briok marble shop ou Detroit strcet. - The mother of C. H. Richmond, E9q., of this city, died at Aurora, N. Y., on the lstinst. jged nearly 87 years. - Letters sent to Canada must be fully preffith U. S. stamps. Canada stamps will not pay Aniorican Postage. - Eeport says that the Bev. Mr. Hall, of Piqua, Ohio, is to be called to the rectorship ot 5t. Andrew'8 parisli of this city. - The hill on Catharine street, between Allen's creek and Main street, is being out down, under the supervisión of Aid. Walker. - H.C. Waldron is making numerous improvemeuts to his receutly purchased resideuce on Elizabeth street, preparatory to removal thereto- Heavy fires were raging in the woods in in the northern part of Monroe county, last Saturday and Sunday, doing considerable damage. - Company B were out on the streets Monday eveuing, exercising in the skirmish drill, sciling the fence around the Court House Square, ifcc. - McEeynolds & Sessions have removed their Law and Insurance office to the rooms over J. H. Maynard's Dry Goods Store on Jlain Street. - The Centennial Anniversary of the Battle of Lezington will be celebrated on the next Sunday eveum;,'. The church will be decorate,l, and Kev. Mr. Brigham will give an appropriate discourse. - Mavnard has been receiving more new gools (luriug the week, and all hands have been busy unpacking the uumerous boxes wliich have been daily unloaded in front of the store. Hu lias an attractive stock. - At a meeting of the gaslight compauy of this city, on Friday last, the following ofricers were elected : President, Charles Tripp ; Secretary, Süas H. Douglas ; Directors, E. WMorgan, J. VV. Huut, and James Clements. - The Odd Fellows of Milan have nearly completed arrangements for the establishment of an Eucampment of the patriarchal branch of the order in that village, to be iustituted as soon as a dispeusution for that purpose shall be obtained. - Don J. Mozart, who was sent to the Asyluin íor the Insaiie about six months ago, was returned to ihis thís city on Friday last, his case having been pronounced incurable by the physician of tliat institution, and ís now coutined iu the County House. - The fence around the Washtenaw County Court House and Ónices lias been improved Juring the week, by the addition of three or iour boards, which were nailed upon ït at places where opemngs occurred. Ann Arbor should be asked to pay the expense made. - Tuesday afternoon a norse belonging to Joseuh Audette canie dashing down Main itreet without a dnver, and collided with a horse aurt carriage standing in front of Eberaclkt Co. 's store, owned by U. Foster, of Aun Arbor Tuwu. Poater's horse wks cousiderably injured, and his carnage somewhat brokeu. - On Tuesday as the team of Wra. R. Tuoray was standing between the Agricultural Works aud the race, in the Fifth ward, the wagon was backed ort iuto the water, pulling the team with it. Aftcr considerable difficulty they were extricated, but a lot of castiugs with which the wagon was loaded, werê left in fiie bottoin of tlie race. -Mr. H. J. Stimpson, who is farorablv kiiown to the citizeus of Ann Arbor, ia alout leüïing here for Dïnver, Colorado, where he inteuds practising his profeesion. Mr. S. is a gradúate of the Law Department and tor tlie past year has been its librarían. We wish Mm well and believe that his success in his new home is a mere question of time. - A man irom the country wns in the city last Satunlay eveiiing and called at one of the grocery stures and ordered soine goods, while they weie being put up he stepped to the torward end of the store and very slyly put a acnuple of lemons into his pocket and returned to the'rear of tlie store. Imagine his lurprise on reeeiving his bilí to find a charge for the lemons, but the bill was paid without a word. -The drug finn of C. A. Leiter & Co. have failed, the sheriff havmg closed them up on Wednesday, on complaint of Detroit and other eu8teru creditors. Hinchman & Co., of Detroit, have quite a large claim, and the other elaims are reported small on themselves, but Sgregating quite a large amouut. It is thooght the liabilities will range between 3,000 and $5,000. The assets are not known, but an iiivoice of stock is being made. - Wolveiïne Lodge of Odd Fellows, at the village of Miiau, will celébrate the coming anmversaryof the establishment of the order in the ümted States, April 2üth, in a becoming nanner. The proaramme includes a street [Wie, address at oue of the churches by some fotinguished speaker, supper at the hotel, and other festivities. The lodges of Ann Arbor, Dimdee, and Petersburg have been invited to particípate. Washtenaw Lodge, of this city, tas accepted the iuvitatiou and will attend. - Our frieud John J. Robison seems to lort none of his old-time popularity here. iift in town Wednesday evening, while Img by the Opera House, he was surroundi besieged and blockaded by a crowd of jounsters, each one of them yelling, " Take me ito the show, Mr. Robison ; take me iuto the sw!" John, making a virtue of necessity, at iuto negotiations with the door-keeper. ko agreed to let in a certain number for 11.60 "h. Planking it down, John J. rushed them . the door-keeper in vain protesting that he getting in too many for the money. After g all his constituents happy, the genial " bade them farewell and went ou his way "poorer but happier man. - Dr. Pratt, of the Fifth ward, has, we repet to say, come out beliind agaiu in liis race ■ r the Marshalship. In order to save time '-' laljor, he preseuted to the Council the pei on which he got up last year. There were '"oesure, some names of dead men in the list "■gnatures ; but then that was a trivial mat;' nd helped to swell the aggregate. Tte present Mayor'a name being read off, he tened deathly pale and excluimed, "Great avens ! I neVer sigiied it." But he did- year- and a man is not suppoeed to 'lia"Se his opinión in a year. At least so the "tor thought. liut he failed to get votes euoit'h, and the city has again been deprived ' lr'i invaluable services. 'Tis pitif ui ; 'tis t("irous pitiful. - A good story is told in connection with Jj tnie over the city treasurership. A canJate for the place who is a member of the r na lately a deputy in a couuty office, W upon an aiderman on a buttou-holeing rand, and represented that on account of his "%' to the party, lie was entitled to the The city father, contemplating the th calmly for a moment, broke out "!i "H- u, what does that amountto'í I PP080 several huudred voted right, but that JL t öititle them all to ' pap,' does it t" The didn't tarry to answer the ques' concluded to go without the gentletl"8 "'"fluence" rather than stir upthat partCtV het's ne8t any tonger. The joke of ui"e was ihe Aiderman liimself was a can - We have received the first nuraber of the Mirhigun Merkur, the uew Germán paper established in this city. It is a neat looking sheet, well fillel with wltat look to us like re&diog matter, aad a liberal amount of advertfoing. It has heen successful in one thing, at least, for among its advertisements we can cypher out the nnmes of several business men which have nover before appeared in an Ann Arbor paper, and perhaps the benefits derived trom their first attempt at advertising may induce them to extend their patronage to other papen. There are Germans enough in this section of the State to make the Mcrkur a successful sheet. - Down at Vpsilanti the lawyers havo augurated a new way of settling legal pointsj in which paper weights are made to play a prominent part. In a case beíore a Justice a few days since, oue of the rising youug attorneys ot that burg thought lus opponent was getting too eloquent, or personal, or both, and to shut him off, he heaved a paper weight at his head, which he skilliully dodged. After this httle diversión, a more formal set-to was had, in which the better bruiser is said to have come out ahead. It is unly necessary to add that in working by tliis new system, inkstauds will answer every purpose wheu paper weiglits are not convenient. - The Courier man hasu't got over election yet, and fears are eiiturtiiined that his head never will become unmuddled Desiring to meet a triend at the depot, Monday eveuing he hired a livery rig for that purpose, drove to the depot, hitched lus horse opposite, and went in to wait for the train. After it and his friend arrivetl, he couversed a few minutes with the latter, an I going out, found thehacks all gone, and after talkiug emphatically a little while (he never swears), and forgettiug all about his horse, they started on foot up town. Arrivmg atitis utíice and turryinga short time, he sallied forth agaiu, when he was confTonted by the livery man with a dcmand for his horse. "Horse! horse !" mused the journalist, " did I have a horse ?" After considerable reflection he carne to the conclusión that he did, and a man was dispatched after the animal, which was found where it was left, patiently waitmg. This story shows that the Courier man is quite forgetf ui ; but ha will always remember that there was an election the other d&y, and atill swears by the "glonous old First."


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