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Tiie distnrbances in the Pennsylvania eoal regkmï grow more and more alRrming, aud advices from there represent the situatiou a the rravest ever knoivn. Several regiments of troops have been ordered to the scène of the I tronbles. A telegram froiu .Hnyleton. Pa., dated April : 10, save : "A great tire in the Stookten mine ! is rftging furiouely, and tfie ñamen aro steadily ! oreeping into the mines that conneot with it. : Every men who are flghtiu the flamea are dragged out insensible, overeóme with ; npjioua gases. This lire is alarmiug the operators, aud they say it is more Berious than ! the strike." All of " Boss " Tweed's I tv in New York and vicinity lias been seized by tho city government to make good lus ■ ings. . . .Miehael Bnllivan v-as hanged at New i Brunswick, N. J., on April 9, for the murder of Daniol Talmagc. A walking match between Daniel O'Leary, of Chicago, and John DeWitt, of New York, of 100 miles for $1,000, came off in the latter city last week, and was won by O'Lcary, who pleted the distance in 23 honra, 52 minutes and 14 Beeonds ; the last müe in 9 minutes and 18 seconds. DeWitt gave np on the 57th mile A tíre in New York last Sunday morning destroyed two or three buildings, causiug a loss i of about 6325.000. Several buildings in Millerstown; Pa., were burned last week. IjOsp, S 100, 000. A blspTOH of the 12th inst., from Hazleton, Pa., says : ''The f oes that the mine-owners now have to coutend against, together with the I turbulent strikers, are water and iire. All through thit, región, water is playing sad havoc, and, if the minere should surrender to-uight, it would require months to place the property in working order. In the Stocktou mine, the flamea are raging with tremendous fury, and i spreading in all directions. Strategy has been J exhausted, and the only thing now that can extinguish the iire is water, and, when this mine is flooded. all others that connect witU it must be filled. At the lowest ealculation, loss by this calamity will amount te half a million." THE WEST. Tuf. firs t very large party of gold hunters left for the Black Huls on the Gth inst. They started from Sioux City 200 strong, well armed, j equipped and supplied. Chicago contained, on the 7th inBt., 4,037,558 biLShclsof wheat, 2.451.71G bushels of corn, 537,208 bushels of oats. C.ÜG3 buwhels of. rye, and 137,423 bushels of barley, making a grand total of 7,170,258 bushels, against 7,528,790 bushels at the samo period last year A j rific explosión of powder occurred in San i cisco, last week, blowing several buildings to atoms, and killing a numbei of persons. Preperty to the amount of over i500,000 was destroyed. The fowl fauciers of the country, at a recent meeting in Chicago, organized the National Poultry Assoeiation, with E. L. Lamb, of Chicago, as President, and a number of Viee-Presidents from various States. Patrick O'Shea was executed at St. Louia on Friday, April 9, for the murder of bis wife, whom he literally disemboweled with a knife in March, 1874. . . .Au expedition of 1,000 men is orgauizing at Kansas City, and will start for the Black Hills in a few days .... A special dittpatch from Leavenworth states that 2,000 of the captivo Indiana eseaped from Cheyenne Agency and made for tho piaras. The regular scalping season will open immediately. . . .The Chicago Times, discussing the probabilities of tho coming erop of breadstuffs, states that though the full wheat wan badly damaged by the severe winter in many places, and tho farmers dmcourageil by laat year's low prices, yet on the whole the growth is thrifty and gives pr.omise oí an unusuaBy abundant harvest, and the production in the West may be set down as fully up to the average. An Iridian battle is reported from the enne Ageucy. The hostile Indians, to the ber of 2,000, becamo tired of restraiut, and broke away from the guard. Four companies in pnrsnit of the fugitivea were repulsod with sixteen killed and wounded. The highest price paid for live tyogB in ie Chicago market this seaaon is 89.40, at which flgnre several lots were diHnosed of during the I past weck Four coal-nimers were crushcd to death near Cantón, Oblo, a few days ago, by the earth ca ving in upon them . . . . A Jacksou (Mioh.) jeweler has been convicted of WTiting obscene matter on postal cards and , tenced to the State Prisoii for two years j Benj. L. Jessie, one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Clay county, Ho., has been ! convicted of mannlaughter in the first degree, ' for canaing an inl'ant boy to be left out in the coldto perinh. The child, which was frozon to death, was his owu, borne him by Iiíb lfi-yearold daughter. WASHINGTON. The PoBtofiice Department bas information that nine out of the flfteen couutries sented at the International Postal Convention havo ratilied the International Postal ; treaty. Asnistant ArroRNEï-(!nNEHAL TTtt.t. has resigncd. . . .Tlio frauduleut mail contracts are still engaging the atteniion of the officials of the rostoftice department. The courne to be decided upon is not yet known, but prosecutions forbribcry soom to be the only means by which the guilty partios can be made to Buffer for their crimes. In acrordance with the hiw enacted at the last Hossion ol Congress, Socrctary Bristow has commenced the withdrawal of ' j rency preparatoi-y to iesiüng small silver coin. j Over eCOO.OOOof the '-small trash" has been Sooumulated rn the Treasury within the past ! month. whioh is not likely to be reissued.... Vice-Presi-lent Wllson has abandonod his contemplated European tour. The Attorney-General haa deeided that the govemmeut Ciinnot lawfnlly enjoin the Central and Union Pacific railroads from paying a dividend on their stock before they have paid ! lieir obligatione to the government. THE SOUTH. I ivv, hundred colored families, agpregating { '., 000 persons, lelt Williamson county, Tcnn., in a ImxIv for Kanea', lant week. The Moxican authorities havo arrested a ! party of raiders on the way back from Texas, I with American plunder in their possession. Tho sitnation of American settlers in the valley of the lïio Chancle ifl extrcmely disagreeabli-, as BrownsviUe ia reported to be filled with Mexii'gn cut-throats and iiicemiiarieH. POI.ITICAL. Inoeksoll's majerity over all, for Governor I of Oonnectio;it, ia about 6,500. P. T. Baknum, the great ahowmon, bas been elected Mayor of Bridgeport, Ct. THE TILTON-REECnEB TKIAD. Sixtï-fouhtii DAK- Mr. Boecher's testimony j was explanatory of tlio lettere tliat pasHed bej twecu Mrn. Tilton and liimnelf. Jlr. Fullerton called the attentioii of the conrt to tbc fuet i Ihat Mr. Beeclier had before liiiu a memorandum of the queatioña to be asl.ed and bis ! auswers thcreto. Th as frequenüy refened to bv the ivitnëss, for tlio purpose of refreshing his memory as to dates. This unusual proeeedihg on tlie part of a witiiess was the Hiibject of a good deal of remnrk. Sixty-fifth Day.- The day was speut in examiniugMr. Beechcr'H letters and eliciting from the witucas explanations of tliem. llis marnier was firm aud solemn, and bis denials most eraI phatic. Sixtï-mxth Day.- The proceediugH opened quietly and tamely. with tho resumption of tho chain of evidence from the point where it waa left oft the previotis day. Beecher gave a number of emphatic denials to statements made by plnintiff ; and one in particular, wMch secnied to put Tracy's position iu a more favorable light thnn it bas hitherto been regardeci. In reply to a qüestion, Mr. Beecher said tlie fint intimation lie received that (ien. Traey had beon consul ted in regard to the difficulties between Tilton and Beecher was from Frank Moulton. Witness had not been j consulted in regard to this sslection of Mr. Tracy nor of any one else. Kixty-Seventh Day.- Mr. Beecher continued bis testimony, wkich related almoat wholly to Mrs. Moulton's sworn statement of her variouB interviews with him, and in whioh, upon severa 1 occasions, according to her evidence, he confessed and admittod the tmth of Tilton's charges. Each and every one of the material points in Mrs. Moulton's evideuce were Üatly contradicted by Mr. Beecher. GENERAL. The Commissioner of Interna! Bcvenue reports a slight increase in the reoeipta last month over the eorresponding month in 1874. FÖKEJOK. The Emperor of Brazil will not abdícate Nuraorous arresta are made in Germany of those who speak disrespectfully of Bismarek, .... There is said to be a contingency in which tho Pope will take up his resideuce in this countrj'. A PBoros' ion to enable nnmarried wome to i vote for rnmbers of rarliament. bas been de j feated in the British House, of Commons by r vote of 187 to 152. The Berlin I'osl fears a general outbreak of war tbroughout Europe. .. .Spain will send 15, 000 more troops to Cuba at once The report that Dom Pedro, Emperor of Bruv'1. was about to abdícate his th i , turns out to be a canard The Spanish government will arrest all professors who protest against thenew edueational laws, or resign chairs on account of their miilgation. . . .A bill bas been passed by the i British House of Commons making owners of j vesaels liable for the loss of lile and property ; through their negligence or greed, and preBcnNng regulations for the safety of bot cargo ajid crew. Caedinal Mannino expressos a belief that ] the church of Home is "approaching a crisis, i the most serious for 300 years," and adds that he con6iders himaelf intrusted with a mission of warfare Tho French government has sent instructions to its consuls to summon, for the last time, French subject abroad who are liable to military service, to have thcir names tetad at the consulates. Paul Boynton, of Fhüadelphia, recently started from Dover to cross the English channel in his life-saving dies. Owiug to the ! boisterous wenther and the approach of darkness, the daring ewimmer was compelled to abandon tlie attempt when only five miles from ! the Frencli shore. The doctors certify that he could have eaaily accompliiilicd t!ie feat, as ho was not virably di.-iturbed. The affair cansed immense excitoment in England. Tho Qnecn and the Lord Mayor of London felegraphed theü' congratulations to the bold Yankee. A London telegram states that the Beseemer i steamer, constructed to overeóme the motion i of the sea. has made a satisfactory trial trip from Gravesend to Calais. . . .Pope Piue advises an alliance of all Catholic powers against Ger many.


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