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ff T H f H ■ IEST and harrlest work ■ rUJfc. m " in tbo house made compuriitlvel; e and pleasant. Kvnry on intcrustod in reluritit irmi,an's,rork shuuM send imn a stamp forour circular. GH AY, DIXON 4 OO. , 51 Olybourn AÍe. , Chicago. rifles, gaoT-etm, pitols j revoltkiis. Of Anyand eTcrykSntl. Kencl stamp %S fi.r CiMnloKü. Ail.lTflt Grai WiMiten n)i H nd?iiMTVki, FIlCSIlLHtiU, rA. mj.i.i'XTN WANTED F.VERYWHERE.-Ths choicest ín ïh Vüñii- ïfiiportrs' pricos- Irtrfftt Corapany in fjiple nrticlfi- ploaaed evorybony - trarin nert;iKinti -h".t tafltttfêmefltq - don't waste time- send for Circular to ftOBK.RT WKLLR, 4:i Vnsey Streot, New York. P. O. Box iJL t, n n i s s bs fi s i n f Th('m"stsucc'Mfi1' Uil iVi li II iï t éntdw-Sr!df( I B SeF BV tl %#ltf BS In per i. Opium IC.ittog. Prof. D. Moclccr, F. O }i 178, Laporte, Ind. __ __ Of tbe prcUIost CAROS 'oö el-er W ff saw,#vitli y:mr niunn hati(lt.omely priiUcd on BK ■ M them, bent, p;)8tuaid,upon receipt of 20 cfsnti. ■■ ■ H H Ynur ïriendswill a]l want t!u:m when tliey see Ü U foml. Address W. !!. CA.V.NIIS, 40 Kneeland St., Boston, Mass. KH M A r(S A NI I-! ■ inaooial pccula. II Pi III n il n M f 1 1 1 ■ 'S110" omBtlmM 25 cents tor ïïooli pivirjE the Bfrer4 and ' xplainin the be of thö das-. AddniMs Box lïFïïTöfT'TtCI The Onl' freparaiion that WnlMlMlN P1 Perfeit MtlffU!Uon to IS liltJIUJlVlj fhoMwierünE Beaid , or Mustache. DeLesseps' "Vigorfne, irc!tmcd only in leiris, l'latb Package vvjiirant'i alul liy niiiii on receipt of Ö1.04). Samples mailed f ot 15 ets. Addrees J. P. i'l'.ANKLIN, Sole Import!-, Jersey City, N. J. t$íiú íti i:ü6byl)ruírtfit3. 35 cents und owwirtük J O T MO.VEÍ1SITSÜRB! JuntoBt. U I Usefal, Handir.m, Oheap. SellsoveryTHtë whero. A r;irü chan.;ü. A'-n. BOQK NEWiVlAPS.GHARTS.&C. CyOU Our ny chart, OHRISTIA A Bu jfRAt;F.ri,ia.-iplimrli.l6cceBS. Oin ■ eüinatl prlce sargo sm New York. Send CTi'T T tortormstoH.O.HUII)(MAN,.rHari;. OHXjIj UjSt., :■;. y., í 13 ü w. b st., cin.,o. èN. F. BURNHAM'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL W ivs st'lei'tcrt,4yearsaKoJ)in(l put t work in tho PutciiT ih ■, V;i,-hington, D. C, and has provcU tu be the best. litsizesmade. Piire. lowtr than any other fint-olasa W)ici:l. i'.miphlet free. N.F.BURN1ÏAM, York, Ta. 1 --- ■' .i.- - T!ic Oiieicla Coininity, jêifËtxJk ' '53 O. A., ijy ; "Are much plèasea airm SP18L withyour Sül Toam." Tlioboatout. WrtPfMÖ A.IV:-I'':irïiiiHl,O#(-'if-(.S''''- v'oV 'e;L Fain 's excellent. Áty (MistmnI Tft5 1 erB mu"t ftn(í w h&ve it.1' UseïSea 1 lSi I Fri;m ,ind yomtahlc will charra;ind V Va. Tjpy Vw dellght your Ruests. YourGrocci'.if w- -íSVÍI ol Heïng.wUl rret it for yoo. It sves I tí&Sf fl 'SYvM, Kfis, 4c, nnd m.-ikf-s the most XBftBtiJS Bitüidjiisemt et Oakñ you 5fL eversaw. Send inrCivcuhir toí'ÍEO. ! 7fcB ygf' r.A?:T7. fin . 17fl ïmiTinSt..N.Y. APoweïï's Star Wood Fumps ! Waakcga.11 Farm Pampa, Wood Eave-Trough Tubing. If you want the best of these artiCles, go to your Ilardwareor Aericultnral Implement Stpres. If they do not keep thein, or will not pet tnera for yon. eend direct to the Factory. Catalogues nnrt Price Llets malled uponaplcanontowaukeganIil_ t PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $40, $50, $75 & $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHBAP. Shipped ready for Uso. Manofactured by UUAPMAN i CO., Madison, Ind. %W Send for a OatalogtH TO TH OS L„ L A N DS I N IN QUEST TH E WEST Ths Iowa R. R. Land Company offers a choice frora ovlt 1JW" 000 aorea ar $-5 and $6 per aero on usual R. R. timo, in d.o MiddJe Región oí "Western Iowa. No fever and nirnt! ; no grassbiijipera ; land traversed by Railroads frum Chicago, wlth no chonge of can, and similar in soil anil climate tt thn lands of Central Illinoi3. ; ;. '"Start rivhl ! For Exooxsion Tickets, free to purchagors.from ChicajEo or stations on tho Chicago A N. W. and 111. Cent. K. 1Í. in Illinois, out and back, or for Maps and Pampfrïeta glvine pririee, terms, Aa, sent free, adress JUHiV K. CAUHOÜJV, Land Cammissiuner. 9 liaiidol]!i Street, CUicago. DO YOUR OWN PRINTiNC! JSM PSINTING FKESS. Por ftr!-.iociiil and Aiüalcur Printer, ScIio1k, 8ccletles. Miiiiiifactnrer, Siorcliants, and otliera itia the BEST ever invented. 13.OOO in use. Ten styles, Priccs from S5-00 to $150.00 BENJ. O. WOODS&CO.MfliiufMand dealers in all kiuds of Prlntlng Material, Sentí stamp for Catalogue.) 40 Federal St. BostonSHARPS RIFLE CO., ibaafftMtweM of Patent Breech-IoAdtng, HQItan, SportIng and Creedmoor Rifles. Tln-Iïei in tlicAt otlil. Win nor at International and nearly;!! othef principa! matchfia at Creedmocr. (tíee OíBclal Beoora.) Spcrüno Rifles, 530 to $3S Creedmoor Kifles, elevalions for 1300 yds , $30 & $125 Send fir Illnstratid Catalogue. ArmcuyandOffkï:,' E. G. TVERTCptT, IJAKTFOItü, CONN. PresMtHi.. i i TIRADE LTAEK, PATENTED. Tlie best an:l cheapest Paintin the Worhl for Iroii, Tin or Wooil. For sale bv Dealflcs everywhero. PEISCES1 METALLIC PATXT ('O.. "Mnnnft'rera, 90 Cedar St, New Tork. Purcbasero wül please see that our name aiid trede mark are on caclx and ev"V pnckaíre. Senrl for a Circnlar. Bumett's Gocoaine Prevents tlie Hair from Falling. Bumett's Cocoaine Promotea it Healthy Growth. Bumett's Cocoaine Is not Greasj' nor Stioky. Bumett's Cocoaine Leavcs no Disagreeable Odor. Bumett's Cocoaine Subdues Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Sootbcs tho Irritated ScaVp-Siiin. Bumett's Cocoaine Affords Uw Eiohest Ilustre. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not an Alcoholio Wasli. Burnett's Cocoaine Kuis Dandiuff. Burnett's Cocoaine Givea Now Lifo to tho Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Eemains Longest in Effect. Prepared only by JOSEPH BÜBMETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. Dr. 3. Wíiiker's California egar Bitters are a pureiy vetali preparation, ruado ehietiy frotn tlie tiro herbs found on the íowcr rann."!! the Sierra Novada mountain&of Cato nia, ttie medicinal properties of Uw,' aro extractcd thcrefrom Oithout the ib of Alcohol. Tlio question is i daíly asked, "Wbat is tho causo or th uuparallelcd sncccss of Vixegak ? tersí" Our answcr is, that thcy rumor tlie cause of disease, and tho páticnt rp covers his bealtfa. They are tho ne- blood purifier and a life-givtagpfinlj? a perfect Renovator aud Invigorato of ihe system. Never hefore in ! history of tlie worid has a. mcdicim W compoundcd possessing tbe rematkaiqaahtiêa of Vihboab Bitters in liealá,, , siok of every disease man is heir to. fu' aro a gentle Purgativo as vell as a Xn reliering Congestión or Inflammaticn J tha Liver acd Visceral Organs, a Bífiou Diseases, The properties of Dr. WaiWs Tinbgar Bittkrs are Aperíflílt, Diaphoretjc fíarminative, Nutritious, Laxativa. ]'„■ fiedative, Ooiu!r-Irritant, Sudorifio, Itaj 'Jre. and Anti-Bílious. R. II. MC0OIÏAI.D di CO., Drugfrista and Gen. Agta., San lYanciíco.Caliimi, and cor. of Washington and Chnrlton Sta,, K y Sold by uil Drnggist and Dealen. TJOCTCKT MAP For 1875. Bün Prrnm X I)K COLORADO. Benl bjmail loe S H.l.THATEH ACÓ.. Dcfcver, CefiS II ANBBM 70 SUPERE! VARIETIES OFlIm nOnil SJf?00 öreoch.ouoo Plant,. W lLUUÜLj Illustratod Catalogue Pret lililí ■1 tW mtt E.Y.TEAS&CO.RiciiMii " UITEISTATEstLyil&LI M Abook for every American. Sclli ftverj-where ít ijibl Fanners.Tenchora, Stndnnts, Lawyers. Merchantj,ScSc[ Directora, Manufacturers, Mechnnic.x, Suijipen, Si. men, men of learning, and men who cun íHlr rarf gu and young, all wunt it forevery d:iy refcrwiwaiidm. Show grand results of 10 YIÍAHS PKOGRESS Awholo jLlbl'ary. llmtim 'ir- XotiltunMn a neecssity. inrtr.Oivwn-Kcst SflliMgBirfr lished.-Goofl Pay. P Want Gen. Ajrt ungí, of W,(XI0. Address .ƒ. C. BlclT ltl)Y &E()., lislitrs, Gtacinnati, O. ; Chicago, 111., or St hm,h. I -riJUaXiTBSgPT, ThiB r,eiv Tnuiliw, I AÊÊSSSBBBSBSt Vlth ptirífct comforts I MSTvtii o t TÖB3kand Ami I ffl AliADlU M(;very niDtion of Ibe'yf hL T I ÏÏ S S , JrarGtainingruptmtiDinbi I 'KJyg2r hardestexerctaciiiin ■i , :rM fioldcWpbjllB vu Elastic TrnaOL I No.683Broadway, N.Y.Cit. Se" K" ""ail. Cali or send for Circular, and bflm OüNHffl Dunham & Sons, Manufacturera, i Wirerooms, 18 East 141h Street. [Established 1834.] NEW Ï38S, Scndor Illuttratcd Cirnttor aniPrktLii. BEïflo 3Pistol JErj' lioots Darts or SluíisPfrfftlJj men and Military men. SplendiJ ral WX -3S Amusement. One may become s wii i Sbot by practicins with it. lo a bwtt I man it ís tnvaluable. Price, includin;? Ii TarKets and Ciunstock. $5.00. Handsomelj kW nlated, SIMIO. Self-adjuatina; Bell Tareet, S.0; For sale by Gun Dealers, or sent by mail on rectifl f.rice and M ct. postase'. POPEf B8OS., Km facturera, 45 High Street, Bo(on, '■ @ r GFAKi.N'TEEDBrrSí.Vfl ; ■ ■! Star Weu A.ugep íiuj'; PatentedMayü, 1SI4. Él Wells 50 ft. Deep'sunk in 4 Hom !Hïja Can bore 500 feet deep if uccpssarr, ■ViNfflffl While it is Cnequaled tu Shikírtg Tífl i ia Througt Heavy Bodieaqf Qukktand. It is the ebeapest aud most perfect Td! HsB Auger ever lnvented. Owíng to the rapidly-increasing dtnoi ?! for our Aogers we have been cúinpelWu J Qk] remove our mnuif;icíiry froni Champain ■i 'ifHB to Cliicapo, 111., whcrewe aro now ftl; (Pf-3 -'"mSt! propaivdtoflH Ril orders prompttjr. I,.' '"H, HlOHSST TeSTIMO-VIAI.S FUESIMB, W I üefbre Investing in anv otlier Alisen, , ; , 'mmhI íüi-üur ucw IlltiBtratedCaulogK Sfim Mark the rtecepttmi of ny party !■ liS Ing ns In our artveitlslnp, ulsnincircnlii. . cJninrjiL' td be tin; oriprljinl invi own A(rer. Thar may be the case. llr.t [lic owew placlog i tnie ent of our, a Fuporior Rngcr. ;nltJ vertlseraeiit, vould bc tn mlslend the pcnplcaDodiw CorrespOBdencc. Il'wc had an auRcr itim lt'BS that wc 'cic isluumvl to pivsriit ;t i-ur'cr.r..: ■■■ the saine to the public we vould not use the nt one we daré not manufacture, '1 ' carcbutllttleiiboiit, only wc deelrc ! pn and tlterchy prof eet tuiwrcut pt'ople irin For ir.ll exnfanatlon eend for our Kew bnli trated Oatalogne, __ ,,n STA II WEU, VI GKIÏtOj, No. 80S South (.anal Street, Cïiicago,lli. AAC PER rAY Commieeion.orSIJOairM1! Ot 0 rv, and rpenges. Wei offer it and uil] pa}"1 Tiily iiow, G. W. AVcbbtr & Co., lUa" iiilili hose whu aro inarrlcil or contémplala1 Prlccn:ls. uyraall. Address Dr. Botl ary. U"Nuiüi Elgútll Btrcet, St. LoulSJW_ "KbTwhittieb, Ko. 617 St. Charles Street, St Louis, Ka. -X.Dttnues to treat all cases of obstaclea to marfUg, j I mpurltlei, every ailment or ilckoexa which fnlu' iodtscretion or iinprudpac, with unparallcleo S"'' Dr. W.'a efltabllshmcnt ia chai-lered bj the PWMl!J Bouri, was fouoded and has t-een estabHshed w '' ■afe, certaia and reliable relief. Bciag ftr ,, eeveral medical college, aod iipving the experleun' long and lucocsmul liTü tn I.h sptw. Itiea h1"!!, remediea that are effcctual in nj these cases. BUPIWV are being treated by m;iil or expres everyïher . matter who falled, cali or wri'o. F rom tal tn%Z toer of applicationa he ia eut-olod to kc-p bw ""■" low. 36 pages, Kiviag full Hyinplonis, fortw' MARRSAOE CUIDE, 260 pages, a popular book whiüh hould be ttai b!1 body. No marrled pair, rtr persons eoiitowpls-111 . riage, can afford lodo without it. Itcontalus medical llteratüre on thia sulyeot, the reaulMOf ' u lont; experienee; also the bent thAngbU frora }&& 'u Kuropo aod America. Seat aculod. I1"' ll_ jt.' DR. G. A. BÖHffll NO. 619 North Filf.h Street. St. I-ouis, Jl", LISHED1837. Curoe all miffcrcrs without t Mercury. Ctmrccs reasonable ft;es. ÏWDt. B.'s 'rTrontiso on Special DwaMfljwiS fnlly explains tbe natnre, causes, eyinptolïis, w f to cure all forms of Nervous Deliility, all Dif"IÈJ bythe " Errors of Yonth," and vafoablBiiif' other delicate subjects, sent FBEE in P" envelope. . . 0L'11' ' __Jj! WHEX WRITING TO ADVSHjjSj _pleaac say yon sav l!io aátrcrti-ey)


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