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Modern Medical Discoverï. - It is claimed that disease, with a few exceptions, has been conquerecl by the research and intellect of enlightened men ; and yet a noted professor of New York admits that " of all sciences, medicine is the most uncertain, " nd that thonsands are aimually slaughtered in the sick room." Certain " schools" of medicine are in existence, one of which " makes the patiënt ill," in order to claim a cure ; and another administers " sngar-coated bread pills," relying upon nature to effect her own cures. Dn. J. Walkee, of California, an old and respected physician, tiïed both modes of treatment asía both failed. He then appealed to uature's cni'ative - herbs ; and now enjoys nigged liealth. He has given the benefit of liis discovery to the world, in the shape öf Vineqar Bitters, and since its introduction has sold a quantity alnaost large enough to make a small harbor, or to float the " Great Eastern. " lts curative properties are attested by grateful thousands. 31 Theodobe Thomas, of Thomas' orchestra, than whom there is no highor musical authority in the world, says there are no other cabinet or parlor organs equal to tliose made by the Mason & Hainlin Organ Co., and that musicians agree with him in this opinión. JonN Maetin, member of Parliamont for Meath, Ireland, is dead ; aged 63. He had been ailing, and became seriously ill in consequence of excitement produced by the death of John Mitchel, his law. Tlie Black Hills Gold Región. The publisher of the Cheyenno (Vyo.) leader will issue, April 17th, a twenty-eiglrt-column extra, containing a fine map of the 131ack Hills, racluding all the mountain ranges knowu under that name; also, a large variety of valuable information gathered from official aud private sources. relating to thia all-abaorbiug topic. Price 10 cents. Kern! your orders to H. Glafcke, publiaher, Cheyerme, Wyoming. A Hint to the Working Man. - A man with a family, however poor he may be, owes it to his wife to save her health and strength in every way possible. He has no right to allow the mother of his children to wear her life out toiling with her needie to clothe her family. His dnty is to buy the Wilson shuttle sewing machine, the best machine for family sewing and manufactnring purposes ever invented, and he can buy the Wilson machine upon terniB which enable him to pay for it in small monthly installments, that he can nparo out of his wages without feeling the drain. He will got, tliereby, a machine eapable of doing eyery variety of family werk in the most beautifu'l marmer; a machine that even a child can opérate, and which will prove a permanent family blessing. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, f ree of transportation charges, if ordered through the company's branch house at 197 State street, Chicago. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. This company want a few more agenta. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure a Oough in one-half the time necessary to cure it with any other medicine, and it ilóes it, not by drgtng it up. butby rernoviny the cause - subduinqthe irritation, and heating the qffected paris. For all case of Laryngitin, Hoarseness, Ruppression or Loss of Voice, Bronchitis, Severe Ohronic orLingering Congbs, it. wü] be found to surpass any medicine thftt has ever before been offered to the public. It is soid by all dealei's in medicines. The Human Hair. - How many persons abuse this delicate and beautiful ornament; by burning it with aXcoholic irashes and plnwteriiig it with rntèe, which han no affinity for the skin, and is not absorbed. Burnett's Cocoaine, a compound of cocoanut oil, etc., is unrivaled as a dressing for the hair - is readily absorbed, and is pecnliarly adapted to its various condition, preventing its falling off, and promoting its healthy growtli. See adver'ment. Aij-len's Ltjng Balsah has pi-oved itpelf to bo the greatest Medical Kenaedy for bealing the Lungs - Purifying the Blood, and restoring the tone of the Liver. It excites the phlogm, which is raised from the Lungn. thcreby the Congh, Painu, Oppression, Night SweatH, and Difïiculty of Ureatliing- all the above svmptoms will be cured, and the Trtiole Hvstpm 'agaiii restored to health. For sale by ;il Medicine Dealere. EM;OTRif:rTY is Lffe. - All ïiervous disorders, cbronic diseaseB of thechest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aohes and paius. nervous and general debility, etc, quickly cured aftcr drugs fail by wearing Volta's Electro Belta a)id üandH. Vatóable book free, by Volta Belt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment may be administered to cliildren with perfect euccess, in cases of eronp, whooping cough, inllucnza, and almoBt any oi' the diseases to which they are liable. Ail invalida should write to R. II. Park;i, Waukegan, 111.. for (Hen Flora Mineral fjprings circulars. ünxe cure for Dyspepsia. Get the best. The best Elastic Truss i,i I'omcroy's. 711 Broaöwiy, N.Y. Write for it. T7OK VAI.UABI-TC INFORMATION, address F L. M. HARKIS, Hoi 3130, But-ton, ISms. (1 ". IDECSiit 3--l. STAMP forour CaIAIOO. Í l f Adiiress güLIJB A tío.. Boj 1510. Boxtor.. u;. j 1 )H. CH11O3IOS foríl; twofor25c Agenta Xuantd. K.W.MuOljeavkÍ (Jo., Boston 4 Chicago. , VERV PA5ULÏWA1JTSIT. Money Ín , it. S„IJ ly Agents. Addrees M. M . LOVELL, Erie, Pa. íit í o S35 PER Send for "Chromo" p_LU catalogue. J. H. BUFFORD'S SONS, Boston. A GENTS. ChangCtaanif sello at Bight. as ' M,.p. Goodsfrco. ChanRUhunK M'f'g Co., Boston. I ffi a month to agents everywhere. Address 5-J"" Excelsior M'f'g Co., Buchanan, Mich. ne-OAA per day at home. Terms free. Addiem V V H l{) C U GEO. 8TIK6ON i Co., Portland, Maine. i rT11Trnrt Wanted tocanvassfor Piotures to oopy . AItH NÍA and nlarfte. Address, r.ith et.imp, J. I allBl1! 1 0 U. NABON, 213 4'214 State St., Chicago. ! ítOtíV A MONTH- Asents wantod nvorywhera. . nZitr I Bubíiicm (jonorebla and Brtt-olas. ' físw'x' ParticiilarsBent l'roe. Addross WOKTH i A Co., St. vouis, Mo. ítrtnADAY' Agenta wantod, mal ndfemale, '' V7V for an entirely new lnrentlon. W rilo to the ylxll EUREKA MANF'G CO., Buchanan, Mioh. i NY LADY OR GENTLEMAN wishlng a mntrimo, V niel oorreapoBdent frum lbo best society ahoiild nend 10c fdr The Bri'lal TV(7, tilo only paper of it8 kind in i Aniorica. Agenta wanted. BniDAL VEiL Co., Chicago. ■ m Rf ff TltE I!K",T. A ti Oolors. Onn VTaíet I 8 PLSfe ipikos 3 ouocoa. Sample and OlrouS aí B%% .lri) mlí],., f,,r jo (.,,„;,; ..;n, Btamp by DEFIAN(;i5 N1ÍL0ÜI.K CO., 658 Broaway, V. ñ-- T! fsWÍTlT'" f OR JlSBMTB ta or-t'e fe I Sovel ■■ Ji Sededln P IjlUIflial -v..,-y h ..■.-. Ü.in.y.i!vl '■!;■■: Im ,-„... by m.iil. Ji. B. WIUTH i 'N--' Vtn KQ.IIA1.. So 5.000 ppíiplo in ny .-í O. lull J.WOOD'S JUnprevod fiair S.;nt Ub"u'íur;:4a;i;:s:;:7í:tK.SArZ Propriilor, 100 Jllonvof t,CIIICAtiO.rCC, . J. Il AM lmahufaetiirerofáoiinaól D ,1 BWKLRY of vet y dBBoi-iptíon. The stock Ihtk- vet y Obpio. ntiíl l ofTerod at retiiíl al linde pricea to keep cue workmon going. Bill undor $16, P. Ü, order ia adv.nce. Orer $15, O. O. P. piirlleg to samíne. Catalogues free. I


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