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The Michigan Argus

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pÜBLISHED EVER Y FRID AY MORNING . Id tbe third story of the briok blook corner of Main UU'Ï Huitín i-troetB, VNX ARBOIï, - - MICHIGAN. Eutranee en Hurón Btreet, opposlte íhe Gregory Houw. OARR & G-OU LET EDITORS AND FUBU8HER8. Terms, $I.5O a Year in Advance. RATK8 OF AXTV'ínFfc'riSIN'Gr. [Twelve lines or ïess oonidered a square.] B. 1 w. 2 w. 3 w. 6 w. afc, 6 ra. 1 yeir 1 square. . $ 75 $1 2511 50 $-j 75 U 00 $6 00 $9 00 Ssquares. . 1 50 2 00 '2 50 3 50 6 00 8 00j 12 00 3squares.. 2 00 2 50 3 50J 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 00 1-5 column 3 50 4 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 u coïumni 4 X S 00 fi 00 8 00 12 00 20 0# 30 00 u column' 5 00 7 nu 8 00 H 00 IS 00 M 00 38 00 U column 7 00 10 00 13 00 Lfi 00 -'t) 00 .1(1 (Hl 5fi 00 icolunm.. 10 00 00 18 0 l D 60 (Mi 100 00 Cards iu Directory, nol to exceed four linep, $4.(X) , a ftÊX. Locnl editorial notieen 20 cpnts a line. Business notices 12 cents a linr for the first insertiou, and 6 cents for each sutweqaent inseriiou. Marriage and dcath notit't'f f roe; obituary noticeB 5 cent a line. Yearlv aivertisers h;tvr the prlTÜege of ehanging : their atlvertiftementK tbree timos. Additional I (mí will be cbarged for. f?T"Adverti8emeut UQftccotnpanied by writteu or verbal dlrtct lona wil! be publishtd tbree mouths, j nd charged accordingly. L#gn advertisementf, flret ineertion, 70 cents per folio; 35 oenta per folio for each subeequeut üisertinn. WbenpOBti uueinent isadded to an advertiement, the wbole will be charped the same as the first insertion. To be paid for wheu aiïidavit is made. JOB PRtNTTrNCï. pamphlets, Posierw. Handbllls, Oirculars, Cards, ' Baü Tickets. Labels, B'anks, Bill-Heds and other varietics of Plain aud Fancy .lol) Printing executed I ■with promptneBs, and in the best posaible Btyle.


Old News
Michigan Argus