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('ham. D. Thompson, agent for the Cave Foundry and Machine Shop. of Provideuoe, B. 1.. who was charged with being a defaiilter to the extent of 7.000, and who tled to New York, Hhot hirnsolf in the head while oftioers vmm endeavoring to arrest him in the latter city, inflicting a fatal wound. 'J'im: Hnow storm tliroughout New England last week was the heaviest during the season. Snow feM to the depth of ten and ritteen inches. I . . . .Th? centennial celebration of the organization of the Auti-Slavery Society was held in Philadelphia laat week .... Business is badly prostratod throughont tlie Lehigh (Pa.) Valley, on account of the long-eontinned strike of the eoal-miuers. .. .The strike of the iron-workers and puddlers at Pittsburgh has ended, the workmen having conceded to them all that wab demauded. The Superior Court bas enjoined the New York. New Haven and Hartford railroad from issuing passos to members of the Conneeticut Leglslature The strike in the Loweli, Mans., cotton milis is inereasing in magnitude. Judoe Neilson and the scandal-case lawyers have uigned a petition to the Ne York Legisj lature, asking for special legislation wlnch hall give the Supervisors of Brooklyn power to further compénsate the juryinen who have served over thirty days. A disi'Atch from Fort Laramie says : "Capt. Mix's eompany, who were sent af ter the mining party at Harney's Peak. bas secured the whole of them, consisting of sixteen men, one woman t and a boy. The discovery of lead and silver in Salisbury, j llass., is reported. A sale bas juut heen made of a"portion of the Chipman lode, Newburj-port, on the basis of a valuatiou of L1, 000,000 the mine. It is reported that a well-known merchaut of New Y'ork, a bachelor of 80, bas given ■fl. 000. 000 and signed a will beqneathing the balance of bis ewtate, valued at f 1,000,000, except a life interest of 8250,000 of estáte, to severa! relatives, to endow a College of Mnsic in that sity. . . .The Mili river región in Maachusetts has been the scène of anothcr catastrophe, the breaking of a dam having Iet loose a rlood which carried with it disaster and destruction to the extent of #200,000 worth of property in the villages of Wrenthara and Norfolk, about 25 milcH from Boston. No loss of lifo is reported. Thk centennial eelebrations at Concord and Lexington of the first shots fired in the war of American Independence took place on Aprü 19, on which occasion the palriotiran of the old Bay State seems to have been aroused to the utmost pitch. The day was uBhered in with the firing of cannon, and tlien followed civic and military processio iir, orations. BongB. etc. The Prefeident and Vice President of the United States, members of the Cabinet, United States Senators, members of Congreuw, (ovurnors of States, Judges, Generáis, poets, orators, and eminent men of the republic, leut their prosenoe to the pitriotic occasion, while mighty crowd.s. onTy limited in size by their ability to reach the historie sceneH, participated in the memorable celebration. The extreme cold weather liad the effect to interfere somewhat with tlie complete fnltillnient of the centemplated order of procedure ; but nevertheleHs the joint ctntcnukil wüh a magirificent sfleeess. THK WEST. A.DVICES from the Cheyenne Ageucy report that the troops were badly whipped by the Iudians in the recent tight in the Sand Hills, and that the lofH was much greater Iban at lii'st reported Tb trial of John D. Lee and V. H. Dame for connection with the Mountaiu Meadow massacre in Utah has been postponed. ( 'ommauder Leroy Fitch. U. S. N., aged 39 years, died at Logansport. tod., on Tuesday last, af ter several months illness A eecond party eondstiag of 100 men and 20 wagons, j 1 Sioux City for the Black Hills last Wednes day Eight companies of United States troops ] - six of cavalry and two of infantry- have left Omaha for the Black Hills. A staue robbery, by which Wells, Fargo t Co. lost $5,500, is reported from California. Upwabd of a thousand men have already left for the Black Hills gold iields The St. Louis bridge last week pasaed into the hands of the London banker. Morgan, and the New York öuancial agent, Humphreys. the transfer being made under the fourth mortgage bonds. A Cliicago man. named Newell, lias been appointed Superintendent. . . .FivethousandmoreMennonites are on their way from Kussia to tlie Western Territories. In the case of John W. Wright for the forgery of Indian bounty warrants, on trial at St. Louis, the jury returued a verdict of not guilty John Welch gave himself up to the pólice in East St. Louis last Friday, coufessing to having helped to )ire the elevator of Rush & Co., at Iudianapolis, recently, causing a loss of $75,000 An important arrest of counterfeiters and capture of their tools and product was made at Boscobel, Wis., last week. . . . .Mbs. E. L. Ervrin, i respectable young ïridawr, of Hannibal. Mo.. the otber daj-, tieJ a clotlies-line around liernelf and her little girl, 6 yeara old, fastened the other end to a stako in the ground, and then took the child in her arms and deliberatoly walked into Bear Creek. Both were drowned. Thk Sioux City party of miners in the Black Bills was recently attacked by Indians, and one man killed Advices from Kansas City. Mo., report that 800 to 1,000 Cheyennes are on the war patb. PitoK. Thomi-son. a geologist. arrived at Omaha, a few cIuvh ugo, with specimens of pure gold. taken from the placer diggings on Douglas Ofeék, in the Medicine lloví range, 'M miles from Laramie. Miners from Idaho and California made i 10 to rlO per day there. Valuable qnartz was also found in the viciuity A telegram from St. Josepli, Mo., aj-s : "The warm days have hatohed and revealed a inyriad of grMBhoppere in all the countics of Northwest MiHBonri. Considerable appreliension ie feit on account of the fact. The hope of ths farmers is. that they may take wings, as is liabit, and loave tho locality of their hatching." The Supreme Court of the State of Kansas have decided the act authorizing counties and muaicipalities to issue lMuidN for the purehaso of seed graiu fot deatitute settlera to bo unconstitutional A succcskIuI attempt was made a few days ago to wreek a train 01] the St. I'aul and Sioux City railroad near Maukato. Minu. The engine and huil1 a ('ozfii stock cars were precipitated j througb a bridge into a ravine below. About Hfty hcail of oatüe we killed, but the pasfiengeiH niii:iculOUsly enraped. . . .The Northern I Pacjüc railroad ha hHKd into the hands of a reover.. i teil iig reporta of Indiau ontmgea continua lo oocue örom the frontier, l'.mi 1dieru had :i Bgbl with a liand of nvagm imm !:i. Kan.. Uut uc),. BeTeaü '.I the lattw m ;■ senl (o ü.'- hiP3 lrantin grounds. saus soi tu. ban negro men were drowned at Norfolk, Va., a few days ago, by the capsizing of an ! oystor boa . fiKoEGH W. Gayi.e, the man who inserted an j advertisement n an Alahama paper, ii 1864, offring a reward of (1 000,QOO for tlie awasal natiüii of President Litu-oln, and for which he ', was iinprisonod for a long time in FortresB Mnnroe. dieil rei'entlv at liis liomu n Selma, i Ala. Last week fche Louisiana Hoiwe of Repre! Hentativos, by the decisive vote of 80 to 18, acoepted the Oongreesional award aceording to . the terniB of the Wheeler oomjiromfea as a Ii3híh of settlement. A resoration wm adopted to the effect that, without upproTiiig, theLegislature will not distmb tl ie Kellogg governraeiit, i uor will auy atterapt be mado to irapeach the Oovernor for hïa pist nds, but lio will receíve t-njiport in enforcing the laws and maintnining the peaee of the State ; the settloment to reumin unohapgad the next general I election The Lonisiana House of Represent ati ves te'■ organized by the eleclion of F.stello (Com■ promise Couservative ) aa Speaker. Estelle was snpported by Oov. Hellogg and the solid Republican vote, and was oleetod by CC, to 37 for Wilte A tire at Charlotte. N. 0., on the lCth of April, dostroved #250,000 worth of property. At a meeting in Meinphis, Ten"., last week, to arrange for decorating the graves of Confedérate soldiere on the 22d of May, a resolution was unanimously adoptcd asking ex-Federal soldiers to particípate in the ceremonies Reports from many sections of the South show i that the recent cold spell was the sevcrest ex' pnrienoed for years. Fruita and early vegeta! blos were Beriously damaged. . . .Tlie first criminal proeecutiou for libel against a newspaper ever known in South Carolina has been oom, menced by ex-Cougressman Bowcn against the i Charleston 2fews and Oourier, the indictments for publications extending through several years. KiKiiAxs from flalveston report a seeond raid i ou the American settlemeïits in Toxas by Mexican mai-audei'H, who burn, sak and pillage as they prooeed. WASHINGTON. Axj, of the clerks in the Postónico Dep&rtment implicated m the recent mail contract frauds have boon dismissed by the PostmnsterGeneral . . . The detectives laat week arrested a crazy man who had been lurking around the White House for several days, and who, it is supposed, had designs on the President' life. A loaded revolver was found on the man, who gave his name as John S. Lockhart, of Indiana. The National Monument Association is making auother effort to secure the completion of the Washington monument. The Government Departments are making i extensivo preparatious for the Ceutennial. . . . John Kherman, Jr., a son of Senator Sheruian, and Col. Fred. Grant, have opened a bank in Washington. . . . A very perceptible conlraction in the aggregate cireulation of National Bank notes is noticed at the Treasury. The actual decrease, aside from the temporary withdrawals incident to the operation of the Redemption Agency, is estimated at il0,0t)0,000. This contractirn is attributabie to failures, to liquidationfl. and to wilhdrawals. J The rumor is again started that AttorneyI General Williams is to resign . . . . The parties implicated in the mail contract frauds will escape punishment on account of the law not boing deünite enough .... The Interior Department has inf ormation tbat repreeentatWe Cliiefs of the Sioux Indiana have indieated a desire to come to Washington to negotiate forthe cession of the Black Hills country. THE TII.TOJi-KEKCHKR TKIAt. Sixty-kighth Day.- The direct examinatiou of Mr. Bcecher was brought te a close. The witness wound up with a solenm and emphatic de nial of guilt, and was at once taken in hand by j Judge Fullerton, the great crosB-examiuer. SixTï-NiyTii üay.- Judge Fullerton contiuued the cross-examinatiou of the great defendant. i The famous letter of coutrition, and several othcr documents formed the subjects of some j sharp questioning. SevkntiethDay.- Aftèr an iuterrnption of severa] davs, caofled by the illuess of Mr. Fnlertou. the 'great scandal trial was resumed ! with the defendaut on the stand for cross-ex; amiuation. The testimony was explanatory of j the letters in the case, in the midst of which Mr. Fullerton charged the witness with evasion of direct questions, for which he was promptly reljuked by Judgo Neilsou. GKNER.1L. In order to ascertain who is the champiou j billiard player in the Northwestern and Southwestem States, an inter-State tournament. ander the auspices of the J. M. Branswick & lïalke Co., billiard table nianufacturei-s, is now in progress at Chicago. The players who partici pate in the tourney are Miller, Maggiola, and Hoa, of Louisiana ; Carter, (lallagher. and Honing, of Ohio ; l'arker and Rblnes, of HH nois; McAfee, of Iowa: Burleigh, of Miobigan; j Liverman, of Wisconsin, and Shaw, of Indiana, The prizes aggregato #'2,000, the tirst beiug a diamond star ehampion badge, valued at $250. i and f 500 in cash. A National congres of workingmen wan held ; at Indianapolis last week. Two women and one man havo been recently ; sent from Washington city to the asylum for I the inaane, having gone crazy on the Beecher trial. The Pateut-Offlce. a department of the gov] ernment which bas hitherto been regarded as free from the taint of corruption and fraud, now comes in for ito share of investigation. It i is charged that the ('hief Exammer of the i Patent Office has been guilty of the grossest abases of the sacred fiinctions of his positiou. Pkof. Baikd, United States Fish Commis; sioner, is engaged with a large force in hatching out young shad along the Carolina coast. He will proceed northward as the sason advauoes, and intends to hatch out 2,000,000 young had in the Potomac during May. Of i these, several hundred thousand will be transportad West to stock tiren in the Mississippi valley. In view of the threatened prevalence of yellow fever on the Southern coast, the surgeon of the North Atlantic squadron ad vises the ' moval of the naval forces from Key West. FOKEIGN. The Germán governmeut has completed a bilí abolishing all religious orders in that ! save those that are devoted to the nureing of the siok. Bismaeck disclaims that he is au eiiemy o the Catholie Cliurch. He is only opposed to the Fapácy, which was in emnity against the gospel as well a wish of the Prut.sian State ' The French governmcnt have contracted in ' Bohemia for 10.000 horses to be delivered in June It is reported that the Turks have murdered 270 Christiaus hi Roumelia and Bulgaria during the last three months, and that the uamee of the victims have been giveu to the i foreigu representatives at (Jonstantinople. The receipts of the Bi itish government for the j past ñscal year show a handsoino balance over the exponditures .... The attemjjt of Dr. Keneally and his supporters to have the Jndges who ■ presided at the Tichborne trial removed and ! impeaohed for corruption and partiality. and to have the Speaker of the House of Cornuions impeaehed for the same reaons, bas failed. A pakty of three persons ascended from Paria in a balloon, on Friday last, for the purpose of making pcientific observations. The balloon attained the extraordinarv beight of Ü.000 meters (over 2fi,000 leut i. Two of the aero-; nautw were suffocated to ileath, and. hen the balloon rea-hod the ground. the third wa almost insensible. Híb recovery is donbtful The war-cloud has passed from the horizon of Europe once more. The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs reported to Parliament last week the tenor of Bfamafok'a rejily to the last Belgiau note, and stated that cordial verbal interchanges of good feeling had paseed between the representatives of the two Datioufl. Tuk PrinoesB of Wales, the Üuohesa of Snthorlaud, and Ihoir attendaiits, weiv present at one of tho revival meetings of AIoikIv und Sankey in London, rcccntl.v. . .It is now staled that the Pope will select Montreal for hia I dence, in the event of his being compelled to i leavo Rome The UU withdrawiug state gnntsfrom Catholio Bishoiw haa paaned the Prwsian Chambera and been signed by the Emperor.


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