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Finance And Trade

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The rlnaucial aituatiou remanía uuchanged. The supply of loanable funds is ampie, and tbc dernaud light. Interest vates, 8@10 per ceut. at thebanka, and 7 (18 per cent. on the street. Hxehange dull. (overnment bonds lirrn and in deinand. witíi valncH stoady and tïrm, as follows : Uuying. Sitlling, I ü. 8. G'B of '81 122 . I ■ . U. B. 5-20'Bof '02 11HV llv, U. B. 5-20'aof '64 119 = ,, 11'.' ■„ V. H. 5-20's of '65 121i M1JÉ U. 8. 5-20's of '05 Jamiary and iuly.U0 1204, V. B. 5-20'a of '67 Jnnuary and July.121?; 121 U. S. S-20'sof W Januarj" a1 Jilly.121', 121 ). U. S. 10.40'b 116 lililí ü. S. ncw 5'a of '81 (ex. iut.) 115 1 1 "'-., U. S. ourrencr (i's 121 '.." Gold was Í14.'í115. DHEADKTIHI S. Tlio following were tbe reeeipts nnd shipmonts for tbe week, as compared with the same time last year: Reeeipt. tihipmtnt. Art dei. I 1 ■ 1875. 1 1874. I 1875. 1874. Flour, brls.... IS9,725 65,864 52,898 60,098 Wheat, bu 262,541 408,696 268,465 687,119 Cora, bu 45,667 409,881 130,990 149,571 Oata, bu 113,06 223,362 88,575 16U.U8Ü Itye, bu N04ÍI 13,075 400 10,220 Barley, bu 80,481 24,825 8,782 80,168 DreBsed hoga. . 172 2'.M Live hogs, No. CG7Í 66,5761 45,054 58,456 Cattlc, No 19,468 18.956 1(;,671 14,271'. Tliere was leas interest shown in tbe grain markets during tho paat week, and, although a fair speculative busineps was tram-acted. tlie markets were comparatively quiet. Tlio linuness and advaueiug tendency gave place to a weak feeüng. and, with the exception of Thursday and ï'riday, the daily tendency of values was to a lover range. The May option wa the chief center of attraction, tho longer futuros ruling comparatively dull. whilo bat a Ilmited business was tranaacted forimmediatedeliverj'. The recent liberal advauce in values lelt a good margin for operators on the long side of the irade, and a ë&tikfactory proh't to speculators who had been earrying the grain for an advauce, and then were not at all slow in taking advanttage of the nrofit in thoir favor to sell out and take in their differencea. The condition of the Liverpool and New York marketa was not particularly favorable for tho maintainanco of prices. the advices being un favorable in their tenor. The reoeipts are stií light but operators anticípate increascd arrivals bef ore the close of the month. The May shorts had made ampie preparatiou for their contracto, and were therefore lesa anxious to buy. Xunierous selling orders were received from the interior and from other markets. Iu making ealculations on the current prices and the mar! ket for tho week, cash grain should not be taken into consideration, as the daily changos ; in the storage of receipts made very irI regular prieee. There was really no ac tual change in tho storage, but the transfer I from winter to suinmer storage rates necesei! tated frequent chaugea in values. Wheat has I deolined about 3@4c per bushel. Gom shared i in the weaknesn, ruling 3%c lower. "NewV will be dropped in the inspection of eorn. April I 20th and straight No. 2 will be the only No. 2 ! grades. We may then look for large receipts. Oats were 2c lower. Bye and barley flrm and highcr all around. Tbe following tables shows the pricea current at the opening and close of the paat week : Opening. Closiiuj. No. 2 ep'g wheat. cash'il.02 Vil. 05", Í 1.01 @ 1 02 No. 2, nellcr April. . . . 1.02..(al.03'... 1.01V No. 2, Beller May l.07'4@1.08,'C (al. 03 [No.9, Beller June... 1.0(-,(n 1.07",, (1.05i j No. 2 corn, cash 71 @ ,73, .71@ .73 i No. 2 corn, eellor Apri: .71 i, .71 ■ @ ,71 i No. 2 corn, seller May. .19}, .79 .T6)bld No. 2 coru, seller June .77;lj(. .78,v, .75'-, bid No. 2 oata, cash 5'J a .6IÍ4 .59t4 .60 No. 2oats, geiler April. .69 (3 5(1 '., f. ,r,.i. No. 2 oats, seller May. .tiUnc ti'J .üus„ bi.'l No. 2 oate, Beller June. .(12-..(a .03', .fil -.,' l.iil ! No. 2 rye, cash 1.10 @1.12 1.08 ( l.Ot j No. 2 barley. cash .... 1.10 @1.15 (gl.23 ' No. 2 barley, b. Airil. (1.08 (!$1.20 No. 2 barley, 8. May.. (ffil.06 (81.10 No. 3 barley, cash... .A 1.02 @1.03 1.10 Ll.Uy I'ltOVI.MOXS. This market was rather uimettled during the past week, and the fïuctuations in prices were ■ quite severe. At the close of the week thero i was a moderate business transacted, but advicen from the East were generally of an unfavorable i tenor, and rather a weak feeling prevailed. ! Cash meas pork closed at f21.90@21.95 ; geiler May sold at f21.95@22.10, and Vloued at the inside : aeller June closed eaayatL22.2()(.22.25 ; j and aeller July at 22.50. Oaddy laid waa iu fair demand. nd prioefl ruled steady at 17,W( 18c, according to size of paokages. with %c ott for large orders. 1.1 VI. STOCK. Tlie cattle market was very active and values i were iirm and steadily advancing in spite of 1 large receipts. Easteru advices favorable and I shippers buylng freely, cjuality good. Medium to fairsteera, W.75@5.40 ; good, t5.50@5.90 : ehoice, f6.90@6.50 ; extra, C.75@7.25. Hoga tirm and steady at $7.40@9,50 poor to extra, ; at $7.65@8.75. Bheep fairlv active at Ï4@6.50 for poor to ehoice. HEEDS AND HS8HW1NBB, A fair degree of activi'.y was sliown in tbe ■ seed market during the past week, and iirm ; feeling pervaded. Timothy was a shade higher, j and by the close of the week imite a liberal ad; vanee was establiahed iu Iluugarian and millet. The market closed at about 2.35í(íi2.4() for fair ! to good timothv, and $2.50 for prime, dover 1 was dull at $6.(0@6.75 for medium, and 7.76@ j 8.0(1 for mammoth. Flaï quotable at $1.85@ ! 1.95 for good to prime ernshing. Hungaiïan ! sold at yOcCitiLlö for common to cLoice : closed at .1.10(iil.l2J for prime. Millet was ' acaree and tírm at Y1.25(1.40, according to ! quality. Highwine were iu demand, snd prices' were fa. ('losing sales were made at ?1.12. PKODÜCE. The movement in the butter market was rather light, and prices were without apparent change. Supplv of all deecriptionè good. lloll butter sold at 10@16fl for common to ehoice iu lots and 18(20c in a retail "vvay. Paeked quotable at ll@13c for common to fair, 14@17o for ; good to ehoice in lots, and retaiJ sales ranged at 20@28c for good to fancy. lieaiis were quiet and easy; ehoice Eastern mediums $1.80@1.85 and Western ííl.50@1.75, according to quality. Bioorn corn was in demand :uid Iirm "at 11}4C He for good to extra hurl, ll(l:!c for good tb ehoice stock braid. Cheese waa dull at 5@12}c for commen, 13@15; for fair to good, and 15@16Xc for good to prime. Cider was quiet at $5.75((ïli.OO per brl for ehoice sweet. Cranberries wero unchanged ; cultivated sold at .11.00(ií 12.00 per brl for ahoice. Drid peas were slow sale at Í2.00@2.10 lor ehoice green and l.(i0(l.fi5 for niarrowfat. Feathers were quiet at 4S( 52c for prime live geese ; 4@ 5c for ehieken, and 30@35c for ehoice turkey tail feathers. Hidea were quiet but stealv at 5@53c for grubby, 8@8Lo f er green sal ted. and H(vH}4o for calf. Hops remain dull at 30(ffi38c for good to ehoice new from tirst hands. Poultiy was acaree and ingooddoftiand. Tuikej-s at 10("17c for live and 17'Ü8c for dressed ; chickens aold at Í3.5O@5.5O per doz and 1 1 (■- 13c per pound, accovdiig to quality. Potatoes were oftered more freely and prices were saaier, cloaing at $1.03@1.05 for Eastern peachblows in cai lots, and $1.15 n small lots from store : early roso about 95c(S il.00 in car lots : Western peachblows quotable' at about tl. 00, and mixed sold at 75c(a'8()e. Tallow quiet at 8J0 for solid ; and 8,c for cake. Vegetables wero slow silo. Onions quotable at $8.25@8.50 for yellow in barrels. Turnips 40(t60c and cabbage 90c@ ■ $1.10. Yeal was in modei'ate request at 4@9o for common to ehoice carcasses. COOPEKAÜE, I.UMBEK AND WOO. Tliere was a fair demand for the different descriptions of cooperage, and prices were : ateady at the following quotations : Tork barrels il. 10. lard tierces $1.35, whisky barrels $1.90(2.10, and flour barrels 45@55c eacb. ' Trade was fair in the lumber market and prices remarn ate-.dyand unchanged. Quotable at Ylfi.00(a:38.00 'for common to ehoice A boards ; $11 @12 for common boards, joist and scanting 12 to 16 feet ; 81S.00@13.50 for fencing : $8.00@8.S0 per 1,000 for A sawed shinglea and 2.00( 2.25 per 1,000 for lath. There was a fair movement in wood and prices ruled steady. Hickory quotable at .$8.00(0:8.50 per cord at the yards ; maple. Í7.OO( 7.5U : beèch, Si6.00(á6.60" and slabs Í4.5O@5.8O. ïrlcgrapliic Market Keports. NEW YORK. Beevks 10íí@ 12" Hoos - Dreusei) 9 @ 10 Cotton 16 @ 17 Fi.orn - ■ Supertine Western 4 60 @ 4 85 ; Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 18 O, 1 20 No.l Spring 124 @ 1 28 ' Corn H8 @ 90 Oatk 74 @ 7r, In 1 08 @ 1 10 Pobk- New Mess 21 00 (322 00 Lahij- Kteam 15 @ i,y BI. LOUIS. Whkat- No. 2 Keil 1 28 @ 1 30 COEN- No. 2 New 74 @ 70 j Oats- No. 2 114 @ 66 RT - No. 2 1 00' @ 1 08 Pobk- Mesa 2100 @22 00 , Lard 14,v@ 144 Hmw 7 00 g 7 75' CATTI.K ó 00 (ñ) ."i 7."i MILWAUKEE. No. 1 1 (tt (3 1 05 No. 2 1 mi$ 1 0ii Corn - No. 2 73 ( 75 Oats- No. 2 60 @ 62 RYL 1 12 @ 1 14 Bablkï- No. 2 1 14 @ 1 16 "IN( IXWT1. Whkat- Red 1 16 (3, 1 IR Cohn- New T8 (4 75 Oats 69 @ 71 Ryk 1 15 @ 1 17 PonK- Mms 2100 @22 00 Labd 151í@ Uii TOLEDO. Kvtra 122 @ 1 24 . Amber 1 IC @ l 18 OoRN 74 ( 7C' Oath C-i a 66 DETBOI. Whkat- Extra 1 ■'.' i 1 24 Amber 1 14 ia 1 Ui Cobn- New 74 (d 7i Oats 65 @ t6 '


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