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Datis' Pain Killek. - This article neecis no comments from ns, but the rea] wortli of bo valuable a compound compela un to give publioity to it. The Pain Killer we keep conntantlv at hand, aml have doiie ro fora mtmber of years, aud liavo admiuisterci it for ailn of all deacrlptions, botH exterual aiicl infernal, and j have over found It to be tlie best remedy extaut. We wel) recolled iU tirFt introdnetion for pubUo patronage ; it wan then Hold in a fw sliopB in the eity : look at it now--thc worlil ae its patrons. Sold cveryivhete, Axl who areafflirted witliconpïiH, coldn, istlima, bronchitig, oroup, whoopingoough, or oenr tmmption, will tind a mire cure io Weet's ; monary Balflam. It will be found a Rovereign ' cure for all throat and hing diseases. Ba oqiial has nevr-r yet been diHOOvered oh an eXpectorant, relieTiug and ciiring all diHcaaefl for vrhich it h recommended. Trial bottles, 25 and 5o centn. Large bottles, Sfl.OO. Sold by all j gists. ÚÍ7K A WKKK. Ag ted everywhere. Pot fpt tj oulHtïic Fbito . . WtLKKR, Dayton. Ohlo. f'i í STCND 3-t. STAMP forour CaTALOOUB. VT Addiess Fui.LElt i tío.. Box ló'.O, Boston, Mass. EVHRY FAMIL.Y WANTS IT. Monniall Bold by Agent. Adrtres M. N. LOVKI.L. Rric. Pa. 0 R (i 0 fl r"r day at homo. Terms fren. Aildrrss O V H 0 L U Geo. Siixbon i Co.. Portland, Mui. AGKNTS. Chanü Chang nolis at sijibt. Necessary as Bonp. Ooodsfnw. ('.hang ChaDfi HTitUo., Boston. 2i1 A $'■■"' PF11 DAT-Ki:nd for "Chromo" ?PU cataWuo. 3. H. BUroeRD'S NO.Vss, Bwtoa SOn a month to ents flTfnywhc-re. Address èJ JJ Excelsior M'r'o C!o., Buchiman, Mica. "Í7OR Wt.VATn.V. IÜFORHtTIOÜ, address ; J? L M. II Al! H1S. lioi 5150, Boston, Mom. !■■ i ■ üatajoguo Freo. R ui fiTiliTmn Wanted to eanvasB for Victurea to copv ÍIItK Na "d onlarge. Addreas. wlth stiimp, J. Ü.LÍ liil" iÜU. NAKON, 312 4 214 Stat St.. Chicago. i f I" A A MONTII to malo and female gent V. 1111 evorywhnro. Address HuRFKA MamkaciX)LivJ lruING Compasy, Buchatinn, Michinan. 4 iTjTnti either Bex ; Bteadjr work at homo. _ ItÍJÍ A 5 Valiioblo saroi)l(! and terms, 10 i conta. SlMI'SOIf 4 SMIT1I, Cortlnndt-rt., N. Y. TM'K1ST ?IAP For W75. Bkst Prni.ihini. f OF ('OU)KAUO. Sont by mail Lor 90 cents. H. 1. T11AÏER & CO., Ueiiver, Colorad. I ■ Okl ff O HRST. All Colon. One Vnf,.r I EIS makes 3 ounces. .Sample anü t'ircu lars malled for 10 conU and stamp by DKI'IANCE NEEDLE CO., 058 Broadway, N. Y. i - ' ' - tíJpíN A MONTH- Agentflwanfedevorywliere. JnXrili lïneiiiess honorablo and first-class. t' I'Hrticular3 sont freo. Address Worth i Co., iSt Louis, Mo. ml C DC V or FITS cured by the hbo of Jtoss Epi. 1-prO I leptio Remedies. Trial Packnge Frek. I YfnffeafflW For circulara, evldencB of Buccess, etc, iddññ ROHS BROS.. Richmond, Ind. $WJATVTTIljr FOR AGENTS in our ten Noi RsSStar I Novelties. Jnstout. Neededin Ui. jtti 1 ejery house. Sample and circu. lars free by mail. H. B. WHITE 4 CO.. Newark, N. J. TJA EtttTAli. So 5,000 people In Chicago s.iy of O njjl J. WOOD'S Inipraved Kair Reatoratlvn. Sent 11 15 i roo of i)ross charges on reeftipt f il, (Hl, or sii " bottiea IV.r .-RU0. Address .1. l(. KI fílA I.I.. Proprlctor, 100 Momoe St., CHICAGO, U.L. 1 "TTTlf U ■ JIKST and liardest work i ff w J% iifl i a La in the house made compatütively easy and pleasant. Ever}' ono interested in Tedwiitij mmanf niuk should send nmr a stamp for our circular. GR AY, DIXON 4 CO. , 51 Cljbourn Ate., Chicago. AGEBTSWANTEDMS TÏ1HIS paper ia prínted with Ink furnished by Charlea : J. Kneu Johnson & Co., 509 South Ttmtk Street, Philadelphia, and 59 Gold Street, New York. ForealeinlO and 25-pound cans by THE NKWSPAPER UNION. Chicago, 111. UIA UTC niThe People's dollar paper. THK ContriTIn M I C UI BÜTOE, enlaroed to 04 column religious 5000 E1 )in(1 secular. Takt,': nteryiehere. Pive mag■ n P'I TTOI niticont premiums. Sample terras, etc, AGEilTSIfree. J. H. EARLK, Bostoa. ! T? T ÏXTAGTJ Tl Bboadwat. New York, X tJ XI XllO-iX maimfacturerof Solid GoLü JKWKÍ.UV ot evöry dsci iption. The stock ts large, very cholee, and is offered at retail at trade prices to k'-p our workmen coinfí. Bills unt-lar $16, P. O. ordar in advance. Over $15, 0. 0. D. privilege to examine. Catalogues free. mAGKNTS WANTED EVRRV W HKKE.-Tbc ehoicest in theworld- Imiwrters' pric-es- largest Company in Ameriou- taple uxtiole- pleaees everybody - trudü incrensing - best inducement - doa't waete time - sund for Circular to ROBKKT WELLS, 13 VMff Btravt, New Yurk. P. O. Box feêj. liriTTOFFDCI The OnIy PrparalJon " W BI I n K Ti tl l giveB Perfpct Mtisfaction to : fff UJIiJUUAIiU those wishtii toraist' Beard or Muatüooe. DeLeMapa' VigonneJ' pnpared uniy in Paris. Eacb PaokagB warranled and sent, by m.tii on recelpt of $1,00. Samples malled fnr Ï5 c(s. Address J. P. FRANKLIN, Sole Importer, Jersey City, N. J. ATTEXTIOK, OW NEUS OF 1IOKSKS. A Ask your Harness Maker for IfiV bk t!le Ziuc Collar Iad. s4' '&t- --rWH T10)' Ar0 warranted to cure Vi-i ■ (V-u ■-"' áÍ BKH nny sore neck on horse or È 'ï ' ""-HSlöiiiult', or money refunded.if Qs,= V -A .-.-if f w J'iinti-d directiona are foli. Jr af lowed. Send Tñc. for sample. VV Zinc Collar Pad Co., Sole S___- -gy JUanurt'rs, Buchanr.n.Micb. nDiiiiï"?5" I uïh kiiowu andsure lïemedy. for treutment until cured. Culi on Or ntidress DR. J. C. BECK, 112 John Street, CINCISNATI, ÜÏÏIO. t ( -T' " ID. LAKGEIX'S !'EW ASTH!UA fëpiiSjSpV AAI C.IIIKRU KKMI:DT. [ " JPh Havmg atniirplcil twenty years bet ween !if_nd iiffiSa lhiath wlth ASTHMA, I experinnteci by comn mJNWf 'touüdtug rKt( and Iterbs and inhallng the medrirJ&vSx' linlK icino. I fortuuatuly dlBcovereíi a wmilcrlul lyfcSraggt remedv and aura curp lor Aulhma and Catarrb. S3iBCE5r WatTantcd to iflfeve iostantly sn tlif patk-ntcaa ffBPWH Me dowuto rest and sleep rnmlorUbly. DrujMife'JPlflSm -tstBftrft Btipplicl wlth satnplc purkagenfni-rsa mSSR diHtrlbntlon. CaII and got nnc, or aiMresa jg. d ArtiCiKLI., Appl Crok, Ohlo. ! ÖSuW by Dru„-glHt&, Full-aize Paclitit;, by mail, $1.26. éN. F. BURNHAM'S TURmK WATER WHEEL Va selectcd,4.veari affo.nnd pilt to nork In the Pntnit Offirv, Wasliinton, D. C.,and bas provoil to be the !st. 19sizesmade. Prlffs lowcr than any other lirirt-clnsa Wheol. PnmphlBt freo. N. F. BURNHAM, York, Pa. 0 ufcTIlIg liF.'-T in 4hc World. r -Tx. h ' It (iivfs tTniversftl Satiefaction. jKÏ0& OVnKllFll, Kronomy. Vi?H 411 lb. more Brad to lir]. Flonr! áSSi?W ÍAVKS M1L.K, F.GGS, íc. rfclranl .v sÍokksoTk nüKÁnl I tVSMyJ I Whiter. l.ightor, Kweoter. Iiicber, (JfStffflS ffW f'fnd at nuco fnr Circular to WSFiaWr UKO. K. CÍA.VT7. & ('O., 1 T-aJr lïGUiiaiieSt., Vork. i t PORTABLE Soda Fountains. ÍF40, $50, $75 & $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHKAP. ShiDped rosdr for Use. Manoíictured by tüíAPMAN i 0O.. Miidison Ind lir Sead for á aoalogn. DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! JTWOVELTY S J.i PEINTING PEÏÏSS. I !■':■ Jro# VisMioïiiil umi Ain:itenr I E'iiiit.r-., S. I.ooIn, Sot lrtii , Mun'n" utactin rs, if orcliuiiii. and otliors itia Sisi-1!1" i!ii'LKST.Ti-riiivfiit!. Üt.OOO in uno. i '■■'.'■ ftfTen Btyleg, Prioes from S5.00 to $150.00 : v v4 jBEMvï. O. WOODS&CO.Mamifraand ■■■VduiriT-iiniiiikiiiddui Printins Material, ! ipi v Catalogue) 49 Federal St. Boston. I A fuU and auOumtic acoount of the BLACK IÏILL8 GOU) REO1ON, containingGen. Custax'sofBcial repertof the recent Government Ëxpedition, letters from Oon. [ Forsyth and Lteut.-Gen. P. H. ShertdaN, and a deBoriptionof the mines and country by lilfiekweil and MoLnrRn, the twt retunied minors, with a mnp drawn by the Chief Drauclitsman of tbe Survyiir-Gpnernl's office, being the Jiily raUoble map of the Black Hills ever publiRhed. First editton of 30,000 copies soW in two WMMtt. gooond edition of 5(,000 copies now ready. Pricc, Ü5 : CentS. TMoCoxOnU, Addn 114 Monroe-st., Chicago, PI. freí! 7reëït free!!! The Pioneer. A bandeóme jllustrated newepaper oyiitaining informatinn for tivoryïody. Teil how and where to Becurfi n HOME cheap. SKNT FIÏEE TO ALL PARTS OF THK [ vonr.n. It c-ontjiins the kew Homfbtead and TlMBER Lawr, j with other interestinif matter found only in this paDer. .SVurt 4t at Olios.' It will only cost yon a Postal CarI. New number for April juat ont. A.HIieB, O. P. OAVIS. l.:iiul CommUflioiier I'. I'. II. II., ümalia, Nt'b. n VTTEXTIOX. - lcv Pension and i zSSf Bsutity laws. Claims due almost evcry 5DiL soldar or his heirs. Have your rights j inPm amineri undcr the late laws. No fa or , 1 charge unlcss successful. The ncw law ! SIWK eludes thousands who are getlnig 110 penH Bi sion, or are cntilled to boimty. Bounties H (My collected, new discharges obtamed. Fenü sions procured or inercased. I ay fi.r raU tionwhilepr5oner,baclt-pay_, and all other ■ , U claims settled. Survivingiolditrs war 1813, Itew tuur and with Mexico, pensioned; widows ol tP f. ame nlso. " Soldim' Record," r neal p. PÍ ' per. 16 pages, giving digest pens.on and (Jt bountylaws. No soldier can dti without it. ■ Kï Vn Somi 10 cents for sample copy. Adiln ft-, f with stamp) Nathan W. t itzgfííalu, i ifcif ü. S, Claim Agent, lndianapoh, Ind 1 JU CT MDVKiniITSlRE! Jnrtout UO I Uje(al,IUndome,01)ep. Sellsevory. BOÖK NEW MpCcHART8,&C. CY2U si 9t, r;w cba-rt' (;'iRisTiAi A M GRACES,iaplendidnocM. Oin_ _" " cinnatl prioes samo a Nciv Y nrk. Sond ST7T T (oitmmtpB.C.BRIDQMAN.SBuè. OJli-Lilj laySt.,N.Y.,All.lW.4thSt.,Oto.,a AGENTS WASTEI for tho C E N TEN NÏaU "UmieüStatesGAZETTEEE A book for every American. Üiells evmywhero at slght. Kariii(ïr8,Tea(iO['s,!Stndonts, Lewyers, More llanta. School Director, Manufacturera, Mectumlcs, Snippers. Sales. men, mn of le:irningt and men wlio can only ï and vouue. all want it for rvery d:iy rolerencp and 119a. gïiowfl Ki-and resulta of 100 Y EAR? l'KOUIíKíSS. A wliole Ijilirary. Boon r;iob-ifot a luxury. but aiii-o.rgsHy. Inter.Orrfi-Hrst Welling Bnokíib. liehod.- GtKXl Pity. CüWiint. Gen, A Kt. in every cttf of lÜ.OÜO. Address .f. C. JtIC'I;H DT & CO., PfItsliri'H, Cincinnatl, O. ; Chicago, IU., or Sfc. Louis, Mo. OPÏIJM Habit Cured ' A certainand suro euro, -fi-hhout inconvenlcnce and at home. Auautidote that stands purely on IU own merits. 8end for my quarterly magazine, (Í4 ' cwts vou notkiiiQ) coutainlng certifleates of hundreda tiiat havd been perinanenüy cured. I claim to have I dlscovered and produ' 1 tho tirst, original and OiíLT 8ÜHB OCEK FO OPIUM EATIS1. Dit. S. B. COLLIXS, La Port, Inrt. OHBAP ErAstlfliliib L Aii Uu The C, K, I, & P. E. B. Company Ii offeiing for ftlr t Low IVIcm nnrt Sliit ReasonaliU Teniu, Tl) Aill.'AI, SI'TTLEBS, ïomcoftlit 7.1O-.1 lijsitnblf and Fertilc l iiimprovecl Jjinitl int Tbr Ijnidi ir si'nntfil on or uwr Uio lln of its railroad, tïs OHKAI í':I. EOUTÏ fn m tl-e Kwiero 8tat to Ifcn Pacillo Coart, nd n inoatlj b twen the inportaut cltUi of DoMuinei and Üouncll Bluffp, in thi bíttA[íii''íviTLv fv : i 1 i II i-"[ MS v.J.'rr lojiïnsc Tiftrtion of low&, IIIIC33S AH.XÏ LOW, Ranging from S5 to $ I O per acre, The average prlce belng eoraewhat leea llian $s. gj" rii1iii1j : i i k'i-, 't powbulii "hii li MJlrMd fsre run Ik rpHed OT ; pTmnU Ifr'!:i X avt for rnili t the princtpÁI ticket offioei of the Cumpanj ■ in in#Mi1 Ii:inoi. For Mupn. tarroi of ale al direotiotia to lnindin ' purchn'ir?, nddrejs .1. I-. DflEW, Land ('nminissionnr, C„ 11. I. & r. B. H. CO.. Davkni'oet, Iowí NiCHOLSTSHEPARü & CÖTs "VIBRATOR" THRESHBR. ThcBÏI,l,IANTSrCEESSnf tlii Graln■ Savlng, Time-Savlng THRESHEK, ü unprecodentcd in theannuls of Faun Mai-hinery Inabrief period it has become wldelyknown ' and FiLLY KKTAYIJLISIIEn, as thi i "ËBAmirGTHflESHïNG MACHINE.' Lgg iípsu V ÊMÊ GRAIN II VISJ:hS KI'llSE to submil I to the wastefnl and Imperfect work of othei Tbroahers, when posted on the vast sKparioritt i of thisone, for sa ving gx&in, saving tiffle, am doinjï fast, thoronffh and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT hjlghly advantageötti tf i run a machine thut bfts no "BeaterB," "Pickers, or " Apron," that handles Damp Grain, Lonf : SLraw, Headings, Flax, ïimothy, WiUettamlal sur-lï (iiflirult rrain and eeeds, with IIMIHI i BASE AND KFFKCriVLNKSS. Oleani to perfoction; sa ves the farmer hU thresh bil by extra futvlüg of gr∈ inakes no "Litter Ing?' requires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usna 1 liclts, Boxes, Joiirnals, aml Gears; easier man ! aged ; less rcjiairs ; one that grain raisers prefei to eniploy and Tait for, even at advanceij j pricc, while other machines are "out of (obft.1 Fotir sizesmado tvith , 8, 10 and 12 : Iiorse fcIUounted'? Poweris, also a su ■ ! ciaUyof Separalors ifcalone," expresslj ; for STKA.Tl I'OWËR, and to matcli otiier Hor-o Powers. l lf interested in grain raising, or threshinp, writ( ! for Illuatrated Circulara (sentree) with full ! particulars of sizes, styles, prices, terms, etc. NICI1OLS, SIIEPAft & COM Battle Creek, Michigan. MBMg The EL A STIC TRITSS BBBB89. AND 'SI: l'POH TKR is now jRPL!rT e rp T1lSksuPerseinc alí )tller8. l6" H L, Xj & o X 1 v Km ing adojit'ci everywhere by ftjfl m t Tj q c W%ttiGea.aíngyliy8Ícia.tiB,tniTCj -rs-Kf eeona' 'UKKÍsts, arniy and gPg M The success and universal L W W f eatisfactinn they have givK0 r en, as well as tho preat numberof radical cures they have effected, has demon ttratrd the fact that ruptvre can be sureht cured without j sufferinfï or nnnoyance, and irithout the danyer of inrurring Sptnal Dismise or ParalyHs, ofton causd by iho severe presgure of Metul TrtlSMI and Supporters, it is the only8ure cure for Hornia, as it is the only Trusa in use that will hold the rupture seourely In all positions ín which the body can be placed. It will perform radical cures when all otheis fail. It can be worn with ease ar.a I comfort when no spring trusa can be ueed. When once i ad justad, nu mot ion of the body or accident can dieplace it. These instrumenta have the uurjualijifi npprvcal of the most yiinent practitioners in tho professioii. From the numerous testimoniáis in our possession we append the foliowing: After tho experience of months, patients t oBtify stronif'■■ ly'.to its ejhrary, as well as to the mm and freedom fron 1 inconvenienc with which the instrument is wurn. With I superior advantaes, the Sleutíc Trust possessos in a high 1 dftfiree ALL roquisites and qualifications claimed forotüer inventions. I have no hesitation in regarding it as au lmiori.;it mearía for the relief and cure cf Hernia. "J. M. OAKNOCHAN. M. D-, 1 " Ex-Health Officer of tha Port of New York, Surgaon-inühtof of New York State Hospital," etc., etc. i Geo.V. House. M.D.,SuperintendentKlastÍcTrus8Oo.: Dear Str : After saiïerüig for tilirty years, in my own person, from the use ot' every form of Metallic 1 russ procu rtible in tbis counti-y and üi Kurope, I, faro yoaxs ago, i appüed four Ltas(ic Ti-ií,and shice that time I have experienced comfort and eatisfaction, and bwn t:iuj?ht the truth. that the Iííastic Trusa Is the only Instrument that shcmld be used for the relief and cure of Hernia; and now, alter more thjin thirty years' continuoua practice. and liaving adjusted many hundreds of Trusses (and íoi the lust twenty months yours exchisiveiy), I grateïully I declare it to be my delibérate opinión that your EJaMic Trxtus is the only one entitled to the confidence of the public ; that elastícity ís the only power at all adapted to the requirements of a Truss or Supporter, und am convinced that your Elaatte Truss actuully cures a Larg proi portíon of alí cases to wbich it Í3 applied, not only amone i chlldron bnt in numerous caes within my own knowiedge of patients from 50 to5 yjjfjj M D ! Prof. of Anatomy and Surger'y, N. Y. E. Medical College. 1 Beware of cheap and worthless imitation Elastio i TniBses, which some parties advertise and sell. frauda1 lently representiiig that tiieyare manufactured by the Elastic Truss Co. . L ! These Trnsses are sent by mail to all parts of the coun! try. Satlsfaction guaranteed in all cases. Bef ore pur. ' chasing anj other, write for Descriptive Circular Crce) j totUe ELASTIC TRUSS 60. ! J83 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, In Actual Use : MORE THAN 55,000 EsteyOrgans! MAHUFACTÜKED V J. ESTE Y & CO., BRATTLEBOKO, VT. 13T Sbnd for Illustkatkd Catalogue. Smitta Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. 'These Standard Instruments i Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. íju'tl tlironghout tlie Unittd Siates on the INSTALLMENT PLAN: That iu, on a Hystem of Mnthly Paymenía. Purchaaers ehould ask for tho Smhh 4jomiCA OltOAN. Catalogues and full particulnrs on upphcatloou 1 Dr. J. Walker's California egar JHtters aro a purcly VegetaN preparatíon, mudo cl Hly frota the n!' tivti herbs founrt on ti i lowcr rangesni the Sierra Nevada motmtaina of Califnr nia, the medicinal properties of w are extracted tliorefrom without the m! ; of Alcohol. Tho question is almos daily asked, "Whatisthe cause of T onparalleled succese of Vinegar Br? xeksT' Our answoris, thattheyreinoM i tho causo of disease, and the patiënt re covers bis health. They are themai blood pnrifier and a lifo-giving princip? a perfect Renovator and InvigorS 'T tho system, Never hefore in Í dstory of the world has a medicine W' oompoQuúed possessing the rematkïï j quiüities of Vinegar Eitters in healitfjj sick of cvery disease manie heirto, }w I are a gentío Purgativo as veil as a ft relieving Congestión C InflammatioiiJ the Liver and Visceral vjrgans, ia $ ; Disease3. The propertïes of De. Walem, Vinkgar Bittkrs are .Aperient, Diapboreta [ Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, i)inrttis - I Sedativa, Counter-Irritant, tíU(loriüc,Alto I tive, and Anti-Bilions. dirateful Thousands proclaim T:,egae Bittïrs the most wonijrfui ij. viprorant that ever sustained th sinfcj system. Tso Person can take these Bitten ' I afcording to directions, andremainfe. 't : unwell, providod ;heir bones arenotdi' , ; stroyed by mineral poison or o'tr i I means, and vital organs wasted bejonj ; repair. Bilious, Remittent and Info niittent Fevers, which aro eoprevj. lent in the valleys of our great riten Srrooghont tÈ ünited States, especial; ' . hose of the Mississippi, Ohio, ■ ! Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberiand,Arku. Jas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, líio G-rande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannali, noke, James, and many otliers, wnt their vast tributarios, throughout m ! entirc country during the Summerasi : Autunin,r.nd remarkably so during i sons of uuusual heat and dryness, aa 1 invariably accompanied by exteminfc , ' rangements of the stomaca and liter, ! ' and other abdominal viscera. In the:: ' Í ' treatment, a purgativo, exertingapoi. : . eiful influence upon theso various w ! gans, is essentially necessary. There ■ i is no cathartic for the purpose pqua! i 1 ■ Dr. J. Walker's Tixkgar Kitte:.-, j as they will speedily remove tlie I f colored viscid rrjatter with whieh & I , ijowols are loaded, at the same tía ■ ' stimulnting the secretions of tl mul generaüy restoring the healthi : functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the 'body againstálseui ! by purifying all its fluida with Vmga Bitters. No epidemie can take hold I of a system thus fore-armed. D.vspepsia or Indigestión, Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tigjitnesa of the Chest, Dizzi-ness, Sour i jEructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste ; in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita', tatioii of the lleart, Inllamrr.ationofthe, Pain in the región nf the Kid: !i(ys, and a hundred other painful sympKnus, are the oflepviuga of Dyspepsia. i One bottle wil] prove a hetrprg-uarantee , of its roer its tbaa a lengthy advertisemeat. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whto SweUingg, Ulcors, Erysipelas, Swolled Xeck, Qoitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolen! Inflatnmations, üercurial Affections, 0!i Sores, Bniptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these., as in all other oonstitutional Dis! eases, Walker's Vikegah Bitters hsn shown thcir great curative powersinlb) most obstinate and intracta'jle cases. For Inflammatory and Chronk Rlicuinatism, Gout, Bilious, Ren ! tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases il ! the Blood, Liver, Kidncye and Bladdn these Bitters have no equal. SuchDise i are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. -PersoDs en . gaged in Prints and Minorals, sucha Plunibers. Type-setters. Gold-beatcrs, pi Miners, as they ad vanee in life, are suüjeci to paralysis of the Bowels. To g against tíiis, take a dose of Walker's Tegar Bitters occasiotially. For Skin Diseases, Eruptionf.Te:i ter, Salt-lihemn, Blotches, Spots, Pimp. PuBtalee, Boils, Carbunclcs, Ring-'1 : Scald-head, Sore Eye?, Erysipe Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Hmi'1' and Diueaees of the Skin of Tttatevei m or nature, are literally dng rp and carnet j out of the system in a short time byttow ,of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other WW lurking in the system of so many thoosw; are etfeetually destroyed and rem gystem of medicine, no Termiftgal, no thalminitits will free the eystem lium ra' like these Bitters. For Female Complaints,iny" or old, marricd or single, at thedawn1!' manhood. or the turn of life, these W' Bitters display so decided an inflnence" improvement is soon porcoptilile. Cleanse the Vitiated IUooc ever you find its impurities bursti the skin in Pimples, EnipHons, or8 eleanse it when you find it olwtmot sluggish iu Üieveius; eleanse it víM foul ; your feeliugs will teil j-oawhcii. w the blood pure, and the health of tb wilJ follow. Ii. H. MtDOSALD & CO., Drujrpiste and Gen. Acts., 8:in Francis wul cor. of Wasliinrtón nd-GhrIt'n St: v Sold by all Urugglst and Dilrr" (& O ft t ana c-Tppiwo a month to tW&Sl' EEIAEKABLGil i 25 ennts fnr Rook Kivin the seerots nd.,ïïS the best payiilü Inveslnwnt of the doï. iá3as 1535, New York. . OOK PEK DAÏ Ckimmissi..n,or830a''J O CO u, andeiponso. We olTnr it ajig(l A pply iiow. tí . W . %V ebber Si to-i "" "QStCnOMAIIÍT, or Soul Ch" ■ Huw vitli.T i.-x ii!, iy iiiBehmlv' i,n.l fi". r,-.-ii..ii or iu n.T""n iincioose,iniiiiij. ■";:l,„ii ,. .. ... ir,., l.v ,,,„,1. 'J-. tcut loüetherwllh"_u I i ïs.v1)lln0rle, Uivani, LaillchJrc. VM" (inrbgok AddroMr T. WILLIAMS C0vTllWi-. DR. WHITTIEB Ko. 617 St. Charlss Strest, St. Losl,j . DillnaM to Uel 11 imii of obitu! 10 m'rl!5f; M tapuriUet, ttttf llmeiii or liokngii wtloa ""'"„, Indlicr.lloo or Imprudente, with nprIK.a i' „, Dr. W.'i eiubüihmeot Ij chartercd bj tU 8U" , ■tl, w.i founilej nd hu beea eittbliibed "" ■fe, ceruiu nd relUbla relief. Betng fr'0"'lri reral medical college, nd b?!ng tlie epBfr.iij loof od luooeaiful Ufe In hij peelaJUei he " ff reí remedlee ihn are etTeoto! In .11 tneie cei. ■ f f, ra belm treated b; mail or expreia '"}""','„& natter who falled, oll or wrlte. ITrom ! '"'Vai br f pplloktlona he ii enbld to ke?p bli ,, ïo. 36 page, glTifif full f jmpWmi, ir tw0 ' MARRIACE CUIDEMOpg, popaur book whlch ibonld b r %{? i bojj. H tnKrdwl ptr, or p' :toaa oontiuirl110 „ ti t'-'J, MO affortl toda vitbent It, ItooBiiii'l[lf „Vff'' m3i.vl tlteratort 00 thli ubjecl, the reH0 'Ü leo exptrlsnn; alio tbs be thoo-U froi --"lq&í, Ib linp ad AmrlM. gent ieaiea. PolltP S0t DR. C. A. BOHAp! NO. 19 North Fifth Street, St, I-oulstStli'1 LISHED1S37. Cures all snfferers witbmn Mercury. Charges reasonable fees. ,,8??," ffDL IW-rfr. B.'b "Tre(ise on Special Pisca d „ fullï eiiilains the nature, cause, yrapt! ïïf ' „ejO " to euro ill forins of Nervous DebiUtï, KijSn"i3 other delicate sabjecta, b'-ni rSKB "' v ■ Ho. !' O W. r - .„„, WIIEN WUITINU WyEffS picase sny yousaw tUe orti1 til tl is pater


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