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Tulkpay, April 20.- frítate- From the Boiw tirAsreéblvfed Öu) tfedse resoliüioD provMing that no yeueiui business ,hall be done alter Thnraday, April 29. and for final udjounmu'iit on .May 4. The i éeöolntion wa cmcunvd in. . . . A nmnbrr óf unünrportant bill; wera art'.-d ipen and reportad Bigned by the Gover nor. ƒ- The bMa tO iax and reguiflfte tb liqnor trailic bavo both pnsscd the House. Wkiw.-i:kïay. April 21. - Sènato BHlafráaettd: lIoiiB1 bilí relativo to brokers and xchauge cViiltus ; Senate bilí to aznend the law relative to forecloeurc y aaverfïeexbéni ; for the Bafe-ïeeplng of the public moueys, and relativo to offenses agaiust pttbUc jiiBtice. House - BMs passed : Kelative to clection of trusteen of graded schools in the Opper Península ; repealing ection 2 of uu act to flóflfpel c-hüdrou to attond Bchool ; amending the act retotive to layiug out ! highways: inerrasintf ttietéefrcíf shenífs; rcintatíug the harbpr iind rivcr improvciuent coinpanicK in the Upprr Penmmilit ; fíxinj; i penalty for maimiiitf piííf'-oíis neur iifHtmir; to pr.ivent the destruction of Rmoer on lancl delinquent tb the Ötat for tiixi; aniendJuf,' the statute relative to the cuwtody of ' Rons a'cquittcd of iusanity ; to pay ; sloned oífiocra aod prívatea of the 5th, fith, and 7th , regiiiiPTits of ]Iichi{iau infaiitry, imuiediate eft'ect ! for the incorporation of maiiufaeturing companies. ! I TÊX&8DAX, April 22. - frénate - Four petitions j were receivë ! praying that the IYohíbiiory Liquor law niiiy bü made more effoctive Uills passcd : ; Amending tlift act eonccrahifi roada on thr. linos of adjoíriing townwhips ; House bfll authorizing the I printiug and dintribution of tho diainagt lava ; Senate bilí for the pay ment of voluriteera wint mlisted prior to Fob. 4,1865; House bill to amend tho luw puniwhing murder by liauging and iinpriüonmcnt. Ho' - Bills werd passed appropriating money to j tho Agricultura! College, and taxing ehareB in t National and State hanke, and oue relativo to i pelkla ftom probate oóurte. TbJU last ig the bilí i ij ■ relution to the Rcttlnnent of the es tato of the late ' Capt. E. B. WarJ. Though nouiinally a coniproinisp, the l)ill pasaed is in the interest of the contestiug heirs. Fhiday, April 23.-$enate- The Senate, iu Coimnittee of thi; Wliole, coasidered the following bül : Subfititute for House bill 121, regulating the liquor trafile, and House bill 71, alöxing a tax upon the liquor traiïic, the billa boiug agreed tí subníantially aa (hey came from the House, except that tin; taxea on retailern of spirits were iixed as follows : ■ ín the country, $100 per aimum; in places of from 1,000 to 3,000 people, $150 per annuin; in largcr ! places, $200 per amium. Housfr-Uên&te bill 102, to provide for the safe keeping of the publie moneye, was reported favoralíly, aud a substituto fcr the House bill for taxing raüroad lands wan reported vithout I t'ion, and ordci-ed printed in tho journal The i lcraáng bilis pasaed: Relative to habeas corpus and ce'rtiorari; to amend (heactto authprizeproceeAlxijjfB ! aRainwt parníshrrs; to amend section 7,(10, to vent the wrongful taking of fruit or shade trees; to i regúlate the eatching of fish in certaiu -waters; to ! ■ amend the Drain law; relative to mutual beneflt and co-operative associations. Ratubday, April 24. - Senate - Tke joint j lution, submitting to-the people the question of I creaaing the pay of Judges from $1,500 to $2,500 per j year, was taken up and passed .... Bills were passed: i Itelative to the Rafe-kecping of persons acquitted of crimey by rcasoii of int:anity ; aUowipg mc-inbers of the Legislature from the Upper Península $3 a day. Umin? - Bills pasned : To regúlate the sale of raüroad tickets ; to provide a method of giving nctice of the feea of couuty and township ofiicers ; to provide for granting special ccrtiflcütes to teachers of eminent qualiñeationp; to regúlate the snle of wheat ; to provide for the payinent to railroi-d eompiinies of aooneyi collected by the agent of , the State from trespassers of the lands of Badd feompaniee. Monday, April 2G. - Senate - Houtine bueiaees ebly wits transaeti'd, and the bilis p&B&e& ton miinpoi'tant. llouxc - A number of bilis wcre agreed to in committee of the wliole.


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