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DUT YOUR MONEY WIIERE Iï WILLDO THE MOST Q-OOIA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LAT EST STYLES. QÜALITY AND PRICES T O DE F V C OM F E T1T1O IV A.LSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. [Elf Cali before purchasiug. ] 5 South Main Street. _gj BUSINESS COLLEGE Am ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Women Day Classes throughout the year. Eveninfr Oíanse from September to June. Instruction accorcÜDK to the most approved plans, and mostly individual Studeuts can enter at any time and receive superio instruction in Business Penmanship, Commercie Law, Business Correspondence, Business Arithme tic, Single aud Doublé Eiitry Book-keeping, Gra ham'e Standard Phonography, and Practical Tel egraphy, Main line wires paas directly through th rooms of the Telegraphic Department, affording the student every advantage of "Actual Office Prac tice." The progrese of the student in Book-keeping i greatly facilita ted by the use of a new Chart enti tled " Book-keeping at One View," just publishei by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or ad dress, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Micb. 1493tf C. BLISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock OF New Goods consiating of CLOCKS, WATCHES JEWELRY, Silver & Plated f are andaré offering them at prices never before offerei in the market. tíomething ne-w in TEA SETS and at a great reduction from fornier prices. KTRemcmber we nave tlie Inrg-1 Stock in the city. Cali and Nee for louru'lvo, RErAIRING NEATLY AND PR0MPTL7 DONE C. BLISS & SON. 1 522 MANHOOD : How Lost, How Kestored .,_- b Juut publiahed, a new edition of Dr JrjtTCul ver well's Celebra ted EsW&UtíSt il y on the radical cure (without medí cine) of Spebmatobbhea or Hemina Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Loasen, Imputen cv, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, indulired by self-indulgence or sexua extravagance, &c. Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay clearly demónstrales, from a thirty years1 success tul practice, that the alarraing consequences o self-abuse ma be radically cured without the dan geroQs use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and eftectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, raay cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi ically. BT This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dreaa, posi-paid, on receipt of aix centa or two post age stainps. Addreas the Publishers, CHAS. J. G KLINE & 00., 127 Bowery, New York ; Post Office Box 4586 A GRAJMÜ ACHIEVEMEfVT! ..-- g_ $TLï9OOO AVortli oí CHAMPION Movring & Usapiag AT ONE SHIPMENT. Makinq Two Immense Tbains of TwentïTwo Cak8 Kach, Loaded Entibely with Champion Machines from One Concern. r:rrllimr In ITIafnitudc, Value, and in Display, any Shi pineut of (■ ricultm-al in ploinenta ever made on the globe. M. ROGERS, Agent. VIH BUOT AN Mioi; Vllllii:, Opened April 1, 1S75. I have opened a Boot and Shoe Store in the Fantle Block, No. 43 South mam Btreet. I have one o: THE MOST ATTBACT1YE STOCK of Boots and Öhoea ever Bhtiwn in Ann Arbor They are selected with great oare, and offered at very low prices. In Ladies' Pine Shcss I have a full line, comprising1 all the Xoveltiea oí the Beatón. I am now receiviug NEW GOODS DAILY. My stock Is entirely New. thoroughly assorted, and marked at prices that will suil the most economical lm y crb. Plea.6e iri vc me &. cali beforc pur ; luisïnu eUewhere. 1525m3 JOHN BURG.


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