Mount Union College- Its Dibtinotive eatures and Late Impeotements. - The ate Cliief Justice Chase, as Trustee, sounded ie key-note, "Mouut Union having the elementa of being the best College in the land, ïould the most freely and widely extend its uperior advantages equally to our country's orthy poor or self-dependent." Attendance n Departmeuts past year 1,197; different udents from first 11,027, of whom 7,519, onehird ludies, have taught public schools. The epartmeuts - ancient and modern Classical, 'hilosophic, Scientific, Normal, Commercial, Musical, Fine Art, Preparatory - unsurpassed n modern facilities and competent Professors, pparatus and Museums, worth over a quarter million dollars, best iu United States, for obective-teaching, applying Science. Superior dvautages in Music, Normal Training, Commercial Science ; overi.OOO commercial stuents naw fill good situations. College proprty, donated for the benefit of students, worth 461,235.00, enables any persous of either sex ;o obtaiu thorough instruction in any study, nd support themselves ; income last year, 26,540.00, benenting students ; three regular erms, (Spring, Summer, Fall;) enable stuents to earn their College expenses by teachïg Winters, without falling behind College asses ; special Winter Term for others ; cali or teachers greater than supply. This Colege, byliaving erected buildings, keeps board t about $' per week - club and self-board much loss. Tuition but a trifle, no contingent r extra charges ; students enter any time in erm, at proportional ratee; for catalogues, ddress Pres, O. N. Hartshorn, LL. D., Allince, of Mt. Union, O. Location healthy, moral, accessible, - 15 minutes by the omnibus rom Union Depot, Alliance, Stark Co., O., the unctiou of Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne fe Chicago nd Cleveland & Wheeling Bailroads. If atendance increases, another excellent building will oe added this season. Summer Term pens May 11, offering special advantages. Views op Nature, by Kzra C. Seaman : Scribner, Armstrong & Co., New York. In 1873 Mr. Seaman pubhshed a little volme entitled "Views of Nature." Eecently e has pubhshed two addional chapters, enarging on some of the topics previously disussed. In the volume itself, as well as in the dditional chapters, the author assails and ombats some of the most popular physical heories. Mr. Seaman has evidently studied hysics with care ; but he has done more, he ías ponderad upon these theories, weighed be facts upou which they are based, collected dditioual facts, and made deductions of his wn, widely different, in some instances, from he commonly received opinions. He ignores or example, "the vibratory-ether theory of íeat aud light." He also combats Prof. Tynall's theory that heat is a mode of motion. 'o these theories Mr. Seaman offers many weighty and original objections. He deounces them hypothetical, mystioal, and aburd. Who can deny the forcé of the critiism 'i The author also questions the theories f the 8ources of beat. Mr. Seaman's theory s that the earth itselt is the great source of íeat, 8iuce ít is generally admitted that the uterior of the earth is an igneous mass of mater ; and that " the sun's attraction during the ay draws calorie from the crust of the earth, which is absorbed by the earth's crust at night." Now this theory may be as fauciful as the one the author combats, but it certainly as the merit of onginalty, consisteney and easonableness. It is only just to say that he ffers mauy íacts in support of his opinión. n the same spirit, Mr. Seaman treats light, lectricity, and galvanism. The autbor adopts nd supports the theory of spontaneous genertion, but combats the Darwinian theory of evelopment as absurd. Ou the wbole the jook well paya a careful and thoughtful peusal. The Detroit Post saya : " A singular fataliy seems to have seized upon Michigan's moBt romising inventora. Some weeks ago Mr. )on J. Mozart, of Ann Arbor, inventor of the elebrated Mozart watch, and of another which, t was thought, would be a great improvement upou it, lost his reason at the very moment uccess was within his grasp, and now the watch remains incomplete, while he is pronouuced hopelessly insane. Last Friday Mr. Tred. P. Warren, of Three Oaks, the inventor of what scientists have pronouuced the most ugeiiious calculating machine ever devised, .ied at his home in that víllage, aud we are oíd that the machine upon which he spent years of study was not períected in all its urts before its inventor breathed his last. It s so intricate as to be, perhaps, beyond the understauding of any person living, and must emain forever incomplete. Neither inventor was permitted to see his long cherished hopes ealized, but the fate of Mr. Mozart, still rackng his insane brain with impossible watchwheels, is the sadder of the two. Pure Water for House Use. Water will be delivered to any part of the city by he oíd and reliable delivery at FIFTT CENTS A jOAD. Leave your orders where you can depend pon ■ supply of Pure Speino Water, without isappointment. Orders left at my reaidonce on Murtli Main slreet, or on the slate at the News toura, will receive prompt attention. HIRAM KITTRIDGE. Strange but Trae. It is natural for people suffering with Consump ion, l'oughs, SevereColds, or any other disease of he throat and Lungs, to put ofl" from day to day uying an article that they know has cured their neighbor, friend, or relative, yet they have no faith ii it uiitil it is too late. If you will go to Eberbach A Co., Druggists, and get a bottleof Boschke's Germán Svrup, your iinmediate cure isas certain as ou live. It has lately been introduced in this ountry from Gerinany, and Druggists and people verywhere are elated over its success. You can get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular ize buttk' 75 cents. I8w4 a. At Home Agaln. Dr. North having concluded to sell or rent his country seat, has again taken up the practice of }enti8try, and opened rooms over Johuson's Hat tore, where he will be pleased to meet hisold friends who may need hisprof essional ski 11. He is prepared to insert teeth on rubber base, celluloid, gold or silver, ns may be desired. Teeth nlled with pure gol d, and by other upproved principies. DR. OEO. W. NORTH. Ann Arbor, December, 1874. 1510m3 THE ANN ARBOR SAVIMGS BANK Ann Arbor.Michigan. Recoives deposita of One Dollar and upwards anc" allows Five percent.-ihtereston all deposita rewaining three raonths or longer. Interest Compounded Seini-Annually. Also buys aud sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver anc Interest. Coupons, and New York, Detroit aud Chicago Exchange. Also solía Sight Drafts on Grkat Britain, Ireland, (jERMany, or any other part of the European Cuntiueut. This Jiank is oiganized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholdors are individually Hable to tbe amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Bauksof' issue, the capital isinvested for the security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Institution a very safe depository of monies. Married Wonien can deposlt subject to their own drafts only. .noney to Loan on Ipproved Securitleg. DIRECTO RS: S. Smitii, C. Mack, W. W. Wines K. A. Beal, W. D. Harrimas. D. Hiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICERS: R. S. Smitu, Prcs't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock. Teller.
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