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(wn; to iiüuleiiuat' railroad faoilitunat the uoneora afid LcxinRton celebratíon, nomc 3,000 people were fovccd to camp out over night in the Jutter p!acc. glöéping ín banis, churches, etc. All night long the rond to Boston was orowded with pedestrians. The National Board of Fire Underwriterg met in New York last week. and feanMoted linskwsB relativc to Lnsur&noe niterests. Th o percentage of losaos the past year bas been greater tban i;n yearsiáce thegreai i Ihicago ia-e. . . .Wearied with the eontinued drudgery of reportorial wovk attending the Bcecher trial, Dr. Jnlins Dnuean, a reporter ot' tiic Brooklyn Freie Preste, tok a doHe of opinm laai week, and is now with the angela, it ís hoped. He left a letter stating that he was siek ut1 tlie bhisphemy and per jury of the Boeeher trial. Tur. Chicago pefleStïian, CLeary, has juut accomplished at Philadelph'a the extraordinary 1 feat of walking llfi miles in 23 iioura and 8 minutes. 'J.'hia is the best time on record. A KEKimw colusión oecurrcd Monday last ou the Baltámore and Ohio railroad, near Washiugtoi], by Which nine persons wcro badly injured, aml sevcral slightly. Bütli euginée and a I borof cr.ra nere dcinolislied by tbr colusión. . . . j A lawsuit involviug property valued at j 000,000 has been eommenced at New York by the beire of what is known as the Waldron . grantud to Baron Besalvent Wnldron by fiov. Stuyresánt in 1C54. The land in dispute have been reclaimcd from the waters lof the ! hor by the city Ruthorities. TJEÍK WKST. Tiü: ( ■i:i'iaj.-o Trihun ublishes a large ' ber of reporte concernmg erop prospect in j various parte of the Y."c;-t, from whicb. it ! peor that wide-spread damnge has resulted ■ from the recent extremely cold weather Great. injnry has been dono to winter wheat, and otlier email grains sown early iu the spring havo BUffered from heavy frosts and protracted cold. Iu niany canes iields will be replowed and plantod with eorn, the aereage of which proraises to be unusually large. From the fruit-growing regions the reporte indícate extensivo disaster to the prospecta of the season's erop by reasen of the Aictic wave The suit for libel brought by Miss Alice A. Early, of liockford, 111., agaiiiHt Wilbur F. tttorey, proprietor of the Chjcpcp ''mea, was triod at Chicago last week. and resulled in a verdict for 625,000 damages B. F. Ai.len was last weck declared bankrupt at Des Moines, a Bufficient nuniber of creditoi-R having petitioned for a aecree. S. S. Etheridge was appointed provisional asaignee. It is probable that the creditors will I realizo from iiltecu to twenty per cent. from ' the estáte, .. .Considerable damage was done, and intemiption of travel eaiised, by floods along the line of the Union Pacific railroad last week .... War is being waged against the notorious brothers in Western Missouri. Tue dramatic comany of Manager McVicker, of Chicago, will makc a Western tour during the two weeks of May, playing at Ht. Paul, LaCrosse, and Miuneapolis. St. Louis has lost by dcath her reccntly ! eleeted Mayor, Hon. Aithur B. Banett Advices from the West givo details of a bloody flght with the Cheyenuos at Monument, Kan., 386 miles west of Kansas City. Lieut. Hinley, I of company H, with United States troops, tatked a band of the Cheyennos foitv miles from Monument, on the forks of Tappa river. aaid, after a riinning light of two hours, disperaed them, killing twenty-seven and capturing over 100 ponies. Lieut. Papier and private Trems feil iu the engagement, being fatally wounded. Tiiiriy-tbree Indians CHCa)ed. and , it is feared that they will r.-turn and inlüct vengeaiico ou innocent settlers. To prevent this tlie troops will keep close watch on tbeir niovemonts, and, if discovered, they will be immediately cajiturcd. The Chicago papers state that it is probable that the new Custom-Hoivse in tbatcity willhave ; to be hegtin ovGr again. The new Superintendent of the work has dibcovered aorao serious defects in its coustruetion - defects of such a ■ nature aa to lead to the supposition that the building will tiimble down if carried inuch higher The iifty-sisth anniversary of ! Fellowsbip (April 26) was; generally celebrated I hymembersof the order throughout the West. .... Advices from the Paciiie Coast convey the ! Had news of the drowning in Tugefs Sound of tlie enlirc Uieatrical troupe of Mr. J. A. telle, well known throughout the West. Tiïey embarked during a severo gale iu a small boat for Port Madiuon, from öeuttle, i ton Territory. A large number of people stood : on the doek, walching the tug. She went out into the roaring sea, which was tossing like {, and was engulfed in a few momento. The company consieted of Mr. Sawtelle, his wife, and little "Vivia," Mre. Fannie Morgan Pholps, Miss Lizzie Moran, Mr. Jerry Crowell, and others. lx the touruament of Western and Southern ': billiard playera at Chicago, for prizes offered by the Brunswick ,t Balke Billiard Table Manufaeturing Company, the foilowing disjiositionof the prizes has been made: The diamond ht:ir championship badge and first prize of $500 to Henry Miller, of New Orleans; the Becond ' prize of 400 to William Burlcigh, of Grand Kapids; the ti:ird prize of jJSOO to Henry Pthines, of Chicago; the fourth jjrize of .f250 to L. McAffeo, of Uavunport: the lifth pvize of ■Í175 to F.ugene Carter, of Toledo; the lixtfa prize of $125 to Thomas J. (iallagher, of ('Ie-, eland: the lant prisSB, B 'ino pair of No. II ■ brogans, tj walk home in, to Ilarry I,ivpnnaii, of ia CrosBOi The Tryon factory at Chattanooga, Tenn., was lairned laat Natiirday ni;.;ht. The loss itaiued will reaoh $160,600 ; insuranoe, 935,000, Upward of 150 workmen are tbrown out of employment. The Lonisiana Legislatnre han taken the I liminary tepa toward the iinpeachment of the Auditor of tbat State for high crimes and mis(Temëanore in ofHoe. . . .It Bas been ascertaine I that aUeaal eight pi tU( baudits wlio receutly raidcd into Texas from Mexico and committed depredattona apon settlers oan be captured If our government douani! tlipir Hunender from Mexico F.x-Treasurer Parker, of South Carolina, was Wodnesday arrested oh&rged v.ith ! ig 28.000 from the siniing fund. . A saocKixa disaster, resulting in large loss Of !if, is reportad from New Orleann. The steamrr .lolin Kyle, one of the largest Mississippi Bteamers. while lyiug at the levee. wee discovered to be on iire. As soon as the alarm ' wati Bounded people rusbed to the scène, and j Hiune 1)0 went on board the steamer Exporter to i itw the fira. The Kyle was soon eut loóse, j and thè éfldy üoatfed her up Btre'am. About the stme time 15. F. Barch, mate of the Lizzie Taylor, learing thk lus vebspl would be burned, cut the l'Ap' i's cable, whioli was the most unfortunate thing that eould liave been done. The Exporter, orowded witk ioople, most of tliem dtizenB, úrifted after the burning Kvle, and the moment she touched was in a blaze. quito a diütance from the shoro. A terrible j scène ensuc:!. Iu an inssant those on board ! the Cxporter became aware of their position. and had a ehoic of two ulternativeB- either to taïie tlie ehaTices ot tlie water or remain and be burned. As far aa is known, all jumped toto thé liicr liaving thrown the stages and such tbins ovorboard, Many were so Ladly fiightened that they did uot kiioW what to do, i and acted without dejiberation. Tlrere wero severa! tvomen on board, and it was difticult to iii'ïut e them to go into t:.o water, even when it { was plaiu to all oï liem that the boat would so certainly ),o ,i! ro;.rl. On the Kyle the diaaster was mit so grei t, fl tl ere were not ma&y people on bóartl, Howevèf, the scènes and Í frere '.■: : ;!.!-. ;,l ,,n boai;d v,c ' pelted to juinp cr-erboard, Xh steámír Chirles Bodman "wás Bso burned. The 1dh "f life is variously estimated at from thiitv to lifty, and may even reach higher Iban the littei figure. Col. E. M. Ykreií. wcll-known in connoci tion with the killüig of Col. (iane, rt Jackson, i Miss., but for Borne time od(pr and proprietor ! of the Bnltimore (iazrtle. died in the latter city hint weck. . . . Au interesting test of aiitliraoite coal found in Johnson connty, Ark. lia been mado at St. Louis. Competent Judgea pronounced 011c ton of it to bc eqnal to two tous of the besl Bitteburgh coal. All Hbö Southern eitii ■' ing sanifary preventivo measmres against the yellow fever. Thi: postoffice al Carizoo, Texas, was recently robbed anti phnulcred by Mcxioan maranders, and Dr. liOTfll. the Postmanter, killed. .. .Dr. John Buil, proprietor and maker of well-known patent medicines, bywhioh he had anmsscd a very large fortune, died middenly at Iiin resi. denee in Lonisville, of congestión of the brain, a few days ago .... Memorial fiorviees over the gravea of the Confederato dead were held throughemt t'.ie Sout.Ii on April 2u. WASHINGTON. ExtMaiikhai, IIinds, aceiirsed of eomplicity iu the mail contract frauda, has been held in $35,000 bail to await the action of the District : grond jury. . . .Tlie Becretary of the Treasury i has isaued a cali for $5,000,400 in 5-20 coupon bonda, upon whioh mterest wiil cease on the I 20th of Ju1-. They are inclnded Within the following numbers : Fifties, from No. 15,401 to 17.100 ; ono hundieds, from No. 40,001 to 44,! 200 ; (ve hnnrtreds, from No. 20,001 to 22.400 ; ono thousands. from No. CG.OOlto 70,950. ATTonNKY-(ENr.R.vr. Wdxiams lias tendered bis resignaíion to the President, to take effect May 15. ]t in belirvcl t!iú Scivtavv Bruitow j wiiU be bis anooeaapr, . . .President Graut authI oriziM a positive denial o!' Che report that MinisU'i' Washburnc had been instrueted hy Iiíh government to requeet thc Frenen government recume diplomatie relations with Mexico. The Sacretary of tlie Trensnry han made an entirely new elassiíicíition of the Collectors' .Divisions. They aro arránged in Beven divisioaft Alton. Quinev and St. Louis, of Western cities, are in tliu tliird divibion ; Omaha, Burlington, Keoknk, Dubuque, Chicago. Milwáhkee, and the eaatern lake porta are in the sixth división. . . .The Washington people tliink that the viRit of the Papal Envoys here may have some connection with the selectionof a suitable location for the Holy See, and that if the Pope should ever leave Itaiy he will locato in that city. THE TIITON-BRKCHKR TRIAL. Seventy-I'Ihst Day.- The passages between the defendantand his cross-examiner were unuanally harp, and the latter was rewarded with Home measiire of enecess in his attempts to worm out damaging adníissious. It transpired that Mr. P.eeehcr adopted the theory of blactanail at the instigation of bis lawyers, who. he says, di'illed Iiim up to thc poiní f niükiiig an allegation which ho did not theu, and does not now, believe to be trae. Seventy-second Dai. - Ají interesting part of the cross -examination was in reference to Beecher's health, and what he his letter to Mrs. Tilton. ín 187.!, that when he last saw her he did not expect to live three days. lie aeknowledged bis general health was good that year, buL he had what he tliought were symptoms of npoplexy in 185G, wbioh he afterward foun.l to be mere results of neívons exhaustion. The c ■oss-exanúnation ended, and after a short re-direct examination thc witncss left the f tand. But few "pomts" were made by counsel on either sido. Hi:vi:ntï-thied Day. - The court was not moro than half full. H. O. Armour, a mcrehant, of Brooklyu, testilied that Moulton tiireatened to " make it hottcr thau heil" for any oue who would testify against him. H. M. Cleveland, amemberof the Plymouth investigating committee, testifieci that Beeoher could tot have confessed to Mrs. Moultou on Juno 2, 1873. Setbjtty-foüeth Day. - The examination of H. I. Cleveland was concluded, and Frank Moulton was recalled to rsbut the ffvidence of Partridge. Moulton denied positively that he ever had the conversatkm recited by the foi-mer rogai'ding Tilton'n reason for writing the life of Woodhull. Paitridge was then recalled, and reiterated his story. Seyenty-fifth Day- S. W. Partridge and Edward Wright, a cashier in Stowart's dry goods store, were called, but testimony was comparatively unimportant. The next witness, Mrs. Palmer, a practical f ree-lover and spiritualiöt, ereated quite a seusation by her singular testimony. She testified that spiritH were coustantly fiitting about, and glibly called the fanciful roll of the visionary adherents of the parties to the trial. Aecording to her vereion, all the departed are not agreed, for some favor Beecher and otbers Tilton. Gen. B. F. Tracy occupied the Avitness stand at the time of adjoumment. POLITICAL. In the Louisiana House of Eepresentatives, On the 20th, the majority report of the j mittee on Elections, seating four Conservatives i who had been declared elected b3' the lïeturniug Board, and unseatiug four Republican i bers, was adopted by a majority of Cl to 32. Tuis gives the Democi'ats a majority on joint ballot. A committee which had been appointed to examine the books of the Auditor of State, made a report recommending that that oflïcer be impeached. A Washington special to a Western paper i states that Sècretary Delano'n resignation har, been in the hands of the President ever sinee ! last December, '-and whenever he is satisfied that he can insist upon his resigaation beiug accepted without incurriug t!ie imputation that the President has requested him to resign, he will do so." The Lincoln Club, of New York. last wec-k gave a reception to Congressman LawBOn. who, in a speech, urged the Eepublican party to nomínate Senator Conkling for President. Botu houses of the Louisiana Legislaturo i havo adjounied. In the 8eu:it tlie resoh.tion Buspendlng Auditor Clinton from oftice was : ]Mitd])oned till 1K70. Put few if auy of the reform mensura) were nnally paseed. A bilí appropiiating -11 7. (IK) for the expenses of an ' extra Bession. etc., passed. Bills were passed rodueing the expenses of the Metropolitan pólice trom (600,000 to $499,000 per annum ; restrioting the pul I catión of lawa to the olhcial journals of thc Htato. heretofore published in j eralparish papers. Ibia bilí gayes the State - 100,000 per i'Miiüiu. ÜH.NUÜAr.. inveKÜgation of the condition of the ; tc-r wheat by tbc 6tatKtieal división ;f tlie ] partment of Agriculture' at Washington éhows i' the erop as a whole to be muoh bclow the status of tbat of lafd year in April. Thero is an . parent increase of about 7 per cent. in the !■ areau of winter wlieat, amounting in round numbers to l.'i'i'JM) acres, thongh that portion of winter killed and to be replanted in other r'iMia-1 in (!ie "West to the enlargement of the plantedarn. Tliitsiucruaseissniall in the Middle StatcH, considerable in Illinois and Mi-jHouri, and propurtionatcly largest in tb (lult' States and in Rauets, raacUing 30 per cent. in the Soutliweet. FO1U2IGN. A rj.OT hss been discovered in Khiva for the : ■ ve of nll tin: BuRBiini in that province. i Thc Af;:! nresaid to be implieated In a duel between two Parisian editora, Maggiola and Roget, both were vvounded : weapons, SArprds. A cioi.i) medid has tiucn presented by the Frönch (re-.)gra])hical Society to the family of the late Capt. Hall, in commemoration of the exploits of tlie Arctic expiorer. Du. Kenealy may conifler hiniBelf BUfiressed, squol' 'mil, cynici out and buried. : After his three honra1 apeeoh in the House of ! Common upon his caotioü for a l'ariiameutary ('oiiimission to investígate the Tichborne trial, the proposition as defeated by a vote of 433 to ' l....Lord Xorthbrook. the Viceroy of India, , haigotiidof his tivubiesome elephant, the! laeowM cf Baroda. whom he permanentIy deposes, prechuUng him and his issue from all rights appertaining to the eovereignty cf the country. ... I There bas bt-en an anusua] increaso ol' ; ïia among th imBt( of fchellivorool Workhouse, which is attrlbuted to reiigious excitement. .. .The pólice authoiities of l'OBCn, Germany, l.ave notiticd the UTStüine Bipters in that district, who are not nafives of Gcrmany, tliat they must leavo the (.ountry within twomonthtf. Kr.uN has paid Uucle Sam f45,000 of the j $80,000 Virginias indemniVv. . . .Greece ie putting her nrmy ou a war footing. TirmtF. linS linen a briol' bnl UBSuooeesfb] revi ointion in Bolivia. It v:is Bnppressed tiv a Iinlf lwltiilion of governmont troojis, with a lora to thf iiiMurgont-i of lfty-ci;;!it killed aiul a giTüt ranny woiiiuled London tíílogram I iiutinceH tho dcatb of Wiawood EÍeada, tho ivollknowii autli'ii' oí boots Of travel.


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