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Finance And Trade

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The money market remains in the samo con ditions as noted for bohío time past. Demand for loans and aceommodations rather light, witli interest ra tes uuchanged. Eastern exchange finner. Government bonds flrm and ín goorl demand with offerings ligbt. Gold, BTIEADSTUITS. The grain markets have attracted considerable attcntion both from local Bpeouhvtora and ; also frora outside operators. Quite au active apeculative business waa transftated. the iavorite optioiiH being Jtay aud Juue. Trading contirraee mainly on Hpeculative account, the áhlpping interest, doing bui very little in the way of buying. The few charter made during 'the week Mere on the VaHis of 4c for oom to iiuffulo, an unuHually low rate, lnit with the supply of vesHcls in exces of the demand. Tlioro is no margin lor shippers to work on, and they are therefore inclinod to use considerable caution in their movements. The report received j from various sections of the interior note poor prospecta for the winter wheat erop, aud numeroufl buying orders were reeeivcd for wlieat ; values have been very irregular, although the closing quotations generallv show a decline as compared with the ügures current at the opening. Sineo the 20th inst., corn has beeu coming fornard freely, tho dropping on the j word " new" in tho inspectioji making the corn delireiable on May contract. Local distillers and shippers aro buyiug "new íio. 2," as it answers their pttrpoSe fnlly as well as So. 2, 1 the only difference being in the name. Oats have leen eomparatively lirm, the demand being í'nivlv active. líye has been firm and higher. liarley also met with a good order and peciila. tive domand at ful! liricefl. The following table shows the price eurrent j at tUo opening and close of the past week : Opatmg, Cio-viii'! No. '2 ip'g nhrat, casb íl.00 (S,1.00V1.01'(í 1.02 No. i. scller Muy 1.01,i.wl.02J{ uljrl', Np, 2, eeller June 1.02'.,,vé1.o4% ti, -IMi'í NO. i, ■ufr .Tuly.. 1.02 ,i.i; 1.05 oiIiiiü" No. 2 corn, cash 7(1 (..Ti .71 (.i, .T% No. 2 eorn, scllcr May. .73 !.j'(.i) .75 .73'.; bit) No. 2 corn, seller June .73% ''■ .7 bid No. 2 com, aellor Jnlj ,lí Q 7a No. 2 oats, cash '. .Ó9y,@ .W % .Gljtf Np. 3 oats, BEllcr May. ,59?.'@ .(IH-, ,iil ■,..■ Cío. 2 oats, geiler Jun .60(rt} .fio .(!!!',(■ ,iv lNo. 2 rjt, Gash 1.03 (óil.04 1.06i(I.OS No. ü barley, cash (1.23 "(o 1.27 Ko. i! barley, r. April. l.W @1.20 (S1.2J No. 2 burlnr, s. May.. S1.10 inl.l!l No. 3 barlt-y, cash.. 10 1.13 tól.lO PROVISIONS. Trading in this maiket was rather light duri ing the week, orders berng more or leas restricted, while local operters were indifferent about trading. Values have been ruling higher at times, but lower on the whole range. Mess pork elosed firm at 22 cash, and Í21.85 seller May. Lard was rirm at Í15.75 cash, and ateady at 16. 75 seller May. Meats generally flrm4 IJVK STOCK. Oattle have been in active demaud, and notwithstanding the large receipts, (an average of 4, 11)4 a day), the market was active and prices about 15c higher. Hlnpping steem 5.25c5.50 for fair, $5.60@6.00 for good, $6.00@6.50 for 1 clioice.and extra. 40. 75@7.25. Stock cattle firm at 4.00(i5.00. Bntchers' etock steady at $4.00@ , 5.50. CioDimon lots slow. Coni "fed Texas, : f6.üO@6.25. Hogs active and firm at $7.50@ ] 'J.25 for poor to extra, generally at $7.75(3 :i.nii. Sheep were firm at ?4.00@5.50 for shorn. and r5.00@C.75 for wooled; extra, .17.00. SEEDS AKD HIGHWIN'KS. There was quite an active business transacted in seeds, and the market ruled firm, with considerable of an advance oetablished for Hungarian and millel. Rales ranged at .'5i2.00(Vi2.40 for common to prime timothy; i-C. 60( 6.65 for j medium clover, and íl.8@1.9D for lax. Hungarian ruled lirm at íl.:5(ítl.40 for prime, and ! millet ranged at .■j'1.4ü@1.50, the outsido being for chqjce. Ilighwiuea were quiet, bnt the offerings were light and prices were iirmer; elosed at frl.14 sjot and buyer next week. MiODUcÈ. There was an improved demaud ior butter during the week, and the offerings being only moderato, a firm fecling pervaded tho market. lioll butter ijuotablo at lí@16c, and packed at 11()2()c for poor to ohoice in Iota ; cholee aold in a rctail way at 22(i;26c. Broom corn was fairlv active an i firm at ll)@14c for fair to 1 extra hurl, and 11( 13c lor good to choice Btalk braid. Beeswax quit at 26@a8c Jicans were quiet aud ratlier dull ; quotable , at $1.80@1.8ö for choice Eastern medium, and from tt25@í.75 lor Western, acOOfding to quality. Oheeso wa in good request, bnt the offering wpra large aud prices ruled rather w-eak. Prime dld factorv i sold at 14(15c uid 8(g 13c was paid for commoñ i I to good. t'ider, $5.75@6.00 for choice aweet I per barrel, and 3.00( :4.50 for common. ('ranberries were dull at $iL00@11.50 forcommou to choico cultivated. Dried peas quiet at .?2.00(ñ! j 2.10 for choice green and yl.70(u,l.ü for mai roirfat. Eggs closed stetwly at 12.i( 13c. Feathers rernaiu quiet at 48@52c per iound for prime live geese, and 30(035c for choice tuikey taal feathers. Apples were dull, with the offerings largely in excess of the demand : ; choiee straight lots of' Eastern sold in a smali way at about $2. 75, but round lots were generally j disposed of at $2.00(W2.25. Common about $I.UO@1.50. llides were quiet at 7(a)7Xc for: green, 5c for grubby, Sc for heavy green salte r, and c for light do. Hops remain dull and I i quiet at 33 and 40c per h for good to choice. Honev was dull and weak at 2Ü(íí:25c per Tb in ' cembH, and 10,'c for straiucd. ÍJ kv was steady aud sales were rcadily effected at ipl5.00@19.0Ó for mixed to choice Is'o. 1 timothy, and &lá.00( 15.00 for common to prime prairie. Klouh hay about l(l.()l)( 12.00. Poultry was in fair demand Ht 12@19o per lb for live chiclcns, and r4.50@5.0ü" per dozen. Turkeys sold at ll(16c per lt. Potatoe were duú and j settled. The market closed at about !)üc for choice Eastern, and 7a(g8Óc for Western peachblows in car lots. Tallow slow at 8c for solid and HVc for cake. A'egcfalJos dnll at $2.00 2.50 per barrel for onions, 3ö@50c per bunhij for turnips. Areal dull at 4(a7c for common to i cholee. (XX)l'KEAOE, IjUMJiKlt AND WOOD. There was a fair demand lor cooperage, and the market ruled steady at about farmer prices. Quotable at ífl.10 lor" pork barrels, 1.35 tor hird tierces, l.!(0(Vi2.00 for whisky barrels, and 45@S5c for flour barrels. There were a number oí oargoep of huuber on the innrket. but the demand continúes good and prices were wel] maintained. Quotations range at í!l5.00(v0.(ln for. fair to ehoice "A" stock boards : éllÖ 12.00 for common boards and seantlmg 18 to 20 feet. I Shingles t88.25 per 1.000 for A sawed. Lath j i2@2.25. Trade was fair ín wood, aud prices were steady at tKi"S.5O per cord for bickory at the yards; --(.fx) lor mapje; ■-(' 6.50 fp) bcech, und V4.50 per cord for r.labs. Telegraplfic Marlcet Krjiort. X1ÍW YOUK. Bekves ii @ i:i Hi.'im- DivBscrt "x,ié Ü}4 - 16 fa) 17 Ptoiik- Snperflne Westera 4 00 ja 4 83 üin.JT n. 2 Cllii-agO 1 Ifl (rf. 1 21 Nó. lSptipg 1 '25 (. 1 30 ('ons no 1$ 92 Oats 74 (S, 7( Uyk "US @ 07 POM N'owMess 21 Ü0 (.22 00 l.'.iui StPam 15 @ 16 8T. LOUIS. Wilüi T- Ko. 2 Kcd 134 gl3 CoitK- Xo. 2 New 71 ( 7:1 OAT3- No. 9. 62 @ 64 Itra-io. 2 106 glOS I'oï'.k - Mens @22 50 Lakd 15f@ iri5 Hoos 7 OS' @ 7 75 Cattle 5 00 @ 3 75 Mir.WAUKKR. Wheat- N o.l 1 04 % i te No. 2 1 Öl S 1 08 Cork- No: 2 08 i$ 70 Oats- No. '2 60 Rtk 1 18 (A 1 Ï0 No. 2 114 @ 1 16 C1NCINNATI. Vn x at- Ks 1 :io @ 1 :w Cons- New 7:1 @ 75 Oats 6S @ 70 byk 1 ir a 1 ao Pork- Meso 21 00 @22 00 Labd ; 15;i@ 1' TOLEDO. Wheat- Etra 1 26 @ 1 28 Amber 120 @ 1 23 Corn- New 75 @ 77 I Oats 64 @ 6tí DETROn. Vhi;at- Extra a t S7W Amber @ 1 23 Corn 7:1 @ 75 Oats 3 @ 64 CLEVELAND. Wheat- fo. 1 lied 1 l'.'I g 1 25 No. 2 lttd 118 S X 52 CoilN 76 @ 78 Oats 64 66


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