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Sale of i Wit?. A correspondent of the Uticn Q&Qeryer writing froui Borne, N. Y., teli.s a enrioiis story of one Hozekkh Wright. living iv few milos from tlmt city, who liitoly sold lii.s wife to one Torrenco. The ' agíeetaeril betwéen the páítieg ík repw i (Iik-ihI as followa? "The ttgreeqieöt witncsseth- That I, Hozekiah' Wriiht, of the fiist part, fur the oonsideration of (Uree. imnclirn of Hliiuglos, one-half acre OÍ iiiihirvestcl corn, and one-half of an M'rv, of miliarvested potatoen, de Rell, assign and transfer all my right, title and interest in and to my wife, Mary Wright, to Joseph Torrence, of the secönd part." [Signed and fien.led.] Aftet the instrument in writing had been ilrawu, the Hiime war-i read to the wife of tho seller, who witnessod the same, and agreed fe) become the proper y of the jmichaser, and accordingly gatherod hor personal eíl'ects aiul took up her abode with Mr. Torrence. A Second FATÉtEït Matthbw. - Who is thore that does not respect tlie niemory of Father Matthew, the grent ii.n of temperance ? Innumerable gocietiea bcarhis lionored namo ; bnt there is one man who lias struck a more sure deathi blow to intempernnoe, and that man is Dn. J. Walker, an oíd California physiciari, who has discoyered in nature's " meek and lowly herbs," a medicinal "tonic " and gentle stimulant tliat completely fcakea the place of the fashionable alooholic poisona called "tonios," Do I as i compromiso between Btrjoog drink and cold water, and does away with the inania for drink, and in reality' culti: vates, an iuvoluntary disgust for the same. It even does more : It acts upon the entire physical system, purifies f"' blood, and prpduèes hale, hardy health. ! The discoverer of this great medicinal stimulaut is surely entitled to the thaiiks ! of a whole nation, and it is not extravagant to entitle kim "a aecond Pajhei Matthew." ftj T. J. Milliken, one of the wealthiest mei-ehaiits in Sacramento, took for a wife a young octoroozi. She was very pretty, wejl educated, and her African blood is barely perceptible. The marriage was disfavored by the children of the first wife who would have no acquaintance with the step-mother. A short time ago ; Milliken ditvi. Having made no will, the octoroon wife pould only claim the wife's usual share of the property. The estáte was worth abont f], 000, 000. Tlie childreii are contesting her right to anything, basiug their unit on the faet of Mra Milliken lieing part negro, the Galiforuia law Jeeliuingthat " all marriages ! between white persons and negroos or mulattoes are illgal and void. " Theke could fjcai-ecly be better evidence of tho extraordinary excellence of the Maaon & Hamlin Cabinet Organs than the faet that they are so largely ex porte d to Europe. where they are so highly appreciated as to find largo sales in competition with instruments made there by labor which does not cost half as mnch. These are tlie only American organs largely exported. Dr. Plerce' l'avorlte Prescriptlon is ver}7 etrongly rocommended by tlie Medical Kacnlty and ia lergely prescribed amonfj their Pei male Patients. It is worthy of all conlidence; se may be eeen from tho following testimoniáis : Dit. G. B. CiiAraAN, Plattsmouth, Neb., wi-ites : I have under treatment a lady, -who, 1 lor the past seveuyeara lias been afflicted, and, after trj'ing seycral plijuicians without re: ceivhig lenelit, it galmng rapidly on your Iavorile J'rescriplion. Atlanta, 111. Db. E. V. Piep.ce. Bnffalo, N. Y.: Bear Sir- I havo not a word to express my (jratitudo to j you for your advice and asaiatance in my caae. There irf not one who )(as ueed yonr medicines since tliey have been brouht here. but that . can say witli mo üjey havo bceu preatly beoelited. Sino6 I liave been so helpe-'l by it3 uae, BÍX or Keven around me Jeft oír all doctors and j othcr rce.licinee, and now use it in their families, alter beiug cuved of the same dinease as i mine. Vou do not lmow what a wonder it created in our city, by its restoring my sister I wretï you about, for ahe had been under the [ care of t.hree of our best doctor, but could not At up but for a few minutes at one time. I teggca of her to tiy your meljciiies, anl before aho had used half the bottle she could go all n round the yard; and has now JüBt come homo i'iom a visitüve miles oway. 5Iiis. Tuos. McFaeland. Dr. Picrce's Pmorlté Prescription is sold by all dealers m me.'iiciueb generally. As Broad as CivruzATipN. - The aggrit of the Wikon Bevvtog machiuï compony will, in a few üays. nail from San FranciHco to Chili, in South America, whero he will open a branch hoiwe and exhibit the world-renowncd Wilnoii shuttle sewing machine at the grand expostion to be held at Santiago under the auspices of that government. }5y Ibis Htep the W2)rj Beving machine company will complete the circuit of tho globe. ï'bey have already immense agencies in China, Japan, British Indien, Enjfland, France, and throughoit South America. Hujireme in its Huperiority over all other aewing machines, tho Wilson goes on widening its lield year after year, carrying the blessings oí' a cheap, capablo and perfect sewing machine to the remotest haunts of civilization. fachines will be delivered ut my railroad station in this county, froe of traneportation charges, if ordered through tlie eompany's brauch house at 197 State streef, Chicago. They eend an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. TliiH company want a few more good agenta. DlSEASBD LUNOS ARE GliEATLY ON THE IncBease in this Country.- The endden chauglng of weather has dono much to giverise to Consumption. But tbonsaníls bring it onby ow imprinlenc!'. wuch as wearing damp clothing and going from the warm room inte tho cold air aud checking tlie perspiration, ! which causes irritation of the Lungs, and Uien i matter or plilegm will oollect, which nature will ! try to remove by cóughing. II nature does not rairic the matter with tane. and stop tliis j mation, tnbercles will soon fonn and Consnmption will Hoon iollow. Allen's Long Bálaatn will cure consumption. if it is only taken in. time. For sale by all Medicine dealere. Electrtctty ih Life. - All nervous ; orders, chronic diseases of the chetit, hcad, liver, Btomaeh; kldneya and blood. ache m-.d pain.s. BWvons and genera! debilitv, etc, quicky avmé after dings fu i 1 by wearing Voüa'n Electro Belts aud Bands. Yaluahlo boofe free, by Volta Belt Co.. Cincinnati, Olno. Withotjt doubt, hundreds of people who will read this iteui, are Bufferilig with ! uey l'isease in some forni, which might be cured with a bottleor twoof Jolniami'.i Atwdyne Ziniment., nsed intf.rnally. Why not try it ? Paksons' PriJüAjrV'E Pills, which are now being extensively sold in this State, are purely vegetable, and are mild and gentle in their operation. Oue is a dote. ( íood qualitieB, j certainly. Btjhnett's Oocoaink is the best and I cheapest hair-dressiiig in the world. Pioierov f; Co. malie tho bpst F.lastic Truss ever invented. Address 744 Broadway. N. Y. Glen Flora Sprino Watke, at Wankegan, 111., cures all kidney diHOases. How to Oet a Home. See advertiacmerit. FtMt VAI.TTAHI.K IFOKMATIO, idlres L. M. UASRla, Boj ."!:.(, H.jsKin. Mms. ÍJRpQOn per ay nt Torms free. Addre;. ÖtfUtU Gko. Siinson & Co., Portland, Msmo. - OOIL ClIltO.HOS for t: tivo for 25c. Agont ' JLivnuted. K.W.McCleaveÍOo., Boston 4 Chicado. A ÓBITOS. Chañe (Inane sen at slaht. Neceskary as ■báp. (ícudKi'rce. Ch.-tnjiCiianK MTgCn., Boston. djil I) o !Í5 PER DAY-Sond for "Chromo" qP-i-U catalogue. J. H. BUFFORD'S SONS, Boston, i Öïb,iWn month to apenta evprywhore. Addre6i W""" Bj.CELSIOnM'I''uCo.,Buchanan, Mich. EVKRÏ FAMIT-Y WANTS IT. Mone.y in It. Sold by Agents. Adilr,.,, Jl. N. LOVELL,, Pa. (POCA MONTH to molo and femáis agents K rlSl everywhere. AddresB EuiiEKA ManüfacHjLíJ V TURINQ COMPANY, líuchiinan, Michigan. í'CTVrnPC "'' sei ; teadyworkat homo. ilUrJrjll 1 Ö Vnlnalilf. ampies and tnrms, 10 cents SIMPSON A SM1TH, (JortlandtBt., N. Y. I fiTmiTrnfi Vanted to canvasa for Pictures to cony öItH IM I X "IK enlarge. Address, ith stamp. J. j Ü.U J Jll 1 U H. NASON, 213 A 214 State St., Chicago. S fti 1 O THK BEST. All Color. One Wafer I Mm VV9 makes .'ï onnces. Sample and Circu lars nuiüed for 10 cents and stamp by DKFIANCE NEEDLE CO., 658 Broadwny, N. Y. WANTED AGENTS-overyivhere to canvas for our great Cení ci nial Book,twiy the special Ttotícf. of experienced acpnts. Vor piirticulars, address the publisher, B. tí, RUSSEU-, Boslon, Mass. rilUTS 3 printod with Ink fumlehod by Charlen I Eneu Johnso Co., 608 South Teatb Street, Philiv delphin., and 5ÍI t:m,l Street, Kow York. For Bate Ín 10 una 25ponnd obius bv THE NBWSPAPKR UNION, Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED ps for our extra terms to Agonía. NATIONAL PUBIilHH ING CO., Ohicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. JM 7. Walker's California Vin ear Bitters aro a parel? Vegetable pioparation, nade chiefiy from the na the herba Ibiind on the lawer ranges' 01 tht Sierra Nevada niountains'of Caliíori;i the medicinal proporties of whicb are extracted thorefrom without the use at Alcohol. Tbo question is almost 'Jaily askcd, "What is the cauad í une unparalleled success of Vinegak Bitters?" Our answer is, that they remove i": causo Of discaso, andtho patiënt re■rs his health, They are the greaa b!ood pnrifleraTid a life-giving principia, 3, perfect Renovator and Invigoratwi ie system.. Nevei before in tits history of the world has a medicino bee.c compounded possestsing the remarkabh ; quahties of Vinegak Bitters in healing ti 1 siok of every disease man is heir to. Thej I are a gentle Purgativo as well as a Tonic, relíuving Congestión or Inflammation oí I the Liver and Viíceral Organs, ia Biliour j Uceases. The properties ijf De. Walkee'í VlHKOAEfTTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretio, Canninative, Nntritious, Laxative, Diuretic, tedativc, Oounter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alter Ü7e, and Anti -Biüoua Oratefnl Thonsands proclaim Vra . bgar Bitters the most wonderful Ini vigorant that ever sustained the sinting syatem. No Person can tak e these Bitters i aceording to directions, and remain long 1 unwell, provided their bones are not de! stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. JBilious. Remittent and íntermittent levers, which are so prevalent in the valleya of our great rivera throughout the United States, especially thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, i Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberlaud, Arkan! sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Péarl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with tbeir vast tributarios, throughout our j entire country during the Summer and Antumn, and remarkably so during sea I sons of'nunsual heat and dryness, are I invariably accompanied by extensivo derang-ements of the stomach and liver, Í and other abdominal viscera. Iu their troatment, a purgative, exerting a powerfnl iniiuence upon these various or ; gapft is cssentially necessary. There ja no catbartic for the purpose equal to Di;. ,1. Walxer's Vinegar Bitters. : as they will speedily remove the dark! colorea viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time j stiifuilatiug the secretions of the liver, j and generally restoring the healtky functions of the digestivo organs. Forti fy the body against disease i by pnrifying all its tluidswith Vinegar Biïtkks. lo epidomic can take hold of a system thus foro-armed. Dispepsia or Indigestión, HeadI ache, l'ain in the Shoulders, Coughs, ! Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour I Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatatiou of tho Heart, Inflammation of the: Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoiias, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlowill prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whïtb Swollings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neok, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammationa, Indotent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Kruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as ín all other oonstitutional Diseases, "Walker's Tineoar Bitters have Bhowii their great curativo powers in tha most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflanimatory and Chronic Kheumatisnij Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Iutermittent Fevers, Diseases o{ j the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, i these Bittors have no equal. Such Diseases are enused bj' Vitiated Blood. llechanioal Diseases.- Persons enj gagod in Paints and Minerals, such as Skiuüiero, T'pe-setters, Gold-beaters, and í Minera, a.s tliey advance in life, are subject tu paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of "Walker's Vikeiar Bitters occasionally. Eor Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Püstules, Boils, Calbuncles, Ring-worras, Scald-liead, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scul-fs, Uiscolorations of the Skin, Humor and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name i or nature, are lite'rally dng np and canied i out of the system in a' short tima by the nsa of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, hirking in tho system of fio raany thonsands, are eifectually dostreyed and removed. No ! system of medicine, no vennifuges, no an-_ thehninitics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Feinale Coniplaints, in young or old, married or single, at thedawn of womanhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decidcd an influence that improvemeut is Boon perceptible. CleansetheYitiated IJlood whenever yon find its impnrities btirsting through the skin in Pimples, Eniptions, or oores; cleanse it wheu you find it obstrncted and sluggish in the veins ; cieanso it when it ie foul; youv feeliugs will teil you when. Keep , the blood. pnre, and tho health of the system : will follow. It. II. AlrDOKALD Si CO., DruggiBts and Gon. A pts., Sun Francisco, California, aaid eor. of Wuahiugton nd Charlton Sta., N. T. So!(ï by uil i ïrn;:'.:i'ii s und Dcalcra. TJOrKTUT if AP For 1875. Bfst Pcbubuto i JL OF COfjOltiDO. Kont lj-mil for SU i'fnts. ! II. I. TirwKlt S CO., Denver, Colorado. (h O K A HONTH- Agentoiranted evorywhore. nlíjl f ltiiñiness honorable and íiret-cliisa. ] t"" Parltiv.ilarSBentfrea. Address WoHTU A Co., St. LoulB, Mo. wm & maL vYo wil] send Five beauifful 3-page D P TV Songs and KI ve channins Instrumon tal piecoa. AH by popular composers. OK rt+ and just ptililishea. G. W. ltichftrdson ÖO CIS. Co.,Music Publlshors, Boston, Ham. I SWrIBTfiT FOB AGENTS in our ton Ne Isfil 1 r I N"vnlües. Juut out. Needed In' ! iflUllJj 1 every house. Samiil and clrculars iree liy m:iil. H. B. WIIITK, A CO., Newark, N. J. Gift P. BowejHTcö. ■ iJ nirif .fvt. ■itn Vtlii nSL in the house made comp.trattifly eaav and pïeisnnt. Kvery one intorested in rduciiig foHtarrM imrk shonM eend noto ast nip for our circular. GRAY, DIXON &. CO.,51 Clybourn Ave., Chicago. ■ T "TVT A tiTf 781 Bkoadway, New York, X lliVnti manufariurorof SolidGold ' ,f IíWEÍjKY of every desciipTion. Tho stock is large.very cholee, and is nffered at retH at tra do priees to Iteeg ot workmeii fotnff. Büls nndpr $15, P. O. order in advance. i Over $la, O. O. D. privilege to exajmne. OatalogueB iree. f mAGÏHTS WANTF.T) EVKUVWHKRE. -The choicest in thf world - Impoiters' prices- laigest Ciiupany In Axpericil- eUpla ut iele p evnrybody- trndi im-reniiinff- brst induceittehta - dnn't wosie tin send for ('ircular t ROBU KT !; Ï-'? Vesey Street, New York. P. O. Box 1S7. JONES FfitETEA!30 eoonomtoal. Evaporators nnd Territorial Rifihts fcr sate. ReliabtaAgentawanted. Send JONBS Fnuir KvAroiïATiNa Co., 14Í GaSftfie St., Chicago, 111. ■,'Tïiï 1 Tí (J Í 11 f Tl OWitiïl t.MTV lor ' U U Í 'l U ï A l Ü '■'"■ npancial spooulaJliJiUillll.llJL!JJUbrln{;!iS10,0OO. Send ?■ ccntB for Book giving tho sucrets and ' xi)lttiiiinir 2)s best pajAng investnient of the dav. Address Box ; : 3ly gy TMHUi 1 1 ■ .. , ' 7I7ÏÏ ffCHfiTt Cl Th OnIr Pffp-"""0" fhllt -r MuhtachA. I; Lessopi' " Viirorinc," preuared only In l'jirift. Kuch PacknKt warnuuod and pent. by initil n vceipt of 1.00. Samples mailfd for 13 ets. Aüdress J. P. FRAHKI.IN, Solo Importer, Jersey City, N. .!. ilVSl'RIj AGAINST AllIBEST!) ly a. Ve;nly Gciicial MbfUnl Policy i he THAVKfVISRS' I1ÍSIHASCK COJ1PASÏ oí Hartfbrtl, Coim. Apply to any Agent, or wilte to the t ompii 113 .


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