Antislavery: Serious Slave Revolt In Louisiana--'liberty Or ...

Tlio New Orlcáns DjIwi publinhcs ilic followÃiÃà account ofan attomplcd revolt of slavcs near that city on the 13tli inst. Tlic loadcr of t ap pears tobara been anotlior Pntrick Hcnry in spirit, atitl to have uttrrcd the very words of the Virginia orator - 'Libkrtï or Dk .th ! ' Bui hc will genërnlly bc denminccd asa horrid monster, dcaerving immedintc dcath, becnuse lie is n negro slavc. Of conree, thts a'tempt was frustrated, though none the Ies9 heroic. The only runirdy for slave inaurrections is immediatc emancipa t on. The eiul 6 not yet ! - I i'iúraor. On Fiiday niorning nn insurrection ol the neerocs took place on the pltmiaüon of Messrs. tiowitt, Herar. & Co..about ton niiltsbelow ihe city, on tho lino of the jMc.xican Gulf Haihvay. Aa fr as we can gathcr fróm tlm various stntements afiout, we bclicvothe following jiarticulars are n9 correct as enn bo obtnincd at present. A negro man belonginf; tu Mr. JIcwett had been rctr:ic:ory Ãor Borne time paBt, for which he was tiirentcncd wiih punishrnent. On Friday last, aboiit noon, hc comniitted another fauli. and l)ecame abusivo. Tha overseer orderod him to be whipped. and called tho drivor to lay him down by forcé for that pnrposo. The negro rupliedto this that no white man should ever whip him and live. Tliis appcared lobo the signal fur an outbrcak, Ãor tho driver re fu sed to perforrh bis duty. Tho overseer finding himsclf powerless and ir. dangcr, went for aesietanco to ihc adjoining plnntation of Sydney Story, and rcturned with Mr. Batts, bis overseer, each being armed. On entoring the plantation, they found the negroos, alinost evetny in number, had q iit ilicir work, and many ot the men were grouped together as if in consu'tation. The two ovcrBeei"8 npproached, and demanded of thern to return to their work forthwith, or all ahould beputmhcd. Just at this moment, Mr. Story entcrcd, havinga sword cune in hia hand. Tlie overseera hnd scarcoly censed speaking when the negro drivcr bid thcm defiancc, and callirig to the othrrs, he shoutcd - 'Now let us kil! thcm all - Libetty or Deathl' Ilcre a general mclce commenced, and each of tho whites were wounded by the hoes which the negroos uscd. Mr. llatts was clinched by the drivir. when Mr. Story drcw the eword frorn liia canc and stabbed the lalter, but he would not Iet go hU hold, and ibe othcr ovcraeer then fired and shot liim dead on the spot. The cars coming in 8ghl at this time on their way up, mcans were taken by the wife of the overscer and somo othera to stop them. Fortunately bx or sovcn hunters, with their fowling pieces, were rcturning lo town, and went to the aid ol Mr. Story and the iwo over6ecr8. Witli their assietancc the revolt wascheckcd, and soveral of the negroesfled from tho plantation, somo of thcm badly wounded : and onc was killed ns ho was aiming a second blow at one of the last named party. Tho women and children in the neighborhood were gathered logether very 6pccdily, placod in the cars for safety, and 6ent up to town. Ycstcrdny all the planters of that section formed tlicmselvcs in to a court of investigaron, and ordered every nc tro on tho plantation of Messrs. Ilewitt, lloran & Co's to be soverely flogged, which sentence was caniod into immedia'.e eillct. We learn farther, ihnt eome scven oreightofthc nngleaders are stil! in the woods. Wc omitted to state that Mr. Story brought twenty of liis hand8 with him to aid, if neecssary, in tying down the first oilonder nnd tho dri er ; and when tho atlray commenced, they did good service in protecting their masters. Wc givc these detailsas we hciird them.