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DINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GUOCERY - AND - FLOUR & FKËD STORE. Ve keep oonatantly on Dimd, BREaD, CEACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and B KTAIL TRACK. We shall keep a supply of DELHI JLOTJR, J. M. BWIPT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOl'lt, RYE PLOÜR. BUCKWWHKAT FLOUB, CORN MKAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and rtitail. A general stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constan tly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reasonnble lernw aa at any other house in this city. Mh paid for Butter, Egga, and Country Products generally. 'BST Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. BINSKY Sc 8EABOLT. Ann.Arbhr. Jan. 1, 175. 1514tf Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT having been made Ín the condition of a moxtgage, execuled by i'atnck Kennedy and Nati' y Kennedy to Elijah W. Morgan, dated Januar] tiisf, A. L) 187 , auu lecorded Mareh first, same yeT i" the W;isMenaw County Registers Otnoe, in líber 46 of mortgayM, page 435, and assigiiLil to Chiistiau Helber tneignment dated and recorded Febraary lwentieth, aarae veer, in liber 48 of niurtgrvt-'c; , pagL 566, b which detail. i the power of ale thereiu contaiiU'd became operative and ibe mud oithreo hundred and oinety-nva dolltii-- ib olaimed muov doe thereon inclodin premium paid tor insumnce ;tnd a reasonable nttor m-y's it;n.; and the re are ave forther installm. ntn with interest u beeome dtte, and no snit or proceedin' lia inr hm B institmted to recover the morteage debt oi any tart thereof: Notl therefore hereby given, tVatafiid mortgage wiübe foreelosed by a Male of the mortgaged premises, oi BOme part thereof. to wit: Lota nuniber tbreeand fourteen, in bloek nuinbcr tliree north, in range two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Court House in said city, os The Fifth day f Jbi 8 mxt, at noon, naid inortgage was ltívimi lo secure tht, payznení oi the pnxchae moaey ibr the mortg-aed preniises. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1875. CHRISTIAN HKLBER, E. W. Morgan, Assiuee. Attorney 1520 Skeriffs Slo. BY VIRTXTE of one execution issued out oí and tradez the setd of the C urcait Coart fot the coun ty of Washtenaw, State of BliebigaB, to me dinrhereio John Clancy is plaintitf and 1'h.lriok Kelly and Blica Kelly are defeodants, and foi the want ot goods and ohattsilL l have this day seized and levied apon uil the n&ht, title and interest oí Patrick and Eiiza Kelly afoïwaid, In and fo the iullmwng dftoribed property, lo wit : Tb bast half of the southeast quarter oí section thirty ; alsit northeaat qaarter ot the Kmtheast qtun terofaeotion twenty-nine, all in tomwhip uumber one south ut rango six east Washtenaw coun ty, Btate of -Michigan, whioh above dsaerlbed prop erty I snall expows for sale at public auctioo, i tlie law directa, to the hiirhest bidder, at the sout doot of the Court House tn ttiecity of Ann Ar bor, on Saturday, the twenty-ninth day of Hu; A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock a. m. of Maid day. Dated, April 10, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sherift, 15'J6 By Wm, H. McIntybe. Dep'y Sheriff. Mortgage 8ale. DEFAULT ha vtng been mude in the condition of a eer tui mostgage whereby the powe therein coutaiued to teil „has beoome operative, ex ecuted by Charles E. Treadwell, oí' the town o Ann Arbor, Wushtenaw (County, Michigan, an( Lucinda A. Treadwell, bis wif , ot' the same plflc! to the unrtersined Ludema jL. Fullear, oi the cil of Ann Arbor in Baid county and State, as mor liagee, dated }he eighth day of March, A. D. Ol bhousaad eigbt liundred and neveuty, and reoordet on l.he eleveuth day of Ifarcb A. I). 1870, at thre o'clock p. M., in tho office of the Register ot Deet tor the Oounty of Washtenw, in the Statu o Mi liigati, in liber 42 of mortgages, on page 88 upou which said mortgage there is clabnea to iue at the date ot this notie the autn of two thou -.-,.[ and eighty-fouï dolíais and fUteea cents, aiu no suit or proeeedings at law or in chancery haviu beeniustituted to recover any part thereof : Noti tl tlierefore heieby giveu, that by viitue of tl pcwerol sale contained in said mortgage, J hal on Saturdny, the twenty-sixth day of June, A D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, sell at publ auetion, to the higheateat bidder, [the sale to tal place at the Bouth Joor of the Court House, in ti city of Ann Arbor, in Baid county, said Cour House being the place ol' hofding the Circuit ("ou for Beid eounty of Waahleuawj the piemises d scribed in BUCn mort gage, or ao much tht-reof as BhaU be neeeasary to satisfy the amount due o sueh morlgage, and legal cohís and charges of suc sale, together with an attorney fee of thirty tlo lars co venan ted tor therein, that is to say tl following piece or pareel of land situated in tl towJi of Aun Arbor, Washtutiaw county, Mich gan, known, bounded and deseribed aa follow to wit : Oonunencing at an ii on stake in t] center of the road, running in a northerly c rection througl the east half of the northeaa quarter ot section number twenty-one, fown tw south, range mix east, from which in thE directio noith -8Í4' degrees west íb an oak gate post, di tnnce 60 links, alno soutb S6JÜ degices wast 10 a riíi ortk, diameter 15 iñchea, distance 741.', links; run otng thence south on the line meridian ten ehaii and six links to tlie quarter weution line; thenc south 865 degrees west on the quartez section lii flve chainsi and. thirty-weven linka to E. West line; I henee norlh 4 V degrees, west seven chnii and thirty ünka to the center of the road on tl half quurter line; thence north fiiï'i degrees ea up the center of the road h've ohains and ten link. t heneo north 68 degreea east in th; center ot tl road four chains'and nine links to the place of b ginning, containing üix aml twelve hundrtdth aerea more or lesa. Dateü this thirtv-fiist day oí March, A. I). 187 LUDEMA E. Fl'LLEU, Z. P. King, Mortgiigee. Att'y for Víortgagee. U24 Mortgage Sale. DEPAI'LT havingbeen made intht-conditionso a certain mortpage made and executed by Si man Teata and Huuuah Teats, of the city oí An Arbor, Washtt-naw county, and State Of Mich ?an, to Alonzo Allen, of Clayville, Uneida count few York. on the lifteenth day of Xowmber, D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the Registe of T)eeds for the county of WaahteuaW aforesait tlie third day oí Dect-mber, A. D. 1872 at tw o'clouk and forty-íive minutes in the afternoon o iaid dfiy, in liber 45 of niortgiiges, on page 23 on which mortgage and note aooompanying ï s;ime therc is now due, Apiil ftlteenth, 1875, tl ,sum of one thousand nine hundreil iind eigfaty-tw dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law huvin been inatituted to recover said sum of raoney o any part thereof : Now, theref re, notice is hereb giren, that by virtueof the power of sale containec in siiid mortgage, I ahall sell at public auetion t the highest bidder, 011 Saturday, the seventeeuth da of July, 187i, at two o'cloek in the afternoon of tha day. at the south door of the Court House in th city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of holdin the Circuit Court tor said county of Washtenaw the premisea described in siiid mortgage, or so muc thereof as will satisfy said mortgaged debt, to gether with interest and costs allowed by law. ani an attorney fue of twenty-five dollars provided f therein : That traot or pareel of land described a lot number one in block number two south o Huron atreet, range eleven east, in the city of An Arbor, county of Washtenaw aud State of Mich gan. Dated April 15, 1875. ALONZO ALLEN, By Attorney. 1S26 Mortagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made ín the condition ot a errtain mortgage, BXecmted by John ee and Kathrine Zeeb, his wüe, both of the townsiu of Aun Arbor, couuty of Washtenaw and Stat of Michigan, to William April, Administiator o the estáte of Veet Zeeb, late of said county, de nruwfl. bearing date the twenty-ninth day of De cambar, A.J). 1878, and recorded in the oüice of th !ii gister 01 Deeds of Washtennw county, on th Moonddaj cl Janiiai-y, A. 1). 1874. in liber 47 oí mortgages on page 443, at ten and ont-hall a. m. of said day, on wbich mortgitge and the note accompanyiuf-' the same, there ia elaiined to be due at the date herooi the sum of nine hundred and iive dollars and eighty-live cents, also the sum of ueven liundred and ioity-one dollars and Mixt; -one cents to beeome due, alo an attorney's fee of tííty dollars provided ior by the terius of said morta&d uo suit or proewdingi at law or in ohaaoery having been instituted to recover said ainount or any part thereof: Notice is therefore, hereby -xiven thftt by virtue of the power of sale in hm mortgage contamtd, on the Weventeenth üaxofJuly, a. D. 187, at the hour of eleven o'clock in thf fo'.enoon oí said day, T shall sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the south dooi ot thy Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building wliert theCireuit Court for the county of Washtenaw is held) the premiMfl dcacribed in sanl mortjjiiL'e, or so much thereof as hall be necessary 10 aatisfy said amount, with interest, oostB and expenses allowed by law, snid premiaea being described in said mortgage as lollowt: AL that traot or pareel ot land situated in thecoumy nf Wanhtenaw and State of Michigan, bounded and described a folio ws, viz : The west half of the northea&t quarter of section number ten, Ín township number two souih, in range numbt-r six aaat, in tlie county of Washtenaw, said land beicg the same tract or parecí of land deeded to Daniel C. Hans by David Camp and wif e, on the oineteenth of October, 1U58, and reeoixUd iu liber 44 of deeds, page 1H(!, Ann Arbor, April 20, 1875. WILLIAM APRIL, D. Cfti.HU, Aim'r, etc, Mortgagee, Att'y for RfortgagM. 1627 td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition ot a eeuam mortgage exwuted by William O'Hara and Hannora ( ''liara, lus wife, of Ann Arbor, Waahtenaw couuty, Michigan, to Bridget Bagan, of the same place, on the ninth day of .July, A. D. one thousand eaffhi and seventy-three, and reooided in the office of the Register of Ueeds for the county of Wathtenaw, aioresaid, on the elevenfli day of July, A D. 1878, at three o'clock p. M-, in Liber 48 of mortgagea, page 606. and there is now elflimed to be due the sum of flve hundred and sixty-tivt' dollars and seventy-four cents, also an attoruey'sfei of thirty dollars, should any prooeedínga be taken to forecloae the same, and no prooeedinga in law erequlty hoving been had to recover the same, ar any part tliereof : Now, therefore, notice is heivby given, that by virtueof the power of sate In said mortgage contained, I shall ■all at public iiuction, to tbc hihest bidder, ou the aeventecnth day of July next, at 2 o'elock Ín the afternoon of said day, at the iront door of tbr Court House in tht city of Ann Arbor, oounty niun-uud. (that benig lie p;ace of holding tlie Circuit Court for said oounty), all that certain piece or pareel of land, known, md deaoribed hb follows. towit: Lot six (G], block two Ö), south range twelve east. in the city oí Aun Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dated April 22, 1875. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Mortg i-c-ri. Attorney for Mortgagea. IÍJ7 Mortgage Sale. [ T baving ,. . uu Rayer and Mina Rayer l„, „ , ;l ".by W. ..-. Mi.-.uW!.„. ,.. i-t,ïi,,, i:;i-, ,,.,„,, .':;;;' a . ■i il"' I teenth daj ol April „ 1" lllate.k. ousand eighteen hundred and sev. oorded in the officeof the R ' "e,ay luntj ofWashtenaw, State ui Michli,„ ty of April, a. ,, i■'■ 2ofniprtg page G87,andoBïri 'ge ' Isclaimed tu bedueal thedihíí ce . installment of interes! am2 indred and Ihirteen dollai iil. another installineni . ,1 .Hars t beoome rtue on the nineu ext, togetherwith an attoi ra should auy proceeding i„. taken osetnesame; and do mií or iiroro r' aving been instituted to recover v orany part thereof: Now, tl i il thal ly virtueol the uZ, lid inortiagecontained, I shall sellii 1,1, .the blghest bidder,. Sati rday Th„ KC.'üXIi DAT Of MAY m KT, :il ten O'duck son of said day, at sol . ,,," loom in the city of Aun Arbur (th, lace of holding the Circuit Cour! Vaabtenan i preniises descril age, to satisfy sald amounts, witl nd penses allowed by luw, whii-h ,„. , Allihat eertain tract o'r jrareel of Uní ds lllows, I.. il: COHin hr aorthwest corner of lot uumbcr four ae south of range ftve east, ou Huron Iti pi innArboi county „ï Washtena, i Michigan, thence east twen ; . treet, then;e nouth one huudrëd r,-, t tl two feet, theiu-e north om liu'nd he place of beginning; iso, the right „ fusing atany and alltini.-s an alli-yeiirln i the south end of thislot; also.thêe briek and stoiie wall ol tore, fnan the top to bot toni, situatwlon rvi cornei of sald lui numher four said wingthe same which -as nol and is j.-.l d store liv Lnniaii R.Slan he ground lipon which -aid east hall . iow stand." Dated, Febroary 25th. 1875. jVfortgage Sale. DEFACLT baving been inad n il a ceitain luortgage exeeuted ; ind Mary Wall, hl wife, lo.Iuhn iii, 1 -. uiutli day of 1'. l.iuary, A. 1. 1m,7. ai,d office of Register of Deeds lor n„ SVashtenaw and cítate of Michigan, i uiurtgages, '.n paa mi!, l w-liti pf .-al.' in -L.i-i tgat lia erative, on which inoitgage thci lue al the date of tliis uoti.v foi and attorncy IVt: a&providcd lor in v;i; tiie uni of ix luiHilivil nul thirty-one dïjS twenty-three cents, atid 'nu suit'nr law ur in juilj haviiig n instituí l lie amount due on saiil inoi thereof : Now therefore, nul ii tkat by virtue of the pnwer ol said uiortgaKC I shall stil al public autl soutb front door of the i unit II Aun Albor, Itliat being tin' buililini; ii fireuit f'ourt fov suid cuuiity ui' W'ash] un the fwelfth day ut' Jnnc, A. D. a'clock in llic l'orenoiii oJ' Ihat lay, i). preniises describeil in said murtj Iran or pan'el of land üitoatt-d in the Arbur, county ui' Waslitiintw, Mit-liian, Knv. n anil di-scribcd a lot tl hlix;k luur '4j nortli i ill' iuui l.avery lihurf, l. the villai;.' 'Huw city; ut' A nu Arbur, ti uf Wasbtcuaw, and su nmcli ui mcli thereof aühall be neefssary to satlsfj dae upon ül mortgage. Datud 12th day ui' Mardi, A. D. l(i"5 .IOI1.N lUl U A. J. Sawtkr, MonnAuy tor Mortgagee. 1521 Administrator's Sale. [N the matter of the estáte uf Perkin iltioeased. Nolice is herfby Rive sell to the highest Milder, at publican' thirteenth duy ot May, A. D. Is;:,, ;- n the forenoon of suid day, at r i i 'uurt Iluuse in tlic city of Aun Afl oounty of Washtenaw, pursunnt to liceow to b duly granted by the Probate Court ut of Mecosta, in, the Wtnie of Mich;j rli-Bt ilay oí .lunu, . D. 187-1, nll the esl 'Ule and interest of said deceasi followinjj desenbed land, to wit: Befirinningilj point uine chaina and seveaieen links eastoíii quarter etake, between aections twenl aml twentv-eight 28], in townsliipt ' range six 'fa eaat ; theuce íunniíiír east Bloik line three onaina and lorty-two link; thenturi, at right anglas, fourchains aim ñfty liflUmá north bouüds of the Micliigau Central Kailrai: thence westerly alonic the north line of said niroad three caaioc and sixty-four links; tiras north three chaina and twenty-eight links.tofe place of bejriuning, contuinin one and oog-bid ac.ii'S ut land Duted March 26, 1875. CALVIN PEICE, AJminiitMte Mortgage Bale. DEFAl'LT having been made in the e ■ of a uiortgrtge executed by tïeorge W, Hwa and Mitry Havens, his wife, lo Charlea . il! of the city of Add Arbor, Micbigtui thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, 1 1 on the fltth day of May, A. 1). 1870, l in the afternoon f that day, in libel I gajítí, on page 616, upon wnicli mortg elaimed to be due. at the date of tfciyum of one thousand five hundred am! lars, and no snit or proccedings at law having'tw iuritituted to recover the raortaaged debt,oritj part thereof : Notioe is therefore hereby gira, that on tiaturday the twelftli duy of Ji shall sell at public auction, to the biphest btóda, at the south door of the Court House in thedtjol Ann Arbor, the mortgaged ],rt mises, w will satiafy the uraount due ou snelt mol legal ooBta aud ohargea of sucli sule, togi tin aflornej" fee of' twcnty-live dolían, lo : i nuniber hve, block nurnber eleveft&Uu ditiuu to the ei1 y of Ann Arbor, coimtv -! ■ j teuaw and State uf Michigan, excepi I width otf trom the north Bide of aaia lot Duted Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522 CHAKLES T. WILMCT, Mortgagft Chancery Notice. THE CIRCUIT COURT lor the eountj tenaw - in chancery. Peter C. Boa vs.Catharine M. Ros8,'defendant. It - i! appeiiring to thia Court by atüdavit Hcdfftsll ol the sheriff on the Bubpi;nu issued ii. that the reeidence of the defendant is il of New York, and that said defendant Í in the jurisdiction of this Court, on re Cramer, Holicitor for the complainiint, - that the defendant cause her appearance in this cause within tliree months from I this order, and that in of her a cause her anewer to the eouiplainjun liled in this cause, aud a copy thereoi to be ten-i in the complaintint or bis solicilor wiünntrep daya after service on her ur li i of a copy of the bill of complainant I cause, aud a notice of this order, and in üïWj thereof, that the suid complainant's bi as confessed by the said defendant; ai ther ordered that within twenty dnys ttoW" plainant cause a copy of this order to bepnbB-j in the .Michigan Aryus, a public neww in said county ot Washtenuw, and th catión continue at least once eaeh weekforai- cessive weeks, or that he cause a cop; ol to be personally served on the said dría' cording to the fules nnd practice of this Court, Dated April 2, 1875. ., JOHN F. 1.AWBB Circuit Court Commissioiienii1 D. Cramkb, Washtenuw Coumy. Mie" Bolicitor for Complainiint. 152" Estáte of John G. Miller. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WsskW;' ss. At a session of the Probate Cou: county of Washtenaw, holden ut the ""ff! in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Wednesday, ty-ttist day of April, in the ycur one tiw eigbt hundred and seventy-ti ve. n_t Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judie of "f!L, In the matter of the estáte oí Juta'111"1 deceased. jíj On reading and flling the petition, dW. S of Anna ö. MiUer, praying that a or ment now on tile in this Court purportrog WJ ' last will and testament of said deceasíi, m admittedto Probate, and that the laayw" ed Executrix thereof. , fn Thereupon it is ordered, that MotaiK seevnteenth day of My next, at te""zZ. the forenoon, be assigned for the 1', sald petition, and that trie deviie und heirs at law of said deceased, " ",,.; persons interested in said estáte, are m tJ toappuar at a sesaion of sa d Court, """,1, holden at the probate office, in theort! Arbor, and show cause, if any tlw the prayer of the petitioner shon)i grunted ; And it is further ordere:!. petitioner give notice to the per ested in said estáte, of the penden '■ petition, and the hearing thenof. 6' copy of this order tobe published inw Anjus, a newspaper printed und circul-i' county three sucoessive weeks, previous1" of hearing. -nffl (Vt,-uecoPy)i527 NOAHW.mX Commissioners' Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, county ofW ss. The undersigned having been api the Probate Court for said Cuunty, -' ers to receive, examine aud adjust all demandsof allpersons ufjainst 'I PoweU, late of said cuunty. give notiee tlmt six months from date ir , . h byorderof said Probate Court, foi ' preseut their claims aguinst the estw deceased, and that they will weet at U' dence of said deceased, in the townshll ; tei in said county, on Monduy, the mn1 July, and on Tuesday, the ninetesni Octóber next t ten o'clock A. ., "' TdB days, to receive, examine aud adjust 3ft! F1ELDKK 8. SNUU', ) iLjo!' DANIEL LEBARON, W-onH" W1LL1AM P. ALLEN.J Dated April 19, A. D. 1S75. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT huving been made in th' "uth' of u certuin mortgage, made '0#tijeci:! I Latiery and Catharine Liitfery, lus witfof AnnAibor, in the county ol ":", '„of1 State oí Michigan, to Emanuel M ; same place, dated Octuber twentyJ" lNi.s, aud reovrded in ' Deeds for Washtennw County, Mic-ny " i twenty-nret duy of Ootober, A. " „j' 3:30 o'clock, p m., in liber 31) of mortü2, npon wliicn said mortgage t'e , bedM, virtoe of the conditiow r", remaiiüiin unpaid at the date ot t n d joitv sumof sixteen hundred and oui flvecenU ll,01.5, and an attornej' dollurs iiruvideil tor in said mortage , or proceedings baving been 'i"u",'l;,„Jec!"f ■reuver the sum now reuiaimnff "í by said mortgage or any part ""■:,; therefore, by virtue of the power ol M" n said mortgage, and by rirlue ot ■ fc Mie( such cases made and provided: .lN0' - given, that ou Saturd.-iy, the n"K;:'.lune next, at Uvelve o'clock, noon. 01 ■ the front door of the Court House, un Arbor, in iaid rounty ol "'; State of Michiüan. (said Court Hou place of holding the Cirooll Courl toi ;.' eUd. jj hen will be sold at public auclion o jB he highest bidder, the premise desen w niortgage, to-wit: AÜ of. lot aujuWr . Swathel's addition to the city ' , ditioa. oitJing to the recorded plat of said MU Dated March ,a,18V5.EMANUELi Euofne K. Fuueaufp, . Att'y for Mortgagee. 15-'5ta


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Michigan Argus