Our Advance Terms

After tho cxpitation of iho present volume, whirh yil] end April '20, our tcrins fur tho Signnl willbeOne Dollar and Filiy cents a year in ud canee : oihcrwiuc, Two Dollar. As ibis chnngo niay bc unoxpectcd to mnny, i word in explanation of the rcasons for making t, üi;iv rïot bo innppropriatc. The Cincinnoti llcrulil led ilio way in the plan of rcducing tho pnco of Liberty papers to Ono Dollar a yenr, and bthor papers followed. Evcry ono of theso lina sinco raised thoprico, havingfound it impossible ii live at so low a rnto. Jiut we luid au object in view, which, had wo attaincd it, wonld have ennblcd ua to continue the presont very low prico. We hnd hopop, from the cncourngotnoni giyen us, that at thnt price we iniglit increasc our circulntion lo .'3.000, or at Ie;it. to 2,500, vhich would hnvo cnablod us to mak o a living iU8nes8, as tlie largcr thecirculation thelcss the proportionatc cost of cach paper. But in this wo ïavo failcd. After ihe iritil of nearly a yenr nnJ half, wo find that our list of mtbscribers does ot exceed 1,800, which is not 300 moro than when wo commeneed nl tlie prcscni prico. The osa by the opcration has boen ours, wliile the rain hns beon to the subacribers. Thcy, thero'ore, enn havo no reason to comploin bccause we lave thus far furnishcd them a paper at lesa than c cost. At }!i,53, tho Signul will bc as chonp a pnper as can bc found in the State. We trust the explnnation will bo sntisfaciory to all reasonablc persons ; and wc hope to part company with none now on our list. Until the commencement of the next volume, (April 20) our tenns will remain as horctoforo.
Advance Terms
Old News
Signal of Liberty