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■Vheat brings f 1.36 per hushel. - Last Saturday was a poor day for Maylfciy parties. - A meeting of the Regents will be held at ],, I mversity next Tuesday eveniug. - Asuousion Day occurred yesterday, and yfAS quite generally observed by the Germans. _Bev. H. L. Hubbell will preaeh for the Congregational Church at Flint, next Buurt ay. - Judge Cooley goes to Des Moines uext Veek, to address the State Bar Association oí Iowa. - Ths new engine house in the Fifth ward v,-;i dedicatad, with a grand ball, Tuesday eveBÍBg. A very large crowd were present. - ín the Unitarian Church next Sunday ereuing. Kev. C. H. Brigham will give a lecture uiou the " Sa maritana : their history, and tïffeir book8.' - The Lidies' Library Association announce acomical farce, " Anioug the Breakers,"' with suuie line music, at the Opera House, WednesJay evening, May VZ. - W. A. Hatch, Jr., received by express, Watuesday, a pair of lop-eared rabbits, imported from thé stock of Henry Yardley, of Binningham, Englaud. Jacob Dingler, who Uves near the depot, was brought before Justice Beahan yesterday, on the charge of stealing wood from the depot. He was fined Í5 aud costs. - John Klais and F. Muehlig went up the river to Cornwell's on a fishing excursión, Mouday evening, and captured a huge pickerel vt-hich weighed 14 lbs. when dressed. - Prof. M. U. Tyler will preach at the Congregational Church next Sunday morniug, and in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. The subject ot the dsscourse in the afternoon will be " The Character and Crime of Pontius Pilate." - All bilis against the city must be handed to the Recorder on or before the Thursday preceding the regular monthly meeting of the Couucil, to insure their being acted upon by the Finance Conimittee, and reported to the Couneil . - The pictorial bilis, advertising the "Black Fieud," had the effect of drawing a large audieuce, at the Opera House Monday eveuing. Tuesday it was impossible to fiud anybody to acknowldge their attendauce - all feeling thoruuglily sold - Aiuirew Hiller wa3 up for whipping his wit'e Wednesday. Justice (Jlark gave him a ticket for three months m the Detroit House of Correction to pay for it, and Chief of Pólice Stiling generousiy volunteered to go and introduce hiin to the keeper. - Justice Coleman, of Chelsea, sent a membei of the Smith family to Ann Arbor on Saturday, to board at the expense of the county for the space of 15 days. Reason : Smith had too mauy agricultural tóols in his possession that 4id not belong to him. - Saturday moruiug, about three o'olock, Patrolnian Johnson arrested a " tramp" who was prowling about the streets, but could not give a reasonable account of himself. The pnsouer was released during the day on condition of a departure from the city. - During the sniall hours ol' Suuday moruiug Chief of Pólice Stiling found "Beauregard " skirciishmg arouud the city, drunk and disorder! y, and " gobbled " him. Monday, Justice Clark sent him into quarters at Camu Fleming for ten days tu rocruit and reorganize his torce?. - The remains of John Flanncry were brought to this city for iuterment last Saturday, he having died at Xew Boston, of hemorrhage of the langs. He was a brother of Uichard Flannery, murdered in this city last inll, and one of the principal witnesses against Majbee at the trial. - Dr. Douglas is to supervise the constructiou of the new v;tter-works tor the L'niversity. Ditching has already been cjmmeuced. The water will be brought from the farm of Eauuel Maun, through wooden and iron pipes, Ud ft tank will be built near the Laboratury buildings, holding 70,000 gallons. - At the Shenlï sale of the goods belonging to U. A. Leiter & Co., Friday, the goods were purchased by Dr. C. H. Lincoln, late druggist at Ypsilanti, who has shipped thtm to Armada, H&comb county, where he proposes to estublish a new drugstore ; the Abstract Books aud Soila Fuuntaiu were purchased by Dr. R. S. Smith. - The Ypsilanti Senttnei is advised that no Ijnys have been suspended from the Anu Arbor public schools for a year and a half. The parents of the boys had their say and aided in bringiug the youngsters to terms. Aud yet we are nut sure that the SentiicFs proposed mode oí itaftling with the youths would have been wliolesoine. - The annual meeting of the American Social Science A-ssociation will be held at Detroit, ivmnieiiciug on Tuesday, May 11, and coutinuig iour days. Ou Tuesday, Dr. Angelí, of the Uuivcrsity, will read a paper on " Progress in International Law," and on Friday Prof. C. A. Keilt, a paper on " The Orgauizatiou of Political Parties." - At a meeting of the Students' Lecture Association, last Tuesday, the following oflicers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Beu. Safley, 78; Vice President, Wm. Carpenter, 77 ; Corresponding Secretary, H. .B. Smith, '7ö ; Recording Secretary, H. C. McDoupB, '77 ; Treasurer, A. J. Volland, '76 ; Assbtant Treasurer, W. R. Roberts, '77 ; Committeemen, F. D. Shaver, '76, L. C. Huil, '77 ; and W. D. Hmckley, '78. - The reguiar mail from tne east is now received by the Day Express, and is distributed about one o'clock, p. m. Two mails are received from Detroit and are distributed at 10 o'clock, a. ui. aud 6:ló p. in. Mail trom the west is received by the Day Express aud is distributed about 6 o'clock p. in. Mail from Jackoii aud pointe west is also received by the mail from the east. Mail goiug west closes at 11:30 ■ m. Letters for Jackson aud poiuts west are siso sent at 4:30 p. m. Mails going east close it 8:bO a. m. and 4:30 p. m. - Small-pox bas broken out at the countyWse, having been first discovered about 10 o clock on Suuday night, in both departments, - iuuib and female - at about the same time. How it origmated is not kuown. There have wan fuur cases, one death and one likely to die. The keeper and superintendent have taken every precaution to prevent a Bpread of 'ne disease. The pest-house has been repaired nd the patients removed thither, and disinfectauta used about the premises. No uew cases Me reported. - lu consequence of the storm of ,rain on Saturday the lst inst. the meeting of the ashtenaw County Pioneer Society, at & was a failure. But few membere were there, aud the meeting ia further adjourned to Saturday the lóth inst. ïhe members in that l'iirt of the Couuty, aud especially Mr. C. H. " "íes had made extra effort to have a large tarnout, and t)ie ladiea had made preparations '" " good diuuer. The members who were lneseut from this city speak highly of the po liteaew and hospitality of Messrs. Wiue3 aud Hatuh, of Chelsea. - We hear of a new system of " dead-beat "'S "that has been successfully practiced i "its city during the past few days. A fellow w'tli the appearance of being a laborer, ha ulied at numerous places and asked to " bor rw " eitlier a shovel, spade or hoe, giving th ut sume prominent neighbor as havin at him for it. A large uumber of article Wtre Üius obtaiued, none of which have bee feturued, and uo traoe of the scamp can be ob tamed, but it has beeu ascertaiued that a per sou betiring l1i8 desenptiou had beeu negotia 'ing the sale of sucli articles.


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