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Council met in regular session Mouday eve. ning. Mayor Kinne in the chair. Roll called -absent Aid. Cate and Schmid. Prooeedings of last meeting read and ipproved. I'K.TITION'3. To the Honorable, Mayor and Common Council of the City of Aun Ar hor : The undersigned, citizens and tax payers of the city of Anu Arbor, most reapectfully beg leave to direct the atteution of your honorable body to the fact that the Legislaïure of the State of Michigan, at its recent sessiou, made most liberal appropriatioiiB to the University located in our city, providing for the organization of no less thau three new departments m the institution, as well as for introductiou of water, and the building and equipment of a hospital. This last apprupriatiou, $8,000, was made contingent upou the city of Aun Arbur contributina $4,000 to the same object. It is needlesB for us to reimud your honorable body that the interests of the Lniversity are ideutical with the best interests of the city, and if we would in the future look with couftdence for liberality, on the part of the State, toward the institution, we must meet this demand upon us in the same spirit that the State has manifested towarda it at the recent sesaion ot the Legislatura. We, therefore, humbly petition your honorable body to take such steps as your wisdom shall dictate, to raise the $4,000, by tax upou the citizeus, and place the same in the treasury of the CJuiversity, as required by the act of the Legislatura at an early day, so that there may be uo delay in the erection of a hospital. Aun Arbor, May 3d, 1875. James B. Angelí, Wines & Worden, S. H. Douglas, J.W. Kuight, Aug, Widenuiann, Joe T. Jacobs ife Co , A. W. Ames, iiach & Abel, P. O. Johnson, A. B. Prescott, Jamss Boyd, H. D. Benuett, Geo. A. Gilbert, C. H. Millen, K. A. Beal, Enianuel Manu, Fiske fc Douglas, Hale & ïremain, Jno. Moore, E. Wells, Adam D. tíeyler, R. Beahau, J. H. Maynard, E. Blood, Beu P. Crane, L. Colby, A. H. Hunt, L. C. Risdon, M. Gelstou, Henry Binder, L. Gruner, C. Weitbrecht & Bro., J. VV. Huut, Mack Á Sehmui, J. C. Watts, Henry Krause, Christian Eberbach, G. J. Pease, üttmar Eberbach, Dean & Co., Wm Ailaby, J . Heinzmann & Sou, B. Beutier," Jacob Hoffstetter, J. C. Schumaeher, Hangsterfer & Son, E. B. Pond, Wm. Waguer, Chas. Thayer, Chas. Boylan, H. S. Frieze, C'nas. S. McOmber, J. F. Schuh, Heury Paul, O. M. Martin, Theodore Taylur, J. Muehhg fe Bro., C. Bliss, Clark ik Cropsey, Edw. Oluey, John Burg, S. Sondheim, E. J. Kuowlton, E. J. Johnson, C. Spoor, A. Felch, John Goetz, C. A. Lewis, A. A. Terry, W. H. Mclntyre, J. F. Avery, Heniou & Sumiier, Patrick Dounelly. Referred to a aiecuil committee cousisting of Aid. King, Rogers and McDonald. Ot D. B. Kellogg, and others, for siilewalk on Brown street, between Traver and Pontiac streets, Fifth Ward. Sidewalk Committee. Ot D. L. Gates, and others, for sidewalk on Pontiac street, between Browu street and premises of C. D. Colman, Fifth ward. Same committoe. Of D. H. Brown, and others, for lamp on Church street, Sixth ward. Lamp Committee. Of A. B. Henion, and others, for lamp on South Main street, near A. Birk's, Second ward. Same committee. Of Mrs. E. Hoban, G. Clerkins, and about 50 others, for repeal of Ordinance No. 87, prohibiting cattle, fcc, froin running at large in the streets of the city. To special committtee consisting of Aid. Ferdon, Gardner and Smith. Ot: John Claucy, and about 100 others, for same purpose. Same committee. Of Clark &, Cropsey, L. C. Risdon, J. W. Hunt, and about 60 others, remonstrating agaiust repeal of Ordiuance No. 87. Same committee. COMMUNICATIONS. From Smith W'ilbur, askiug for appointment of City Surveyor. Street Committee. From Marshal Stiling, noininating Martin Bolles for deputy marshal and policeman. Not confirmed, by the following vote : Yeas - Aid. Ferdon, Besimer, Bishop, King, and the Recorder-). Nays - Aid. Walker, Gardner, Rogers, McDonald, Seabolt and Sraith - C. BKPOBTS OF COMMITTEES. Finance- Aid. King reported list of claims which been allowed on the severa I funds. in the following sums : General, $879.90 ; General Street, $125.9ö ; First ward, $7.00 ; Second ward, $1.25 ; Third ward, $424.91; Fifth ward, $8.50 ; Sixth ward, $182.30. Accepted, and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts. Street - By Aid. Ferdon, reportiug bids for cleaning streets, Dr. G. VV. North being the lowest, $o'2. Referred back to comraittee with power to contract. Also from same, transmiting plans and specifications for stóne bridge over the creek in Third ward, on street between Miller Avenue and Huron street Committee authorized to receive bids tor constructiug said bridge, and to report at next meeting. Sidewalk - Reporting forms for sidewalk blanks, and askiug that the same be printed under directiou of City Attorney. Accepted and adopted. Lamp- By Aid. Smith, recommending the erection of a lamp on corner of Secoud and North streets ; the transfer ot lamp at northwest corner of Court House square to Opera House corner ; erection of lamp on Main street, near A. Birk's ; erection of lamp on Church atreet ; removal of gas lamp on Huron street, uear AHeu's creek, to southwest corner of University grouuda. Polwe - By Aid. King, reporting additional rules for the goverumeut of pólice. Adopted. CITY OFFICEKS. City Attoruey reported in reference to fees received trom the couuty, by members of the pólice forcé, for couveying prísouers to Detroit and Lansing, and whether such beloug to the city. See abstract in another column. By the same, in reference to claim of Isaac Duim, for damages for sheep killed by dogs, reported that Dunn was entitled to damage claimed. Accepted, and warrant ordered drawn on dog license i'und, for $7-20, the amount claimed. Aid. Rogers submitted report of settlemeut with Dor Kellogg, late City Treasurer. Accepted and placed on file. Bond of City Treasurer Rogers, in the sum of $80,000, preseuted, with Henry Cornwell, E. Lawrence, W. W. Winea, Wm. Deubel, R. S. Smith and W. D. Harriman as sureties. Approved. M1SCELLANEOUS AND EKS0LUTI0N3. Leave being granted, President Angelí, ot the University, addressed the Couucil relative to the proposition of raising the sum of $4,000, to aid in building the new University Hospital By Aid. Bishop : for the appointment of committee of three to settle with late pólice, upou basis recommended by City Attorney. Adopted, and Aid. Bishop, Besimer and Ferdou appoiuted. Leave being granted, ex-MarBhal Loveland read a comparativo statement oi expenses oi pólice departmeut during hia admiuistration with those of the previovs year. By Aid. King : that the Board of Health for the ensuiug year be compsed as follows : Dr. W. B. Smith, Dr. John Kapp, Heury Paul, C. A. Chapin, Dr. Thomas Wükinsou and E. B. Gidley. Adopted. By Aid. King, the following : Whereas, This city is in gruat need of a supply of water for tire purposes ; therefore, Resolved, That a committee of six, composed of one Alderman from each ward of this city, be appoiuted by the chair to take iuto consideration the whole matter, and report what they may deern it advisable for the city to do in the premises. Adopted, and Aid. King, Ferdon, Besimer Walker, Rogera and Seabolt appointed auch committee. Leiive being granted, Alonzo Healy addressec the Couucil relative to grade of Cathariue street. Matter referred to street committee. By Aid. Bishop : that Recorder be directat to procure the iusurauce of Fitth Ward Engine House. Adopted By Aid. King : that Recorder ascertain cos of a suitable desk to coutaiu files ot city papers. Adopted. Adjourued.


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