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Tws iniposing ceremonies of coníWrmg tho beretta, or red cap, on Cardinal McCloskey took place on Tncsday last, at Ut. Ptriok'a CatheirjJ in New York city. The attendance of chureh. dignitarios was very numerous. and the services ol' a niottt solemn imdimpretssivecharacter. Tbe ipMtaton wero so dénsela packed that thov could not even kneel. The special envov of the I'ope dolivercd his message amid tho rumen of Inoenae and Joytms chanta - and now Amrrica has a bright-robed Cardinal. .. .Mrs. Mftry Uennehcy.who was supposed to have been killed by the cars in Boston, is now believed to h&vebeen Btrangled to death by John Deun elii'y, aided and abetted by otilen, and her body placed on the railroad track to avoid suspicion. Tbs Allcghcny County Workhouse, noar Pitteburgh, was partially deetroyed by fire last week. Out of 350 prisouers, some few escaped. Tlie los will exceed 50,0()0. A dehpsbAte light between minere and oflieers is reported from WilkenbaiTe, Ta, One of tiie latter was mortnlly. anl another seriously, woiuided. . . .Oeorge H. Greeley, beokkeeper f or J. S. Emery & Co.. Bhip brokers, oí Jïoston, haa been arrested. aud turn out to be a defaulter to the extent of from #15,000 to f20,000. A fiee at Montpelier, Vt., last week, deHlnived JH,000 worth of property. . . .The l'nited States Hotel at Saratoga, N. Y., has been sold under a foreclosure for $850,000, . . . Miss Ida Greeley, eldest dausjhter of the Inte Horace Greeley, waa married in New York city, last week, to Col. Nieholas Smith, late of the xrmy. . . .lioston ha been raised to the dignity of a metropolitau see in the Catholic Chureh. and the title of Archbiöhop couferrcd upou Bishop Williams, of that city. The ceremonies were participated in by Cardinal McCloskey aud the Papal embassy. Foüh cliildren were drowued in East river, oposite New York. last week, by the capnizing of a scow. THE WKST. Thk principal part of the city of Oshkosh, Wis., hae been deetroved by fire. The fire commeuced amoug the saw milis, and thon swept the entire Ieugth of Main street, burning the Opera-House, hotels, stores, etc., and renderiug hundreds of families homeless. The dreary waste caused by the Mames is a mile and a half long and about half a mile wide, and in all that area there is uot a single building standing. The loss will probnbly exeeed 2. 000, 000. A train on the Chicago. Burlington and Quinoy railroad, endeavoring to make up four hours' lost time caused by a break in the track in Iowa, made the trip from Mendota, 111., to Aurora (tifty-six miles) in the unprecedented time of fifty-six minutes. Eighty miles were gone over in one hour and fifty-one minutes. The total distance nu, subtracting stops for dinner, watering' and passengere, averaged a mile in less than a minuto aud a half ...The factory of the Weber Furniture Company, at Detroit, with a dozen adjoining dwellings. was reeently consumed by tire, causing a total loss of #350.000. The company emyloyed 130 men .... Auother expedrtion, consisting of fifty wagons and about 275 men, left Sioux City for the Black Ilills lat week Maria Nelscn, a young unmamed Danish woman, of Chicago, reeently gave birth to twins. whicli she smothered and sowed up in a blanket. and then tlirew into the river. The woman is under arrest, and has made a corfession. A numbeu of iishing smacks were wrecked on Ui e eawt shore of Lake Michigan, near St. Josepli. dimng the gale of the 2!Mi ult., and peveral li ves were lont The Chicago Time prmte exteiiBive reporta as to the condition of the wheat erop in Indiana and Ohio. As a whole the prospect is the reverse of encouraging. Tlie extreme cold weather and the . continuad droiight have injiired both the spring and winter wheat considerably. and a short crqp- probably not more than one-hlf the usual quantity- is expected. In a few localities f armera hepe to harvest an average erop. The embryonic grassliopper íh having a aerkms time in JIjnnesota. Numerous reporta are reeeived going to show that the severe winter, thongfc hearing hard on the sufferers from last year's deTSstbous of' tlic pest, hae at the same timn proved a great bleBsing in tbat it has so frozeu np the myriadn of eggs dejiOHitod by the aseda tliat the power to germinate has boen lost. A Kiixixci froat viwitcd various pai-ts of the Northwest on the 2d inst., doing censiderable daniage to the wheat, and in some casen eniirely Idlüng the fruit buds Janesville, Wis., was visited bya 100,000 contlagratiou last week. Two of the robbers implicnted in the robberyof the train at (ad's HiJI, Mo., laat !li. have been arrested. The ringleader escaped. Tbe concern started Bome weeks ago in Indianapolis, for the purpwe of furnÍHliing readyprinted papei to weekly newsppera, and kuown a the Indiana Newspapcr Union, hae h upeaded. . . . John 8. Coulter, an old Leavenwnrlh (Hooi) ]rinter, recently committed suicide by tükiiig laudanum. He was Trcasurcr of the Typographical Union, and for faltare to properly account for the moneys in his posBoHsion wn expellcd from the order, which so preved upo his mind that l.e conchided to end his troubles in death. THE SOUTH. A JlrairHis telegram states tliat planters are complaining greatly of the unprecedentod deelructkmóf muien, horsen, and cattle by the buffalo guata. It is estimated that within the pat ten days 100,000 worth of stock ha been killed by them within a radias of 100 miles froni that city. nnd the consequenee has been a heavy advance in the price of mules and norse The luternal lieveime Borasn han been adïfeed of an exteimive Hvstein of illicit dietilling in Houtli Carolina. 'Five hundred gallons of ilhcit Whisky are sold openly per day In one district. Tbene Rales are made in public froin eoveml wagons, occnpied by deeperadoes, wbo nhoot down government ofticeiR who approach their places of concealment. Two Deputy Collector were shot down tut week while attempting to make arrests. . . .The Common C'ouncil of lïaltimore have passed a law prohibiting fortunetellers from plying their vocation in that city. By tlie burning of the residence of Mrs. Lucy Bakewell, at Shelbyrffle, Ky.. Jast week, the valoable Hbrary óf the great naturalist, Anduben, was totally destroyed. .. .The Southern nSiotáa ure still engged in their war for tíouthern travel, and the rate from New Orleans to New Vork is now L35- 15 less than former ïatcs. The rates to Baltimore, Washington nd l'liiladeljiia have been reduced a similar aniount. (ov. Kzrxooo, of LouiBiana, has commenced KMit agaiust ('harles Cl,,,toi,. Auditor of the State, and the Hccuritifs in bis special bond. for about 475,000 withhold and nnaccounted' for by him The city of Nasliville. Tcnn., waR tbc otherday the Reene of a most blood-curdling tragedy. A negro namcd Joe Reed shot and ingtaHtly killed Foliceman iiobert Frazier, while in the execrttion of liis dnty au an officer. The murderer was rreeted and taken to jail, but io im-ensed were tlic citizens at the unprcvoked morder that they marched on the jail and broke toto Keed's cell. He was seized, a rope fastened arouud bis neck, and hurried to the 8 LSpenaloü hitBjge, frnm whjcL hc wa throwp. aid with the intention of hanginp. but. the rope breakiug. Ue feil to the rocks beneatb, nincty foet, and from febenoe into the river. He wn shot once on the way and agaiu at the bottom. WASHINGTON. 'Iju. Internal fieveauo Bureau ír making arrangementH to bring snit for 2O,000 on the bond of Frcderick A. Sawyer, late AsBistautHecretary of the Treasury, ex-ünited States Senator, and formcrly Collector of Interna! Iïevenue in South Carolina The Mexican raidH into Texas was the subject of discussion at a ('sbinet meeting the other day. No formal concluRiou wíís reached, but it is understood that a note of protest vül hooh be prepared and presented to the Mexican government. lm intcnial revenue receiptw f or tbc month of April were 47,033,381; for the four mouths I thelRtof Janaary, 36,485,421; and for thefisoul year to My 1, f89, 7S8, 871 , , . , Th uetom reclpt f tfe moath cf April , iu round n timbera, L13.250,000 iu coin and $90,000 in ourreney. For tho tour mouths siuce Jan. 1. Í875, tbe receipta wore $57. l-fcl,G50 in coin and $891,101 in curreney. Tho total customs receipts for the fincal year to May 1 wcre, in round aumbers, ï133,752,(MK. John T. Heabtley han resigued hi ponijtion aa Assistant Treaaurer of tlie United 8ttes, and tho Président uaa named us liis luoeMBOr OnrtisS. luirnhniu; ■ woaltliy Kentnckian and personal friend of Hecretary Biïatow The Supremo Court bas deeided the Fangul prize case in favor of the elaimants. THE TILTON-BKECHEK TKIAL, Si;i i;n iv-mx ril Day. - J. F. St. Georgo was tho only witD68fl called. He Hworo that Tilton ' cupied the amo carringo Ifith NYoodhull and ; ('latlin in the Comnmnistic procosaion in 1871. Hkventy-kkvknth 1)ay. - Lawyor Tracy detjiiled Iiíh history of the case, and bis conaultaÜOBM with Moulton and Tilton. He volunteered j the statement that he might pérhaps 'nave aid j U) Moulton and Tilton, if there "was anv lio at ! all iu denying the Woodhull scandal story, checntially faltte as they both told him it WB8, the lie was of such a charaeter that he would not hesitate to tnke the reBponsibility (f it, if it related to bia own family. Seventï-eiohth Daï. - Gen. Tracy's direct testimony was concluded, and bis examination commenced by Sir. lieach. Sometimes Trafly was doubtful, and Beach volunteerod to wait while lie was making up bis mind. He would not anewer directly, "But I will teil yon what ocenrred." Beach would retort, " Wben I want that I will ask you. Now answer roy question." And once counsel H&id. drojiping tlie subject. H Well, if you can't answer, we'll get somebody else that will ?" It is intimatcd that Gen. Butler will be callel to rebut a part of Tracy's evidence. Sevknty-ninth Daï. - Witb tbe conclumon of Tracy's tstimouy the dofense "rested," and tl'o prosecution began their rebutting evidence. Mr. Jobu Swinton, fonnerly of tbe New York Times, testified that Tilton walked witb him on foot in the Communist procession of 1872. and did not ride in a carriage with Woodhull. or caiTy a banner. The plaintiffs lawyers expressed a williugness that Mrs. Tilton Hhould be sworn. but Mr. E varte declined ' to prolit by tho suggoetion. The Secretary of the Treasurj' has given di rections to the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell $5,000,000 gold during the month of May. . . .The public debt was decreaaed ; 346 during tbe month of April. Appended is the ofticial statement : Six ]er cent. bonrts $1,132, 177,0-0 Five per cent. bonds 580,3S2,750 Total coin bonds $1,712,829,800 Lawiul money debt $ 14,678,000 Matureddebt 19,559,140 Legal tcnderB 878,12393 Certiflcates of deposit 47,865,000 Fracuonal curreney 43,909,565 Coin certiflcates 22,403,300 Total without interest 4'.)2,201,358 Total debt 1Ï,-23,S6B,288 Total interiit 35,028,178 Cash in TreaHliry: Coin f94,625,669 Curreney 1,096,375 Special deposit held for redomption of certilicates oï depoeit (865.080 Total in the Treasury $ 143,587,041 Debt leB cash iu the Treasury $2,131, :)O9, 431 Decrease of debt in April 2,325,346 Decrease since June 30, 1874 11,778,809 Bonds issued to the Pacific Iïailway Companit s, int. rrst payable in lawful money : Prtndpal ontstandins $ 64,623,512 Interest accrued and not vet paid 2,292.470 Interest paid oy the States JO,J6,1W Interest repaid by transportaron of mail, etc 5,9415,180 Balance of interest paid by United State! 20,318,458 EioiniETH Day. - Justbefore the opening of the court, Mis. Tütou caused something of a aensation by rising in lier Seat, and, handing Judgc Xeilson a paper, reqneeting him to read it aloud in court. Tlie Judge stated that he would take the matter under advisement. The contente of the paper were not made public. Several witneases were examined. nearly all of whom Bwore that Tilton did not march in the üouHsel prooession with the Woodhulls. 1'ranklin WoodrutT. no of Monlton's partners, wan called. and contradioted Gen. ïracy'ö tetstimony in several particular. POLÍTICAS. Hon. Edwakds Fikurei'ont lias accepted the appointment of Attorney-General, and will enter upon the duties of the office on the 15th of May. A Washington correspondent announces that Cougressman Milton Baylor, of j uati. who ha not hitherto been publicly tioned in that connection, w known to be a candidate for the Speakership .... Sergeant-atArms Ordway liae now in bis possession the back pay of bat two members of the late Boom of IiepreHentaUves - Kellogg, of Connecticut, and McKce, of Mississippi. Neither of these persous have drawn their pay or covered it into the Treasury, and it could ut any time be recoverod fron the government by the members or their heirH. GENERAL. It íh Ktutel that auother American cardinal is shortly to bo created, and tliat Archbishop Tascheroau, of Quebec, is to be the lucky man. Seven hundred returned California emigrants pasfied tlirough Omaha in two daj'ö recently, and hundreds more are en route East The Canadian Canal improvementH are being pushed forward vigoroiiBly by the govemment. The spelling manía íb raging in Canada. Tuk schooner Margai-et Crocker, from Tahiti for San Fraucixco, was recently lost at sea, and sixteen persons perished. An effort is bcing made at Washington to indict editor Dana for hbeling f x-Gov. Shepherd, but it is not probable that Dana can be brought to the capitul. FOUKIGN. The GuHtav affair bas linally been aniicably settled. Spain lias agreed to Balate the German flög by a volloy of artillery, and a Germán vesBel has gone to Ouetaria to reccive the salute . . . . Paul Boyton will make another attempt, on May 27, to swim across the English ■hannel in Iiíh life-saving armor. Leoal proceedings have been commenced by the PruBsian government for the removal of the Prince Bishop of Breslau, for violation of the EccleBiastic laws....Sir Gillery Pigott. Prime Baron of the ( !ourt of Exchequer, England, and Lord Ilobart, Governor of Madras, India, are dead....The Prince of Wales has been installed Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Masons. . . .It is stated that the carpet manufacturen generally throughout the United Kingdom have decided not to send their prodnets to the Philadelphia centenuial bec:ni -■ of tlie pi-ohibitory tariff. Nokth Staffobdshire, England, haB been the scène of auother fearful oolliery explosión, i'esiltiig in the destruction of upward of foity human lives....A PariR telegram an! nounces the death of (Jonnt Waldeck, the famoua paintet and traveler, at the extraordinary age of 110 years. A Beulin telegram st&tes that tlie last Belgian note higlily natisfactory to Germnny, and terminates the controverfy Advices from Cuba report the insurgenti successfiil in two engagement. . . .French and English gunboats are ordered to the banks of Nev.-foundland, to prevent the threatened trouble between the ftshenneu of each natiou this sammer.


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