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Finance And Trade

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Matters ba the money market remain without, r.ny Importuit change, Tho offeringH of eurrency are quite largo, and there ís uo trouble experienced in obtaining favorn for A 1 paper at 10 per cent. interest. Eastefn excbangc. 50@75c premium. Government bonds lirm and in good demand, with values steady. l'.HKADSTUl'FS. The grain markets have attracted coiiHidemble attention from BpeeulatorH duriug the past ' werk. and an extensivo Hpeculative business wan transacted. The markets, however, have i boen very unsettled, values being subject to frequent mul quite severe fluctuation. Generally spcaking. however, the prevailing l'eeling has been one of iirmncHB, and the olqging quotations invariably show an advance as r.omparea with the figures current at the opening. Tho movemcnt han been mainly on speculative i couut, and the movements of ! tors were governed moro by loeal Bpeeulative inlluciices, and the n auipulstions of local speeulators had more to do with the : subsequent changes in valúen than the advices from Liverpool and New York. It ivas a wellknown fact that all the markets had been largoly disoounted for May delivery, and a these contracto approached maturity thero was a general desire on the part of the short sellers to provide for them. the active competition betweeu this interest being the principal causo of the subsoquent advance. True, the receipta were large, hut this fact had only a nominal iniluence on the market, as the daily arrivals were generally intended for delivery on previous sales. Shippers werO buying with more freedom than during tlie preceding week. The corn trade attracted a large attendaace of operators, and, at times, waa quite excited. During öaturday tho markets were wonk, and about le decline was suwtained on wheat and coru - the deliveries on May contracts being liberal, while parties having graiu coming to them were selling out, showing a disposition to reaJize. There was more doing in June and Jnly, operators preferring the deferred options. The following bable shows the prices current at the opening and close of the pust, week: Uit'rni'i. C(oil)g No. 2 Bp'g heat, casli Í1.01 !aO J.01' $1.04X11.06 i No. 2, ■Oer May 1.01 ", w 1.02', @1.M No. 2, Bcllor Juno l.UH '.(il.O.) @1.07s No. 2 oorn, cash 71 (g .71j, .70 ."O', No. 2 corn, seltarMay. .73XS -744 .76 bid No. 2 oom, sellar June .73.?,' .7!V, .77 bid No. 2 Oats, cash (HW .Bi'j .f)2s„( 62JÍ No. 2 oals, solier May. .(1 í .62 " .(2',. (.. .1,2 No. 2 oats, sellcr June .62 .62;4 .63j@ .68i No.2rye,cash "(nl.011;, (oil.)7 ! No. 2 barley, cafih 1.28 (al.'Z) 1.30 (n 1 :t'J No. 2barley, s. May.. 1.21 (1.28 @1.26 i No. 3 barloy, cash... _ (gl.18 fel.17 LIVE NTDi h. The continued heavy reeeipts of cattle had a depressing effect - the market ruling weak. atid 20@é0o per 100 lbs lower ; closing at iö.OOCfÈ ' 5.70 for fair to good, and 5.75@6.80 for choice : extra. 6.4n(N;G.75 ; stockers, 'ié.Od'g 5.00 ; butcbere' cattle, '3.50@5.50 ; hogs fairly ; active, but lower Yorkers, y7.-tO( 7.85 ; heavy. &7.80@8.6Q ; extra, S.75C9.00 ; "sheep dull i choro, 8.6@5.2ö wooled.5.25@6.50. PKOV1SIONS. The movemeut was light in this market during the week, and trausactions were clueily in the way of transfers of eontracts from one month to another, and the differences paid were 25(e30o per brl on mess pork, 20c per 100 ] ïbs on lard, and X4'c on all kinds of meats. Tlie orders received on shipping account were light, but the bulk of the stock is held by strong parties, ' and the depression was but alight. The market closed quiet at Y21.!)5@ 22.00 cash, -ï22.05 seller May. .22.25@22.30 seller June, and (l83.50@32.60 seller July. 1 Cash lard quiet at (16.66 ;'sel]er May 15.5S@ 15.51J4; seller June 15.75@15.77K. and sellèr 1 July nominal at ■i!15.95@15.t7X. paoDüos. Tüe demand was again urgent for but. ter during the week, and the arrivals I and offerings were light. Prices were finn, and all fresh-made loes sold readily. Qnotai tions ranged at ll@12Xc for roll : 14@lSc for fair to choice packed in lots, and 22@25c in a retail wav. liroom corn was not so active, but prices remain steady and ñrm at llX@Hc j tor No. 1 to extra hur], ll(a,13c for good to choice sta Ik braid, 9@19o íor inferior brush, and 6@8JiC for crooked. lïeana wero dull at i $1.75@1.8ö for good to choice Eaatern ] dium, and $1.0Q@1.75 for Western, according to quality. Beeswai was miiet at 26@28c for good to primo yellow. l'rime old fnctory cheese was in good demand and tirm atlf{" loc, but common grades were dnll at lïdfl'.ic ; new sold at 13(W:14c. ïbere was a fair demand for choice s-n-eet eider at í5.75(fí6.00 per prl, bat coramon ind hout was dull at Y3.00(nl.0ü. Cianberries wero dull at ío.üOícS.OO fel soft to good cultivated, per barrel, and $3.50(5)3.75 for one bushei boxea. Dried peas kIow at 4í'2.üO(Víj2.10 for clioice green, and $1.75@1.80 for marrowfat. Eggs closed Bteady at 1S@ ' 153'c. Choice turkey tail feathers in demand at 30(rr35c, but line body were unsalable ; live geeae feathers quotable at 48(:52c, and chickeu nt. 'f rc. Apples remain dull at 42.00@2.25 ))er bil iu lots for choice, and L2.75(3.25 in a retail way. Hides ea.iv at 8c for green aalted, and 12(rt!122'c for calf." Hops quiot at 3S@40c for new from lirnt hand. JIoney slow sale at j 20 25c for good to choice in combi, and 10@ 14c for strained. Hay wan in fair demand and teady at .?lG(rf:18 for timothy, $12('il4 ríe and J(ío1U for slough, according to quality. Poultry was in good request at 10(Vj12c per tl for chickeiiH. and !4.25('.4.75 per doz. ïurkt'.vx aold at 17(18c per 11), and ducks at $4.25 ("t.5U per doz. Potatoes firm at Ü5c for choice Eatitern peachbloirs in car lot, and $l@1.05 from wtore : ICastern carly rose 75(;8Uc, and Western peahblowH 80(ff)95o per bu. Tallow was dull at 8@8'c. Tliere was no denmnd for vegetables, and sales were Blow at $2(n 2.5tl per brl for onions : 35@50ü per brl for rutabaga turuips, and L1 per brl for carrots and beate. Veal in moderate requeat at 3(i8c, I according to quality. 8EED8 ANJ-) BKIHWIiNKS. Thereau was unusuallv active businen ; acted in Hungarian aeed during the woek, and prices were considorably higher. The niont in the other kinds of eeed waa not eo activo, although a íirm l'eeling prevailed and a general improvement was noticeable. áalee of timothv ranged at t2.00(id2.45 for common to choice.' Clover sold at $(ToO@7.00 for medium, and closed at alx)ut $6.85 for prime. Flax quotable at iil.80@1.90 for good to prime cruehing. Hungarian aold at 1.36@1.62J and closed at about 1.60 for prime. Sales of millet were reported at 1.75 .o 1.80 for prime. Tliere was bnt little demand j for highwines. and the market waa very quiet, holders aaking fl.14, without huyere. COOI'KUAllE, Ï.IMIIIKH AND WOOB. There was a fair demand for the different descriptions of cooperage. and the market was Bteady at about former prices. Offerings moderate! Pork barrels qiiotable at fl.lü@l,15. Lard tierces #1.30@1.35. Pork barrel etaves $18.00@22.00 per 1,000, and hu-d tiercé staves è20.0Ü(w28.0ü per 1,000. Whiaky baiTels j tubleat ïl.;0(2.00 each, and whisky barrel I staves at $25.00@30.00 ])■ 1,000. Flour barrels abont 50(i53c oacli. The arrivals of lumber were quite liberal by cargoes, but the demand as yet is Hght, and sales were slow. Quotntionis ivere $9.ÖO(3!l5.00 per JI for strips and boards; t8.50@8.75 for post and scantliug, and $1.76 for lath. Trade was rather lightin wood, Vmt ïrices remain steady and unchanged. Quotable at t7.50 per cord for hickory and maple at the yards, f6.50 for beech. and 0.()0 for slabs. Telegraplii; Market Keports. NEW YOIIK. Bf.EVF.s 11 @ 13 Huns - DrcBsed 8 @ 10 Corros 16 @ 17 Flock - Suporfine Weetern 4 70 ($ 4 05 Wbkat- No. 2 Chicago 1 19 @ 1 21 No. 1 Spring 1 üó @ 1 30 Ookn 91 @ 92 Oats 70 @ 78 Rn 1 W @ 1 05 Pork- New Mess 22 00 @22 50 Stcam 15 @ 16 ST. LOUIS. Wheat- No. 3 Red 1 4H @ 1 45 iv, „n -No. 2 Xf-w 74 O 75 Oats- Ko. 2 3 @ 65 Uyk- No. 2 1 OS @ 1 08 PoltK- Mess @2'i 0 Laed H @ 15 HOOS 7 00 ($ 7 75 Cattle 5 00 (ai, 5 73 MILWAÜKEE. Whkat-No. 1 1 07 % 1 0) No. 2 1 68 S 1 II", COS - No. 2 73 @ 75 I Oats- No. 2 @ M Kyk 1 17 @ 1 M Habley- No. 2 1 30 (3. 1 32 CINCINNATI. WiiKAr-Ketl 1 35 f 1 3fl COBN- New 75 @ 78 Oats 1 1 W Bye 1 24 1 28 I'okk- Mess 21 00 @22 00 Laiu Wí M T0LKDO WHKit-Kxtr 1 33 @ J :M Amber 1 27 g 1 29 COBN 77 9 79 Oatb M 7 DETROIT. Whkat- Extra @ 1 32 Amber @ 1 25 CBN-Ntw 77 @ 79 Oats 65 @ 7 CLEVELAND. Whkat- No. 1 Red 1 30 @ 1 32 No. 2 Bd 1 25 ( 1 27 COBN 76 O 7R Oats 60 6i


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