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The Family Journal

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ALL WHO WISH TO MAKE MONE WALE OR , AGENTS! tt fema-e . YonCanMaieaFortnne tyy jgk-T IIO1VIE JLfí SfS BY TAKING SUBSCR1PTIOKS POR Uf)h The Cheapepi, Llterary, Art and Fashion Paper in Amerkq mm 1 -M Hl 11 :t BB .: " - -'■-, V Mrs 15 - Oh, llenry! lee what 1 madeduxing one day, taking nbscriben among ray fiiends for The F,. JounNAi,. Itlswarranted 18oarat gold: good thnskeeper, ana wortn 860. Mr. B.- It is truiy a beauty and a. sensible gift ; and .m.v publlahex givmg fiuch pieminmi snould euccea!. Th, Vamii.y Jmuknai. U ar, B ,.„■„ ,,"f : ' ' A'' '"'■ '"'■' ' "',"' ""''' ,"""''"': ■"".'"■'"■; 40 roj,,,, ,, ,7,,,r. ,i reading , h '--■ béti irruí ■ "f the '", btrié ' oogt -; Ttlurtrated FathtoQs t" advanuof tf oubliratim,, all far on! SI " ' ■'. " '" ' ;""'''. "'"' ""''■' "' "' foljoui ng prrmium : The pair oí "TWINK A8LKEP and TWIXS AWAKE " Im 9x11. moantod rewiïto frame, nr the "IWft. 11, II VISITOB." Wiau. "ANNA-a PBT8" 16x20, " II HKI. AND TOE," 2nx-4, i.n.t "ORANDPA'SWS Mt34,orthe BwSriiwof "BORACB (;RKKI.F.Y AMD FA MII.V." -ïlxV, ,,r SI.;. ynurly with tbenuji i Ihroino "OONSBCRATION." 2iix34. r the foor lientiful Fruit Chiomos- Basket "f i-tr;ivbcmei,Peachi5jk: PiMhea and Stnuvborrios, Apple md Piran- printcd in 16 rolors. dze 9x11 . i-nch moanted readj for framlng. ff ■ïili Kive a chnlce of inylw.ic,f om ohromOB fi.r tl.SO. OON8ECEATIOM i largeand magniliceiii,!;!" prlntod in twenty-two colore. It is enaste and beutifnl, and the akillful execatlon luis done iusticitotk,li i. 'mi Asapróof of the valuu of this new and snpeib premium. Publlahen iiuiy stíto that alaillijL ohromoa oSeréd topurohaae twothoueand copie at 4 each, with a view to pluce tt on the maritetatni.iik -virth and bcriMty wonld readily i:r.mmand. ' - We sp.nd -ill theabove.Ohromos, Deatly arranged with oUolntb cover, wtth aamples of the JoTniNAL.Blaiijrt culars, oto.. incluilmKthe Famii.y .InrnNAl. oneyear, for$. E,-h Outfit entaim 12 (;hrom.thati forft'43 at New V..rk pii.jn.. AnJ Ladj or Gentleman rannot fail n makinc from SKK) Ui S:J()Omnntlilj. ' s n additional Indnaemeot, e rive (50,000 in Cash, and other piemminu to encnuraBeour Amm Snbscrlbera to work in oor interest and behalf. We are determtoed tn make ours the laulittg pap" o! ItaCk States, aa regards clrculation, v:.lue of contente, nnd the km price at whlch it i Btren to sabsorlSen. Fotthek few years we Intend all the profltsof the paper to go to ih who are helping na to build it up Manyof onr agents only dfrotn their HveninBS or spare time in taking mbscriptions to tbe JODEhal Iln,. tltnated that yon oimnot devote yonr n-hole time to the bnslness. take thn Ontht and solicit BubKripttax,, vciur leisure houre. Tlms persons who have nol all tboir time enK:ed can procure trom ïnotoöOÜBUbsenbrniü, Interfering with their other duties. thus making many dollars, if n(.t hundreds. in a very Bhort spaceoftim , (, feel warrantoi in sayine that ladica or xi-ntlemen who may devote theil whole ttae and attentlon to oamiiai, the Family Joorkai, are reaaonably oertatn of a nnft lnoome of from 81,000 ti í,rou ajear. limaiii raake money, yon can become an agent whore you roside. . ■Wonts remember that no paper in the United States giveü such induccment. The paper is worlhttam, and thnchromonor engravings cannot be purchased for leas than SI to $1 each. And we pay, oetd,tt(fc, nniiiii..sit)n of 40 per oent. on.eaoh sabseriber. . . Rend itamrJ for sample with 32-paire Dlnstrated Caialogne.containing hst of 85 new articles. fast-selliwCfe,, i Novelties. et.,glvuw listof Gift t" Acanta nnd Workers, what our Agents are doing, wnat Agent, Stliitl .and thti Press s :v of the Jottrnai. and its OhromoB. _ti_l .. For Information te atrangen we wU give the roUowtng leadinKhouses as referenoM: Pe "ftreanilimi and 37 Vesej St., Pnblishers ; Warren .( Pari Plaee, Paper Dealer: O. Bissell, o4 Gold SL, Fqïliak Bromell . RoBhnnr. 112 White St.. Print-rs ; R. Shugg, 1 Chamliers St.. Pnbhsher. , We wUl send the JOURNAL six months cm trial, postage I'L'',-Y''.n-í'-'Oit'-u' í"n'JrnT Wi odt,T(uniNAi.iBbeforeboingregularsubscriberB. FAMILY JOIIRNA1,, .J(K) Broadway.J.I,


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