The Black Laws Of Ohio

Uur tesdon aru awarc that al ihc last olcciion n Ohio. tlio Wliigs hml cvory thing thuir own wny. They kuow also ihero are lawa ngaiiii-t thccolored pcople of that Stato ol the basest kind, and prnciically most opprfiMive, Wc), in t lic House, the bill (o repcal the luw excluding oolored persons i'rom tcstifying in couris of justice cnmc up in Committou of tho Whole. Tlie bill wiis reported back wnh a single nmcmlmcni, strikiug out iho wholü after tho enaoiing clausc. Tho quostion boing pul on this nmcndincnt, the vo'c etood yens il, nnys 17. "So," say the Ohio Statcsmnn. "tho IIouse,by an omphalic vo;o dcclared agninst 'tho ropeal of nll.Inws makin;; diatinctions on account of color." [KTThcrc nre 'M Whigf in the House; aud vet only 17 of thest votcd ogainat striking out all after tho enacting clauso ! So much for the action ol "tht viore favorable party." In jnofessions they oio ahvays loud enough : but whun the trial comes, like I3cl9hnzzar, they are "fonnd wanting." In this ense thcro was no excuso Tor ihcm: for thoy hnd nu nmple niujonty in tho Houbc, and had been urgcd to act on the subject by numerous petitions. What does our ncighborof tho Stato Journal think of theQGf " oni.y Tune .vNnsi.vj:nv PAK; ty,".LD that will not ponnit a man tobo sworn in a court of justicc, because he is black T- )oes not 8iich legislntjqn in 1S16 show the 'grtU progrtss" oà the W-hig pnrty towards iboral principies and equal riglits ? At this rato of progrc8sion, how long bofore they will irrivc it ihc conEunimation of ihcir carcer ?
Black Laws
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