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Letters trom Dmïfiita. There is no case of Dyspepsia that Green's August Flower will not cure. Come to the drug store of Eborbach & Co., and inquire about it. If you suffer from Costiveness, 8ick Headcbe, Sour Stomach, Indigestión, Liver Complaint, or derangenient of the Stomach or Livei, try it# Two or three doses will relieve you. Boschee'a Geiman Syrup is now eold in every town and city in the United States. We have not less than five hundred letters from druggista, saying it is the best medicine they ever sold ior Consumption, Throat or Lung discaaes. Sample bottles of both H' cents ench. Regular sizc 75 cents. THE ANK AR BOU SAVIWGS BAÏVTK A.nn Arbor, IMichigan. Receives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and ullows pereent. toterwt 6b 11 aosltrema!nIng rli ree monthfl or longer. Interest Conipounded Semi-Annually. Also buys and sells U.S. Bonds. Sold, Silver and Intficst. Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchauge. Also sella Slght Dratts on Gekat Britain, Ireland, Ghhmany, or any other part of the European Continent. This Bank is oijranlzed under thé General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are indlvidually Hable to tue amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Banksof issue, the capitul isinvested for the sceurity of bill-holders. This fact makes thia Institutiou a very aafe depository of inonies. Marriod Woinen eau deposit subject to thcir own ilrafts only. itloncy to Loan on Approvcd Securitles. DIEECTORS: R. S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. Winks, R. A. Bkai-, W. D. Harriman. D. IIiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICERS: R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock. Teller.


Old News
Michigan Argus