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Asnr lia been bronght against the oityol Boston by the assignees in baukruptoy of the i "f Mr, Armstrong, whoee Htore was blown np to prevent tlic speen d of the great firo, to recover Í70.000, the valué oí lia itook i ml niipNinml loase. No one lias b en found t ft acknowledga the responsibUity for blowing up t!ic premisos. At hu elootion of ofticcix of the New York Chambor of Commeroe recently, the ticket hended cf Hon. George Opdyke waadofeated, S. ]). Babcooi rcoeiving Hu votos to 108 f or Opdrke Tiie animal dinner took plaoe in tlio eveniug, at whioh i Ion. Fernando Wood made tlie principal apeech apon tlio future of the metropolis. He spoke of the ncccBHity for eheiip transpartation, inoreased torminal facilities, low tolln, qiiick transit, and diminished l:ia[ion. In the TUton-Beocher trial, Jast week, the court adjoiirucd for thrco days, in order, it is said, to prevent JIrs. Woodhull giving in hor evideooe. Sho had been snbpenaed by the proaeoaHon, ImU both niiiea feared her, and she m not callcd. Tho trial wil] probably end by the iuiddlo of July Sturtovant, tho ñetid who Bome montlw ago nmrdercd two old mou and I heir femalo hOuBe-keeper, nl rlymouth, Jtau., vn hnng on Friday. the 7tH iimt In tin IVnn '.vlvania anthracito country tho nwfnl ui i: of dlciicss continúes, and the news from that repion froni day td day íh freighted with the horrors attendant opon doth, paverty, and pasaion. It íh Btated that the owners of tho Inrgest mines in the district havo deliberately Sooded thir proporty, thns adding months to tho poriod of unprodaotivenB3 wbich tlio' ecowling futm'e )irochiinin. Tuk oënténnlal celebration of the capturo of j Fort Tioonderoga by ('ol. Ethim Allen, Mn oelebrated with npirit bv the people of tho villaje nd iuinounding connlry. THE WKST. At a gamo of baseball in St. Louis, OBThursday last, between tho White Stookinga, of Cbioago, and the Kt. Loula club, the latter won by a booro of 10 to 0 During last winter, a notonous woraaii, namod Mollie Preaoott, of St. Lonin, hired tho Temple Hall, to dclivor a leoture oh the '-Social Kvil." Theownerof the hafi, discovering lier oharaoter, refaaed the uso of the )'ii)iii,scK, and rofuuded tlio rent money. The womau hrought snit for 1,000, and last i k the c-oiirt awardcd her :?70 and cobIs. As act of heroio brarory was perfornied by George 1!. l'ri.-o, who had charge of the Adama Bxprees car whioh left Chicago on the night of tho Cth inst., by the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne railroad. Threo raaHked robberB ontercd the car ncar Lima, Ohio. The foremost of the rufflana poiuted a pistol at Price's liead and demaneïed tho keys of tho safe. AlmoBt at thesame moment ho fired a hot at the messenger's head, but the latte liad tiirown Bp his left hand while reaching fo his pistol wit.h his right, and the bullot strnck him in tho forearm, infücting n smal] wound aud theu, gUneing, Btraok him in the chin, ala woiniding him lightly in that spot. Tlie as sailant repeaiad bis demaud for the keys, nnd not getting them, fired ogaiu before Trice coul get out hi6 weapon. This time the ball wen clean throogh the mcsHenger's right shoulder aud lodgod in the side of the car. Beforo the robber could fire a third shot the wounded mos ssnger had gotten his heavy pistol in hand and, taking delibérate aim, passedaballthrougl the bram of bia aKsailant, aud tho latter fel deadin hia tracks, without oven astruggle. A nf.vehe thunderstorm passed over sections of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio on Sunday, the lightning striking in niany pluoee, doing grea damage. Taylor's Houring mili, near Spring ñeld, Ohio, ma bnrned, with alous of il7,000 insurancc, . 14,000 .... ïhe Brnder has again fcsoaped, this time iu Arizona, and is going for Mexico, it is thought Tho new CustomHouse and rostoffico building partly erected at ílicago ivill have to be torii down and rebuilt. A committeo of exporte appointcd to investi■■■■ the condition of the etructore, flnd valla very crooked and the foundations insecure. GovBBUmERT detectives have juut made a big r.tid on tho l'raudiilent whisky ring in St. bouie, Chicago and Jlilwaukeo. Irregularitie i i Kho manufacturo and alo of spirits in these ] .ca'Kicf. have been euspecfed" for a long timé, and Socrotary Bristow, after recent , tioiiB, decided to Baunmariíj pot a stop to them. It appeara that the Irauds piaeticed havo been OÍ great magnitude, aud extendiug over a long period of time. It is also stated thatalarge nambei of ravenue officers are ijnplioated, oitlier as accoasories to the frauda or as having been unattentive to duty. DuajfQ tlio week ending Saturday. the lOttl o{ May, the condition of the whoat in 880 eoontinh wan rcpoitod to the Department of Agriculturo. About 300 counties of the vaJIeya cf the'bbio and Missouri are repreBented, which laKt ycar prodaced 70.000,060 i la of winter wiioat, or GO per cent. of the product of ■ even State from Ohio to Kansas. The average of condition iu these States is G3 per cent., indioéting only DTe-eightha of a full erop, il' no imiirovement occurs- in Kentucky, 75 per cent.; Cliio. 57 per cent.; Michigan, 63'; Indiana. CC, : Illinois, tii ; Missouri, 5'J ; KanBas, 87. . . . W. W. limljry, editor of tho Leaveuwortii 1 1 Appral, rocen Hy shot and killed Col. D. 1. Anthony, editor of the Leavenworth Time. TUK SOUTH. Jddoe Bbooks, of the U. S. District Gomt at mington. N. C in charging tbeGrand Jury, ■ ! theOivil Bigiite bill, in te orilhrnal aspect, bh was the only ehape in wbieh it couli! comebeforc the Grand Jury, was uneonstitutional and void. Two New Orleanu editora, Iwiao X. HtouteDieyer and L. ir. Finley, rm-pnUy quarreled, and a challenge waa giren and acoepted to %ht with nflort at forty paces ; but 88 tbey were both clasa shots, frienda interfcred, and the duel was avc)t.!. Bes lín.i. has been elccted to Congres from Uie Nintli DiHlrietof Georgia, in place of McSïillan, deceascd. Ar Parm, Ky.. on Katnnliiv of Jat week, Jacob Almond, aged 80. qnaneled witl! lus sonin buv, named Allen, aged 65, and knoeked the Jatter down. Allen aroBe and plunged a knife iuto Ahnond. dieemborwlmg him. The latter diod ii]slant!y....(.'ol. ;i,l,ald h. fi;lilie8; a leading New Oileans merchant, recentiy Bbot and killed I). 11. Winn, a prominent hotelkeeper at Hope, IIempntead coimty, Ark. WASHINGTON. A tiPKciAi, dispatch to a Chicago paper states that the internal reveime and customn recei])ts dropping off at a ver? diBcoaraging rate ; 80 that tliey will fail to pay the current expendlture of the govemmoht ly scvoral millions of dolíais. Fram eveiy prospect now, it h more probable Gat thé revenue will fall off fitill furlher. . . .Honor Mantüla, who represented the SpajÜBh J'.cpublic at Washington, daling itn oxietenoe, lm presonted his credentials hh Minister Plenipotentiary and Eotoj Extraordinary from Alfonso, Kiiig of .Spain. J. G. Hesieb, a Bpeciaj agent under the Department of Justice, and fcnown in counection with the tiolitical arreste in Alabama, bas been diemihHiid. Seoketaey Bbibtow haa commenced cutting down the working force in bis department. Home twenty people-a ;ood proportion of them bing ladiras- have boen dismissed from Gen. Bpüiner'B office. The Poijtotncc 1 ippyrlmcnt íb still engaged in adjueting the salaries of Poatmaetere under the lawof t:'f' 1:L ' ooglSM. It is discovered that tiio approprjatipn wie not large eiiough for the idirpoHc. and sucli of the PostmaHters a have not made öieir aMdioaöon tot jaerewed pay will be without it The Comptroller of the Currencj ha called apon the natisnal bank for a report of their condition on the lst iuHt The Mocretary of the Treasury, with a view to retreaohmeat In hit department, ha very properly sel on toot an imcetigation u to the propriety oí aboliehing someof lliomany interior ports ol delivery which are a souroe ..f ■ If rabie expeune to the ;ovc,nmient without compen8Bting revenue. DoretAM otates that the Interna! Eevenue l roceipts for tho finoal ycar wil] eertainly exceed his etitimatcH. Ho had estimated tho receipt at .$105,000,000. Tliey will certaiuly roach $107,000,000, and posaibly $112,000,000. TUK TILTON-BEECHER TKIAL. EiaHTT-riBST Day. - JIrs. Tilton' lcttor to Judgo Neilson WM n declaratiou of her own innooenoe and an appeal to bo hcard in hor own bchalf. Judgo Neüson replied that Tilton wa a competent witueaa agairat a third party bccauso thero is no expres statuto in the way ; but Mía. Tilton was not allonod to tewtify agniiiHt her linsbaod because the New York law of Mjy 10, 1867, declares a wife to be incompetent as a witnoHö for or against her htmbiuxl. Howcvor, Mr. Tilton deriven all tho benefit of having her appeal pnblished, whilo at the samo timo escaping tho porilouB pitfajl of taispmpathetio Groeft ex;uninatioi). Ij.iiTV-Swii.M) Dat. - Stephen l'oarl AndrewH and Ilenry O. Bowen were tho only wit nossea wlio teutifled in rebuttal. AndrewH tes tiiied that Mr. Woodlmll dtrived tho faets in tho scandal cae from Mrs. ('ady Stanton bcfore Tilton wan introduced. John Wood, theprintor of Mm. WoodlmH's paper, testified that the pcandal artielo "was not net up uutil long after tbo oolored witness, Woodloigh, swore ho saw slips of it with Tilton and Mr. Woodlmll. Andrews wrote tho artielo, and hls information came from Mr. Stanton. Bowen wou then culled and contradicted üeechcr on Beveral material points. IIo sworo that he hatl diHoharged Tilton before tho lntter demanded the preaóher'a abdication ; that lïeecher had no himd in the removal of Tilton, and that there WM QO causa for remorse on tho part of Beccher for Tiltou' downfall. Witnoss remombered the tripnrtitc agreement, and tho ]iayment of the tT.OOO check, and there was no connection bctween these two matter. BowonalBotestilied poiut blank that the letter from Tilton to Beecher ctaainding the latter's abdication of tho l'lvmoutli pnlpit, of whioh ]e (Bowen) wae the liearcr, was delivered at Freeland'H, wheren.M Ir. Beeoher rwore thut tho noto wa delivered at hiw own houBO. Eir.UTY-ïHiüD Pay.- Mr. Bowen reumed tho witness Btand. Ho wa Bubjectcd to a severo croBS-cxamination by Mr. Evarts, but atlhered to liis story with remarkablo pertinacity. Iüh amendments to the tripartito agreement, au cxplained by him, showed that he shrewdly avoided oommitting hinwolf to an avowal of Bcecher's innoceueo of the charges laid at hi door. He simply "withdrew" thom ; and in place of declaring the innuendoe falso, he "regrettod kaving mado tlicm." Ilia Bettlomeiit with Tiltou was simply a business airangement, and was not promoted or retardad by what Becoher did, nor did it have the slightest rolation to the matters in eontroversy between Beecher and Tilton. Eiuiitï-foukth Day.- The day was principnlly dovoted to disproving the alibi claimod by Mr. Beecher relativo to the Interview with j Mts. Moulton on tho 2d of June, 1873. Lowis J. James, Superintendent of the Health Lift ; Company, 8vore positively to seeing Mr. Boocher on that day, walking in the directiou of liemsen street. Jeremiah P. Eobinson and Mr. Moulton were alao sworn, and wera i reasonably certain of the date. l'OI.TTICAI,. The electiou for city ofiicera in Indianapolia passed off very quiotly and resulted iii a victory for the Republicana, giving them the Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal, Assossor, and seven out of thirteen Councilmen. The President has appointed ex-Senator D. D. Tratt, of Indiana, Comniiasioner of Internal lievenue, vice Douglasa, removed. Hon. J. B. McCreaey has been nominated for Governor by the Domocrata. of Kentucky. A Washington coiToapondent announcea that Congresaman Milton Saylor, of Ciucinnati, who has not hitherto been publicly meutionod in tliat connoction, is known to be a candidato for the Speakership Sergeant-atArma Ordway lias now in bis posaeaaion the I back pay of bul two members of the late Houeo i of Iiepresentatives- Kellogg, of Comiecticut, and McKec, of Miasiasippi. Neithcr f these poraons have drawu their pay or eovered it ! into the Treasury, and it could at any timo be recoverel from tho government ty the mamben) or their heirs. Iï ia annomicod that ex-Senator Tomeroy íb making arrangement to enter the canvaas for j United States Senator from Kanaas, to suoceed Mr. Harvey It uow turna out that CommisBionor Douglaa' crowning weakuesn, and the oi wbich led to hia remora], was a leuiency toward illicit diatillera. OENJiltAL. A statement of the lossoa of the iiiaurance ' companlea by the Oahkosh íiro, prepared by a Í committee appointed to adjust the aame, ahowa ' the total to be #759,300. Thk boiler of tlio Bteamer Senator exploded at Portland, Oregoo, last week, killing the ! Captain, Piu-aer. and a number of the crew j' The I'ortage bridge on tho Erie railroad, aaid to bo the largeat wooden bridgo in the world, was burnod last weck. FOKEIGN. Repokts from Europe state that crops havo Doon damaged to some extent by sliarp frosta and ahort allowance of rain. In England corn ! .lireatena to be late, whatever may be ita biük. ' :n l'ranco wheat and rye have alreadysuffered. .n KuBsia the aowera have aetnally been beateu off by the b.iiow Some 20,000 peraons are jrought together weekly to hear tho American ! evangelista, Moody and Sankey, in England. . The gold digginga at Cape Coast, África, are "panuing out " pretty wcll. A consigimiont of tlie precious metal, valued at a qnarter of a million of dollars, ba just arrived iu England, nme of the nuggota weighiug niiio pounds. Tuk Kingdom of Hayti contributes another revolution. An inmuTeetion has brokcn out at Port m I'rinee, and forty foreigners havo been killed. .. .Another would-be assassinator of Msmarok has been arrested in Iieiiin. Ho was prowling arround tlie mansión of tho Prince with a loalcd pistol ia his pocket The London Timeê' Pan correspondent telegraphs May 5) that the most sorious minds believe that war between Franee and Germany is impending. A batiihu heltod disciwaion took placo in the Bi-itish Parliament the otüer niglit. Disraeli ne desirous of having some bilis passed, on which action had been delayed by tlie tacticd of tho opposition. The Premier stated that Pariament would possibly be prorogued iu July. Cholera .prevaila to ome extent in India. The Bpanish goverument haa paid to Mr. Cuehing, in Madrid, the entire balance due on the Virginius indemnity,. anticipating the payment by several months. THE proceedings against tho Prince Bishop of Breslau, for violation of the eccleHiaBtical aws, reuulted in his banishment from Germán erritory The American Methodist chapa] at íuíckang, China, was lately destrored by a mob Kix thousand Germán families are prearing to emigrate from llnssia on account o! be conscription .... The Pninsian pólice have ately received alarming notices of plots against : Bemarck'a life, and a specTal detective foroé j las been detailed to protect Iiim from assasins Some of the French journals treat the ■ eporte of )he alarmists about war with Germauy as unfounded China has ongaged the j x-Confederato Gen. Itipley to construct 1 ensive works for the defense of the cout and ' rincipal rivera in that country. The Czar of Kunwa airivod at Êorlin on the Oth of May, and was cordially received by Emperor Williain and othe.r distínguialied iersonages Another atetmship is reported los ': -the Cadiz, while on her way from Portugal to ' London. Bisteen persons are reported as having perished.


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