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Michigan News

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Maj. J. II. McLauuiimn-, of Detroit, li r, oilVrM to givc any "living" man adeatl lull for 3JU,();i) and Ukm-Iuis,: ship of tlie world. Lakb Michigan iaabout fifteen in lowcr this seasou than laat, and as a eoosequenoe thifl arabio the d-i)tft of water in the harbow a] ..uw Dwicüit Kmnck, ïvported :is fèsft on the Schiller, was Sacrotary of the Chicago, Saginaw and ('anuda railroad, and wiw going to Enrope to negotiatc a loan for the company. In view of a largo number of idlo and suspieious elfmeters hanging around th! city, Mayor Hayiton, of Jackson, has directed the pólice to be vigibuit and arrest all such persons. The company of Detroit people intending to sottlo a Michigan colony in California have decided to lócate in San Joaquín valley, where they have contractfid to purchose 4,300 acres of land for 73,000. A sewtsg society has rccently been organized in Marshall by young girls wfifcse ages range from 10 to 14. lts offtcers are : President, Miss Kate Downs ; Vice-Prcsident, Lilly Dunham ; Secrefa,ry, Cornelia Leffer ; Treasurer, Fanny Barrett ; Director, Lizzio Thompson. Tbe funds raisedareto be devoted to bencvolent purposes. At Berlín, Ottawa county, on the moming of "Weduosday, the 12th inst., Mr. "Wilde, a prominent officer of the Patronsof Husbandry in Michigan, committed suicide by hanging himself in bis son's barn, with a halter taken from one of the horses. He had been suñering from a deceased mind for some time, and it is supposed that, during a íit of insanity, he committed the fatal deed. The circus sliowed at Battlo Creek last week. Whilo the procession was passing through Main street, and th, clerks were out on tho sidewalk to seo the elephant, thieves slipped in the back doors of many stores and made a good haul. Twenty dollars was taken from Collier & Wattle's safe, and $91 from S. W. McCrea & Co. 's. Tho piekpockets also relieved flve persons of their watches. An event of unusunl interest in social circles occurred at Laneing last week. It was the solemnization of matrimony between Mr. John C. Shields, a wellknown and prominent member of the Michigan Bar, residing in Lansing, iind Miss Elenor Stambaugh, onc of tho belles of Micliigan's Capital. Both parteis are of the very highest social standing, and tho occasion was therefore ono of general interest. Hikam Mooisb, who recently died at Brandon, was one of the very earliest settlers of Kalamazoo county, and was a most remarkable man. He invented R harvester which, for the eight or ten years preceding 1850, harvosted so many of the great wheat flelds of Praire Bounds, and was undoubtedly the earliest, as it was fnr tho most perfect, of all the breed of reapers and harvesters that inventivo skill has brought to tlie aid of the farmer. One day last March, John Close, who lived by himself near tlie Detroit city limits, was timbé in his cabinet shop terribly beaten, and he died about a week after. Ho had been assailed by thrée men, who robbed him of considerable money, and left him senseless. A few days since the pólice arrested Frodrick Sample, a marine, who confesses that he was one of the party, but that he kept watch outside while the others were buwy with the old man. Mr. "Wm. C. Ddncan, of Pittsburgh, who has been deranged and missing from home for some time, was found last Friday evening in tho woods near Memphis, Tenn., dead. His diamonds and money were still upon his person. The deceased was a brother of Mr. Frank H. Duncan, of Battle Creek, Mich., and also of Thomas G. Duncan, the millionaire, ' who died in Ireland nearly three years since. He was the contestant of the colebrated Duncan will. Tie public will draw a sigh of relief at the announcement that the evidence in the Beecher-Tilton trial has been ftnished, and that the great scandal will soon be brought to a close. The trial of this celebrated case begari on the 4th of January of this year, the case being first brouglit before Judgo McCno, whoso mie ordering Tütou to file a bilí of particular liad been reyersed by Judge Neilson, to whose court, on the 5tli of January, th suit was transferred. The impaneling of the jury began on the 5th, and was coneluded in three days. On the llth, Mr. Morris began th.9 opening for the plaintiff, and on the 13th Francis D. Moulton took the stand. Citizens of thia State have reoently securecl inatenta on inventions and improvents as follows : Procesa for Tanning Hides - G. A. Bartenback, Detroit. Street Hydrants - J. Flower, Detroit. isaw Filing Machines - T. Doyle, Bridgeport Center. Axles for Vehicles - S. T. Garnwell, Wayland. Wood Pavenienta - J. Carr, Grand Eapids. Pianoforio Pedal Attachments - L. C. Whiting, East Saginaw. NutLocks- S. Brunson, Bonton Harbor. Cap Boxes - A. Huskamp. Montague. Folding Tables- J. Bradficld, Grand Rapids. Wiek Enisers- H. C. Hart, Adrián. Oro C:irs- Elizabeth A. Pierce, Escanaba. Whocls for Vehicles- A. A. Philbrick, Coldwater. Cor Couplings- B. E. Young, Howell. The Detroit Erniiti; .Xi Wê tlms comments on travelhig mfimgci-ics nrul Buch: " A grocer rnnning three lnrge IÉOMB ju thi city, calis ata attdatioB to th faot llmt wlvile lust Satiu-day srafl au umisualiy ftSM DB8 ktt l'ii. ffflte umiKiially fihort of the usual .muiuil ; and othur dealers jimkr tJn: MMla Jiftl)laiut. The cxiilanation S tUftt the civcuses cLi'iincil all the ■ , :aid the corrtapondent thiuks thut the city authorities would bé jastiü -'d in Oblfc tísama shows to pay a good Ux, ;-:iy Ö500 perday. The matter is worth considcr ation, although the iigurcK propu :-i d may be extreme, öirouties do not bclong to a clasn of iustitutioiiK that ('iill for special ciicouragemeut. Their inlluenoe is nevor positively good, aud is , generally peniiciimi; and if thoy iuterfere with legitimate trade, theix ' regulation ' may bè defended on economie grounds. "


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