The Chancery System

Al n puMicConvemion held 111 Syracuae, Mr. Gcorge Geddes nade aomc remarks oh the Chan:ery yetcni. He niJ it might by soine be tho't iresuifiptuoua in him, i!l "unlearned in the law" 3 he wap, 10 take huid ofouclra jiesiion. - ut the lawyers wo ild never give in reform in ÃThancer) procflcding. They never will do it. Fie had auihority for this idea. Cromwell unlenook lo reform the Chancery syalcm of Engnnd. Ele found twcniy-ihreo thouwind causes iiidccidcd. A conmiisaiun wo appinted. A awyer waa at the head of it. Thcy went on ery weli until iliey carne to the word 'Hnr.umrtnin :" they diecusscd ii for three months: ihey could not decide na to ita mcnning : and t soenumbered thcir labors, thnt tliey accomplished no hing. Cromwell,- wlio wcb a plouahman, - made all the reforms thii wcre rr.ade. Mr. G. relafed the anecdote of an Knglisli lawycr who sot out a son tn the 6amc profeesion wnii a Guaneen èuii tut his tluck fit trtuU. Tho younix man soon returned wiih the i,uit seiiled. His fniher was : the suit had been in thr family for ihrèè yenerationa ! Mr. G. was now nlnmiill' to a Chancery suit of 20 yenre standing:all the o iginal pnrtics lo it wero dead : and lio w;.si!ic solé survivin-; Exccutor. Should he die, theeuit would no longcr have a living representntive : n ncw auit must bo commcnccd.- The oppressions of our Clmnccry systcm werc euch aB none hut n :vlized peoplc could endure. Mr. G. rciicratcd. thal lawycrs would never Jo tho work required.
Chancery System
Old News
Signal of Liberty
George Geddes