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i . a H O rd L- i jé i- i 'Q í I .2 H? i slleï i tí s a S g 1 1 (O I B I . 1 ü 2 :- ! R '"í o i H ia H 2 En BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, XICH., Deeotvd to the Practical Education of Toung and Middle-Ayed Men and Wbmen. Day Classes througholit the year. Evening Classes from September to June. Instruction nccordiiiL to the mot t approved plans, und nuntly iiidividunl. Students enn enter at any tim and receive superior inatructiou iu I!usmes ieninanship, Commercial Law, Business Correspondence, lïumness Arithmetic, Single and Doublé Eutry Book-keepm(f, Graham'B Standard Phonography, and Practical Telegrapby. Muin line wirea pass directly through the roomn of the Telegniphic Department, aifordinif the tudent every advantage of "Actual Office Practice." 'l'he progresa of the student in Hook-keeping is f?reütly facilitated by the use of a new Ohart entitled " Book-koeping at One View," juat published by the Principal of thiB ColleRe. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or addresn, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor. Mich. 149.itf J OTICE TO LIME DEALERS. The undernigneil has made nrrangemonts to furniwli hII eiutoraers with the very best of Kelley Island, Ohm and Honroe White Lime. Alo keeps on hand Water Linie, Akron, Oswego and Lonisville Cement, and Plaeteriug Hair, and the best warrauted Land Piaster of Grand Kapids. BUSINESS CHAIKCK. I will sell at bargain, all óf the Lime Kiln Pi-operty, situated on the M. C. B. K., near depot, with all the required Stock of Tools, Horse, Wagon, &c. , stock of Lime Stone and flve hundred cord of wood, all reiuly tor buniiioss. ANDRKW BIRK, P.O. Box 17. 1525m2 Ann Arbor, Mich. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions ot a oertam mortgage, whereby the piwer to sell therein contained, has oecome operativo, executed by Charlea Holmes, Jr., and Francés A. Holmes, hiB wife, of the city of Ypxilanti, Washtenaw oounty. Michigan, to Ellen J. Whitman, of the same place, dated the llfteenth day of November A. D. 1807, and recorded in the office of the ReL-isterof Deed for the county ot Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber thirty-seven of mortfuiüen, patje 74-j, which mortgage was afterwards U5si(fiied by the naid Ellen ƒ. Whitman to Anne MiTiiotl, of Pittafteld, Washtenaw couuty, Michigiin, wliicli assignment bean dato the tenth day of Murch, A. I). 1871, and is recorded in said RegUter's oltice, in liber 3, assignnient of mortgages V.ige 52, upi n which mortgage there is claimad to be due at the date of this notice the uin of one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine dollars and aixty-one cents, principal and interest, and also the further sum of twenty-üve dollars for an attorney'a fee as provided in said mortgage, and uo suitor proceeding at law having been inntituted to recover any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Baturday, the fourteenth day of August, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clockin the forenoon of that day, at the south door of thë Conrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that beïog the place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw) the premises dmciibed in said mortgage, or so much thereof aa shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due on such mortgage, together with interest and legal eosts and charges of such sale, together with an atlornty's fee of twenty-Bve dollars, provided for in such mortgage ; that is to say, that traot or parcel of land descnbed as follows : All of lot number twenty-üve. in Normal addition to the.village (now ( city) of Ypsilanti, Michigan, according to tbe i recorded plat of sai I addition. Dated this Hth day of May, A. D. 1875. ANNE MKRRIOTT, Fbazek & Hamiltok, Assignee. Attorneys for Assignee. 1&29 Estáte; ot' Kosina Nagei. STATE O F MIUHIOAJÏ, County oí WaahtettftW, hh. Ata sosaion of the Protutto Couit íoi t )ioounty oí Waahtenaw, holden it the Probate Office in the city oí' Aun Arbor. on Friday, tlie twootythird day oí April, in tlio year one thonSAtid iiju hundreil und Hventy-flve, Present, Noah W. Oheever, Jiidg-p of Probata. In the matter of the estáte of Rok in a Nagel, foïiuerl Üooin.i iiiilt i, incompetent. ! Leonhard Grunei, Guardian of said estáte, comes into court riinl repri lenta that he ia now prepareU 1 to rendf r his tinal account au wueh Quardian. 1 Thereupon it i ordered, that Wedawday, the i tweuty-sixth day of May next, at ten itVlock m the forenoon, be uaigned tbr exatnitttag and ali lowinsr sueh account, aiui tliat the next of kin of Huid Rosina Nael, and all other persons interested iu said estáte, ure required to appear at :i MMion of waid court, then to De holt" en at the Pro bate, in the oity oí Ann Arbur, in sai') I county, and show cause, if any there be. why the niihI account shoald nut be allowed : And it is I further ordered ttiHt naid Guardian, give notice to the pereons íntereated m said e3tatü, oí" the pen1 dency of said account, and the hearinji thöreof, by causinií a copy of this order to he publihed in i the Michigan Armut a neuf üpapei printed and circulating in said eounty, tïiree mooewfTe veeka previous to tiaid day of ïienriuff, 1 (A truecopy.) XOAH V. CHEKVER, 1528 Judtfe oí Tiobattí. Estato of George S. Armstrong. OTATE OF MlCniUAN, county of Waahtenaw, O as. At a aession of the Probate (ourt for the county of Watfhtenaw, holdt'u at the l'rohate Office, in the city oi Ann Arbor, ou Monduy, the twentysixth day of April, in the yoar one ÜtOiMHtnd wght hundred and seventy flve. p Present, Noali W. (,'heever, JudKe of Probate. In the matter of he estáte of Geocu 8. Arratrong, deceaaed. Newton Hheldon, Kxecutor of said estáte, comes intv court ai.d repreaoati tlmt : he ia now prepaied to render his ttevoiid uoc(unt as suoh executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tíiuru Jhv, the twenty-seventh day oí May next, ai ten o'e ■ ck iu the forenoon be assigred for exuniininir and ullowïujr such account, und that the devisee logatees and liens at law of said deceaed, and all other persons nterestod in said estáte, are required to uppear at a sesion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the eily of Ann Arbor, iu said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said uccount should not be allo wed: And it is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ol said account, and the heariiiff thereof, by causinff a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argm, a newspaper printod and circuliiting in said county, three sucoessive weeks previou to said day ol hearing. (A truecopy.] NOAH W. CHEIÍVER, 1V28w3 Judge of Probfite Estáte oí' Eliza Fergusou. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahten.iw, 7 aa. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Prob.ite office in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tenth day of May, in the yenr one thousund eight hundred and seventy five. Present, Koah W. t'heever, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of Eliza feryuson, flwoaiw fl On readlag and filinti the petltíon, duly verilU-d, of liavid Henninr praying ihai a eertain instrument now on tile in this Court, purportinir to be the last will and testament of -a d deceased, ma y be admitted to probate, and that hu muy be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tiw seventh uf of June next, at ten oVlock in the forenoon, be assined for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, leñatees and hei at law of said deceased and all other persons interebted in ntf estáte, are required to appear at a session of suid court, then to be holden at 1 the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, 1 and show cause, if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted: And it is f iirther ordered that said petitioner give nitice to the persons interented in said estáte, oí the pdndoncy of said petition, and the hearini? thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in th Michigan ArffUS, a newspaper printed and! in said county, three successive weeks previous to said dy of heariri. (A truoeopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1580 Jndgeof I'robate. Z TT ' Ínstate or james Bell. TATK OF MÏOHTGAN, County of Wanhtenaw, i as. At a session of the Pvobat Court füi the county of Waahteuaw, holden at the Probate office, in the eity of Ann Arbor, on Monda y , the tnth day of May, in the year one thounaad eight huiidred and seventy-five. Present, SToab W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. 1d the matter of the estáte of James Bell, late of Darien, i the county of Fairtield, m the State of Connecticut. decewsed. On and flliiif? the petition. duly verifled, of Andrew Bell, praying thiit a oertain instrument now on Üle in this Oourt, purporting to be an exemplified copy of the last will and testament of aaid deeeased, may be admltted to probate, allmvt'd, íiled and rtcorded, and that lie may be appuinted Adminiatratot vith the wil} annexed. Thereupon it is ordered, that MonAay, the seventh day of June next, at ten oYlook in tlie fbrenoon, In aHsignftd tor the hearing of -said pt-tition, and that the devisees, leguteen and heirs at law of said deeeased, and all other persons interedted in said estáte, art required to uppear at a sesfliou of unid court, then te be hulden ut the Probate Offioe, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner hhould not bo ifranted: And it i further urdercd, that sai(l petitione pivi uotice to the persons intereted in said estáte, nt the pundency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cnunini? a copy of thw order to be published in the Michiian Argus, a newnpaper printed and ciroiiliitin in said county, thrye Bucccssivt weeks previouK to aid day of hearing, t.V true copy.) N0A1I W. CHKEVKR, 1R30 Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Oavauaugh. TATE OF MICHIGAN", County of WiWi.ehniiw. ss. At a ession of the Probate Oourt tor iiw county of Waehteuaw, holden at. the. Probate uiKce in thj cityof Ann Arbor, on Tlmraday, the thirleenth day of May, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and seventyííve. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Jiid?e of Prniate. In the matter of the estáte ol Patrïck Caviinaugli, deeeased. On reading and tiling the petition, duly veriñed, of Oatherine R. JwBM, praying that au Admim.strator may be appointed uu the ewtate of said deeeased. Thereupon itia ordered, that Mondwy, the seventh day of June uext, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon, be aesigned for the hearing of Mid petition, and that tïie heirn at law of said deeeased, and all Othev persons interested in aid estáte, are requiied to appear at a aesnion of Raid court, theu to be holden at the Probiite Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. and thow canse, if any thre b-, why th.' prayer of the petitionor whouid not be Kanted : And it in further ordered that said putitiouer give nol ■(■( to the persons inlerested in síiid estáte, oí the pendency of said petition, nnd the hearinti thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and oirculated in said county three successive weeks previoue to said day of heirim,r. (A true copy.) XOAII W. CHBEVBB, 1530 Judye of Probate. ] tAKM FÖR8ALE7 " One of the best farms on Lodi Plains, eontftinififf 180 tu&m ; 5 acres tinibcr the balanc. UQdflr ;i higE ( itate of cultivatiou, aïid woll watered. Buildings ii good couditiiiu. Any person wishing to ( :hase a first-claNs farm should inake an exaniiuation f this pruperty. Forpartttulars vuquire, upou the i remisos, of MRS. H. H. HOWE. ;,odit May 12, 1874. W3


Old News
Michigan Argus